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    18 Surefire Ways To Make Sure You Know How To Quench His Thirst

    There are plenty of reasons why you want to make sure your guy is satisfied in any relationship. In fact, the likelihood of your dude cheating on you out of boredom or a lack of passion in the bedroom is something that happens all too often. As a result, being in the mood for some bedroom sessions is one way to keep your man from finding someone else who can please him on the regular. Therefore, while every relationship will go through dry spells, ensuring that your guy is satisfied in your relationship is essential if you want the relationship to be able to withstand the test of time.

    Being able to quench your man's thirst is something we all need to learn how to do. It may take some time, but really trying to cultivate a long-lasting relationship always involves compromise and an open-dialogue. That being said, no guy is going to tell you that he wants to make love to you more often or that you don't excite him anymore. Instead, there are subtle signs they throw your way that show how thirsty he really is for some pleasure. Leaving your man dry will ultimately lead him away. As a result, satisfying your man's thirst is one of the best ways to keep him from leaving you. Here are just some of the best ways to quench your guy's thirst.

    18 Be Sure To Make Bedroom Activities A Priority

    Looking to get more intimate moments with your significant other? Consider making bedroom activities a priority. An improved bedroom life is a surefire way to ensure that your man is satisfied and pleased with the relationship. In fact, the best way to quench your boy's thirst is to make your bedroom feel like a sanctuary. As a result, eliminating all devices like computers, laptops, and TVs can really do wonders for a couple trying to make bedroom activities a top priority in their lives. Avoid getting caught up on your to-do list that you give bedroom activities a backseat within the relationship. As soon as your guy gets the feeling that you don't have time for him and his needs, he may wander off and stray from the relationship!

    17 Guys Need Visual Stimulation To Keep Them Satisfied

    Does it seem like your guy watches dirty movies more than the next? We've heard it all before: men and women are just wired differently. This is partly correct. In fact, guys really need visual stimulation to get them going in the bedroom. In fact, the more stimuli your man has, the more he'll want to do the dirty with you. As a result, busting out the lingerie you received over the holidays combined with some other visuals like a raunchy movie, may be just the ambiance needed to quench your man's thirst once and for all. Therefore, the next time your guy comes back from a long day at work, consider cueing up that dirty movie, lighting some candles, and getting it on!

    16 Stay Present And In The Moment During The Act

    Choosing to be connected with your partner can be a horrifying thing for most women to do. Being unabashedly vulnerable with someone is a risky endeavor. However, the result is that your man feels eternally connected to your soul and creates a bond that is undeniable. In fact, when women are able to consciously choose to make a concerted effort to connect with their partners during the act, the bond between the two grows deeper and becomes stronger than ever before. As a result, your guy never has to feel disconnected from the relationship and has less incentive to stray away from the relationship. At the end of the day, engaging in behaviors that allow you to be present and in the moment can really do wonders for your relationship.

    15 Eye Contact Can Go A Long Way Towards Keeping Your Guy Satiated

    Eye contact can be scary for some people. It's a peek into your soul. A very vulnerable position to place yourself in. However, when it comes to keeping your man's thirst quenched, making eye contact in the heat of the moment can really make for a healthy relationship in the long run. In fact, the more intimate you become as the relationship progresses, the more open and vulnerable you also need to be. Otherwise, having walls up is a surefire way to have your guy seek someone else who can establish an emotional connection with them. As a result, every woman should consider letting her man into her world if she wants to keep him from straying. Being able to have the confidence to maintain eye contact with a guy you're into speaks volumes!

    14 Try Out His Favorite Fantasies In The Bedroom

    Do you know what your guy wants most in between the sheets? Men are pretty straightforward and basic creatures. They need food, shelter, and clothing to get by. However, inside their dirty minds lay a slew of naughty fantasies that they've thought about more than once. In fact, guys are notorious for having wild, dirty bedroom fantasies that they'd love to play out in real life with a significant other. As a result, being in a relationship with a guy means that you may have to be open to explore his nasty thoughts and venture outside your comfort zone regarding doing the dirty. When it comes to bedroom fantasies guys are predictable. Therefore, getting a little creative when it comes to bedroom activities can do wonders for your relationship.

