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    16 Techniques To Make Him Miss You More

    We were all told that absence makes the heart grow fonder. It's true to a certain extent. There is also out of sight, out of mind. Basically, you need to make sure that you don't overdo it. You want him to miss you. You don't want him to forget you. One of the surest way for him to miss you more is to be mysterious. It keeps him intrigued and he wants to know more about you when you tell him so little about yourself. It's a challenge, and he will like it. It's best that you're not too available for him. If you're with him all the time, it makes it impossible for him to miss you. Give him space. Keep yourself busy with anything that does not involve him. He'll realize how much he misses you-and probably more than ever. It's hard to do this especially when you miss him and you want to be with him all the time, but you need to stand your ground. Don't sell yourself short. Sometimes, mind games do the trick and if it works, why not?

    Maybe you're in a relationship, you have a crush on someone, or you have an ex you want to get back with; whatever your situation may be, here are the 16 techniques to make him miss you more…

    16 Dress To Impress-He's A Man So He's Very Visual

    Not to sound shallow but appearance is important when it comes to men because men are visual. Wear something nice like a tight dress with heels that make you look sultry and confident. Confidence is key, without it, there's really nothing. When you dress up real nice, you leave an impression on him. He can't shake off the thought that you're with him and he won't want you to go at the end of the night but you should leave. It will only make him want you more. This is also effective if you are trying to get back with your ex. It shows that you're over him and that it was his loss to let you go. If you put in the effort to get out of your comfortable clothes and to look good for him, it will be worth it.

    15 Take Your Time To Respond To His Texts And To Return His Calls

    When he calls you or texts you, take your time to get back to him. If you respond quickly, it will look like you waited for him to contact you at the edge of your seat. That's a big no-no. Keep yourself busy and maybe even turn off the notifications on your phone. This is crucial when he took his sweet time to respond back to you. He'll be the one to stare at his phone when he sees that you still haven't responded to his texts or returned his calls. He'll wonder why it's taking you so long. He may then move on to social media to see if you'd respond there. This is a surefire sign that he misses you, and the longer you make him wait, the more he aches for you.

    14 Don't Be An Open Book And Be More Mysterious

    It's important to not reveal too much about yourself to him. You probably want to tell him everything about yourself because you want to know everything about him, but that's not the way to go if you want him to miss you. He's less likely to be interested in you if you lay it all out for him from the get-go. Don't be an open book and be more mysterious. Keep your answers vague and short. Try not to overshare with what you like and what you don't like. Don't tell him everything you did while you were away from him in detail. Let him guess. This way, he'll be more curious and want to learn about who you are. Give him the experience to get to know you gradually. Make him work for it.

    13 Never Accept Last Minute Dates And Cancel Dates Once In A While

    You shouldn't always say “YES” to dates even if you really want to see him, and it should definitely be a “NO” to last minute dates. You might think it's because he's eager to see you and while that may be true, you should still not go out. If you're always down to meet up with him whenever he wants, he's never going to miss you the way you'd want him to. Do not be his doormat. You should instead do a raincheck on him. Make the date a few days later so that he has to wait longer to see you. It could be exciting for the both of you-especially for him. He might even count down the days. In-between those dates, he's likely to contact you by phone because he misses you so much. The wait will drive him crazy, in a good way.

    12 Wear A Favorite Perfume He Will Remember You By

    You know what they say about the smell… it triggers memories and emotions. Stick to one perfume and wear it every time you see him. When you're in his car, he will catch a whiff of your smell and once the date is over, the smell will still linger after you leave and it will drive him crazy. If you really want to, you can spritz a little bit here and there at his place, so that he smells it everywhere he goes. He will definitely miss you because of the smell. It's fascinating how much scents have an effect on us. It's no wonder people miss their exes after a breakup because of their smell on the pillow, the couch, and on everything else. If you're not into perfumes, you can use shampoo or body lotions.

    11 Make Him Contact You First

    Don't contact him first. You need to give him space to miss you and he can't do that when you're always in touch with him. It's hard because you miss him, but sometimes it's best that you cut of all contact with him for him to miss you more. Even if you feel the urge to reach out to him, don't. Don't text him, don't call him, and don't leave messages on his social media. When he sees that you haven't contacted him for a while, he's bound to contact you first. He'll want to know what's up. It's important to not contact him when he doesn't give you attention. You don't want to come off like you want him more than he wants you. He'll miss you when you're not always around, virtually and physically.

    10 Say Goodbye On The Phone Before He Does

    This is best done at night. After a good amount of shared laughter and interesting conversations on the phone, you should tell him that you have to go. He might even try to persuade you to stay on the line a bit longer but don't fall for this! You must hold your ground and still hang up the phone. It shows that you've got other things to do and that your life does not revolve around him. After you hang up, he'll be a bit upset, and that's a good thing. He already misses you! He'll go through everything that's happened on the phone and he'll look forward to the next time you guys talk. On the plus side, you'll be on his mind right before he goes to bed.

    9 Upload Pictures On Your Social Media But Don't Overdo It

    You should use your social media to tease him. Post pictures of you and your friends when you guys go out. Show off that you're having a great time. Maybe throw in some selfies here and there. Because you won't be with him all the time, he's likely to take a look at your social media to see what you've been up to. When he sees that you're having fun with other people, he might get a bit jealous because he's not there with you. He wants you to have fun with him too so he will call you to spend time with you. The effect is bigger if you don't update everything you do on social media. It's hard if you're an avid user but you gotta do what you gotta do to make him miss you more.

