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    If You're Good At These 23 Things, You Own The Dating Game

    Most people know that the dating arena is littered with duds and creeps, and that for every great date you have, you're likely to experience about nine bad ones too. Of course, just as you're looking for certain traits and qualities in other people, they're like looking for certain traits and qualities in you as well. It's not likely that you'll be compatible with everyone you meet, but it is possible that certain things you say or do might make the date go by more smoothly, even if it might not end in a love connection.

    It's also possible that if you're dating, you might just want to explore your options and have a little bit of fun in the process, which is definitely okay, too. If this is the case, you might want to keep reading to get a few pointers on the kinds of things you can do if you want to ensure that you're successful in your romantic conquests. Some people may be born charmers, but other people might need a little bit of help. Hopefully some of these tips will make your dating life a little bit more exciting, and that you'll be able to successfully connect with more people that you're interested in.

    23 You've Got A Mesmerizing Gaze

    One sure-fire way to show someone that you're interested in them is the way that you look at them. When you're on a date, eye contact is so important because it shows the other person that you're present, and that you're giving them your undivided attention. There have even been studies which show that people look directly at you if they're attracted to you, so if you want to express your attraction to someone you're on a date with, you might want to consider direct eye contact as a means to do that.

    As well, it's just more polite to look someone in the eye when they're speaking to you, or vice versa, so if you're not in the habit of looking people in the eye, you should definitely start doing that in general, as it shows that you're focused on the person.

    22 You Make A Great First Impression

    The first impression you make could determine whether someone is receptive to you, or if the date is about to end badly. Making a good first impression might seem like a tricky thing to do, as you can't really please everyone. However, you should also consider the fact that there are a few basic and easy ways in which you can ensure that you make a good first impression.

    For example, politeness will go along way with most people, and it doesn't take a lot of effort for you to be cordial and polite. As well, things like a great handshake or a warm hug (if you're into that sort of thing) can also be quite memorable for someone, even if it is just a small gesture on your part.

    21 Laughter Is Important To You

    Having a good sense of humour is something that a lot of people don't know that they value, until they're on a date with someone who doesn't have a single funny bone in their body. The wonderful thing about having a good sense of humour, is that you know not to take every little thing too seriously, and that if you're ever presented with an awkward or uncomfortable situation during a date, that you'll be able to just laugh it off like it's no big deal. There can be a lot of nervous tension during a first date, especially if you're really hoping for it to go well, so some light-hearted humour is always a welcome thing to have. Plus, having a good sense of humour shows someone that you're fun to be around, and who wouldn't want to date someone funny?

    20 Keeping It Real Is What You Do Best

    There is a lot of ego and bravado tied up with the dating game. A lot of people are so concerned with being impressive to their dates that they sometimes put on a show, instead of being themselves. While you might impress someone in the short-term, eventually, everyone's true colours come out, and you might be surprised that the person who impressed you before, is actually not that great, in real life.

    Keeping it real, and just being yourself is a really attractive quality to have, because not only does it show that you're confident enough in yourself to be authentic, but it also means that what you see is what you get - which means that you're not going to have any (negative) surprises in store for someone in the future.

    19 Calling And Texting Are No Problem

    One of the most annoying things about dating is probably the initial contacting each other phase, where you are unsure about how often you should be texting, or if you should just be calling, rather than texting. It's almost like its own dating mind game, and it can almost be off-putting to the whole idea of dating in general, because it seems disingenuous to contact someone you're dating, based on some sort of communication strategy.

    However, if you're the type of person who calls and texts because you just want to hear from the person you're seeing, that could win some major points, because it shows that you don't think you're too cool to be excited about talking to someone that you're interested in, even if it goes against traditional “dating rules.”

    18 Getting To Know Someone Is Actually Fun For You

    Part of the fun of dating people is that you get to meet and get to know new people. While this doesn't always necessarily lead to a long-term relationship, playing the field and dating could be a great way to make some unexpected friendships. That is, if you're actually willing to take the time and get to know people.

    If you're just dating with the purpose of having a bit of naughty fun on the side, keep in mind that showing genuine interest in people can be very attractive, and you might be surprised at how much more successful you can be at playing the field, if you actually take the time to get to know the people you're trying to date or even just be intimate with. It shows that you're interested in people for their personalities, rather than just their looks or bodies.

    17 You Remain A Constant Surprise

    Dating, particularly in the early stages, can be really fun and exciting. There are things like the first date nerves, as well as the butterflies in your stomach when you hear from someone you're really interested in. Of course, there's also the mystery of what someone is going to be like, as you get to know them, little by little. If you're someone who likes to keep things interesting, whether if it is by being spontaneous, or perhaps being creative with your date night ideas, you'll probably earn a lot of points with the person you're seeing. No one likes to be bored when they're dating someone, especially not when things are just getting started, so being full of surprises will definitely leave them wanting more, which is a great thing for you.

