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    Here's Why You Didn't Find Love In 2017 (And How To Change That), Based On Astrology

    Love is a tricky thing. We have apps, sites, and even anonymous posting boards to help us find the thing we're craving: love. Sometimes, these work out wonderfully. You get the best people and find a strong, lasting connection. And sometimes you go on Tinder date after Tinder date, constantly getting told that “one date was enough, thanks”. What's a person to do? Give up on love and spend the rest of their life living alone? Rejection hurts, and it seems almost strange that some of us have had so much of it in our lives. It can be tempting to give up, but love will find you in the end. Hopefully you're not stuck in the same boat of bottomless rejection as most of us are.

    If you do happen to find yourself going on your 4th unsuccessful tinder date in 3 weeks, don't worry. We did some sleuthing to figure out what's really going on. Sure enough, astrology has a lot to say about whether you were to find love this year or not. There's more than enough in the stars to tell us why it didn't work out. As a bonus, we've also included some advice on how to fix it. 2018 is going to be our year for love, people!

    15 Aquarius: You're “Too much, too soon”

    It's not your fault. You haven't aligned with the right people yet. You're so willing to attach yourself into people's lives, but because of your star sign you tend to keep the emotions out of it. At least at the beginning. Despite your subdued emotionality, you still get told you're too much. You're an ideas person, which means you like to talk and build a little world with your partner. You also love to dive right into this process, as being lonely is NOT your thing. Unfortunately, not everyone thinks the same way you do. Some people don't want to share their ideas before their emotions. In 2018, try to take a step back. Throw all your questions at your friends, and let your romantic partners ease their way into it. This way you'll never hear the dreaded “too much” again!

    14 Pisces: People tell you “Just get over it”

    Pisces, you might have heard this phrase a couple times in your life. Unfortunately, it seems more and more common for people to say it to those that they're interested in than for friends to say it. Why is this? Maybe we think that because we're with a person, we get to lose the formality of tact and politeness. While this might be true in certain scenarios, it's not true for a lot of things. Especially things like emotions, romance, and trust. These are the most intimate things you can share with a person, and we'd hate for someone to lose them. Pisces, it sounds like you've lost these things with your people over and over again. You've started to keep your heart wrapped up close, but the best thing we can say is: don't!

    13 But Pisces… But Don't! Seriously, Don't!

    This can go for anyone who's ever had someone say to them to “just get over it”. While Pisces are more emotionally sensitive than other signs, that's all the more reason to not put up with people putting you down. Emotional vulnerability is a gift! Our advice to you? Find ways to process your feelings that are more private. Keep a journal, rant to a friend, or make a video diary of all the things you're feeling. And if you still find a partner who's judging you for feeling things, drop them. Or try to talk to them about why vulnerability isn't a bad thing. 2018 is the year of vulnerability being strength; your close-minded partners need to get on board, or else you're going to leave! There's billions of people to fall in love with. Don't worry too much about it.

    12 Aries: Getting Told “You talk too much”

    Ouch, this one is one that hurts. Telling someone they talk too much is like telling them that they should have blonde hair instead of red, or brown eyes instead of blue. The person could change it, but it would be changing a part of them that creates their identity. If you've been with more introverted signs, Aries, you'll find that they might have this critique for you. If you're with someone that doesn't like how much you talk, get OUT! 2017 was rough for you because you found yourself stuck with people who are a little more relaxed and dispassionate. 2018 will be better, as long as you start to fill your life with some other friends. Find the people who are also full of energy and fire, and you'll find your love life will quickly change.

    11 Taurus: “You worry too much”

    While sometimes worry IS a bad thing, oftentimes it's justified. The world needs worriers, or else what's going to happen to those who stay wild and free all the time? Taurus, you're on the right path when it comes to the worry. You know just how much to stress about things, and often just prefer to be comfortable rather than having to cope with the totally unexpected. It's a real benefit! You know what they say… Plan for the worst and you'll always be the best. Okay, maybe that's not quite what everyone thinks. But we believe it's totally valid, and a great way to live your life. Taurus, if you think you need to bring a million different layers and objects to a place in order to be comfortable, do it! Nothing should stop you from feeling good.

    10 But Taurus… Don't Give In TOO Much!

    That being said, you can sometimes go a little overboard. Not every excursion outside requires a bucket of sunscreen and two different rain jackets. You can relax into some adventures, and don't worry if things change from the plan. 2017 was a rough year for your love life because you weren't taking the chances that you need to! People don't want to wait around for you to decide if it's a good choice or not. In 2018, we challenge you to take a chance. Don't plan a date, or trust that your partner will plan well enough for both of you. You never know; by letting someone else plan every now and then you might find that you're not the only well-prepared one out there. This will be a huge boost in trust, and will be the first step in finding your true love this 2018!

    9 Gemini: Getting told “It's like you're two different people”

    Gemini, we know you've heard this one before. As a sign that is known for having two aspects of their personality on display, it's not a surprise that you're faced with the predicament of behaving like two different people in a relationship. It's not that you've been hiding your “real self” from your partner, which is what it feels like to them, but it's that you've got very different reactions depending on what the situation is, what you're feeling at the time, and what else is going on in your life. It's just hard to keep every aspect of your personality straight sometimes! We feel that if your partner is criticizing your honest emotional response, it's probably time to let them go. It's not you… It's them. In 2018, make honesty the best policy. Be upfront about your gemini-ness, and you'll find true love soon enough in the new year.

