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    18 Common Gestures From Men That Are Warning Signs

    There are few feelings worse than being hit by a totally unexpected, out-of-the-blue breakup. You thought things were going so well. There were no signs that your partner was unhappy in the relationship… Or so you thought. Often, hindsight shows us that the clues were there all along. He'd been a bit distant, but you'd dismissed it as him being tired or busy. He'd seemed to look a bit bored when you were telling him about your day, but you'd convinced yourself you'd imagined it. It's only after the breakup that you realize the warning signs weren't imagined at all: they were there all along.

    Question is, can spotting the signs of a damaged relationship prevent you from eventually breaking up? If you can pick up on little gestures from him early enough, you might be able to talk things through before he decides to call time on your relationship. While addressing them might seem scary, speaking up is a whole lot better than finding yourself unexpectedly single! Thing is, these little clues are often hard to recognize - or are easy to dismiss as 'nothing too serious'. Here are some of the common gestures from men that suggest your relationship could be in trouble.

    18 He Suddenly Wants To Talk More… But Not About The Important Stuff

    When you're in a long-term relationship with someone, it's likely that you're going to have moments of companionable silence. You know each other so well and are so comfortable in each other's company that you don't feel the need to fill every quiet moment. You're happy enough to just be in each other's presence - the constant conversation of the getting-to-know-each-other phase has died down. If your partner is suddenly unwilling to allow silence to prevail, it could be a sign that he's unhappy with your current relationship. If he's constantly blabbering about inane things when he's usually the strong and silent type, he might be betraying feelings of nervousness or guilt. He might be trying to avoid talking about important things by chattering about everything else under the sun. If so, it's time for you to ask him to slow down and tell you what's actually on his mind.

    17 You Used To Cuddle In Bed, But Now He Pushes Himself Away

    We all know that it's not feasible for a couple to fall asleep cuddling every single night. If you're one of the rare few that do, that's fine! You do you! However, it's not always a practical sleeping position. N0t using it isn't an immediate sign that he doesn't love you anymore - unless it represents a radical shift in behavior. If you're used to snuggling up before going to sleep and he suddenly starts to brush you off without explanation, it's a bad sign. While passively moving away from a cuddle is often totally normally, choosing to reject one is a whole other matter entirely - especially if your relationship otherwise seems strong. Physical intimacy is an important aspect of any relationship, even if it's something as simple as a night-time hug. If he's suddenly denying you that closeness, it could be a sign that your relationship is damaged.

    16 He Starts Buying You Gifts Out Of Nowhere, Even Though It's Not His Thing

    This is a classic expression of guilt that can be a huge warning sign in any relationship. That's not to say that your man buying you a gift is always a clue that something terrible is about to happen to your relationship. Maybe he was just feeling especially generous that day! However, if you start getting frequent and unexpected gifts alongside some of the other gestures on this list, it could well be a bad sign. He could have realized that his feelings for you aren't that strong anymore, and is trying to overcompensate with gifts. He could be trying to sweeten you up in a misguided attempt to make you feel 'better' before dumping you. In extreme cases, extravagant gifts could signify guilt over cheating, either physically or emotionally - especially if you'd previously agreed that gifting wasn't really your 'thing' as a couple. It might be time to ask yourself whether his intentions are entirely good-natured.

    15 He Randomly Asks If You Want To Go Through His Phone

    If there's one gesture that totally screams "this relationship is unhealthy", this is it. If your partner randomly offers you the chance to go through their messages, it's very unlikely that they have a positive reason for doing so. One explanation could be overcompensation: maybe they previously had something to hide on their phone, and now it's been deleted they want to "prove" how trustworthy they apparently are. Alternatively, your partner could feel that you no longer trust them for no real reason, and is trying to rebuild the connection you once had. In extreme circumstances, it could all be a ruse intended to end the relationship. Maybe your partner wants to end things but doesn't have the courage to do it himself. By having you 'accidentally' find a compromising message, he creates the perfect situation for you to finally break up. Whatever the case, if a guy actively suggests that you snoop through his phone, be more than a little bit concerned.

    14 When You Talk, His Body Language Is Becoming More and More Closed

    Never underestimate the power of being able to read body language. It's one of the most important indicators of how a person is feeling, both about themselves and about you. In a healthy relationship, your partner's body language should be open and welcoming. They should look comfortable in the way they hold themselves. Their body should be titled towards yours at when you're together and their position might even mirror your own. Even if you're not physically right next to each other, your partner should throw you a loving glance every now and again to show that they acknowledge your presence. However, an unhappy partner is unlikely to be doing any of these things. They may sit angled away from you and close themselves off with crossed arms or legs. They might actively avoid looking you in the eye, and they might shrink themselves to be as far away from you as possible. In this case, their body is trying to tell you that something is wrong - even if their mind hasn't quite caught up yet.

