16 Reasons Why Men Will Always Have More Game Than Women

Call us sexist if you must, but we've got 16 legit and thought-provoking reasons as to why the marvelous male gender will always beat out the glorious gals when it comes to which gender has more “game.” On the whole, men are born with that “certain something” that trumps the ladies when it comes to being cool, collected, charming, and charismatic in the ways that make a fine fella have game in a way that women just do not.
Of course, there are plenty of valid exceptions to the rule and there are many worldly women out there who have far more game than their meager male counterparts. Some of these said men are just far too nerdy, self-conscious, and awkward to ever achieve the levels of game we are discussing here in this non-scientific assessment. But with some practice and ego-stimulation, even these struggling guys can reach the monumental levels of game that their peers already have risen to. Women may be smart, attractive, and alluring in their own feminine ways, but “having game” is not their strong suit, nor it is something they are necessarily seeking to embrace or embody any time soon.
Take a hard look at these no-nonsense 16 reasons why men will always have far more game than women before you write the whole idea off as biased nonsense. You will find that you are quite likely to agree with most, if not all, of the game-boosting notions as to why men rule when it comes to having the most game. Game on!

16 Big Feet Are Coveted - Women With Hooves Are Not Cute

You know what they say about guys with big feet, right? The bigger the feet the bigger the “package,” so women tend to look down to see what their men are walking with to help determine what they are working with. No self-respecting guy with puny feet is using it to his advantage, nor is a woman with ultra-big ones. Guys have game, so the bigger the better, even when it comes to what is inside their sneakers. Big feet on a gal is certainly nothing to call home about. Guys can happily boast about their remarkable size-14 loafers, but women will not be shouting about their size-12 pumps from the rooftops any time soon. Guys with lots of game take all their steps (with big feet) in the right direction.
15 Making The First Move Is Studly, Not Promiscuous

No guy with game is going to sit back and wait for things to happen for him. He makes his own choices and creates his own destiny. One thing many guys do because they have game is to make the first move when they are interested in someone. This confidence and character shows that he is a man of action with a plan to seduce the woman he has set his sights on. Sure, women can make the first move too, but in this world, unless it is executed just so, she may come off looking slutty above all else. Not fair, but true unfortunately. Man have the game that allows them to move in on their woman of choice and take matters of romance into their own hands. They see what they want and give it a go.
14 Guys Can Eat A Ton And Not Gain An Ounce

Life is so unfair. Men can chow down on whatever they want and won't gain a pound, while women just think about a hot fudge ice cream sundae and their pants no longer zip up. Sure, the mindless eating may catch up to a fella as he gets older, but most young guys can pack in a bacon double cheeseburger and a large order of fries and feel hungry for Chinese food an hour later. They don't stress over whether or not to have that extra chocolate chip cookie and they always use regular full-fat milk in their cereal. Low-cal salad dressing isn't even on their radar and diet soda is for wimps. Having game extends into the kitchen, so guys can eat what they desire with no hesitation. Your guy is probably ordering a pizza right now.
13 Scruffy Looks Cool On Guys - Gals Just Look Messy

Have you ever noticed how men with that scruffy beard or goatee, messy hair, and ruffled up appearance ooze a certain sex appeal that drives the ladies completely wild? These scruffy and stubbly guys may not even be all that fit or attractive, but something about the scruffy look boosts their hotness level by numerous notches. They come off as self-assured, cool, and oh, so manly. Who needs a clean-cut fella in a suit and tie when you can have a rough-around-the-edges laid-back stud? If a woman were to try to pull off such an easy breezy look, she would seem sloppy and unattractive. Just imagine men falling for women with a unibrow, uncombed hair, and stubbly legs. Not gonna happen. Men gain more game the scruffier they allow themselves to become.
12 A T-Shirt And Jeans Looks Hot - Girls Need Much More To Look Attractive

A guy has game and all he needs is a well-fitting T-shirt and a pair of well-worn in jeans to look cool. He can wear this outfit to a picnic or to a trendy restaurant and fit in perfectly with no questions asked. This go-to outfit works on nearly any guy, because having game is universal. Of course, a woman can wear the same outfit any time she desires, but the end result isn't always the same. A T-shirt and jeans is cool for an afternoon at the park or going out for frozen yogurt, but a guy will be less-than-impressed if his gal shows up to a dinner out at the new sushi place in such a look. She just doesn't have the game required to make this basic look as hot as a man can sport it. Where's that little black dress when you need it?
11 With The Right Smile And Allure, Any Pickup Line Sounds Hot

Pickup lines have bad reputation for being cheesy and sounding silly, but the right guy with a cool delivery can say just about anything to a woman - even a pickup line - and she is sure to swoon. With a charismatic smile flashing his pearly whites, “Come here often?” sounds like poetry from a man's lips since he has game. Women love the attention they get from a man who knows what he wants, and they enjoy seeing the self-assuredness that a man with the nerve to deliver a pickup line has. A guy does not have to be the most attractive one in the room, but with high levels of charisma and confidence, his game comes through and he feels like a real winner. No pickup line is too goofy if a guy is sincere and selective with his words and actions.
10 Chugging A Six-Pack Is Manly - Girls Look Like Floozies

Guys can sit on the front porch with their pals and chug back beer after beer with no issues. Burping after each can or bottle, nobody thinks anything of it and the fellas have an enjoyable afternoon with their frosty brews and salty snacks. Heck, their girlfriends or wives will even bring them a cold one just for the heck of it. But reverse roles and imagine a bunch of beer-guzzling gals getting buzzed all afternoon, rubbing their bellies and ordering a bucket of hot wings. The chicken may be spicy but their sex appeal is bland. Guys have game and can get away with this biased beer-based activity with no questions asked. A woman with a bulging beer belly is not going to be a Playboy centerfold any time soon.
9 No Woman Would Give A Guy Her Coat If He Was Cold

