When You Want To Get Engaged Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Are you super into astrology or do you think it's all kind of silly or crazy? After you find out just how much your zodiac sign can tell you about yourself, your life, and your romantic relationships, you will totally be convinced! The stars can tell you everything that you ever wanted to know and it's basically magical AF.
Whether you're in a long-term relationship or are seriously single right now, you've probably thought about your wedding day. You know that it's kind of nuts to picture marrying a guy on the first date but after it's obvious that you've made a love connection, of course, you're going to start hearing wedding bells in your head. It's only natural and normal. So when are you going to get engaged? Read on to find out how long into a relationship you and your partner are going to decide to tie the knot!

15 Aquarius: Five Years

If Aquarius is your zodiac sign, then you probably already know that you have no problem hanging out by yourself. You really treasure your alone time and it's an important part of your life. You also have your moments when you're a bit on the quiet side and you don't think that it's necessary to have attention on you at all times.
That being said, when you're in a relationship and are wondering when you're going to get engaged, it's going to be about five years after you meet the love of your life. It might seem like a super long wait to your friends and family. But to you, it will feel totally perfect and like the right thing to do. You're not waiting because you don't trust your partner or love him. You really do love him. You just love being alone and so it's going to take you a few years to get used to the rhythm of the relationship and figure out how to balance your alone time and spending time with your guy.
14 Pisces: ASAP

Being a Pisces mean that you are basically a really sweet person, so you should be happy about that. You're kind, caring, and loyal. You're a great friend and an even better girlfriend since when you love someone, you really love them.
That means that when you're in a great relationship, you're totally down for getting engaged ASAP. It doesn't matter if it's been two months or six months, you're cool with getting that ring on your finger. You're so loyal that you would never think that you were rushing into things because you would never assume that something bad would happen as a result of your early engagement. To you, this is the right thing to do, and that's that. You love love, basically, and so, of course, you're super into the idea of getting married. Yup, you're a hopeless romantic.
13 Aries: One Year

You're an interesting person if you're an Aries. You aren't someone who wants to sit back and be a passenger in your life. Nope. That drives you absolutely crazy. You want to take action and you want to do it now.
In other words, you are basically the opposite of a patient person, and that goes for your relationships, too. It's safe to say that you want to get engaged one year into a serious relationship. For you, that's the "act now or get out" moment. If you don't feel like you and your partner are on the same page and that you're going to move forward together and think about your shared future, you want out. You can't even imagine not taking the next step. Since you don't have any patience, that also means that you can be in some pretty awful moods sometimes, so when you discuss this super important subject with your boyfriend, you might get a bit mad. Hey, you can't help it. It's all thanks to your zodiac sign.
12 Taurus: A Super Long Engagement

For you, when you get engaged isn't as important as how long you're engaged for.
Since you're a Taurus, you've probably heard that you're "stubborn like a bull." After all, your zodiac sign is represented by the bull. You're good at committing, though, so that's not your problem. You're said to commit to something work wise and be able to work on it for a really long time. You don't get bored and you're able to see it through. That's an awesome quality to have. You also treat relationships this way. Sometimes when a couple is engaged for a really long time, it seems like there is some trouble underneath the surface, and maybe the long engagement means that one of them isn't really ready for that kind of commitment. That's not the case with you. You want a long engagement but you're absolutely committed to your partner.
11 Gemini: Never

If your zodiac sign is Gemini, you are absolutely never going to get engaged.
It's not that you want to stay single or that you have no interest in being in a romantic relationship. It's actually the total opposite. You love relationships and you are super interested in everything that lust and love have to offer. You just can't commit to one person… or you can't commit to one person for a long time. You're cool with being with someone as long as you reserve the right to leave them when things get dull or not that exciting anymore. Since you get bored so often and really want adventure in life and love, that means that marriage sounds like the worst idea ever to you. You will meet the right person later on in life and while you will commit to them if you feel like they fit into your lifestyle well, you probably won't want to make things totally and completely official.
10 Cancer: Six Months

Sure, getting engaged six months into a relationship might seem like rushing into things, but if your zodiac sign is Cancer, that's absolutely not how you see the situation.
You're a loyal partner and you tend to believe that as soon as you fall in love with someone, that's it. You're committed to them and you have to keep dating them. It doesn't matter if they're not really the right person for you or if there are some problems along the way. You really don't care. That's how loyal you are. Yes, this is a bit of an issue itself, and you probably do need to hang out alone for a while before meeting the right person. But this is just the way that you're wired. You take relationships extremely seriously and that is even truer when you get engaged. You're going to hear from your friends and family that you're going way too fast and should slow down, but you're definitely not going to listen to them.
9 Leo: Before Your Friends

Yup, if you're a Leo, then you totally embody that whole "lion" thing and that means that you want to get engaged before your friends do.
Hey, it's not as bad as it might sound. You're confident, you like being the leader of whatever group you're in, and you just want people to follow you instead of the other way around. You're a trend setter, basically, and that's exactly the way that you like it. It's not that you're necessarily going to marry someone just because your friends are still single or not married yet. You will make sure that you love the guy. You just want to lead the charge when it comes to your friend group tying the knot. Of course, you might not tell anyone this and you might not even admit it to yourself. You might be doing this subconsciously and not even realize that you're doing it. It's just in your nature and it's just the way that you are.
8 Virgo: Two Years

