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    18 Things He's Programmed To Do When He's Into You

    He likes me, he likes me not…

    Is he interested? You're into a guy, but you're trying to figure out if he feels the same way. Sometimes you feel like you know, and sometimes you're not sure. It's driving you crazy. You think he's going to ask you out on a date soon because you caught him staring at you a couple of times or he's always flirting with you. Every time he does something that makes you wonder if he's into you, you ask yourself and your friends questions like, “What does it mean when he opens the car door for me?” and “Why did he give me his jacket when he looks cold wearing just a sweater?”

    When he still hasn't made a move on you, you think he was just being nice. Hold that thought: it's possible that he's not ready to tell you how he feels about you just yet. He's probably nervous, and maybe he's also trying to figure out if you like him back.

    Here's the list of 18 things he's programmed to do when he's into you. If he does most of these things, then you have your answer. He's into you, girl!

    18 He Walks On The Outside Of The Sidewalk To Protect You

    It's very thoughtful of him to walk on the outside of the sidewalk when you're with him. He does it because he wants to protect you. Sometimes there are puddles on the road, and he doesn't want you to get splashed when cars drive by. It's another way to keep you away from the traffic. There are also some creeps, so he wants to block them from trying to talk to you or even grab you. You might be surprised by the gesture if it happened to you for the first time. Not many men know about this unwritten rule, and that's fine. He's definitely a keeper when he makes sure you walk on the inside though. You get an idea of what it would be like in a relationship with him.

    17 He Unconsciously Mirrors Your Words And Moves

    It's a sign that he's into you when he unconsciously mirrors your words and moves. When you cross your arms, he crosses his arms. When you lean your head to your right, he leans his head to his right. When you take a sip of your drink, he takes a sip of his drink. You might not notice it, but when you do, you might think he's mocking you. He's not. He might not even notice what he's doing. You can ask him why he's copying you, but he won't have the answer. It's not just the moves that he mirrors. It could happen with words, too. If you keep using the same word in every sentence, then there's a chance that he might end up using that word, too.

    16 He Forgets About His Phone And Everyone Else When You're Around

    It's hard to put your phone away when you have all these social media apps on your phone: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat. You can literally spend all day talking to your friends, reading about celebrities online, watching shows on Netflix, liking Instagram pictures, etc. But when you're around, he only wants to spend time with you. He drops everything he was doing like talking with his friends or playing with his phone. He walks over to you to initiate a conversation. When he's talking with you, he forgets about his phone and everyone else in the room. It's like they don't exist to him. He doesn't turn around to see where his friends are or who's standing next to him. He only has eyes for you. You have his full attention. Isn't it cute?

    15 He Delays The Moment To Say Good-Bye Because He Doesn't Want To Leave

    When he spends time with you, he tries to make the most of it. He loves talking to you, and it doesn't matter what you guys talk about as long as you're enjoying yourself. Even if he doesn't watch Stranger Things, he'll want you to tell him all about it, and he'll even ask you questions to show his interest. It just makes him happy that you're with him because he obviously likes you. He gets sad when it's time for you to leave. He tries to delay the moment to say goodbye because he doesn't want you to go just yet. He wonders if he should ask you when he'll get to see you again or invite you to come out this weekend with him and his friends, and she could bring her friends, too.

    14 He Quickly Looks Away When You Catch Him Staring At You

    It's an obvious sign that he's into you when he quickly looks away when you catch him staring at you. He likes to look at you when you're not looking because he's shy to make eye contact with you, and he's not sure what to do when you lock eyes with him. He doesn't want you to think he's a creep when you constantly catch him looking at you, so he looks away quickly. Unfortunately, it's not quick enough sometimes. Anyway - when he looks at you, he's trying to build up the courage to talk to you. He thinks about approaching you, but then he backs down. It happens for a couple more times. It could be his lack of confidence. He fears he might make a fool of himself like trip on his way over to you.