    8 Be Spontaneous And Adventurous To Keep Him On His Toes

    Spontaneity is an exciting way for him to miss you, especially if he's into adventures. You should surprise him with skydiving or hiking or anything that he's into because he's likely to remember those moments more than the times you guys spent watching Netflix or trying out new restaurants. When he's out with his friends camping or kayaking, he's likely to remember all the good times you guys had together during outdoor activities. He'll miss you and he'll wish that you were there with him. Also he'll look forward to seeing you once he gets back and maybe even plan some trips for the both of you. If outdoor activities are not your thing, something simple as bowling will do the trick. Show him a great time and he will definitely miss you every time he's doing something with someone who is not you.

    7 Leave Some Of Your Belongings Behind, At His Place Or In His Car

    You should not leave a toothbrush or anything that looks like you're living at his place. It might scare him away. Try not to leave your phone or your wallet, either, because it will not have the same effect as small things like a hair tie, lip balm, earrings, and so forth. If it's a phone or a wallet, he'll just drop it off. When it's like a hair tie, he will not find it until it's time for him to clean up his place or when he looks for something. When he finds it, he'll smile and he'll realize how much he misses you. Then, he'll call you up to see when you're free to see him. You can also leave a simple and cute note like, “Can't wait to see you!” on his refrigerator or on his bedside table.

    6 Keep Yourself Busy With A Girls' Night Out And Give Him Space To Miss You

    Don't be with him all the time. Don't be attached to his hip. He's never going to miss you if you're always around. You should keep yourself busy. Go out to a bar for few drinks with your girlfriends. You need to have fun and he needs to know that you have fun without him. It shows that you're not the clingy type and, in a way, he'd want to be with you more. When he contacts you, you should let him know that you're out and that you won't be able to respond to his texts. It will make him miss you more because you're out of reach and when he doesn't hear from you the following day, he will contact you first. The more you're away from him, the more he'll know your worth.

    5 Flirt And Tease With Him Enough To Make Him Want More

    Men cannot resist the touch of a woman. When you guys talk or laugh, you should lightly put your hand on his arm, his shoulder, or his hand a little longer than needed. He'll notice it and he'll get really excited. Don't give in too much though, because he'll think he doesn't have to try so hard. As with many men, he likes what he can't have. Make him earn it. Maybe a kiss on the cheek when he does something sweet and adorable or a hug at the end of the night. It's really the small gestures that make our heart flutter and that we can't stop thinking about. He will replay the scenes over and over again in his head when he's not with you and he'll miss you when he does it. You'll hear from him sooner than you think.

    4 Say A Quick “Hello” Or Act Like You Didn't See Him At An Event

    When you see him at an event, say a quick “hello” and walk away. He knows that you're here and he knows that you know that he's here. When you're out of sight, he'll try to look for you in the crowd, which means that he wants to see you. If you're not around, he will text you or even call you to ask where you are. He might even ask people if they've seen you. You can also act like you didn't see him. He'll probably think that you really didn't and he'd come up to you to let you know that he's here. When you leave, you don't have to let him know. After he figures it out, he'll text you to ask where you went and to say that you didn't say goodbye to him. He obviously misses you!

    3 Be Happy And Be Supportive To Him When Need Be

    Everyone wants to be around people who are happy and optimistic. If you carry a cheery attitude, he's more likely to miss you when you're not around. Because you bring so much light, he can't get enough of it. It makes him happy too. He will especially miss you when he's down. Because of your optimistic ways, he wants to talk to you about his problems related to friends, family, work, or basically anything. He wants your support and he believes that you will give him the comfort he needs. He knows that you'll be the one to bring him back up, because you always look on the brighter side. When he sees how you are with him during his tough times, he will want to be with you more. When he feels this way again, the first person he'll think of is you.

    2 Constantly Replay Your Favorite Song So That It Sticks In His Head

    You should play your favorite song on repeat when you're with him so that it sticks in his head even when you're not around. Preferably something that is current so that it's played everywhere like at a bar, on the radio, and so on. Tell him how much you love this song. You can maybe even sing to it or dance to it like when you're making breakfast at his place or even in his car. He might think it's cute and even if he might get annoyed, it won't be in a bad way. He'll catch himself smiling when he hears the song out of the blue and it will definitely remind him of you. The effect you have on him will surprise him. Overall, he'll definitely be missing you! Especially the way you sing and the way you dance.

    1 Show Off Your Bedroom Skills And Maybe Even Role Plays

    If you have any special talents in the bedroom, you must use it on him. Tease him, excite him, surprise him, basically wow him and he's all yours. Spice it up in the bedroom with role plays and maybe fulfill some of his fantasies that he never got the chance to do. If you always wanted to try new positions, do it. Be spontaneous, take him to a place and just rip his clothes off. Get it on right there. As with many men, he thinks more with his smaller head than his bigger head so it shouldn't be that hard. Afterwards, he'll think of you all the time. He'll think of the good and the fun times you guys shared in and out of the bedroom. Most importantly, make him crave you more each time you leave.