15 Things That Will Always Happen When You And 'The One' Aren't Meant To Be Together
The beginning of a relationship is always the best time ever. When you meet a new guy that you like, your life basically becomes a romantic comedy montage. The two of you hold hands everywhere that you go, kiss while grocery shopping, make dinner together, stay up late talking about everything under the sun, and stay in bed all day on Sundays. Things feel perfect and you can't ever imagine them changing. This guy is your soulmate and one true love… right?!
Maybe not. Sometimes, despite your best intentions, you and your boyfriend just aren't right for each other, and he's not actually "The One." It sucks to realize this and you might even be in total and complete denial, refusing to believe the truth. Maybe your friends and family have tried to tell you what's going on, but you just won't listen to them. It's hard to admit that you're with the wrong person and that's particularly true if you guys have been together for a few years. But the sooner that you realize that you need to leave this person behind, the sooner you'll be ready to meet the real love of your life. Read on to find out 15 things that will always happen when you and "The One" aren't meant to be together.
15 You'll Both Live Separate Lives
While it's healthy to have your own life when you're in a serious relationship, that doesn't mean that you do absolutely everything on your own and without your boyfriend. Sure, you don't want to give up your yoga classes or plans with your friends, and there are TV shows that he's just not going to ever want to watch.
But if you and your BF are living totally separate lives and never see each other, that's not good news. In fact, it's probably the worst news ever for your relationship, and definitely signals that you two aren't right for each other. If you were truly meant to be, you would want to hang out all the time. It's possible that you're each in denial about how you really feel about each other and that's why you don't ever want to spend time together.
14 You Won't Agree On Anything
Sure, you're not screaming at each other every day, but that doesn't mean that the two of you are getting along. When you're not meant to be with your partner, the two of you won't agree on anything at all.
This could mean that it always takes hours to pick a movie to watch on Friday night when you're chilling out at home because you refuse to compromise or you both have such different taste. It could also mean that you never end up going anywhere because you can never decide on the bar or restaurant or even movie to go to. You won't be on the same page about matters big and small, and that's not the way that it's supposed to be. Things aren't supposed to be this hard.
13 You'll See Your Friends More Than Each Other
When you're in a really good, healthy relationship, you're going to see your boyfriend more than you see your friends. That's just the way that it goes. This is even truer if the two of you live together (or just see each other every day and stay over at each others' places all the time).
If that's not happening and you each see your friends more than you hang out with each other, that's a pretty good signal that you're not that great together. Of course you both should keep up your friendships and it would be toxic to never see your friends, but you should definitely want to spend a lot of time with each other. You should probably ask yourself why that's not the case.
12 You'll Rarely Be Intimate
Hormones and love can be a pretty crazy, intense combination. You can be sure that if you're in a happy relationship with the right person, the two of you won't really be able to keep your hands off each other. Yes, that will extend past the so-called honeymoon period and will last even when other people say that you should have moved on from that.
A good way to know that you two aren't meant to be is if you're no longer intimate. Sure, it might happen every once in a while, but for the most part, the passionate part of your relationship is totally over. You might tell yourself that this is normal and yet it's not normal at all. It speaks to a larger issue in your relationship that you both really have to deal with.
11 You Won't Hold Hands Anymore
Holding hands might seem kind of junior high and like something that people don't even do anymore. It's actually such a sweet way to show the person that you're dating that you care about them. It's also just a nice way to stay connected when you're walking around the neighborhood or running errands.
You might think that not holding hands with your boyfriend anymore is no big deal and if none of the other things listed here were true, then maybe it wouldn't be such a big thing. But it's honestly a sign that you're just not connected anymore and that you don't feel close to each other. Couples who still hold hands are really the happiest couples who are keeping their love going and feel close to each other.
10 You'll Stay In And Never Go On Date Nights
Staying in with your boyfriend is really awesome. Staying in every single night because the two of you just don't go out together anymore? Well, that's a different story for sure.
And it's a story that tells you that you're not happy in this relationship. Date nights don't need to happen every week but they should happen at least once a month if not a few times a month. They're a good way to check in with each other and how you feel about each other and make sure that you're keeping the lovey-dovey vibes going. You don't have to do anything super fancy at all, but grabbing a few drinks or going for dinner or to a movie is just a nice way to spend time together and feel connected to each other.
9 You'll Fight More Than You Talk
You can probably tell that fighting with your partner shouldn't be something that happens all the time. While that seems super obvious, it's not always obvious when you're in the middle of a bad situation.
You might assume that couples go through periods where they fight a lot, or that this is just what happens when you've been with someone for a long time. That's really not the case. Fighting on a regular basis proves that you two just don't get along and that you have a lot of toxic, negative emotions built up inside. It's also proof that you're not being honest with each other and are keeping a lot of things from each other. Basically, it's bad all around, and you need to stop fighting over everything and start having a real, raw conversation.
