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    16 Text Messages He'll Send You If He Truly Misses You

    Texting can be a complicated way too communicate with people. Without a face-to-face conversation, reading facial cues, body language, and inflection in someone's voice just isn't there to help you understand and respond accordingly. Texting can be a whole lot of mixed messages, especially when it involves people of the opposite gender (or those who have shared a history together). It can come down to a lot of reading between the lines and trying to decipher the meaning behind everything from punctuation to spelling to the use or absence of certain words. Texting can take much longer to figure out what someone is thinking or feeling, which is why so many misunderstandings occur between Messenger, Snapchat, or WhatsApp. The truth is, without that "personal touch" we're struggling to find emotion between those digital digits.

    If you're someone who struggles to decipher the meaning behind text messages, you're not alone. In fact, we're not sure there's a soul on this Earth who hasn't tried to make out the meaning behind a text from someone they care about. They're desperate to find one shred of a clue as to whether or not they are interested in them, mad at them, or if they truly did LOL at that last message. After all, there are a lot of differences between "haha" and "lol".

    The one thing we can help you out with when it comes to deciphering the meaning behind those texts from that dude you can't figure out is whether or not they miss you. Sometimes knowing this little feeling can help you plan your next typing move, or it might have you scrolling for that block button. Either way, we've got you covered if you want to truly know if he's yearning for your presence.

    16 "Hey U."

    Those two little words (if you can even call "u" a word) are the recipe for a text message that makes every girl cringe. Whether it's from a guy you have zero interest in or from your ex who doesn't understand that your relationship is WAY over, checking your phone for a notification only to see that your message reads "hey u" is a disappointment no matter the sender. Even if it's from a guy you're crushing on, seeing these four measly letters will cause any chick to pause for a moment and reconsider her interest in the dude. Either way, getting this text is a good indication that you're being missed, but like, by a guy who is lacking anything of value because he couldn't think of anything more clever to say. He'll basically be sending this in hopes of it triggering a conversation with you, but it's more likely to have the opposite effect.

    15 "I Saw _____ And Thought Of You."

    When you have a history with the guy who is sending you text messages like this, it definitely means that he can't shake you from his mind, and by acknowledging a memory about you, he's straight-up telling you that he's thinking about you everywhere he goes. If it's your current man sending you IM's like this one, it's adorable. You want him to be thinking about you often and remembering you when he looks at a puppy, swing set, or pool table (or whatever makes a feature in your cute background story). However, if it's an ex sending this message, it's a sure sign that he's probably not over you. The mere fact that he's texting you at all suggests this, but by seeing things that remind you of him everywhere he goes, it says that he even probably still loves you.

    14 "Do You Have This Item Of Mine?"

    After a breakup, it's very likely that you'll still have a few items over at each other's places. Once a few days pass, you'll arrange for an awkward exchange of these items and do all that you can to make sure you've grabbed everything. You definitely don't want to forget something out of fear of seeing him again, so you'll turn your place upside down, check every drawer, and empty every box. So when he texts you a couple weeks later asking, "Hey. Do you still have my Call of Duty?" and you darn well know that you put that ratty disc in his box of items, then he probably just wanted an excuse to message you (and see you if you actually still had the item). You'll simply reply "no" and not engage, but if he's really hard up for a visit, he might even ask you to return a gift he's given to you in the past, just to have a face-to-face, even if it's a bad way to go about it.

    13 "Just Wanted To Wish You A Happy Birthday."

    If it's been months since you last seen your ex - with no contact, sightings, or even an Instagram like - and then all of a sudden, out of the blue, he sends you a text on your birthday, he's trying to reach out in a way that has meaning to you. By waiting all of this time to show you that he still cares, it shows you that he's patient and hella thoughtful. At least, that's what he hopes you'll be thinking. This is his only way he knows how to rekindle that conversation with you, since it's a day that loving regards will be coming to you from everyone. He hopes that by receiving a completely unexpected message from him, it will stand out among all the greetings from cousins and friends, causing you to react emotionally and respond in a positive way.

