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    If This Is His Sign, You Wouldn't Want To Date Him

    Men are crazy complicated and while that's not something new, a lot of us still struggle with them. We still struggle with finding the clues on whether this man we're dating is really worthy of our time, or whether or not we should cozy up with them, or whether or not we should move in… more often than not, a lot of us figure out that this man is not a good man when it's already too late. You're already shattered and out of tears and you can't believe you fell for the same kind of horrible man. And then there are the good men who are really, REALLY good but you're still not supposed to be with them for a lot of reasons. Like they snore a lot or they don't want to have time together that often or they clean up like your mom - way too much. So how do you know if this guy is worth your time or not, and how do you know if he's worth taking the risk or worthy of bending some rules? You ask the stars, dear friend.

    15 Aries - too strong-willed and adventurous

    Being strong-willed is great. In fact, it's a characteristic that draws women to men and more often than not, it's a characteristic that helps a relationship stay strong. Especially if you two understand each other. If you two are willing to be adventurous and if you understand the fact that your Aries partner has the tendency to be highly ambitious. If you're okay with that, then by all means, go for it. Keep being with him. However, if you're not up for the game then you wouldn't even want to be with an Aries. Even if you don't have the intention of taking things seriously, this man will likely assume you're planning to take things seriously. And even if it's the first time you two are spending private time, he is not going to hold back his fiery attitude and his adventurous mind. He would want to play and experiment and this should serve as your warning.

    14 Taurus - stubborn and often bitter

    Who in the world would want to be with a bitter man? Seriously… they have a different kind of bitter if you don't know that yet. With women, being bitter means crying with your gal pals and plotting a revenge plan that you may or may not really intend to put into action. Because women enjoy making plans, thinking they are capable of doing something to get revenge. Because they can. With men, they tend to get with every woman they meet because being physical is one of the most effective ways they can drown the bitter emotions in them. At least for a few hours. And then when everything's done, he will whine and you're supposed to listen because he will make you listen. He is stubborn like that. Now would you still want to be with a Taurus? Are you willing to be one of those women who will do nothing but absorb the bitterness?

    13 Gemini - hot and cold and too much changing

    Given the fact that Gemini is all about twinning, Gemini men are usually bad when it comes to the bedroom, especially if you're not Gemini too. See, they tend to change their minds too often, and this is not fun. This is distracting. This is immature. Gemini men in bed are too exhausting because when they change their mind, they expect you to be on board in seconds, and it's just not possible. At least for most of us, it's not that easy. Although Geminis have strong charisma and they tend to be supportive of their friends and partners and everybody in their circle, they also have the tendency to fake things and wear the other mask. There is no predicting when he will change from hot to cold to hot again. Now if you're willing to unlock that and solve this 'Gemini in bed' trivia, go for it. But for most women, this is just too much, especially if the only thing they want is on the physical level and nothing more.

    12 Cancer - he only thinks you'll be the mom of his kids

    See, the thing about Cancer folks is that they are homebodies. They are domestic folks and they love the warmth of a family. They love the idea of building their own family and have grand reunions every year. The family setting in general is their version of heaven on earth. So when you try to be with a Cancer man, you better be ready because for most Cancerians, he sees your private time together as leading to another and another until you two become a couple, get married, and then have kids. This means he will have to introduce you to his mom next month. And even if you make it clear to him that you're not planning to go serious, he won't get is because for most Cancerians, serious is the only thing possible. And by serious, we mean domestic setting. Sounds too much? If so then you better step away and find another man suitable for your sign.

    11 Leo - too controlling and over-sensitive

    Leos suck when it comes to controlling and dealing with their emotions. Don't get us wrong, they are amazing people. They are competitive and kind and friendly. They love to hang out with friends and make new friends and sometimes, they can be open-minded too. However, when it comes to power and control, everybody else will lose to a Leo because just like the lion, a Leo man will do everything to control you. He thinks because you went to bed with him willingly, he can control you and do whatever he wants to do with you. Sometimes, it can be exciting… to try new things. Other times, it can be too much. And if you're not open to too much, you might want to reconsider sleeping with a Leo. Also, they can be too sensitive. You say 'not now,' what they hear is 'never ever again.' And that's just ridiculous. But that is their attitude so we just have to respect that.

    10 Virgo - too chatty

    Would you want to have an intimate night with someone too chatty? And a man, no less. We all know that women tend to be a lot chattier than men. But when you're naked in bed with a man who prefers to keep talking than actually doing it, do you think that's something you can deal with? Because if not, we suggest you never ever sleep with a Virgo. In fact, the moment you learn that he's a Virgo, you might want to consider running for the hills. Run back home and lock the door and windows. Don't get us wrong, Virgo folks are amazing. They have keen minds and they never get tired of learning something new. But the problem is, their learning comes with a lot of speaking and chatting. They also tend to be impatient, which means they can do all the talking but when you start talking and they want to do something else, you better follow suit because they're not patient enough to deal with your chit-chat. Oh well…

    9 Libra - shy and silent

    The symbol of balance and equality, Libra men are probably the best sign to be with, regardless of your zodiac sign. Seriously, if you think you're hopeless because you can't figure out the sign you can sleep with and have a good time without exhausting yourself, there is hope. Libra is the hope. There's really nothing wrong with this sign, aside from the fact that they have the tendency to search for the extremes. If you're up for a little extreme sometimes, this is not going to be a problem. The biggest issue with Libra men is that they are silent folks. They're pretty much the total opposite of Virgos and they love their silence like it's their safety net or something. Thus, this means you will have to do the first move because while these men are delightful to be with, their shyness and silence is paralyzing them. And they count on the people who understand them (people like you) to make the first move, say the first word, just do the first thing.