    16 Showing Off Isn't Your Style

    Yes, it's true that dating and trying to attract someone that you'r'e interested in can involve a level of trying to impress them. How people do that can vary greatly, but at a certain point, anyone can get a little annoying if they're whole motivation is just to show off in order to impress their date.

    Of course, speaking about yourself is one way that someone can get to know you, but it's also important to consider that when you're too concerned about being impressive to someone else, it could come across as being cocky or simply bragging too much. People don't often want to feel like they're being forced to sit through the highlight reel of your life while on a date. Sometimes, being humble is more impressive than just trying to be impressive by bragging all the time. Just saying.

    15 Teasing Is Your Middle Name

    When people think of a person as being a tease, there can sometimes be some negative implications attached to the word. However, being a tease isn't necessarily a bad thing. Perhaps you can think of the word tease as another term for mysterious. There's nothing more intriguing than someone who doesn't reveal every facet of themselves right away. It makes getting to know you more exciting, and it lets the mind wander when they're trying to figure you out.

    Of course, you shouldn't take this mean that you ought to be playing mind games with people, because that might not go over well, and frankly, mind games can come off as pretty childish. Instead, be mysterious through knowing glances and little hints here and there about how you're feeling about them.

    14 You're Down To Try Something New

    Part of the excitement of getting to know a new person is learning about their individual interests and passions, and even the things that they may not particularly like. Of course, this means that it's possible that you will meet someone who loves something that either you've never explored yourself, or have perhaps never even heard of. This would be a great opportunity to show them that you're interested in them, because it gives you a chance to do something that they're into. However, if you're closed off to things like new experiences, you might have a difficult time in the dating arena, because it means that you aren't really willing to try new things, which could seem boring or even a little bit ignorant to some people, especially if you aren't even willing to make an attempt.

    13 You Love A Good Lip Lock

    Most people consider the first kiss with someone new a pretty momentous occasion, because it can tell a lot about the kind of physical chemistry you have with someone, as well how intense your emotional connection might be. Of course, to other people, as kiss is just a kiss, but no matter what side of the fence you're on, it's difficult to deny that that first act of intimacy is quite exciting. Of course, to make this experience a positive one that you and the person you're dating want to repeat, it probably helps to have your lip lock stills down. If you're ever feeling insecure about your abilities, it never hurts to get the honest opinion of the person who you're actually kissing at the time. However, you have to be open to the criticism, because you never know just how honest someone can be.

    12 Tradition Isn't Your Thing

    Some people can get caught up with the idea that dating, specifically the first few dates you have with someone, need to be perfect. The idea of a perfect date can be different for everyone, but there are some enduring traditions about how a date should go. For example, some people think that the man should pay for the date, and others believe that waiting three dates before getting physically intimate is the way to go. However, perfection isn't often attainable, and it just puts a lot of stress on both parties.

    If you feel like you need to wait longer before being physically intimate - or not at all - you should feel comfortable with that as well, so long as the person you're dating agrees. Traditional dating “rules” shouldn't matter, so long as you're having fun, and are being mutually respectful.

    11 Your Confidence Clearly Shines Through

    Part of the dating game is making sure that you present the best version of yourself to the person you're on a date with - at least in the very beginning. It's true that no one is perfect, and that we may not love every single thing about the people we date, but there are certain qualities that are deal breakers or red flags which tell us that we might not be compatible with someone.

    Insecurity is one of those personality traits that can sometimes be more difficult to dal with over time. People who are incredibly insecure sometimes need more attention and positive reinforcement, and while that isn't necessarily a bad thing, a confident person who carries themselves well can be far more attractive, because they're secure in who they are as people, and don't need someone's approval to feel validated.

    10 You Know How To Make A Lasting Impression With Great Style Choices

    The way your present yourself to the world shouldn't be the most important thing. However, a lot of people do place some importance in the way that you put yourself together. For example, people expect that applicants for a job dress professionally, and people who are going on a date tend to try and dress their best, in order to make a good impression, or to impress the person they're going on a date with.

    Fashion and material things aren't the most important things in the world, but someone who is a fan of fashion is always going to look good, and being dressed well can instantly make someone seem a lot more attractive, because being well-put together always elevates someone's look. Of course, it's not what you wear, but how you wear it!

    9 Going With The Flow Is Your Mantra

    A lot can happen on a date, no matter how well you think you've planned things. Of course, how you react to unexpected turns can either be a deal breaker or something really attractive. There are a lot of things that are out of our control, and if you're the kind of person who can stay relaxed when something doesn't go quite right, or if things get a little awkward, you might be a big hit in the dating world.

    Weird or awkward moments can sometimes be difficult to avoid when you go on dates with people, because you're still both basically strangers to each other who are just trying to get to know one another. Being someone who is easy-going means that you won't let an awkward moment or a lull in conversation derail a date.