    13 He Asks Hypothetical Questions Like, “What would you say if I asked you to be my date for my friend's wedding?”

    Many guys tend to ask specific questions to get an idea on how you feel about him. Sometimes, he'll literally ask you, “Can I ask you a hypothetical question?” and when you say sure, he asks, “What would you say if I asked you to be my date for my friend's wedding?” He wants to know the answer before he formally asks you the question in case you were to say no. He likes you, and he wants to see if you feel the same. Apparently, he feels less rejected with hypothetical questions. Another scenario is when one of his close friends asks you, “If he asked you out, would you date him?” When his close friends get involved, it means that there's definitely something going on. Guys talk to each other about the girls they like, too.

    12 He Surprises You With Your Favorite Coffee When He Knows You're Busy

    He's really into you when he surprises you with your favorite coffee especially when he knows that you're busy with school or work. Maybe you're pulling an all-nighter at the library because you have midterms. Maybe you're stuck at work because there's so much to do. It's sweet that he's thinking of you, and it's even sweeter when he knows your favorite coffee. He knows what you need, and he brings it over without you asking for it. He hopes it'll make you feel better and also help you focus. It doesn't have to be coffee. It could be with food, too. Sometimes, there's no time to eat because you don't want to waste any time. So, it's very thoughtful of him when he tells you to take a break because he brought you something to eat.

    11 He Gets Uncomfortable When Another Guy Tries To Talk To You

    It's a sure sign that he likes you when he gets a little uncomfortable when another guy tries to talk to you. He knows guys will be attracted to you, so it's not a surprise when they approach you. But it bothers him when you give another guy your undivided attention. It makes him feel insecure, and he sees the other guy as a competition. There's a lot of thoughts running through his head when he sees you get touchy-feely with someone else. He worries that that guy might sweep you off your feet and blow his chance of being in a relationship with you. It upsets him that he can't do anything about it because he's not your boyfriend. He can't pull you away or tell the guy that you're off-limits.

    10 He Holds The Umbrella Over You More On A Rainy Day While He Gets Wet

    We often forget to bring an umbrella when it's supposed to rain, and sometimes rain just happens, so we never know when to carry one. It's nice when he offers to share the umbrella with you so you won't get wet. Most umbrellas aren't built for two people to use at the same time. Because he's a gentleman, he makes sure the umbrella covers you more than it does him. It's possible that you might not notice him getting wet. If he didn't like you, then there's a chance that you might've gotten wet because he cares about his hair that he tilts the umbrella more to his side. He might get closer to you to avoid getting wet, too. It could be a good thing as long as he doesn't push you.

    9 He Licks His Lips, Scratches His Head, Puts His Hands In And Out Of His Pocket

    He fidgets a lot when he's nervous. He'll lick his lips, scratch his head, put his hands in and out of his pocket, etc. It's because you make him nervous. He doesn't know what to do when you're around. You'll see that he sips his drink more than usual, too. All of these actions also mean that he's thinking. He's thinking about what to say to you like if he should ask you questions about your hobbies or talk about things that might be interesting to you. He worries that you might find him awkward and boring. It's not exactly the kind of impression he'd want to leave on you. Overall, it's pretty cute how nervous he is around you. It's a sign that he's really into you.

    8 He Stands Or Sits Close To You Invading Your Personal Space

    When you're with him, he tends to stand or sit close to you invading your personal space. He might not even notice that he's doing it. He just really wants to close the gap between you and him. He sits close to you because he wants to listen attentively to what you have to say. It might either make you feel uncomfortable or appreciative. Guys know how much we love to talk and complain when we feel like they're not listening to us, so. He stands close to you because he wants to protect you from people bumping into you, and he can grab you quickly if you were to fall. In a way, he's also sending a message to the other guys that you're with him. His body language can say a lot about how he feels about you.