8 You'll Stop Doing Things That You Enjoy
Your life is absolutely going to change when you start dating someone and things start getting serious. It would be weird if that didn't happen. Suddenly you're hanging out with each other all the time and some of the things that seemed really important before just don't matter. Everything shifts when you meet "The One."
Of course, that's supposed to be a good thing, and your life is supposed to alter for the better. When you stop doing everything that you love, though, that's a problem, and that's when you know that you're in a toxic situation. You don't need to give up things that you love for a guy… and you shouldn't. Maybe he's forced you to say goodbye to your hobbies and interests, or maybe you're so miserable in the relationship that you don't want to do things anymore, but either way, it's not a good scene.
7 You'll Blame Him For Everything Going Wrong In Your Life
Being in a really happy, awesome relationship honestly makes everything else in your life so much better. You're in a good mood on a regular basis, you don't stress the small stuff, and you just generally enjoy yourself. You might recommit yourself to living a healthy lifestyle if you don't already or discover some new hobbies that you can explore with your partner.
Being in an unhappy relationship does the opposite. You'll feel like everything is going wrong and like you just can't stop that from happening. That goes for everything from your personal life and friendships to how well you're getting along with your family to how your career is going. You'll blame your boyfriend because you're in such a bad mood… and that's when you'll know that it's time to say goodbye. You're only responsible for yourself and can't honestly think that it's his fault.
6 You'll Check Out Other Guys
Girls who are hopelessly and madly in love with their boyfriends barely even notice other guys around them who are good-looking. And they definitely don't check them out. They would have no reason to because they're so into their partners and are so happy.
If you check other guys out, then you can be sure that you can't say the same. You're just not happy with your boyfriend, whether you want to admit it to yourself or not. You might notice him checking out other girls, too, and honestly, you might not even care at this point since things have gotten so bad. You might not be attracted to your boyfriend anymore… or maybe you never were in the first place and are just admitting it right now.
5 You'll Flirt With Other Guys, Too
Looking is one thing and flirting is entirely another. The fact that you have no problem flirting with other guys is a really bad sign. It proves that you're in a bad relationship and that you need to get out before you guys hurt each other even more.
You might tell yourself that flirting is harmless and you might even see your boyfriend flirting with other girls and figure that fair is fair and you should do the same thing. Is that really the best way to go? You can probably tell that the answer is "no way." Feeling the need to get all flirty with other guys tells you that you don't feel loved by your partner and you don't feel like he finds you attractive anymore.
4 You'll Question If Love Really Does Feel This Way
It's all too easy to assume that just because you're in a long-term relationship, that means that you must be in love. After all, people are always saying that love isn't exactly a fairy tale all the time and that it takes hard work and effort to keep a relationship going. So it's no wonder that you're not feeling that lovey-dovey toward your boyfriend, right? Isn't it?
Yeah, your relationship might not always be super passionate every day, and your relationship will go through ups and downs, but for the most part, you should be pretty crazy about the person that you're with. If you question if love feels this way -- if it should make you unhappy or confused or feel kind of toxic -- then the answer is that this really isn't love.
3 You'll Wonder If Your Ex Was Your One True Love
When you and your boyfriend aren't meant to be together, you'll probably find your mind wandering toward the last person that you dated (or even a few people before that). Yup, you're going to think about that one ex-boyfriend that you have who you really loved.
You'll even wonder if he's your one true love instead of this guy and if you should be with him instead. Whether he's really the guy that you're supposed to be with isn't super relevant here. What matters is that your mind is going in that direction, which proves that you're not in love with your current boyfriend, no matter how much you want to be and no matter what you tell yourself. If you were happy, you would never give your ex a second thought.
2 You'll Ignore Your Gut Instincts
Your gut instincts are there for a good reason: to help you and save you before you make bad decisions or something awful happens. Unfortunately, people don't always listen to those instincts. It can be hard to know if you're just being paranoid or worrying for nothing.
People always say "better safe than sorry" about a whole bunch of subjects and that's definitely true here. If your gut is telling you that this isn't the right guy for you and that it's time to leave this relationship behind, you honestly have to listen. It's saying that stuff to you for a reason. But when you're in the wrong relationship, you're going to ignore your gut instincts. If you've ever thought about how wrong this is but pushed those feelings deep down, then you can relate.
1 Your Friends And Family Will Be Concerned
Sometimes you just can't see what's right in front of you: that while your boyfriend might be a perfectly nice guy, he's not the guy for you. Or maybe he's a toxic person who's not very nice at all.
Either way, you might not be able to see it… but your friends and family can absolutely see what's really going on. When you're not meant to be with your boyfriend, you can be sure that the people in your love who care about you are going to be worried about you. They'll most likely tell you how they feel, whether you're willing to listen or not (and chances are, you don't want to hear it or you're just not ready). Best case scenario, they'll get through to you eventually and you'll be ready to move on from this relationship that's just not right for you.