    13 Consider A Change In Scenery To Satisfy Your Man

    When you are in a long-term relationship, it can be harder and harder to keep your guys at peak interest. In fact, we're always hearing that we could be having better bedroom experiences or better relationships. As a result, being the one who can take charge in a relationship is a significant step towards keeping him intrigued and his thirst equally quenched. Once you can get out of the bedroom and explore other areas of the home or even venture into public places, the relationship gains some excitement and no longer bears any resemblance to an annoying couple who only do the same boring things in the bedroom. Guys need to feel excited when they are around their significant others. Instead of going to the bedroom after dinner, consider trying out the laundry room. You just might surprise yourself!

    12 Throw On Some Lingerie To Keep Him Intrigued

    Life can bring you a ton of obstacles that can make a relationship suffer. However, taking proactive measures to keep your guy interested, no matter what is going on in your lives is critical. In fact, one easy thing to do is throw on that seductive pair of lingerie that he got you for your birthday that you have yet to wear. No matter how long the two of you have been together, appearance and looks still matter when it comes to keeping your guy satisfied in the sheets and quenching his thirst so that he doesn't have any desire to go looking for someone else instead. Having passion is something that every single romantic relationship needs in order to survive the trials and tribulations of everyday life.

    11 Post All The Hot Selfies You Have Stored On Your Phone

    We are all probably guilty of taking one too many hot selfies of ourselves. In fact, our phones are probably exploding with selfies that are on the dirtier side and reserved for our private eyes only. However, turning the tables and sending your guy one of these selfies can really do wonders for the way he feels about you. In fact, finding that hot picture of yourself to share on social media is another great way to ensure your guy's thirst is quenched instantly. Guys are jealous creatures by nature and want to show off their women. So when you post that hot selfie of yourself in a bikini and your dude is the first to like and share it, it's because he knows how good he has it!

    10 Find Your Inner Actress And Try Some Role-Playing

    We all have an inner diva inside of us whose just waiting to come out and play. This is why role-playing can be a huge benefit for both people in a romantic relationship. Women enjoy the excitement that comes with being someone else while men love the adventure of feeling like they are sleeping with someone else. This win-win combination is a surefire way to quench your mans thirst any day of the week. In fact, being comfortable with exploring different approaches to bedroom behavior is essential for any healthy romantic relationship to evolve and grow. At the end of the day, one of the best things you can do is find some whips, chains, and a naughty nurse outfit to try out some of your best acting skills in the sack.

    9 Make Sure To Give Them Plenty Of Affection Regularly

    Just like our fun-loving fur-friends, guys need to feel loved and cared for by their significant other. In fact, similar to dogs, guys want to hear about how amazing they are on the regular. If you are not into dishing out compliments to your man, don't expect any in return. Being able to show affection and love is part of being in a committed relationship. While some may claim that men are not emotional creatures, they need emotions to be able to sustain a healthy romantic relationship for the long-term. As a result, sending sweet text messages throughout the day and reminding them of how much you care about them is an excellent way to make sure they don't go looking somewhere else for love.

    8 Become Emotionally Available For Your Guy

    Men are notorious for being emotionally unavailable for the women in their lives. However, the same could be true for women. When a guy reconciles with himself that he is finally in a stable relationship, he needs a partner who can be there emotionally for him as well. It's what makes a healthy romantic relationship work: two emotionally available individuals falling in love with one another. In fact, being vulnerable and open with your partner is the only way you can allow the relationship to grow organically. Instead of forcing yourself on someone or convincing yourself of feelings that simply aren't there, share yourself emotionally, not just physically with your partner if you want him to stay for the long haul.

    7 Compliments About His Bedroom Skills Can Go A Long Way

    Compliments can go a long way in patching up relationships. In fact, guys secretly love receiving compliments from their women. Whether sweet or downright sensual, guys need to know that they are doing a good job at being a man in the eyes of their woman. As a result, whenever you find yourself in the throes of passion with your man, don't forget to let him know how fantastic he is in the bedroom. It will do wonders for his ego, confidence, and his mood. Also, don't be afraid to mention how good he looks naked. Therefore, if your guy seems to have been hitting up the gym lately and drinking more green juice, he is subtly trying to tell you that he wants affirmation on his physique.

