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    18 Wildly Awkward Whisper Confessions Of People In Sultry Moments

    What happens in the bedroom rarely actually stays in the bedroom. We tell our friends, we talk about it online. Let's face it-nothing is sacred anymore, especially when things take a turn for the weird or awkward in the bedroom. How can a person be expected to keep a story like that to themselves? And if it's too embarrassing to actually tell real people in your life, people turn to the internet to anonymously vent about their less than perfect experiences online. Thankfully, that gives the rest us plenty of entertaining material. Bedroom activities provide a lot of opportunities for things to go, let's say, not exactly as planned. It's such an intimate setting, yet some people get so comfortable that things end up just slipping out. Most of us have been there! Some of you will probably be able to relate to some of the confessions here, but some are just truly unique and will make you cringe so bad, but, on the other hand, you'll also be thankful it's never happened to you!

    Aside from being grateful that you have not been in some of these situations, there are a couple of lessons to be taken away from this list. Like a list of things you never realized could actually go wrong in the bedroom. Some of the lessons are cautionary tales, like in the case of a couple confessions where people are just a bit too honest with their partners. You'll see what we mean up ahead. So, learn from their mistakes and don't repeat them, and don't forget to laugh at their expense!

    18  Could There Be A Better Reaction?

    Well, this is not only embarrassing, it is also slightly terrifying. It's like something that would happen in an horror movie. It's too bad Whisper confessions don't give us the whole story, since sometimes these confessions beg a lot of questions. What was her reaction? Did she freak out and how bad was the nose bleed? One of those that just won't stop or a light one? These are all questions we need answered! Did they still do the deed after the nose bleed? This is why it's good to ease yourself into a situation like this. Don't let the first time you see someone naked be the first time that you're also going to jump into the deep end of intimate relations.

    17 Three's Company

    You are having a nice night with your significant other, things start to get a bit more intimate, and then something like this happens. And for this couple, they obviously could not come back from it. And what an ending to a relationship that is! Her ex-boyfriend probably can't stand to hear One Direction anymore. Don't even talk about hearing Harry's solo stuff. It does seem like a slight over-reaction though to something that could just be a slip of the tongue in a heated situation. Unless of course, there are underlying issues and Harry Styles has been a point of contention before this, or even other men in general. Would you be upset if the person you were with called out someone else's name while they were with you? But ladies, who can blame her. Just look at his face!

    16  The Wrong Kind Of Moisture

    As we mentioned earlier, liquids are to be expected in situations like this, but only very specific ones. When something like this happens, which would be gross in just a regular interaction, in a more physical one, well, the gross factor is multiplied. If the lights are off though and there is enough going on, there is a high chance the other person would not even notice if you drooled on them. But the fact that this person had to get it off their chest probably means their partner did notice and it was an awkward situation for all involved. And the best way to let go of an embarrassing situation is too get it off your chest, so thank goodness for Whisper. There is no cute way to pull drool off, even for dogs.

    15 That Must Have Been Terrifying For The Other Person

    Every teenager thinks about what their first time is going to be like, and whoever tells you they were not full-on terrified and pretty nervous is a filthy liar. It's something that is so built up by everyone around us, not only including our peers, but also by the media and society. So, of course, everyone feels the pressure and nerves before they actually get down for the very first time in their lives. And the first time is rarely an experience to write home about, since we don't know what we're doing. So, to have something like this happen in a situation that is already pretty nerve-racking is just brutal! If anyone has ever died of embarrassment, it might have been this person making the confession. People expect a lot of things from their first time getting intimate, but not to pass out or for their partner to pass out!