    12 "U There?"

    If you're getting this text message from a dude, it's either from an ex or your FWB. If it's from your FWB, it might not be likely that he misses you, but he might be missing something else in that moment. But if this text comes from someone you used to date and haven't seen in days, weeks, or even months, it's a definite sign that this guy is hard-up for your attention. The immediacy of this text probably means that he's had a few drinks and wants to talk to you, like now. While your first thought might be that he's wasted and just wants a booty call, it's more likely that he's been drinking to get you off of his mind and, in his courageous and intoxicated state, decided to act on his basic instinct, which is to call you and hear your voice. That is, if you respond to his question.

    11 "Was Looking Through My Phone & Found Old Photos Of Us. This One Makes Me Smile."

    Anyone who has ever been bored with their phone has no doubt spent hours scrolling through old photos before. It's kind of interesting to experience that little blast from the past and relive fun memories you've had. It's not all that uncommon, so when you get this text from a guy, it can mean one of two things: your boyfriend is bored, scrolling through his phone, and wants to make you smile with a pic that also tugs at his heartstrings, or your ex is sending you old pics because he misses you and wants to know if you feel the same way. He might think that it's harmless, but it's really just creepy. Instead of "bored scrolling" being a relatable pastime, it becomes something that you know your old bf has been doing for hours, looking at old pictures of the two of you, which just weirds you out.

    10 "It's Really Cold Tonight."

    Depending on who this text is coming from, this little fact might get mixed reactions. Either way, you're probably being missed in one way or another. If it's from a guy you're just starting to talk with and maybe have gone on a date or two with, it shows you that this guy can't stop thinking about you and is hoping the great sense of observation he has will initiate an opportunity to chat with you into the wee hours of the night. You might even fall for this little line. If you've been in a relationship for a long time, it could simply be a cute way of saying, "I'm cold. Come warm me up." But if this text was sent by a former lover, it's just random and mostly just suggests that he's lonely. He probably doesn't know what to say, but he knows he has to say something, and he's hoping the weather report will start a conversation.

    9 "I Just Ate At That Restaurant You Like."

    If a guy misses you and sends you this text, it's likely from a new guy who's trying to win you over, or someone you wish you could forget. But one thing is common between these two types of guys: they're trying to make you jealous, which is true even if this text was coming from your best guy friend or a brother. They may not miss you like those first two types of guys do, but they do want to rub the experience in your face. If it's from the first two types of dudes, he's hoping that the jealousy will jumpstart other feelings from you, like curiosity of who he was with. It's likely he just went alone, but you don't know that. While he secretly wants to pique your interest with this bit of information, he mostly just wants to let you know that he went somewhere that you like, in hopes that you'll read between the lines that his thoughts of you led him to the restaurant to begin with. Oh, and also for the excuse of being able to text you.

    8 "Heard You Were Dating So-And-So."

    If your ex messages you after a long bout of no contact and points out to you that he's well aware of who you've been canoodling, this is his way of trying to weasel his way back into the picture because he can't handle the fact that you're with someone else. He knows that you're dating again (most likely before him), and he wants you to know that he knows. While his acknowledgement won't do much for you in terms of caring, he could take it one step further and be a real d*ck about it by being extremely judgemental of your new guy and might even warn you to stay away from him (if it happens to be a guy he knows). Mostly, he's just jealous that someone else has you when he still wishes you were together. He probably wants you back and his attack on your new man is just because he believes that no one is good enough for you, except him.

    7 "Remember When We Went On That Road Trip A Couple Years Ago?"

    By taking you for a trip down memory lane via a memorable IM, you can be sure that the guy who texted you is missing being in your presence. Reminiscing about "the good old days" is a sure indication of where his heart and mind are living, and it's in the past, with you and the happiness you once shared. Maybe he'll mention something random like a funny shirt you found for super cheap, only so he can bring up the laughs and positive references, hopefully to make you remember how things were, and possibly how they could be again. Even if this text isn't from your ex, you can be sure that the guy who sent it definitely misses you and might want to share a similar experience with you again. Or maybe he just wants to know the name of that one great restaurant you guys ate at.

