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    We Ranked The Best To Worst Husband, Based On His Sign

    Everyone looks for different qualities in a future husband. It depends on who you are, what your priorities are, and what types of men you tend to gravitate towards. It also is dependent on your sign as well! You are just naturally compatible with some people more than others. With that, your taste may be different than someone else's. Whether you want stability over passion, or intellect over romance, there is a sign for everyone. However, I believe that there are some qualities in a man that you just should not settle for! With that being said, these opinions are solely my own and what I value in a man, you may not value. What I see as a deal breaker, you may not see! Here is a rank of what I believe to be the rankings of the quality of a future husband, best to worst, based on their zodiac sign:

    16 Scorpio: Devoted and Loyal

    Are you surprised? The Scorpio is the most devoted and loyal out of all of the signs. Not only do they make great partners, but they make the most incredible friends as well. The most loyal friends I have are Scorpios! Romantically, once you capture his heart, he will forever be yours. Devotion and loyalty are two qualities that you don't want your man to be without, because someone who doesn't possess these characteristics are naturally, the ones who are more likely to cheat. Although Scorpios don't have the greatest of reputations because they can be callus and revengeful, but if you do no wrong to them - they will go above and beyond. On the exterior, the Scorpio is cool and collected. However, underneath the surface you will find nothing but passion and curiosity. They can be a tad possessive, but that is their way of showing you how much they truly love and care for you.

    15 Taurus: Grounded and Stable

    Grounded and stable, you can always count on a Taurus. They are dependable, and they will never leave you hanging. He will have your back in the toughest times of your life. Rest assured that this is the type of man who would wake up at 4 am for you if you were in an emergency! Like the Scorpio, the Taurus is extremely faithful to his partner. He will never be the man to go out and party and leave you at home. He would much rather stay in and binge on a show anyway! The Taurus is not the most sociable of all of the signs and they are quite introverted. That doesn't mean that they won't support you at a social function! They will always be by your side. However, the Taurus is a bit on the stubborn side… so if you are used to getting your way, be aware of this. They do not like to be wrong and they have a hard time compromising.

    14 Gemini: Best Listeners

    Although they are known for their flakey nature - once you lock one down… they are a great catch. When single, the Gemini guy will explore many options and makes sure that he lives his life to the fullest so when they enter a relationship, they know exactly what they want from all of his experience in the dating world. They are too smart to settle. If their intellectual and physical needs are not being met, they won't stay. If you manage to appease to them in every way possible, the Gemini will make a pretty fun and engaging partner. They will never bore you with their quick wit and intellect. They are charming, polite, and they make the best listeners. Rest assured that they will get along with everyone in your inner circle, for everyone loves the Gemini. They can start a conversation with just about anyone they come across and are almost always the most popular person in the room.

    13 Leo: He Will Spoil You Rotten

    Ah, king Leo. Leos are hopeless romantics, pulling out chairs for you and taking you to the most expensive, lavish restaurants. Prepare to be spoiled rotten! He loves the finer things in life, and he will shower you with compliments if you dress up for him. Women tend to be all over a Leo, for they exude confidence and masculinity. You can NOT be insecure when dating him, and you have no reason to be! He is too busy planning the best date nights for you and showing you constant affection and love. If you carry yourself with strength and poise, the Leo will forever be in awe of you. He wants a queen to be part of his kingdom. If your self-esteem is not up to par with his standards, there is no way that you will last in this marriage. The female attention will be too much for you, even if he is doing nothing wrong!

    12 Libra: The Most Fair

    The scale being the Libras symbol, you can be assured that a Libra man will always be fair with you in a relationship. He is also a natural born diplomat, and will do anything to maintain the peace in his life. A Libra chooses his battles very wisely, but when they do go to war - do not expect them to back down. Once they are in the zone, they are argumentative. Thankfully, this is very rare in a marriage with them. The Libra would rather appease to you and maintain the strength of your courtship than to fight over petty BS. The Gemini and the Libra are very similar with their charm and intellect (side note: they make the perfect match) so the Libra will never leave you unsatisfied in any aspect of your life. He is an explorer to the highest degree, and will want to indulge in all that life has to offer. Thankfully for you, he wants nothing more than to have a partner to do it with!