    8 Cancer: It's tough to hear “I'm just not ready”

    Cancer, we know you want to settle down. Even if you're still wanting to take advantage of your youthful vigor and impulsivity (which does exist, despite your Cancerness), in the back of your mind you're always thinking about the future. Home is a priority for you, as is commitment and honesty. Likely, if you're someone who's spent a lot of time going out, swiping through Tinder, or hooking up at parties, you're going to be sorely disappointed in your love life prospects. You like being with someone, not loving and leaving. 2017 was a bad year for your love because you kept hearing people saying that they're just not ready for a relationship. In 2018, we recommend you let them come to you. You've got your heart on your sleeve, but make sure you protect it. That way you won't be disappointed by yet another one-and-done.

    7 Leo: Maybe don't scream “BUT I LOVE YOU”

    Strong and wrong is the name of your game, at least when it comes to everyone around you. There's nothing bad about being passionate. Passionate people make the world go round! And if you're a passionate person who likes to be the centre of attention, your partner has to be ready to deal with that. Leos are a fire sign, which means they're very motivated, loving, and ready to speak their mind on the first impulse they feel. This means that they end up getting the short end of the stick sometimes, at least when it comes to relationships. Often relationships with a leo are passionate, romantic affairs, with a lot of energy and ideas getting thrown around. Leos are happy that way, but at some point all the talk turns into some very dramatic action…

    6 Because Yes, There is Such a Thing as Too Much Action, Leo

    This dramatic action can take the shape of starting to drop hints about forever, getting more and more attached to a partner you've just started seeing, and/or screaming “I LOVE YOU” at them until they say it back. None of these are negative qualities, especially if you find the right person to connect with. The right person is one that will totally love and embrace your passionate attitude, Leo, and will match it! In 2018, keep going on dates and putting yourself out there. But, keep the lovey-dovey locked up until you're sure that they're on the same wavelength as you. This will keep you from spending too much emotional energy on someone that isn't going to love you as much as you love them. That imbalance is just no good! Once you figure it out, you'll be golden. 2018 will definitely be the year you find love.

    5 Virgo: Telling People “You're boring”

    … Is NOT what is said to you, but what you say to people. There is nothing better than a strong, intelligent woman. She'll listen to what you have to say, find all the holes in your argument, and then teach you a better way to look at the world. Unfortunately for most of the average population, being with a smart lady means they're going to get their hearts broken. They just don't have the mental capacity to match your cunning intelligence! Honestly, the only reason none of your relationships have really worked out this year is because you've found yourself bored and understimulated. In 2018, be sure to keep your brain working in top form. Don't settle for someone who's just pretty! You need a challenge. You'll find it in 2018, but only if you're sure to drop anyone at the first hint of a yawn.

    4 Libra: No Way Do “You think too much”

    Thinking too much is never a bad thing. Whoever says it is has clearly never thought for themselves! Libras need to think a lot because they're always trying to find the best way to balance a situation. You, Libra, are the ones who can always understand where your partner is coming from. You see both sides of the situation, and can sometimes find it hard to make a decision because of that. Your partner might find that frustrating, especially if they're the type to make quick decisions without a lot of musing. Luckily for you, there's two ways to approach this! Your first option is to get more comfortable with making on-the-fly decisions. Your other is to wait, and find someone who likes to think just as much as you. That's your recipe for success in 2018!

    3 Scorpio: Poor You, Getting Asked “What's WRONG with you?!”

    Poor Scorpio! You're always put in this terrible light, just because of how you tend to regulate your emotions. Scorpios are one of the most closed-off signs, but they're also one of the ones that feel the most. You tend to put a mask up, and won't take it off until you and your partner have established that level of emotional intimacy. Once you feel that, you tend to let your emotions fly free. It can be frightening for someone who's only known you as calm, cool, and collected! This can alienate some partners, in a similar way to what happens with Geminis. For 2018, we recommend you work on sharing your emotions more thoroughly sooner. You can't build a relationship on attraction alone; there needs to be total emotional transparency.

    2 Sagittarius: “I just don't want to be tied down”

    Sagittarius is the free spirit of the zodiac, the wild child who wants to go and find new adventures every Saturday. Your freedom and creative expression will actually be a draw for those who don't possess those capacities. This might not be a problem, if you both respect what each other brings to the table. It becomes a problem when partners start to rely on you for fulfillment. Don't let them! If you don't want to be in a relationship, that's totally find. You're allowed your freedom, and you're allowed to say no or to back away if someone is getting too close too soon.In 2018, keep your boundaries firm. If you only want something casual, don't compromise for the sake of having a regular hook up. You need to keep your free spirit alive!

    1 Capricorn: There's Only So Many Times You Can Say “No”

    It might be a stereotype, Capricorn, but is it really that wrong? These words might be a little harsh, but they're the truth. Sometimes people don't want to be told “no” all the time. They want an easy conversation, or they want to make a decision, or they want to feel like they're a source of your happiness and joy. If you say “no”, or shoot down ideas, or cancel plans (as Capricorns tend to do), you're going to quickly find your partner feeling like they've been pushed away. And once they're gone, they're gone. Not many people come back after a bad break. In 2017 you might have said no a few too many times. Remember: capricorns aren't always stubborn. They're determined, loyal, and (believe it or not) are optimistic. You're just cautious. Say yes, take a chance, and you'll find that 2018 is a year full of possibilities.