    13 When He's Around You, He Constantly Seems Bored

    Any relationship in which one partner displays constant and obvious boredom is quite clearly on the rocks. While it's not feasible to expect someone to be constantly talking about how interesting and engaging they find you, at least some interest in what you're saying or doing would be nice. They could even just feign interest to spare your feelings - let's face it, we've all done it at some point in our lives. If your partner isn't even bothering to try and hide his boredom while you're together, he's probably already emotionally checked out of the relationship. Things might be salvageable, but only if you find ways to spice things up between you - and fast. Find a shared hobby or interest, or make more of an effort to engage with each other. If you don't, you could find yourself single before long.

    12 He Once Found You Hilarious, But Now Can't Even Crack A Smile

    Similar to the obvious boredom issue is a barely-disguised sense that your partner doesn't find you funny anymore. Having a shared sense of humor is a crucial dealbreaker for a lot of couples - you want to be able to have fun together. Often, though, once the honeymoon period is over the laughter dies down a little. This can be a sign that things aren't going to work out between you and your partner. If making each other laugh is crucial to you and you can't seem to do that anymore, it might be time to seriously evaluate where the relationship is actually going. If things have gone further than that and your partner can't even manage to crack a smile in your presence, things really could be in trouble. Either your relationship isn't making him happy anymore, or there's something else going on in his life to get him down. In any case, a serious conversation needs to happen.

    11 When You Bring Up Your Problems, He Automatically Rolls His Eyes

    One of the most important roles of a partner is to support you when problems crop up in your life. It's not a one-sided thing: you should be willing to do the same for him. However, if your partner suddenly isn't interested in listening to your worries and issues anymore, he might not be as caring as you'd previously assumed. It's especially an issue if he still expects you to listen to him complain about his problems, but totally shuts down whenever you do the same. Relationships are a two-way street: you can't take someone's emotional support and give back nothing in return. This kind of disregard for your feelings suggests that your partner simply isn't interested in your happiness anymore. He just wants you there to massage his ego and act as a free therapist. If this sounds like you, don't tolerate it. If he truly loves you, he'll realize his error and try harder to take your emotions into account. If he doesn't… Well, there are plenty more fish in the sea who might actually care about your feelings.

    10 When You're Relaxing Together, He Turns Away From You

    For a lot of people, the most comforting and enjoyable part of a relationship is just being able to kick back and relax with the person you love. Even if you're sat in companionable silence while doing your own thing, just having your partner there next to you can make the world of difference. However, your partner's view of this chilled-out time can say a lot about how they see your relationship - especially if they suddenly don't really care about having you around. If they get totally absorbed in their own hobbies to the extent that they ignore you for hours or even days on end, it could be that they simply don't value spending time with you anymore. Even at times when you're both quietly doing your own thing, there should at least be some kind of connection there - a slight touch, an occasional kiss on the cheek, even a smile. If that's missing, it could be time to re-evaluate how happy your relationship actually is.

    9 He Changes The Subject So That You're Always Talking About Him

    Nobody likes spending time with someone who's utterly self-absorbed. While it's bad enough for a casual acquaintance or a friend to act that way, it's a totally insufferable trait in a partner. Often, narcissists like this start off seeming totally normal. They show an interest in your thoughts and feelings and seem to genuinely care about your opinions. However, once they have you tied down, it's a whole other story. You end up acting more like an emotional caretaker than a partner. Everything is about them: your actions, your feelings, even your thoughts are overwhelmed by their need for attention. They see you as nothing more than an emotional servant of sorts. If you try to bring up your own thoughts or feelings, you're labeled selfish and accused of not caring about your partner. These kinds of partners are toxic influences and have no place in the life of a happy person. If you're in a relationship like this, the damage done may be irreparable.

    8 He Turns Down Intimate Time Whenever You Suggest It

    While romantic relationships aren't all about the physical aspect of things, having a healthy intimate relationship is still pretty important. It brings an added sense of closeness to a couple - and it's pretty enjoyable, too! If a physical connection is lacking, you're basically just best friends who hang out a lot. If your partner consistently turns down intimate time for no apparent reason, it could be a sign that the romantic element of your relationship is in trouble. The first step is obviously to talk to your partner about it; it could be that a specific issue is going on that's affecting this area of his life. The relationship might not be doomed if you can find a solution to the issue or even just a compromise. However, a prolonged 'dead bedroom' situation could spell the end of your time together.

    7 He Flinches When You Go To Hold His Hand

    It might sound like a pretty basic and unimportant gesture, but hand-holding is a surprisingly intimate act. It's soothing, sweet, and a simple way to make someone feel appreciated and loved. Let's face it, it's probably the first physical milestone that all couples pass, and it becomes second nature after a while. A sudden unwillingness to engage in hand-holding could be a sign that your partner is having doubts about your relationship. If he won't even give you this simple gesture of love, is he going to make the effort to care for you in other ways? If physical contact apparently makes him that uncomfortable, does he really want to be romantically involved with you any more? It's an issue that you should definitely address before his behavior towards you escalates into an even colder territory.