    11 Capricorn: A Responsible Partner

    Although they are not the mushiest type of man, the Capricorn makes a great husband because they are responsible. If they say they will be there at five o'clock, they will probably be there five minutes early. Punctuality is their strong suit. However, they are also usually very successful in their careers, so relationships tend to take a back seat. Make sure to have your own grind when dating a Capricorn. On the bright side, though, you have no reason whatsoever to not trust him. He will never betray the people who he loves most in life. A relationship with the Capricorn is not for the faint hearted, he will always tell you like it is. He is patient and he is a great listener. The Capricorn scores a 10 on the dependability scale, but falls much shorter on the romantic scale. Regardless, I would rather have someone I can count than the opposite! If you had to choose between someone sensitive and unreliable, which would you have? They will also take care of you and your children until the day he dies.

    10 Cancer: So Sensitive

    The cancer man is sensitive to a fault, arguably the most sensitive of the zodiac. They take everything and anything to heart, so tread lightly. They are full of emotion, and their mood can change at the drop of a hat. Make sure you carefully craft your words before approaching them. They are another sign that can be devoted, but it takes them a very long time to open up. Patience is key with the crab! If you betray them, they will never look at you the same again. They love a good grudge. The best thing about a cancer man is they are the ultimate family man. They would take a bullet for their blood, and they make the best fathers! Although you may not be ready for marriage and children with him, it is a good thing to know in the long run! They are also quite the traditionalist… and with that comes plenty of chivalry!

    9 Virgo: They Lead With Their Brain Over Emotions

    A Virgo is by far, the most organized, anal, and meticulous sign of all. They are keen to every detail, and will overanalyze even the most miniscule situations. They lead with their brain over their emotion, and this can come off as cold and reserved. They are also too introverted for their own good, so diving into a relationship head first or making new friends is quite a challenge for them. Once committed to someone, they will work their hardest to maintain the relationship. They are fighters and will not give up easily. Virgos need a lot of support, and they will reciprocate it in return. They are a 50/50 type of guy in a relationship, they give what they get. He will always be honest with you, so the mind games and manipulation tactics are off the table. He will have no patience for people who indulge in these kinds of messed up activities.

    8 Aries: Argumentative and Dominant

    Being the first sign of the zodiac, the Aries thinks that he is the best of the best. His arrogance knows no bounds. Argumentative and dominant, he will always put you in your place. If he is not happy, you will know it. He is a no nonsense kind of character. If you are not ready to hear the most blunt, unapologetic answer… don't ask. The Aries doesn't give a __ if your feelings get hurt. If this kind of attitude is attractive to you, you will adore your Aries. He takes great pride in being the man of the household. It is always somewhat of a balancing act with the Ram. On one hand, he always wants to be the one who wears the pants in the relationship, and on the next… he wants you to keep him on his toes. It is quite a challenge! Regardless of the hurdles, you won't find a more passionate man. As a fire sign, he will definitely bring the heat.

    7 Pisces: A Serious Mess

    Sorry but - Pisces men are freaking messes. They are one walking contradiction. They are sensitive, but cold. Commitment probes, but romantics. All I have to say is: good luck girlfriend. The amount of patience and effort it takes to be in a relationship with one of these dudes knows no bounds. They are also not the most dependable and they have a hard time being exclusive with someone. After all, the fish is slippery and hates nothing more than to be on a hook! In order to want him to be monogamous, you are going to have to be mindful of potential temptation that may come his way. His moods will also shift without any notice. He is a feeler, not a thinker. It is not all bad news if you are finding yourself getting into a relationship with a Pisces. They are, without a doubt, romantic and dreamy.

