16 Reasons Why You're More Sultry During That Time Of The Month

Females may be the fairer species, but our bodies certainly don't treat us very fairly. Between pregnancy and childbirth, we're full-on being punished on a monthly basis via cramps and a slew of other unwelcome symptoms if we don't reproduce. How fair is that? While it's only natural that one of the genders have to endure it, we can't help but wail, “Why uuuuuus?!” when our twenty-eight day cycle resumes.
While we're never willing to accept our monthly gift (and are often wishing it came with a gift receipt), there are some perks - albeit, rare ones. The main advantage of menstruation is that many women tend to experience a spike in lust and desire for some carnal action. Even though it doesn't allow for the prettiest of lovemaking, it's a craving that often affects us more than chocolate, and is just itching to be satisfied.
Since it's quite obviously an obstacle when it comes to strengthening your love connection, it can make us wonder: why do we want the D so much more when our bodies make it so difficult to do so? Well, we've done some research and found some real, medical answers to why you're extremely DTF during your period.

16 You Produce A Smell That Men Can't Resist

There's something about feeling desired that you can pick up on, and when men are feeling naturally drawn to a menstruating woman, that irresistibility has a way of sparking a lust within us and have us wanting to act on these desires. It's been widely discussed among men that women produce a faint but noticeable aroma that is indescribable, but it causes their nostrils and libidos to perk up and leave them wanting more from you. Some men describe it as “overwhelming” and “intoxicating” and that they can tell when a woman who is menstruating is nearby, even before they arrive. The human body is weird, huh? But it comes down to our pheromones starting to thrive when our bodies are primed for fertility, subconsciously attracting male partners to act on their basic needs.
15 All Of That Increased Lubrication Really Gears You Up

When that uterine lining starts to shed, that's when the ladies head to bed (and not to curl up with a hot water bottle)! While the sloughing of your uterine lining doesn't sound hot in the slightest, its effect can be pretty arousing for women. In short, that lining gets expelled and we have to just deal with it for three to five days. Due to the fact that you're going to be naturally wet down there when the juices start flowing, it can make your vajayjay feel sensitive and good to go. Other than the feeling of being ready for the D at any moment, nature's lubrication helps to make penetration easier and more comfortable for women. And while it's enjoyable for us ladies, men have also admitted that this organic grease feels darned good for them, too.
14 Blame Hormones For Those Swollen & Sensitive Lady Bits

One of the hormones that is found only in females is progesterone. It is a hormone that is produced in the adrenal glands, ovaries, and placenta (when pregnant). It's a nifty hormone that preps the body for babymaking by sending our uterus some signals to release proteins that create a more cozy environment for any potential seed to grab hold. Science! Oh, and it also regulates our cycles and affects our libido in a positive way. When progesterone is high in women (usually during menstruation), it can make your downstairs slightly swollen and highly sensitive. So other than feeling lubed up all. the. time, your bits n' pieces are also raging. Sometimes this sensitivity is low in women, and in other times it's very high, making women crave the D on the daily, if not every waking minute.
13 You Crave The Relief Of Period Symptoms

One of the latest stats to emerge when it comes to female reproductive health and our monthly cycles is the knowledge that getting busy helps relieve period symptoms! Win! Feeling that rocking motion between your thighs helps to alleviate cramps, headaches, and can even increase your energy and/or help regulate your sleep. If you're able to reach maximum enjoyment during your romp and achieve that coveted O, that's even better! With a rush of endorphins, your bad mood will skyrocket into one that helps you survive another day of the menses. And with every O, you take one step closer to ending that flow, as your contracting uterus works to “flush out” your system (which can cause the cramps in the first place).
12 Being Bloated Puts Pressure On Your O-Zone

While we all loathe the bloating that accompanies our flow and struggle to fit that water-retaining muffin top into our favourite jeans, it actually has at least one benefit that you can feel good about. During that time of the month, all that extra water weight acts as a heavy load on our G-spots (something that, when triggered, can feel extra good). This spot tends to feel very sensitive with even a small amount of pressure and is stimulated over a long period of time (basically, throughout the duration of menstruation). This slow build up can amount to a wave of satisfaction and the anticipation of a release is something you can't help but crave as your cycle nears its end.
11 Thank Mother Nature For Your Body's Desire To Procreate

From your body's perspective, you straight-up need to get busy at a certain point in your cycle. The female anatomy goes through phases in which it is most ready to welcome that male seed into the womb. It may sound gross, but that's biology for ya. Your fertility skyrockets partway through your cycle, and peaks right before you begin to menstruate. It's completely reasonable that if all that pent-up need for the D does not get gratified during your most conceptually-savvy days, then by the time your flow begins, your libido will be aching for some wicked release. If not getting knocked up was part of your plan this month, your body will celebrate alongside you by making sure you feel that party in your pants.
10 You Always Want What You Can't Have

There's a taboo associated with getting down and dirty while you're flowing down to Tampon Town. There is an idea that your V is a “no fly zone” during your rag, and so long as an egg isn't implanted into your unused uterine lining, gravity takes over and confuses many people into believing the snatch is off limits. This thought makes you believe that you can't use it, and this mental aspect makes you want it even more. Even if you're all for freeing the V and your flow doesn't distract you from doing the deed, that widely believed restriction can still have an impact in making you feel the need to just do it and defy the haters. While it may all be in your head, it's still a valid reason to get down.
9 The Chance of Conceiving Is Slim