    6 He Constantly Puts Other People Before You

    Finding a balance between prioritizing your partner and looking out for the other people in your life can be tricky. How do you make sure that you're not neglecting your significant other in favor of your friends, or vice versa? Unfortunately, it's very hard to spread your time in a way that pleases everyone. However, that doesn't mean you can totally ignore your partner to please your friends. While prioritizing a friend in need over your girlfriend is necessary sometimes, ditching her for your pals shouldn't be a constant occurrence. If your partner is constantly leaving you behind to focus on everyone else in his life, it's worth considering how much you actually mean to him and whether the relationship is worth salvaging. The harsh truth is that if he isn't spending any time with you, he most likely just doesn't want to. You deserve better than that kind of apathy.

    5 When He's With You, His Body Is Always Tense Or Hunched

    A tense body often reflects a tense mind. If your partner's body language suggests that there's something negative occupying his thoughts, it might be time to address it rather than let him bottle his feelings up. Common signs of this are being twitchy and nervous, being unable to stay still, and frequently getting lost in thought. Likewise, having closed body language could indicate that your partner wants to hide their feelings or negativity from you. However, it's always better to let frustrations and anxieties out before they escalate. Staying silent could lead to a huge blowout and a potentially relationship-ending argument. If it seems like your partner has unresolved tensions that he's not expressing, try to coax him into sharing what's bothering him. It'll minimize the damage that such frustrations could do to your relationship.

    4 Where He Once Would Soothe And Reassure You, He Now Criticises You

    Nobody likes to be criticised. It bruises the ego and makes us question our validity and worth. However, it's even worse when harsh words come from someone who once supported us, or from someone who claims to love us. Sure, we all need to have our flaws pointed out to us sometimes, but if your partner seems to do nothing but tear you down, something is seriously wrong. This is especially the case if criticism comes after you've asked for reassurance or emotional support from your partner. In happier times, your partner may have gladly provided soothing words to placate your anxieties. However, if all they do is criticize you for getting upset in the first place, your relationship is probably on the rocks. Your partner should be there to raise you up, not bring you down even further.

    3 He Kisses You With Closed Or Stiff Lips

    That's right: even the way he kisses you can provide a clue to the state of your relationship. In a healthy relationship, a 'hello' kiss should be soft, sweet, and welcoming. It should last for a reasonable amount of time: your loving partner will want to savor the feeling of his lips on yours. He'll pull you close, turning it into an embrace rather than just a quick peck. However, things will be markedly different if the relationship is turning sour. The kiss will be brief, cold, and emotionless. His lips will be closed and stiff, and he'll make as little contact with the rest of your body as possible. This lack of intimacy and general hostility is a major sign that he's checked out of your relationship. He's trying to generate as little affection as possible, decreasing the amount he gives you until he finally leaves you. It's better to nip something like this in the bud: if you see the initial signs that his kisses are becoming more emotionless, have a frank talk about how happy he really is in the relationship.

    2 During Arguments, His Body Language Is Practically Threatening

    Acting aggressively or threateningly towards a partner is never acceptable, but it's especially concerning when you're in the middle of an argument. It can be terrifying for the object of the person's rage: what if the altercation becomes physical? How far can their anger go? It also suggests that your partner simply cannot deal with disagreements healthily, something that can only spell bad news for the relationship. If you can't trust your partner to listen to your concerns without totally blowing up, it's time to re-evaluate your situation. Even subtle incidents of belittlement or frustration can be a sign that things are deteriorating between you. A loving partner simply wouldn't treat you like that. At even the slightest sign of an anger issue in your significant other, have a frank discussion about the problem. It's better to deal with it when it's minor than wait until the situation escalates and becomes dangerous. Even small actions like finger-pointing, aggressive hand gestures, or stomping around can turn into something more sinister if left unchallenged.

    1 When You're Out, He Walks Way In Front Of You

    When you're out for a walk with your partner, you'd expect to spend your time side-by-side. You might hold hands, walk-and-talk, or point out your beautiful surroundings. Whatever you're doing, you're likely to present a united front. The happiest couples often take synchronized steps or even mimic each other's walking style! While this kind of closeness isn't for everyone, it's certainly a lot healthier than your partner totally ignoring you when you're out in public. A major red flag is your man choosing to walk for out in front of you rather than by your side. He's literally leaving you behind! He's making it very clear that he doesn't want to be in your company and is almost treating you like a stranger. This kind of behavior can cause serious self-doubt to creep in on your part. Is he embarrassed to be seen with you? Is he so sick of you that he can't bear having you next to him? It might be time to ask him these questions rather than obsessing over them alone. Opening a dialogue is way better than letting hostility fester until the relationship is fatally damaged.