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    If You've Done Any Of These 15 Things, You've Cheated

    What is considered cheating? This is THE question we ask ourselves when we are in a relationship, and surely everyone knows that it is not an easy one to answer, especially in this digital age. Going all the way with someone who is not your SO is universally regarded as cheating, but today, there are other ways to make your partner upset and left feeling betrayed. Defending yourself with, “We were just texting each other funny jokes; it's not like we were being intimate,” does not work if the the problem is with a friend who had professed admiration in the past. There's tons of yellow tape to watch out for.

    Hiding and lying about anything that happened between you and that other person is the worst, even if it is as small as a simple text from an ex. Mind you, cheating does not necessarily mean it has to be physical, it most definitely could be emotional, too. What constitutes cheating is not black and white, so it is hard to determine whether you have crossed the line or not. Take a look at the list below to double check that you haven't crossed that very thin line between being a faithful partner and playing with fire.

    15 Watching "Your Show" Without Your SO And Then Pretending Like You Haven't Seen Those Episodes Before

    Promised to watch every episode of the show on Netflix with your partner? If you have not, then you have committed what is called a “Netflix cheat.” Netflix cheating is when you watch episodes ahead of time and re-watch it with your partner as if it was the first time. Resisting the temptation to continue watching the next episodes of the show you both love when your partner is not around is hard. It is especially difficult when your partner is too busy or away for days, since it prolongs the anticipation. Like with any other forms of cheating, you would pretend to be surprised about unexpected scenes and deny that you watched ahead when confronted.

    Netflix cheating has been on a rise globally. Breaking the promise to watch OITNB or House Of Cards together every step of the way is like you were unfaithful and you broke trust. It happens to the best of us, but remember, the couple that streams together, stays together.

    14 Constantly Stalking "The Boy Or Girl Next Door"

    Spot a cutie? You see an attractive person on the streets or at a cafe and think, “Cute,” is one thing; it's another if you find out who that person is and stalk him or her on social media, or worse, in real life. You are always on your phone, constantly checking if the person's Instagram is updated with a new picture and liking every one of them. This is a sign of betrayal, especially when you are not even that committed to your own partner's Instagram.

    Maybe you are attracted to your neighbor? You wait by the window to see when he or she arrives or leaves the house so you can get a chance to have a conversation or to just stare at all that hotness like Shia's character in Disturbia. Being attracted to someone else is totally understandable. It happens to a lot of us if not all, but taking the initiative to get the person's attention while in a relationship is not right.

    13 Interactive "Not-So-PG" Online Fun

    Why not? Watching adult films may not be considered cheating but this certainly is. You set a date with someone to have an intimate live session on the webcam, whether it is with someone you know or do not know. There are websites that make you pay, but this could easily be done at no charge with an ex or someone you met. This is done with a live person, which is the main reason this is considered cheating. Both are aware of each other's existence. It is basically doing the deeds, except it is done online. Clothes are taken off, which exposes your body and private bits. Dirty talks and dirty actions are taken place to turn each other on. These are inappropriate because you are doing it with someone other than your partner. Virtually doing it and actually doing it are not much different. It is not cool to be involved with another person in any sensual way without your partner being aware, regardless of how it is done.

    12 Using An Online Dating App

    Just taking a look? This is a big no-no. You say you maintain a dating app just to check out when you are bored or just purely out of curiosity. But is there a point? You are in a relationship and therefore committed to that person. Even if you insist that nothing is going to happen, we don't really know that for sure. An attractive person messages you on Tinder and you respond, that is the first step to cheating. Next thing you know, you share interests, check in daily, exchange numbers, and flirt. It is likely that one thing will lead to another. As if the damage has not already been done by signing up on the dating app without your SO knowing, you put yourself out there as approachable to others, specifically when you take the time to get to know the other person on a personal level. Essentially, your priorities aren't straight and you're are sending the wrong vibes out to the universe

    11 Flirty And Naughty Texting

    Hey babe, do you miss me? It is difficult to decipher text messages sometimes. Texts can be taken out of context and be mistaken as getting hit on. Flirty and naughty texts that involve two people consistently keeping in touch says otherwise. They may not turn into a physical affair, but it still means that you have someone on the side. You send flirty texts with a lot of emojis that are the kissing face, the seductive face, and the blushing face. You compliment the person every chance you get. Your inbox is filled with that person's messages more than it is filed with your partner's. Your text includes a picture of you only in your underwear. Your text contains explicit words to turn each other on, basically dirty talking. It is not much different saying it and actually doing it, therefore, consider it cheating.

    10 Being Flirtatious With That "Good Friend"

    Are you friendly, maybe too friendly? Flirting is a sign of cheating for physical and non-physical reasons. Teasing and playful banters are innocent until they progress into something that is no longer harmless fun. You continue to flirt even after your friends tell you that it is inappropriate. You actually think and look forward to flirting with a specific someone. You make hidden innuendos that makes everyone in the room uncomfortable. You touch the hand or arm longer than you should. You sit on the lap or someone sits on yours. It has definitely gone too far when your flirting misleads the person into making a pass at you as if you made it clear that you are okay with cheating. Flirting with the intention of getting someone's attention that is not your partner's is blatantly cheating.

    9 Staying Overnight At "That Friend's" Place Without Telling Your SO

    Too tired to go back home? It happens, you passed out at another person's house because either you had too much to drink or were too tired to drive back. It is just not okay that that person's house is of the opposite sex (if you're straight), like a friend. It is bad enough that your partner does not feel comfortable with you around him or her, but it makes it worse that you did not tell your partner about your whereabouts. Lying only confirms that something happened and that you are ashamed of it. You are putting yourself in a situation that can be misconstrued for something else. Taking actions and disregarding your partner's feelings shows that you just straight up don't care.