    6 Check-In With Him Throughout The Day With Dirty Texts

    Who doesn't want a guy to beg for your touch? Am I right ladies? We can all benefit from sending our men some naughty texts once in a while to make them want us even more than they already do. In fact, no matter how dirty, naughty or prim and proper you may be, we all have an inner freak just waiting to be unleashed. As a result, delving into the depths of our minds, we can concoct the perfect naughty text that will make a guy only have eyes for you, no matter how far apart you are. Guys want to know that you are thinking about them when they are at work or hanging out with the boys. Therefore, it would behoove any woman looking to keep her man satisfied, to text him something dirty once in a while to maintain the spark and keep it alive.

    5 Take Netflix And Chill To A Whole New Level

    Sometimes, all a guy really wants is to lay around on the couch with his girl, the dog, some pizza, and watch Game of Thrones. As a woman, all you have to do is be willing to lounge around in your most seductive athleisure-wear and join him on the couch. Keeping your satisfied doesn't always have to involve bad behavior. A little relaxation and calm go a long way when it comes to pleasing a man. In fact, while the term "Netflix and chill" often refers to hooking up, taking it more literally may just be what your guy needs to make the relationship something that he isn't afraid to be in. In the end, making the conscious effort to be a little more relaxed around your guy is a surefire way to quench his thirst.

    4 Be Open To Receiving Naughty Pictures From Him

    Looking to spice up your relationship? Naughty texts can be a great solution! Whether it's a nasty picture that leaves you wanting more or a long-distance relationship that relies on dirty pictures to get by, many benefits come with sending and receiving naughty pictures texts from your man. In fact, even the shyest woman can let her inner freak out by being open to getting some dirty pictures from her guy and having the wittiest response. If you happen to be one of the ladies who are more reserved, sending flirtatious texts and being open to getting dirty pictures in return can be a real turn-on for any guy. As a result, being open and willing to get down and dirty via text message with your man is a surefire way to quench his insatiable thirst.

    3 Keep An Open Dialogue About What He Needs In Between The Sheets

    One of the worst things in any relationship is a lack of open and honest communication. And it's not just about having feelings and emotions, it also has to do with being open and honest about your desires in and out of the bedroom. In fact, a guy will typically run for the hills as soon as he senses that the lady he is with is more of the silent type in the boudoir. As a result, the ideal solution is to communicate effectively with your partner even when you are in the throes of passion. So this way, they know whether you like what they are doing or not. Therefore, clear communication is clearly essential when it comes to having and maintaining a healthy romantic relationship.

    2 Send Those Scandalous Snaps

    Just like sharing to social media, Snapchat has revolutionized the way we send dirty and naughty pictures with others. In fact, Snapchat makes it virtually impossible to see the image for longer than you want. As a result, women are flocking to the social media outlet to send some scandalous pictures of themselves to their significant others, without risking them getting seen by anyone else. While there are a ton of advice columns reiterating the importance of not sending any scandalous snaps to someone, there is a difference between someone you are casually seeing and someone who you've been in a long-term relationship with. Therefore, if you have been seeing your guy for more than a hot minute and want to avoid the relationship falling into a boredom trap, consider revealing a little more of yourself in the next snap you send your dude.

    1 Always Be Ready For Round Two

    Does it always appear like your guy can go for multiple rounds all the time? While it may come as no surprise, but men seem to always be in the mood for a romp in the bedroom. However, while studies have suggested that men are not always in the mood, they tend to definitely want to get naked a lot more frequently than their female partners. In fact, for women, getting in the mood to get it on involves a lot of foreplay. Even simply putting on a lace bra in the morning can set a woman off to get in the mood after a long-day at the office. As a result, it is imperative that women take proactive steps toward getting themselves in the mood for multiple rounds of fun in between the sheets.