16 Reasons Why You'll Never Be A Girlfriend

There are so many reasons why some people are single and some are super in love. Sometimes you're on your own because you're in school for a long time, or you're stressed out at work and don't feel like dating, or you just can't meet the right person. Other times, you're by yourself all because of you. Yup, that sounds harsh, but sorry, it kind of has to be said. This is a totally classic case of self-sabotage, which is really common.
If you're wondering why you've been single forever, or you tell your friends that you just don't get why you're striking out with this whole love thing, you definitely want to keep reading. There are definitely a lot of reasons why you're not a girlfriend and why you just might never hold that title. 16 of them, to be exact. Check out the things that are keeping you from getting a boyfriend.

16 You're Way Too Selfish To Function

You probably don't think that you're a selfish person. No one wants to think that about themselves. It's not exactly the best personality trait to have. But… that just might be what's going on here.
You'll never be a girlfriend if you're selfish because of two very important things that need to happen in a relationship: you need to compromise and you need to think about how your partner feels. If you always insist on doing everything that you want on dates and you never listen when your partner is upset, you're going to be a horrible girlfriend. Just saying. It may be a bit of an unfair stereotype to say that single people are selfish because they do whatever they want, but sometimes the shoe fits, and this is one of those times.
15 You Don't Talk About Feelings

Not everyone is a romantic, of course, and not every couple exchanges sweet nothings and does adorable things for each other all the time. It's not like there is any right way to be in a relationship and there's no rule book or map to follow (even though people think that there is thanks to the plethora of advice out there).
But if you can't talk about how your feelings, you can be sure that you can't be a girlfriend. Because that's part of the deal. You have to be able to express your emotions, whether that's about how amazing you think your new guy is or how much you love being with him. It's not fair to him if he says the nicest things to you and you're all, "Okay, cool, thanks, but it's not like I'm going to say it back."
14 You Run Away From Every Feeling

When things get real and when you really like someone, it's like you have an off switch. You run away and never look back. Your friends ask what happened with that great new guy in your life because they honestly thought that this time was different and that you two would be something. You shrug and change the subject.
You probably don't think that walking away from a potential new love story is a big deal, but it honestly is. Because the more times that you do this, the more you miss out on finding love and being truly happy with someone. It's really one of the greatest things in life. Why wouldn't you want to experience that? Because you're scared? There's really nothing to be scared of if you're with the right person.
13 You Never Take Risks And Always Play It Safe

Love is pretty much the biggest risk that you could possibly take. You're saying to someone that you care about them and you want to be with them and they've wormed their way into your life and brain and heart. It makes you pretty vulnerable and raw, which is a lot of people shy away from telling someone that they love them.
If you don't take risks in your life, whether that's going after your dream job or speaking up when it really matters, then you play it safe, and love isn't in your future (at least until you change your ways). You really do have to take risks if you want to find love. It's the only way to go. And it's something that everyone has to face at some point.
12 You're Negative About Dating

Being negative is really awful. It makes everyone around you uncomfortable because they wonder if you're ever happy or you're just a miserable being 24/7. It's not going to make you very popular. If you're negative about dating, then it's no wonder that you're not a girlfriend. And you just might never be one.
Just because you're not in a relationship right now doesn't mean that relationships suck. It doesn't mean that it's horrible to have someone special in your life or that you can't imagine being happy with anyone. Or at least it shouldn't. You really need to turn your bad attitude into a good one if you want to find love. Plus, your best friends probably hate hearing you say such negative things all the time, especially if you insult their own love lives. Can you say bitter?!
11 You Have Other Priorities

You want to travel to every place that you're dreaming of. You care about your career and literally nothing else. You have goals and lists and lists of lists. Sound familiar?
This just might be you… and it just might be why you'll never be a girlfriend. Putting other things in front of love is a common way to go, but that doesn't mean that it's a good idea. Because it's really not. Sure, of course you have to work for a living (and hopefully you enjoy what you do at least somewhat) and figure out how to be an adult. But once that's all worked out, you have no excuse not to at least try to find someone to share your life with. That's what you're making: excuses. Yup.
10 You're Way Too Immature

The final reason that you'll never be a girlfriend? You're super immature.
If you don't take care of yourself, if you work 24/7, if you don't eat healthy or exercise or get enough sleep, if you don't make time for your friends and family -- the truth is that you just might be less mature than you think. Being available for a real, grown-up relationship means having your stuff together. Getting to that point isn't easy, but that's part of growing up. It's just the way that it goes. If you can't figure out how to be happy and act your age, then you're just not going to find love, and you're just never going to be a girlfriend. And if you want to find love deep down, isn't that the saddest thought ever?
9 You Don't Date… Ever