    8 Fantasizing About Someone You Know, Especially One Of His Friends

    Risqué dream of your neighbor or man's BFF? They are called fantasies because they are imaginations. You may think there is no harm in fantasizing about people you are never going to get with while in a relationship. Yet, it is another possible way of cheating on your partner, and it makes sense. You think about all the dirty things you want to do to your neighbor and what you want your neighbor to do to you during your sexy time with your partner. Instead of focusing on your partner, you are focused on your fantasy with your neighbor or one of his buddies to get you turned on. Ouch! That is harsh.

    To a certain degree, you are deceiving your partner with these tantalizing thoughts. It is really your thoughts of your neighbor that is controlling how you are in bed. It is hurtful to your partner that you would think about someone else during what is suppose to be your special, intimate time.

    7 Going On A Coffee Date Or Drinks With Someone Deep Down You Know Likes You

    Am I interested? It is a good feeling when someone likes you and, since you feel appreciated, you take that person out for coffee or drinks. Well, that is totally unfair to your partner and to that person as well. It is very misleading to both parties. Your partner will not be pleased to hear that and doing it behind your partner's back only leaves an impression that you are testing the waters. The other person also deserves to meet someone who is actually available and probably doesn't deserve to be placed in the middle of any drama.

    Associating yourself with this person or not having your partner present during these dates is already a sign of cheating. Alone time with the person who likes you can mean only one thing and that is, you are secretly interested too.

    6 Seeking Emotional Support Or Guidance From "That Good Friend"

    Do you confide in someone more than you do in your SO? You tell that someone your problems and achievements before telling your SO. You enjoy the presence of that person, so you go out of your way to meet that person and lose track of time talking about everything. You believe that that person understands and shares a deeper connection with you than anyone else. You fantasize about what it could be like with that person. You look for that person in time of need. You begin to see the flaws in your partner while seeing that person as perfect. You are invested in feelings and are emotionally attached to that person. All these signs are proof that you can cheat without physically doing anything wrong. Emotional cheating is just as hurtful. Communicating with your partner is so important.

    5 Keeping In Constant Touch Or Following An Ex On Social Media

    Wondered what your ex is up to? Social media makes it easier for us to stalk anyone. It's definitely become more easy to keep the cheating on the DL, though.

    Anything that concerns an ex is a direct stab in the heart. Heck, no one likes it when their partner is still hung up on their ex! It's a slap in the face! These following moves put you in that position where you did slap your partner in the face. You constantly check your phone to see if your ex texted or called. You look forward to your next hangout, without telling your partner your whereabouts or even lying about it. You follow your ex's social mediums and persistently check to see the updates. You like and comment on everything. You get upset and jealous when you see your ex living a better life that does not involve you and when your ex is dating someone new. On top of that, you put that anger on your partner. You clearly have not moved on from your past relationship, and that is not fair to your SO.

    4 Giving Out Your Phone Number Because "You Never Know"

    Can I get your number? We get that you are flattered when someone you find attractive asks for your number. There is always a reason when someone asks you for your number when your SO is not around. Reasons could be exchanging flirty and naughty texts or literally hooking up. You confirm the feeling is mutual when you give your number out. Keeping this from your SO is without a doubt cheating. Perhaps you may be hoping that this could slowly lead to something more. You write down your number for the bartender to hit you up and that is initiating some kind of relationship. Nobody should feel the need to initiate any sort of promiscuous exterior relationships when they are in a fulfilling, mature relationship.

    3 One Time Drunk Hookups

    Do you blame the alcohol? It is one of the most common excuse anyone gives when caught red-handedly making out with someone who is not their partner. We all heard it, the alcohol is the problem, right? Possibly, there is some truth to it, but what about the circumstances where it's not true? A part of you must have wanted to or thought about it at least. You are not happy with your current relationship, so why not? You always fancied that person and when the opportunity came, you made the move because alcohol was easily there for the blame. Alcohol does not force you against your will to do something you do not wish to do yourself. It is crystal clear that you do not respect your relationship and its boundaries, and that perhaps you are too immature for a real committed relationship.

    2 Over-Protecting One's Phone And Other Cell Phone Shadiness

    Protective of your phone? Everyone has the right to do what they please with their phone, but sudden changes throughout the relationship will raise red flags. You decide to password protect your phone without telling your partner and, if asked, you defend yourself by saying that it is private and make excuses like you want to protect bank accounts, work emails, and what have you. You tuck your phone away when you see a text or a call and lie about who it is from. You get up at strange hours to talk on the phone quietly. You exchange texts with your ex or even with an attractive person you never met IRL by changing their name under contacts. You are constantly deleting messages and calls. You never leave your phone anywhere alone, even to go to the bathroom. These are obvious signs that something shady is going on!

    1 Cuddling Over A Movie With Someone Else

    Who doesn't love to cuddle? Cuddling is comfortable and it feels good to be held by someone, but it can also be considered cheating if it is done with someone other than your SO. Cuddling tends to happen while watching a movie or when someone needs comfort. Regardless of the reasons behind it, you are in the other person's personal space-your bodies are touching, you can hear breathing and heart beating. Being in a position to cuddle can be intimate, known as emotional cheating, and there's the possibility of getting some, if you catch my drift… which will in turn make it physically cheating. Picture your partner cuddling with someone other than you; and if it makes you cringe, then you would know.