Game is part confidence and part chivalry. Time and time again, we have seen a lovely fella offer up his coat to warm up his shivering lady friend on a chilly winter's night. It is part of the role a man with game plays, and he is glad to show off his kindness and care. Women may be gentle and compassionate, but if their man is cold, that is his problem. Why would she take off her coat and freeze her butt off just so her puny man can warm up? This is not a scene that is common, if it has ever even happened at all. Game is part of a man's DNA, so protecting his woman from the elements is par for the course. Surely most women have no problem accepting a warm coat when the chills set in.
8 With The Right Amount Of Money Or Status, Any Man Is Instantly Attractive

Game comes in many forms, and success and status are sure signs that a guy has got that special touch. A man can be hideous with an unpleasant personality, but with enough money and status, he will have women fighting over him. Money is power and men with power are perceived to have more game than the “average Joe.” Women want these men on their arm so they can have the finer things in life, and they will look past their fat bellies and poor senses of humor to be with them. The higher up the totem pole a man is, the more women seem to look up to them. A stereotype? Perhaps, but don't say you have not seen this to be true. World leaders, business owners, even lottery winners are exuding game from every pore.
7 Guys Who Fix Things Are Like Knights In Shining Armor

“Mr. Fix-It” is Mr. Perfect in the eyes of many woman seeking a man who knows his way around the tool shed. Game is evident when a fella has the know-how to fix things around the house and makes old look like new. Whether he is repairing the stove, fixing the toilet, painting the walls, or getting the tangles out of your necklace, a guy who knows how to make things as good as new is a guy with great game. No one wants to waste money by taking the car to the mechanic or calling a handyman when their own man is perfectly capable of getting the job done well. A man who knows how to work with his hands is a real turn-on. Fix it and a woman will be fixated on you!
6 Dudes Look Hot On A Motorcycle, Ladies Seem Rough And Tumble

There is definitely something super-sexy about a rugged man atop a shiny sleek motorcycle that is hot and exciting. A guy has game and his ride on two wheels is thrilling. Ladies may want to ride their own motorcycle, but not too many guys have this at the top of their list of what they are looking for in a woman. But get that guy on the road in his leather jacket and jeans with the wind whipping and the speed going, and this dude looks like he rules the world. He revs up and is ready to take the city by storm. See him as he drives through town with all eyes on him as he zips by. Cars are cool, but motorcycles take the game up a notch.
5 Being A Momma's Boy Is Endearing - Girls Who Worship Their Moms Are Needy

There was a time when being a “momma's boy” was considered wimpy, but this is a new era where the momma's boy is thought to be something to look for in a man. A guy who puts his mom on a pedestal is considered a real keeper. If he worships his mother, he is sure to one day treat his girlfriend or wife with the same kindness and consideration. But when you think of women who have such a bond with their moms, the men in their lives are turned off. No man wants a woman who calls her mom 24/7 and is attached at the hip. A guy can tell a woman how much he adores his mom and she will be over the moon. If the woman tells her man that her mom comes over every day, he will run for the hills.
4 A Guy With A Cute Dog Gets All The Chicks

What is it about a man and his “best friend?” Guys with puppies and dogs have even more game than a guy without man's best friend panting by his side. Girls with pets are surely lovable too, but when a woman sees a cute guy walking his furry little pal, she goes weak in the knees. A man's sex appeal becomes instantly more impressive the cuter the dog is. Whether he loves a little chihuahua or a burly pit bull, a man with a pooch is the perfect specimen. The way he tends to his dog's needs, pets him, picks him up and cuddles him, and talks to him in a “baby voice” is so alluring that it makes us all want to go out and adopt a pet of our own. Guys with dogs are definitely barking up the right tree!
3 The “Bro Code” Is Far Stronger Than Catty Girlfriend Relationships

Part of the male game is the ever-present and always-valued “bro code.” Guys will go the extra mile for their male buddies, no questions asked with no hesitation. They are always cool with their guy friends and are confident in their male-male relationships. If they all have game, there is no need for jealousy, competition, or hate of any sort. Women have their close girlfriends, but the companionship just isn't at the same level. Have you heard of “sis code?” Perhaps it exists, but it must not be as strong as bro code since it isn't commonly discussed. Having game allows the bros to be chill with one another and have one another's backs at all times, no need for explanation. “Bros before ho*s” isn't a popular motto for nothin'.
2 Guys Will Kill Spiders And Check Out Weird Noises In The House

Guys have game and they are not scared of ugly spiders and other bugs the way many women are. See a creepy crawler? Call your game-filled man and he will come to the rescue. And don't worry about noises by the front door or creaks heard in the basement that are keeping you up at night. Your guy with game is there to protect you in a way your best friend Jenny could never even hope to do. With game comes a sense of power over the things many people are frightened of. Sure, some gals are bold and brave when it comes to battling beetles and home intruders just like the fellas, but they aren't being found in masses. It's all about game and the guys seem to have the upper hand.
1 Turn On A Sports Game And Any Guys Are Instant Buddies

Guys have game and watching the game is part of the “bromance” between sports-loving gents during the season. They will enjoy watching football, hockey, baseball, soccer, golf… you name it. Two guys could be perfect strangers, but get them in front of a television set playing “the big game” and they are suddenly instant best pals. Does this work for women? Not as much, if at all. Part of having game is to be able to bond over sports and becoming best bros by the time the game is over… if they are rooting for the same team, of course. Gals may like to watch TV with other women, but they will not be high-fiving or saying “cheers” with a six-pack after knowing each other for 5 minutes like guys have no problem doing.