    7 He Notices Small Changes In Your Appearance And Compliments Them

    Many guys rarely notice small changes in your appearance, but guys who like you will notice there's something different about you. You got bangs the other day, and he tells you how you look amazing with bangs. You dyed your hair from light brown to dark brown, and while nobody said anything about your new look, he tells you he likes this color on you better than the one before. It's obvious he's into you. He notices the small changes you made because he cares about you. Sometimes, not even your friends can tell what you did. It's not that he checks you out every time he sees you. He can't help but really look at you when he's talking to you and admire everything about you like your looks and your personality.

    6 He Gets Happy When He Sees You And Teases You As A Way Of Flirting

    Aww, he can't help but smile when he sees you. He walks up to you without hesitation because he's too eager to talk to you. It doesn't matter if he was talking with other people, because he'll excuse himself to go to you. When he's feeling down, seeing you makes him happy, too. You brighten up his mood. It's cute. Anyway - he tends to tease you when you guys are talking. It's his way of flirting. When you tell him you want to take kickboxing class, he smiles and teases you with, “You? No way.” You'll ask him why, and he gives you a look and says, “You're so small.” He's just having a little fun with you, and you can tell from the way he acts.

    5 He Doesn't Talk About Other Girls (Unless You Ask Him About His Past Relationships)

    Most guys don't talk about other girls when they like someone. He knows it's best not to talk about past relationships or girls he had flings with because it's unnecessary. He also doesn't want you to think he's hung up on his ex or that he's a player. He might be open to talking about his past girlfriends if you ask though. He wants to be honest with you, and he doesn't want you to think he's still hurt from the breakups. He might also have some questions about your past relationships, so it's only fair to answer your questions. Sometimes, it's good to get it out of the way. Overall, he doesn't really think about other girls when he's with you because you're the only person on his mind.

    4 He Puts His Hand On Your Lower Back To Guide You Through A Crowd

    There are some things guys are programmed to do when they're into you. One of the things he'll do is put his hand on your lower back to guide you through a crowd. His hand supports you from falling, and he kind of blocks you from other people bumping into you. He wants to make sure you get to where you need to be without getting hurt. When there's a large crowd of people especially at a bar or party, it can definitely be hard to go anywhere without people shoving and pushing you. Seriously, being a gentleman never goes out of style. When he puts his hand on your lower back, it also looks like you guys are a couple in other people's eyes. Lower back touches are pretty intimate.

    3 He Opens The Door For You And Lets You Go In Front Of Him

    When a guy's into you, he'll be on his best behavior because he cares what you think of him. He wants you to like him. It shows that he's a true gentleman when he opens the door for you and lets you go in front of him. Some of you might think, “I can open the door myself,” but it's just one of his ways to show you that he's thinking of you first. It's sweet. It might not be a big deal when you see that he opens the door for you and other people because maybe he's just a polite person. While that may be true, it's a sure sign that he's into you when he also opens the car door for you. It shows that chivalry isn't dead.

    2 He Lends You His Jacket So You're Kept Warm On A Chilly Day

    We've all watched romantic movies where the guy gives his jacket to the girl he likes when it's cold out. It's something that happens in real life, too. He lends you his jacket to keep you warm even if he's cold himself. He says he's fine, but he's probably not. It shows that he puts your needs first. He cares about you, and he doesn't want you to catch a cold. If there are other guys around, then it's also a way for him to tell them to back off because you're his. Even if you're not with him all the time and you're hanging out with your friends, it still tells the other guys not to hit on you. It looks like you have a boyfriend when you're wearing a guy's jacket.

    1 He Laughs At Something You Said Even If It's Not That Funny

    He's interested in you when he laughs at everything you say even if it's not really that funny. It could be because he's nervous. You make him nervous because he doesn't know what to do when you're talking to him. He listens to you and appreciates everything you say, but he thinks you might think he's weird or something when he says the wrong thing. So, he laughs when he sees you laugh because it'll be wrong to let you laugh by yourself. It might also make him look disinterested in the conversation if he doesn't. When you're talking with a group of people, and he's the only one really laughing at what you said because you were trying to be funny, then he's totally into you. He wants you to know that he finds you funny.