    6 "I Thought About You All Day."

    No matter the person who sent this, you can bet that they're hella missing you. It's clear as day and there's no reading between the lines, because they've virtually spelled it out for you. The truth is, he probably did spend the whole day thinking about you, and you know what? He's not shy about letting you know that you've been on his mind. Intriguing? Yes. Endearing? Kinda. I mean, there's not much you can say or do in response to this text except for feel a little flattered and a lot like the ball is in your court. With a statement like that, what do you even say? Thank you? If they don't know any better, they're probably hoping for a "I've been thinking about you, too.", but that's wishful thinking and only likely if you're in the first year of dating someone.

    5 "How's Work Going?"

    When someone asks about work, it's a definite way of reaching out to learn about how you are and what you've been up to. Since work is such a huge part of our lives, it's a very safe and simple question that can provide so much information (but only if the recipient is willing to elaborate on their day-to-day). He's showing interest in the side of your life that doesn't include him, but mostly he wants to know what's going on with you. Bringing up the topic of work is fairly neutral ground and a great catalyst for stray in the conversation. He's not really beating around the bush about reaching out to you, nor has he thought much about the text, all he knows is that he was thinking about you and decided to touch base in a simple and effective way.

    4 "We Should Hang Out More. You Know, As Friends."

    After you've ended things between you and your guy, don't be surprised if you get some version of the "let's be friends" text. Whether it was indicated at the time of the break-up or not, asking for a friendship beyond the relationship is just a method to help cope with the separation. Almost immediately after becoming each other's exes, he'll start to miss everything about you. Hanging out even as friends just means that he wants you back in his life, in ANY way possible (even if it means sacrificing his dignity in the process). He wants to hear your voice, see your face, and be comforted by your familiarity. He may very well miss you, but he could also just be grieving for the relationship and can't handle the loneliness.

    3 "Heard Someone's Laugh Today That Sounded Just Like Yours."

    Any guy who sends this text is sure to have you on his mind. He's thinking about you at all times and wants you to know it. Be it a new flame, friend, boyfriend, or ex, your presence is intoxicating to that person, and so is your laugh (or any other trait that happened to be similar to a stranger's). Unless you've got a crazy hyena laugh, picking something like that out of a crowd is just not very likely, that is, unless he's already on the hunt for it. Even if he did hear or see something that reminded him of you, it doesn't mean that he needs to text you about it. But by sending that text, it shows you that he's not willing to shake that from his mind so easily. He wants you to know that he misses you because he's either crushing hard, in love, or just can't get over you.

    2 "Just Wanted To Say Hi."

    Unless this text is sent by a stalker, it's almost always cute to get. It's a simple way to point out that you were on his mind for a moment as he carried on with his day. It's not creepy, threatening, or desperate, it's just right. Even so, he's probably missing you a lot, but trying to keep it on the DL as to just how much you've been in his thoughts. He's mastered the text game and have figured out the few words he needs to put a smile on your face and not expect anything in return from you. If it's from an ex, it simply means that there has been a few weeks of no contact and he's making an attempt to break the silence. While it may be unwelcome as the two of you try and move on, you can't be too upset about it because it just is what it is.

    1 "Miss U."

    No matter the sender, he's being straightforward about his feelings and completely up front about what he wants from you: contact. Whether that contact means grabbing a coffee or FaceTiming, all he knows for sure is that he needs something from you, be it comfort, conversation, or closure. By using the "u" instead of "you", it is a less formal and less sincere way of stating his interest in you, but it most likely means that the pull is stronger than he wants you to realize. He's not sure what you're going to say, so by downplaying the severity of it, he's hoping his ego won't be bruised if you don't share the same sympathies for him. Whatever your response, just try not to hurt his feelings. After all, he didn't hide behind them.