    14 Did He Have To Answer So Honestly?

    There had to be a level of intoxication involved for a guy to actually give this answer, right? This was probably the last time that this guy saw this girl-forget getting another chance with her. A lot of people have probably experienced stomach issues at the most inopportune times. And what do we do? We do our best to hide that fact to the best of our ability. He should have just stopped and gotten out of there to do what he had to. At least, that's what he should have done if he wanted to ever see this girl again. Did he not realize that was the worst possible answer to give?! And if he did, then why would anyone ever do something they knew would be embarrassing for them? Well, we have enough second hand embarrassment for him. Where is this lady when you need her⬇️

    13 Bringing New Meaning To Animal Style

    What kind of underlying issues with barn animals does this person have? Does it speak to something that is hidden deep within their subconscious? Just think what Freud would have to say about this situation. Of all the things you can accidentally say or do while getting down with someone, this one has got to top the list. And we literally have a list here of awkward things that have happened during peoples adult adventures! At least the Harry Styles one is understandable. But bringing animal noises into it is kind of beyond our rationale. Our best advice to anyone that should find themselves for some reason releasing a moo during intimate relations is to play it off as anything else. Literally ANYTHING ELSE at all. Leave the bovine theme for the farm.

    12 At Least It Was Only A Text

    It could have been a knock on the door or even worse, just barging right on into the party and telling them to be quiet. Parents and fun adult times never ever need to mix. We should never have to hear our parents, and they should never be able to hear us. It's a line that should never be crossed, but, unfortunately, is all too often. And, for what it's worth, this happening even just one time is already way too many times, and even if it never happens again it'll be too soon. This confession is probably the one that could leave the deepest psychological scars on a person, at the very least, in the case of the parents who had to text their offspring to keep their fun times noise level down.

    11 This Is Beyond Awkward And Straight Up Creepy

    This is bad. Of course it's awkward, but this situation has left that station and gone all the way to creepy town. We've looked at some bad situations on this list, but we would almost rather get a text message from parents telling us to keep it down then end up in bed with someone that actually ends up saying their pets name during this time! Do you try and get their pet away from them as soon as possible? What could it possibly mean? You are supposed to love your pets and treat them well. But there is only one kind of love you should be feeling towards them, and the one that causes you to say their name in an intimate physical situation is not it. There is absolutely such a thing as being too close to your pet… Talk about inappropriate!!

    10 It's Not The WWE!

    If for some reason you are not familiar with the WWE, it's wrestling. Crazy stunts and moves are pulled off, and while the same can be said is done in boudoir situations, we don't think it should mean the same thing in both situations. Most definitely, there should never be bones left broken after two people engage intimately. No wonder this was a one time deal-who wants to take another chance on someone who has broken their arm during an activity that's supposed to be pleasurable? Especially after going through the recovery process of a broken limb. A lot of people will do crazy things for someone they are crazy about, and if they're good enough in the bedroom, they can get away with almost anything. But no one is good enough in the bedroom to risk investing a second broken limb into.

    9 Bringing Star Wars Into The Bedroom In The Worst Way

    When you do something you are proud of, no matter what it is, just embrace it like this confessor clearly has. And even though Chewbaca is hardly a character/creature that would be considered attractive or alluring, it looks like it works for this couple. You never know what situation or ah, position, you may find yourself in when everything comes together for you to achieve a goal perfectly. For this person, it just so happened that their best Star Wars soundeffects came out in a hot and heavy situation combined with a cold. Who could have guessed that? Not even Yoda. Let's just hope that their partner is as big of a fan of Star Wars as the confessor clearly is.

    8 Nothing Like Including Your Parents Into The Jam

    And what on earth could possibly possess you to do that? Answering a phone call period during such an intimate moment between you and another person is a big no-no. At least if you want to keep your partner happy and feeling good! But to see your phone ringing and see that it's your dad calling? Not sure why anyone would ever pick up. Heck, most of us avoid answering phone calls from our parents period no matter what we're doing. This has to be one of the fastest mood killers on this list, of which there are a lot of especially weird ones. Nothing like hearing your father's voice while you are getting down to frisky business to put the kibosh on everything that is happening.