    8 You're Determined To Climb To The Top

    As people get to know each other, one of the things that they may be interested in finding out about is your hopes, dreams, and goals. Another really attractive quality that you can have is to be a driven individual. Having personal goals and aspirations can tell someone that you're a person who wants to succeed or achieve different milestones in your life, whether it be about your career, your education, or even your bucket list.

    People who feel that they have a purpose can be a positive influence in that they may motivate someone who isn't as driven. However, if someone is also driven, it means that you can both feed off of each other's energy, which could lead to a really positive and encouraging relationship for both of you.

    7 You Don't Judge People On Their Past

    One of the things that people are usually the most curious about it someone's dating history. Of course, this often includes the sometimes nerve-wracking question of how many partners you've been physically intimate with. While the number matters a lot to some people, if you're an open-minded individual who doesn't place any judgement, you might just be successful in the dating arena. People are often nervous about divulging that sort of information because they think that they're going to be judged based on the choices they've made in the past, but if you can make someone feel comfortable about things that they've done, or people that they've been with before you, it could show them that you're the kind of person who isn't easily rattled by things that are beyond their control.

    6 You Can Think Outside The Box

    Sure, dating had a lot to do when getting intimate in a physical sense. While there is nothing wrong with that at all, there is also so much more involved in dating someone that just knocking boots. If you're dating for the sake of meeting people to have some adult fun with, that's totally fine as well - but if your motivation for dating are centred around having meaningful relationships, taking things to the bedroom might not be your first priority.

    If the person you're dating feels the same way, they're more likely to appreciate spending quality time with you that doesn't involve taking all of your clothes off, so that you can get to know each other on a level outside of the physical. Either way, just make sure that you're clear about your intentions as early as possible.

    5 You Know A Good Meal Is Key To Having A Good Time

    There are two types of people in this world: people who eat to live, and people who live to eat. If you're the latter, you might be more popular that your counterpart in the dating world. So many dates are centred in some time of meal, and if you're someone who enjoys different type of cuisine, that could be a dating adventure in itself.

    Someone who is a terribly picky eater, or only like a few types of food can get pretty boring really quickly, because a few dates can already start to feel routine. However, going to different restaurants can be a fun part of dating. If you're willing to try new restaurants, or bonus points if you're a good cook who also enjoys cooking for others, because you're sure to win some points with the person you're seeing.

    4 Even You Silence Speaks Volumes

    Sometimes, you don't need to verbalize things to express your desires and feelings. Knowing glances and some physical signs of affection can tell someone a lot about how you're feeling about them, and most times, actions do speak louder than words.

    Physical intimacy can also be PG, so putting your arm around someone while going for a walk or holding their hand could be a great way to show them that you're interested. Dating someone who is all about declaring their feelings in obvious ways can be boring or overwhelming to some, so sometimes, a subtle hint might be better. Even simple gestures like offering the last bite of a shared dish can show that you care, and are making sure that the person you're with is having a good time.

    3 You're An Easily Approachable Person Who Keeps Up A Good Conversation

    While keeping an air of mystery about you can be really intriguing, there is such a thing as being too closed off. The whole point of dating is to get to know other people, but it may be difficult for people to try and get to know you if you're not forthcoming with information about yourself. Someone who can freely share things about themselves comes across as warm and welcoming, because sharing stories of your personal experiences is like an invitation into your life - whether it's for one, fun date, or for a long-term relationship.

    As well, someone who is trying to get to know you might appreciate the fact that doing so is easy and relaxed, as opposed to being like pulling teeth, trying to get information about you.

    2 You're A Good Flirt

    It's difficult, and frankly, silly, to ignore the fact that dating people, especially when you're definitely attracted to each other, isn't without tension. Getting physical can be a big part of dating and starting a relationship with someone, so there is usually a great deal of flirting involved in the beginning. Whether your flirt to subtly hint that you're interested, or to make it very clear that you're thinking about getting to know someone more intimately, flirting can be a really fun part of dating.

    It's a really playful part of the dating game, and can sometimes lighten the mood between two people who don't necessarily know each other very well. A few sly glances, or perhaps some suggestive jokes, can let someone know that you might want more than just conversation from your times together.

    1 You Understand The Power Of A Good Sensual Massage To Set The Mood

    If you're on a casual first date, you might need to save this move for another time. However, if you've been seeing someone and want to take things to the next, more intimate, level, a massage is a good way to get closer, while suggesting that you're ready to take things a little bit further. A massage in itself is already pretty intimate, as there is a lot of touching involved. Of course, if you're a little too shy to give the massage yourself, you could always coyly ask your date if they'd like to give you one, to hint that you're open to getting into a more intimate situation with them. Massages are also quite relaxing, which could be a great way to calm your nerves, if you've got some nervous energy that you need to get rid of.