    6 Aquarius: Most Likely to Cheat

    Now, I am not saying that the Aquarius male is a bad person. quite the contrary, they are usually humanitarians and they do things for the greater good of the world. They are not biased, judgmental, or rude. They are polite and sensitive. Here comes the bad news: they are the sign most likely to cheat. Now, I don't know about you: but I believe that cheating is the worst thing a boyfriend, let alone a husband, can do to their significant other. The Aquarius is not loyal or devoted. They would ditch you at the drop of a hat if they are feeling tied down, or if a new fun, cool, opportunity arises. With this fickleness comes unpredictability. An Aquarius is the opposite of trustworthy, and they are pretty self -serving. He is the type of guy to leave you hanging when you need him the most in an emergency. He will probably be too busy exploring the world or worse… a new girl. You want someone to have a deep, long conversation with on a rooftop at 4 am? An Aquarius is your guy. You want someone to be unconditionally shamelessly devoted to you no matter what? Not necessarily your guy.

    5 Sagittarius: Can't Commit

    The Sagittarius loves a good, spontaneous adventure. They never want to be in one place… or with one person. Nothing terrifies them more than commitment. Not only will the Sagittarius guy be afraid to commit to a relationship, don't expect him to even commit to a movie date. If it is planned in advance, it is not for a Sagittarius. If he sees a potential threat to his freedom, he will run. For this, he will make for a pretty shitty husband. They tend to avoid any strings in their personal life, because they value their freedom over everything and anything. Stability and trust are undeniably the two most important things in a relationship. Without them, you have nothing. You will feel neither stable nor trusting with a Sagittarius. I am not implying that if you plan to marry them, you should call it off - not at all! I would just be careful. The truth hurts friends.

    The verdict, per element:

    4 Air: The Most Fun

    Air signs are the most fun. They are the most intellectual. and a relationship with one will be fulfilling mentally, physically, and emotionally. They are not for someone who is mundane and practical because they are quite the opposite. You need to be able to keep up with them! Although they are hard to be tied down, once they are… they will always be faithful and loyal. Their quick wit and charismatic nature are two qualities that are quite attractive to many people. They will be your best friend and your biggest cheerleader in life. Air signs will be open to the endless amounts of possibilities that you two will face in the world. Makes sense, doesn't it? Air is fluid and open. Air doesn't discriminate against anyone or anything. They will be best friends with your best friends, and vice-versa. An air sign will make sure that your lives mesh cohesively and wholeheartedly.

    3 Earth: There For You

    Grounded and dependable, earth signs will be there for you throughout everything. With this stability, comes some stubbornness and the signs of this element tend to be very stuck in a routine and their ways. This can be blissful for some, but quite boring for others. It depends on what you want! However, I can't see how these qualities are a bad thing to look for in a husband! Straying away from a relationship is just off the table for them. Once they commit, they commit for life. They will be sure to support and love you no matter what. With every challenge that arises, an earth sign will be your rock. Their element is earth, after all! What is more stable than the ground that we walk on?

    2 Fire: Loyal Lovers

    Expect tons of passion and romance with this element. Once committed, they are loyal. Loyalty is something they take great pride in. They will always protect you from bad people and situations in your life. They are quite possessive and dominant, but that is their way of expressing their love towards you. They are quite the ladies' man when they are single, but when in a relationship they are devoted. When you first meet them, don't judge them based on how many women they are dating, I promise you that they will make for a great husband in the long run. It doesn't mean that the attention they get is going anywhere, it just means that they will pay no attention to it once they are yours. They have their pick of the litter so consider yourself a lucky girl if you are with a man of the fire element. They will only get into a relationship when they find someone who is very special.

    1 Water: Wishy Washy

    The water signs are by far the most sensitive, but also the deepest. Think about the ocean, its depth is boundless. They have a hard time opening up and can be quite wishy washy in their decisions. There is no telling what mood they may or may not be in in five minutes, it is all dependent on what they are feeling at the moment. They tend to live in a fantasy rather than a reality, and dudes in this category hate nothing more than to think with their brains over their emotions. It is always a dramatic ordeal no matter what the circumstance. They are not stupid by any means, but they are most definitely not the most rational either. On the bright side, water signs are usually in tune with your emotions just as much as they are with their own. They are understanding and sensitive, and they will be a shoulder to cry on. I would argue that they make for better friends than they do husbands or a long term partner.