Even though you're riding the tail end of when you're most fertile, all of that unfulfilled potential results in your uterus getting depressed and crying red tears. This means that while it's busy being sad and temporarily forgetting about its life purpose, you're free to get it on without worrying (as much) about getting pregnant. While you're not completely in the clear from conceiving (like, if your uterus reaches up for a tissue and notices an incoming swarm, it might pounce and take advantage of the opportunity), the possibility of creating a baby is a lot lower. This can make some women feel less worried about this pregnancy risk and more likely to get busy while the moment is available.
8 The Way Bae Is So Compassionate Towards You

If you're in a relationship with a partner who is sympathetic towards the pain and abdominal torment that you're plagued with once a month, it can make you feel pretty happy about your choice in bae. If they go as far as catering to your needs by buying you chocolate, tampons, bringing you warm blankets from the dryer, and running you a hot bath, you know that they're a keeper, and one that is deserving of a lot of love from you. To show your appreciation and bursting admiration, you can't help but want them even more as they kindly display their nurturing side. What will really get you wanting to pounce on their lap is when they say those three little words that melt your heart, “I can wait.” Bae better watch out, or they're gonna get hella messy.
7 Hormones Are On The Rise

While we've discussed the common hormone progesterone already, we can't leave out the other hormones that can impact your sensual energy. One of our primary hormones when it comes to our libidos, estradiol, tend to rise as our menstruation begins, meanwhile estrogens drops (causing headaches, moodiness, and breast tenderness). Within a few days (basically, as your menstruation begins to taper off), testosterone jumps up. Between all of these shifting hormones, it can result in a heightened libido that occurs all within the days you just happen to be riding the crimson wave. It's a lot of moving parts that are only a small fraction of what makes the female body one confusing phenomenon (for men and women alike).
6 Your Love Tunnel Is Like A Runway For The D

There's a little term that medical professionals like to toss around when discussing what occurs during menstruation, a term that they like to call “pelvic congestion”. This term translates into the fact that there is an increase in blood flow down there as women fill their feminine napkins. While the obvious sense of “blood flow” exists, this term is talking about the overall flow of blood in our bodies; our circulatory system. During menstruation, our bodies tend to send more blood towards our nether region, which can increase sensitivity to our private parts, triggering a sense of arousal. The same thing happens with men. Although, it happens in reverse. They get aroused and the body sends more blood to the part that needs to perform. Either way, this “congestion” gets cleared up pretty quick once you send in the D.
5 A Celebration To The End Of PMS

After going through a week of mood swings, fatigue, and sugary cravings, you can finally find relief from the PMS once the flow begins, so you're happier and full of energy, revving you up for some super good feels. This relief from the hardship and blahs makes you want to get all sensual, even if your V might be suggesting that it might be a good idea to wait it out. Women who get a particularly bad bout of PMS can feel awakened once they get through it, making them feel like a new woman, one who isn't shy, cranky, or feeling worn out. There is no better feeling than realizing that you're not the b*tch you thought you were. In fact, you're a happy-go-lucky and passionate AF woman who is wild and free and DTF.
4 You're On Your “Free Week”

When you take the birth control pill and go off of it, women experience a change in hormones, which can means that they're slightly more aroused since their suppressed 'mones come out of hiding and want to jazz it up… in bed. It's common that when women take the pill that their drive for intimacy goes down because estrogen is maintained at a lower level, as to offset the uterus' need for procreation. By keeping these estrogen levels down, the female body gets confused and doesn't produce the stuff it needs to harbour a hospitable environment for a fertilized egg. Translation: your libido suffers tremendously. However, during the week that women stop taking the pill to allow their bodies to do its thang, they can experience a spike in estrogen and other hormones, making them eager to catch up on all that time they were less frisky.
3 Your Brain Thinks You're Being Touched Down There

Hold on to your knickers, because we're about to hella technical. According to a sexpert and medical professional, menstruation can kick up a woman's libido due to the blood flow (the kind of blood flow we discussed earlier) that fills up your groinal region, putting pressure on your nerve endings in and around the “pelvic basin”, as the professional likes to refer to it. For anyone who knows basic biology, you'll know that anything that has nerve endings around it is super sensitive to any sensation, painful or erotic. And for the zone surrounding the V, it means that all those little nerves are being stimulated around your lady bits. This confuses your brain and makes it think that you're being touched in your most intimate area, giving you a faux feeling of already being intimate.
2 There's Nothing Hotter Than A Man Who Isn't Squeamish

If your man is supportive of your flow and isn't turned off by blood, you'll be feeling all kinds of amorous towards him and ready to jump on that D. With a man who's understanding and accepting of the lack of control us females have over our bodies, they'll be all for working around the flow and making sure the both of you get off. By forgoing the squeam, we can't help but admire him for grabbing the old towels and being patient while we have to excuse ourselves mid-foreplay for a little moment of vajayjay freshening. This small gesture tells us that he's one mature man who loves the heck out of us, and there's nothing more attractive than maturity and knowing you're loved no matter what.
1 You Feel Hella Healthy & Sultry

When women regularly get their periods - like, down to predicting the exact day - it means that they are one healthy female. Not too small, not too big, but in the adequately healthy weight range; a just sign that they're perfect just the way they are. While you're not entirely clued in with the mechanics of it all, on a subconscious level you're feeling good about yourself when your flow starts to run. On top of the fact that you're in excellent health, the subtle changes in your appearance also make you feel ready to bust out your sexy dress and hit the town. With engorged ta-tas, an increase in energy, and the absence of acne caused by PMS, you're feeling like a bombshell, and you can bet that this aura doesn't go unnoticed by men.
Credits: Jezebel.com, MarieClaire.com, Reddit.com, GoodHousekeeping.com, Metro.co.uk, Bustle.com, Quora.com, SheKnows.com, HealthyWomen.com, GoAskAlice.Columbia.edu