How can you ever be someone's girlfriend if you never, ever go on dates? It might not be a question that you've ever asked yourself and yet it's important AF.
Going on dates means that you're open to finding someone that you really like and want to get to know better. Not going dates is like saying to the universe, "It's cool, I'll just stay single." Sure, you might not be into the idea of using dating apps or online dating, and that's fine. You don't have to. But if someone asks you out or you meet someone amazing, you should want to explore that connection and stay open it. If you're not open, then you can't really complain that you're single, can you? Nope, you just can't.
8 You Don't Believe In Love

This one makes sense, right? If you don't believe in love, then it's hard to say that you would ever be a girlfriend. You kind of have to think that love exists and be open to finding it in order to even think about being in a relationship with someone.
It's become a huge cliche to say that you don't believe in love. People write songs and make movies and compose novels about not believing in love. It's a thing. But why don't you believe in it? Because you've never been in love before? Becuase you have and you got your heart seriously broken? Sure, you're entitled to your beliefs and your opinions, but if you miss out on finding love because you're afraid or carrying around some baggage, that really sucks. You definitely have to let this stuff go.
7 You're Extra Picky

There's being picky, like not wanting to date someone because they said something on the first date that bugged you and you can't get over it. Most people can understand that. Sometimes people just annoy you. Then there's being extra picky, which is probably what you are if you're single and it's unclear if you're ever going to be someone's girlfriend.
If you say you won't date a guy because his hair is blonde or his eyes are blue and you only like guys with brown hair and brown eyes, or you don't agree with his favorite band, or something equally random and ridiculous, then congrats, you've figured out how to be the pickiest person ever. It's an art form, really, and you should totally cultivate this skill. You should do something with it because it's not going to make you a girlfriend.
6 You're Chained To Routines

Everyone has routines, but some people are more attached to their regular schedule than others. You're probably totally chained to your routine and it's a reason that you're not in a relationship.
If you really want to be with someone, you're going to do everything that you can to be with them, and that means spending time with them. If you usually work out on Friday nights but that's a night that you and your new beau can hang out, you should want to see him instead of going to your regular workout class. You won't be able to start a new relationship while still being really attached to the ways that have you spent your time up until now. It's not that you're going to change or stop doing the things that you love. It's just that you have to give the new relationship enough time and attention.
5 You Complain A Lot

No one finds this quality attractive. Honestly, no one. You might think that you're funny and that people love hearing you whine about everything and yet that's probably the furthest thing from the truth.
Would you want to go on a date with someone who complains the entire time? Probably not. That's totally how people feel about you, whether you realize it or not. You'll never be a girlfriend if you complain like it's your full-time job. You have to get your stuff together so you can be a fun, interesting, sweet person, and those are the qualities that people find attractive. Otherwise, you're looking at keeping your single life for a long time. If that's what you want, then sure, that's cool. If it's not, then you might want to examine why you're so mad about everything…
4 You Don't Think You're Good Enough

It's tough to open yourself up to someone no matter what. When you're feeling a bit insecure, it can seem even harder, and it might even seem impossible that someone would love you.
If you do find someone who seems interested in you, though, you really do have to take a deep breath and explore that. It's silly to give up the chance to get to know them and see what could happen between the two of you. They're definitely going to tell you how they feel about you and if they talk about how awesome you are and how much they like you, you should beleive them. It's not like they're lying about that. You owe it to yourself to stop feeling like you're not good enough and start believing that you totally are.
3 You're Stressed To The Max

Stress is one of the worst things ever. Whether you're dealing with work-related stress or something in your personal or family life, it makes sense that you wouldn't feel like dating. It might not feel like the right time.
The problem happens when you're always saying that it's not the right time and when you're in a constant state of stress. Yes, stressful things happen in life, but you shouldn't feel like your life is so nuts and so horrible that you can't possibly even think about finding love or dating someone. You deserve to have a full life and that includes a relationship. If you ever find yourself saying or thinking that you don't have time to date or think about finding someone amazing, you should really examine that.
2 You Always Say No To Set-Ups Or Dates

It would be great if you met eligible bachelors every day. Since you probably don't, you need to explore other ways of meeting guys. That includes being set-up by your friends or even by family members.
You probably always say no to being set up, which is another reason why you'll never be a girlfriend. How can you possibly be someone's girlfriend if you never want to go out with anyone? You could have a million reasons why you say no -- you want to work that weekend, you want to stay home and watch TV, you just don't want to go -- but none of them really make any sense. Always rejecting the idea of going on dates is going to keep you single, that's for sure.
1 You Hate Change

Guess what? Going from being single to being in a relationship is a big change. It's a good change for sure and it's what single people dream of and wish for but it's still something different. It means putting yourself out there and taking a chance on someone and altering your routine a bit in order to see them (as mentioned previously).
Hating change means you can't be in a relationship. Period. You won't be able to handle letting someone else into your life and making them a part of it. You won't like how suddenly this person is really important to you and means a lot to you when just a few weeks or months ago you didn't even know them. You just won't be able to handle that… and that's a shame since it's the best feeling ever.