    8 Scorpio - complicated personality

    Once you get to know a Scorpio man, you will further understand him. Unlike other signs, it will take a few dates with a Scorpio man to understand what his deal is. It's not that they're secretive or something, they just have really complicated attitude. They're like Geminis - quick to change and quick to wear another mask. Scorpios have tons of masks. Thus, being with a Scorpio man might not be a bright idea. He will just complicate things for you and chances are, he will make you feel confused as hell you never thought you could be that confused at all in the first place. These men tend to have intense focus, especially on things (and people) that are close to their heart, which is good. But their complicated personality and bold lifestyle are not helping them so much. And more often than not, the intense focus is not enough to win a girl's heart.

    7 Sagittarius - he wants too much of everything

    If there's one sign that is the King of Patience, that would be Sagittarius. A man with this sign loves his life and he knows what else to do to live a further better life. He knows the type of people he should be surrounded with and he focuses on everything that will be advantageous. Being a natural philosopher, this man is also all about helping others and making impact. He may not know it, but he is actually doing great things for the greater good, which is amazing, if you come to think of it. The problem is, when you bring a Sagittarius on bed, that's when things change a little bit. They tend to have problems with the give and take system. When he said he wants more of this, he will do everything he can to get it. So that's something you should be aware of. These men also expect quick results all the time so…

    6 Capricorn - he takes small comments as criticism

    Capricorns are crazy sensitive. If you have tons of Capricorn friends then you should know that whenever you make a comment about anything that relates to them, no matter how small that comment is, you need to think about it a few times before actually saying it. Because if you just blurt it out like a typical comment, they might take it as a criticism and they won't be your friend anymore. And life would suck. With men, however, things are a little different. Or not… see, they also have the tendency to be super sensitive and yes, they also take even the smallest comments as criticisms, but with men, it's more difficult to read their emotions. It's more difficult to know if they're actually insulted or not. This simply means you need to be extra keen and gentle when dating and sleeping with a Capricorn man.

    5 Aquarius - wants something new every single time

    Because Aquarians have tons of creativity in their bloodstream, they have the tendency to seek out something new every single time. It's not that they easily get bored, they just want to try something new every time they are with someone. Okay, almost every time. And if that's something that does not interest you, you better reconsider your plans of being with an Aquarius man. You may not want to be with him at all. Also, they tend to be lazy people, which means having two Aquarius adults in a family is too much laziness. If you're an Aquarian and you can deal with your laziness, don't think you can also deal with the laziness of an Aquarian man a.k.a. your potential partner in life. They may be creative and all but if the laziness is reigning, that's a problem.

    4 Pisces - the wild guy

    Okay, for this man, he is not okay with being alone. Pisces folks lead a very colorful life. They're always with their friends and family and by friends and family, we mean all of them. All the friends and all the family and relatives because for a Pisces, hanging out with the people they love is one of the most important thing to do every day. Thus, they hang out with their best buds every single day. And they have a hell lot of best buds. So, what is wrong with being with a Pisces? Nothing much, really… aside from the fact that they're often more fond of seeing other people than the norm. They love to have more people in the room than just the two of you because for them, for him, its more exciting and it's his kind of normal. If that' okay with you then technically, you have no problems sleeping with a Pisces.

    And the three best signs to be with would be:

    3 Libra

    Fine, so a Libra man is shy and silent. But sometimes, all we want is shy and silent. Don't get us wrong here, we love a man who knows how to use his words and who is brave enough to make the first move. But let's be honest, more often than not, that kind of man is just plain overrated. We see them everywhere, we interact with them countless times each day even when we don't really want to. So yes, perhaps a shy and silent man is worth a try. You never know, maybe you will like him. Just think about it this way: he's a good man, a hottie, and he is letting you take control. Now that is definitely a better way to look at things. After all, being in control and being the dominant one is something worth experiencing because believe it or not, it will change your perspective about being with them.

    2 Aries

    It truly sucks when you're with a person who never gets tired of seeking adventure and who never understands that you two are not the same. He is always hungry for something new but if he's an Aries, chances are he wouldn't even consider that maybe you're tired of seeking for something new. Maybe you want to stick with the basics even just for tonight. However, if you know how to speak up, you and your Aries man would go a long way. Just let him know your limits and rules; he will listen. If he's planning to sleep with you more than once, this is something you should really consider. Tell him you're not the experimental person and tell him you're okay with adventure but not all the time. Just because his sign says he is too strong-willed doesn't mean we shouldn't give him a chance, right?

    1 Pisces

    A Pisces man likes to get crazy when it comes to private time with you. This is something that doesn't work for everybody.  So if you're not okay with the idea of having a things be a little on the wild side when it comes to the time you two spend behind closed doors, feel free to let your Pisces man know. If he's a good man, chances are he'd be willing to wait until you come around. Try switching it up at least once before you settle down because it will change your life. Sometimes, we just need to go out of our comfort zone to find better comfort elsewhere. Keep in mind that if you're not happy with it, you can always say no. But if it converted you, you may want to thank that Pisces man.