Being a Virgo means that you're a bit on the shy and quiet side. It's not a bad thing, though, even if that's how (mean) people make you feel sometimes. You're just cautious and intelligent, and there's nothing wrong with that. You want to make sure that everything in your life is properly planned and thought out before you jump into anything, so you're definitely not someone who makes a decision without being absolutely sure.
When you're in a relationship and you know that this is the right guy for you, you're totally into the idea of getting married, but you need to make sure. So for you, the ideal time to date before getting engaged is two years. It's just long enough for you to really get to know this guy and really get comfortable in the relationship. It's definitely a legit, respectful time to wait before thinking about taking the next step and getting that pretty, sparkly ring on your finger.
7 Libra: As Soon As You're In Love

Being a Libra means that you really don't want to be single. If you never realized that your need to always be in a romantic relationship is thanks to your zodiac sign, well, now you know. That means that as soon as you know that you're in love with someone, you really want to get engaged.
Yup, that means that if you're three months into a new relationship and your boyfriend says that he loves you, you would technically and theoretically want to get engaged. It doesn't mean that's when you're going to absolutely get engaged, of course. It just means that's when you want to start thinking about it and talking about it. This could scare some people away, of course, so maybe you'll keep this desire to yourself for a little while. But you'll definitely be thinking about it and dreaming of that ring.
6 Scorpio: Possibly Never

If you're a Scorpio, then you really do love being in love, but you need to be really comfortable with the person that you're dating. And you need to be really sure that things are going well.
This means that making a big commitment like getting married might not be on your radar. You might get engaged… but you might never want to marry anyone. That doesn't mean that you'll never be in a relationship, though, because you do enjoy spending time with that special someone. This is just the way that you are. You're supposed to be a bit of a mystery, which is pretty cool, and you're also in tune with your feelings and are happy to be in charge of any situation. To you, what's even more important than maybe getting married someday is to be in tune with your partner, especially in the bedroom. But you probably already knew that.
5 Sagittarius: Never

You're just not interested in having the same partner forever, so marriage isn't really something that you would ever consider.
While that might sound kind of miserable and depressing, it's totally not. Because you're an amazing person. You're the sign that loves, loves, loves to travel. You're rarely in one place for very long and you're the opposite of a homebody. Since you love to travel so much, that means that you also love feeling free. And it's kind of hard to feel that sense of freedom when you're committed to someone and marrying them. You do have to stay home (and stay in your town or city) so you can, you know, be married to them and spend time with them and do all the things that married couples tend to do. It's a thing. So even if you do have some partners, you might be more into casual or short-term relationships so you can pack a bag and go whenever you want.
4 Capricorn: When Your Parents Did

You love being part of a loving, caring family and you follow traditions pretty closely, so when it comes to when you're going to get married, you're definitely going to think about when your mom and dad got engaged.
If your parents were together for years and years before deciding to take the plunge into marriage, then that's what you're going to do. If they only dated for a few months before he popped the question, then you're going to feel like that's the right thing to do. It's all about your own family history. It makes sense since to you, nothing matters more than family, and you obviously care about what your parents think about your relationship. As long as you explain to your partner why you feel this way about engagements and marriage, hopefully, it'll all go smoothly.
3 Cancer: A Decade

Cancer signs might also stay in a serious, long-term relationship for a really long time (even as long as ten years) and then decide to start thinking about getting married. So this is another option for this zodiac sign.
Why? Because Cancers are so loyal, they tend to treat relationships like marriages. It's not uncommon to be a Cancer and feel like you're already in a super committed relationship with your boyfriend, even when it's only been a few months. You just fall really quickly and get into a comfortable rhythm really quickly as well. It doesn't even occur to you to slow down or really think hard about whether this person fits into your life or even your future. Nope. That's not how you think. You want to be in love and you want to be committed to this person and as soon as you make the decision, that's the way that it goes.
2 Pisces: A Few Different Engagements

Since you're such a sweet, emotional person, you tend to fall in love pretty easily. You're not afraid to commit and you're not afraid to get close to another person.
Since you're so emotional, you are said to have shorter relationships instead of short-term ones. But it definitely seems like the relationships that you do have tend to be fairly intense. You probably have some pretty serious relationships and get engaged quickly… and then break it off and move onto the next person. That means that you're going to have quite a few engagements before you choose the right person (if you ever do, which is totally fine, too). Yup, this might drive your friends and family crazy since they're going to get all excited about your engagement and then realize that you're actually not going to marry this person. And then the whole cycle starts all over again.
1 Scorpio: When You Get Asked

If you're a Scorpio, then you might end up getting engaged after all… but only if your boyfriend asks and you know that he's the only person that you ever want to be with. Yes, that might sound kind of vague, but this is one of those "you'll know it when you see it or feel it" type of situations.
You're not super big into the whole idea of marriage because you don't really do if it's something that you want for your life. But if you're really comfortable with the person, you might consider it, and it might make a ton of sense to you. It just depends. This may sound confusing but it's actually pretty great since if you do get married, it's going to be a total surprise to you. And life is all about the magical and surprising moments, right?