There is no point in even trying to sugar coat this: breakups are a terribly heart-wrenching and unpleasant experience. On top of that, there is an entire grieving phase that...
If you started dating your significant other in either high school or college, you want to believe that you'll have a fairytale ending to your courtship: You want to believe...
Relationships are hard work, and anyone that says or thinks otherwise isn't being totally honest. Even seemingly 'perfect' relationships aren't what they appear. We are so worried about being social...
Of je nu weet of niet, relaties spelen een grote tol van je algehele gemoedstoestand en energieniveaus. Wanneer de dingen goed zijn, straalt u met liefde uit en verhoogt tegelijkertijd...
If you are like me, then you often find yourself in a situation where you can't tell if they guy you're crazy about is crazy about you just the same....
"Is hij in mij of niet?" Diezelfde vraag heeft ervoor gezorgd dat verschillende vrouwen talloze slapeloze nachten hebben nagedacht over de manier waarop een bepaalde kerel zich echt over hen...
Relationships are full of ambiguities and grey areas that nobody can navigate 100% successfully. Sometimes when things are going really well, you might have a sinking feeling in your stomach...
When it comes to men and women, it's no secret that we're entirely different species. What inspires and attracts one gender may seem like a confusing concept to the other....