    7 That's One Way To Surprise Your Partner

    Surprises are fun, and they can bring a lot of joy to people. The important thing to remember here is context. Birthday surprise? Fun! Wig surprise? Especially when two people are knocking boots? Not so fun.There is nothing wrong with wearing a wig, they make people look fabulous! But if you are going to wear a wig while doing strenuous activity, you better be getting yourself a Beyoncé strength wig in order for it to stay on! Nothing should be falling off of your body except for your clothes in this situation! And can you imagine his shock, not only at the wig falling off and him thinking he ripped it off, but also at the fact that she is wearing a wig at all? Talk about a double whammy.

    6 Some People Are Just Meant To Be Together

    There is a lid for every pot! Or should we say, there is Pokemon for every pokeball! This could have gone wrong in so many ways. The worst one being that she would end up feeling totally weirded out when he started singing and that would be the end of their relationship. She could also go on to assume that her partner is a little bit too into Pokemon. Which, actually, is probably worse than the relationship just ending. And how does one exactly end up singing the Pokemon theme song accidentally in a situation such as this one? People definitely end up making some weird sounds when they are doing the deed, but you probably never realized that people could end up singing and making animal sounds too. This is such an educational list!

    5 Hey, Inspiration Strikes In The Strangest Of Places

    Artistic people are not confined by their physical circumstances from being struck with inspiration. And the most artistic types won't let a moment of inspiration pass without expressing it, like in the case of this guy. It would be kind of nice as a girl to be sung to while doing such intensive physical work. It shows a gentle appreciation for the act. And any girl that is so good she gets a guy to start singing in the middle of her work should really be patting herself on the back. She is essentially a muse, which is one of the most flattering things a person can really be. We hope that he ended up putting the song down on paper so that he can play it back for his partner whenever. A nice little memory for the two of them. Also, this has got to be Justin Bieber right?

    4 Priorities, Man, They're Important

    Don't ever try and tell this person that they don't take care of their fur baby well! When you dedicate yourself to having a fur baby, you need to know the responsibility that it entails. This includes pausing adult activities so that you can properly attend to bedtime duties like this poster, who is clearly raising their dog the right way. And if you are the kind of person that would do this, but your partner complains or anything, then it is time to find a partner that understands what you have to do for your dog. This could all be avoided by just not getting down when you should be putting your dog to bed, but the heat of the moment sometimes takes over. At least this person has their priorities right.

    Could you imagine this little chunky baby tucking themselves in for the night? Didn't think so!


    You know people always joke about when they are in an embarrassing situation about how they wish the world would open up and swallow them. In this case, there is three people who are not joking about wanting the world to swallow them up. And we are not sure who this would be a worse situation for, parent or offspring. As we have mentioned, parents and bedroom activities never ever mix in any way. Ever. And can you imagine the next time she had to come actual face to face with his dad? After he has seen THAT go down with his son? Homegirl probably stood there making this look on her face not knowing whether her existence is actually needed on earth at this point. At least, that would be us in that situation.

    2 There Is Such A Thing As Being Too Honest

    Was he thinking about Superbad Jonah Hill when he had some more meat on his bones, or 22 Jump Street Jonah Hill where he's slimmed down? Because we have seen Jonah basically in every single size, and his weight fluctuates quite a bit. And being as that we have all seen so many different versions of Jonah, the deal breaker in this situation could be which Jonah Hill he was thinking about at the time. Seeing as the confessor is calling the guy their ex already, we are going to assume that he was thinking of Superbad Jonah Hill, or maybe Knocked Up. The reason they broke definitely could not have been because they were thinking of Jonah while with their partner. Not at all. But seriously, who wants to know that their partner is thinking of anyone else during such an important time?

    1 Starting Off Strong

    Did you just throw up in your mouth from only reading that? Well, just imagine actually experiencing it. It can be bad enough just being in close proximity to someone who has a loud burp, but this kind of proximity? Too much! Do whatever you can to avoid a situation like his happening at all costs because notice he does not say it was his girlfriend that this happened with, just a girl. And after this happened, he probably had zero chance of ever making her his girlfriend. Probably because she had this reaction right after it happened⬇️ Is anyone else curious as to whether she just stopped the whole show right there? Who knows, though. Maybe they just powered through it and kept on going till the very end!