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    15 Whisper Confessions Of Blind Dates Gone Wrong

    Finding love isn't always the fairytale that we're told about when we're children. Now, instead of locking eyes with someone from across the room and falling madly in love at first sight, things are a bit different than they once was. These days, we're bombarded by online dating apps, people who catfish or get catfished, as well as a slew of other complications that can make finding love nearly impossible. Another way that people are trying to meet potential partners is through blind dating. While it isn't everyone's favourite method of dating, it can sometimes work to their advantage because if they're set up by someone they know, it could mean that they've chosen someone who they think is going to be a great match.

    Unfortunately, as most people know, blind dates don't have the best track record for success. The following people are proof that blind dates don't always go as planned. These stories reinforce the bad reputation that blind dates have, despite the fact that they're probably successful some of the time. If you ever find yourself being set up on a blind date, just remember that it's probably never going to be as bad as some of the stories that you're about to read… or maybe it will!

    15 If You're Going To Make A Secret Exit, You Should Keep It A Secret

    Sometimes, blind dates are so bad that you'll know almost immediately that it's not going to work. People aren't always compatible, and that's fine. However, if you feel as though you and the person you're on a date with aren't going to work out, it's probably best to break it to them gently, as opposed to making a run for it.

    This person thought that the latter was a better idea to escape a bad date. However, they didn't account for the fact that the place they were having their date had windows, so they couldn't make a clean break from the situation. Making eye contact with the person you're running aways from, as you're running away from them could not have felt good. Hopefully the person who was left behind didn't take it too badly.

    14 You Should Keep Your Politics Out Of A Blind Date

    It can be tough to get a conversation going when you're on a blind date with someone. First, there are the usual nerves that come with being on a first date, and then there's the fact that you don't really know the person you're on a date with. This could make is difficult to figure out what you should talk about, or what topics they'll be interested in.

    However, it's probably a bad idea to discuss politics or religion at length, especially if you don't know that the person you're on a date with. Topics like politics and religion can be really touchy and uncomfortable for some people. Deeply personal views can be off-putting, especially if someone disagrees with your views, so it's best that you keep things light in the conversation department, at least for the first few dates.

    13 Nothing Like A Blind Date To Crush Your Self-Esteem

    When people go on a “regular” date, they've usually met the person they're dating, and have agreed to go out with them because they've found some attractive qualities about the other person, whether it's physical, or a personality trait. However, blind dates mean that you've never met or seen the person you're about to go out with, which can lead to some uncomfortable situations - especially if you don't find them particularly attractive. A word of advice in this situation would be to try and not make your disappointment obvious, if the person you've been set up with doesn't meet your expectations. Blind dating is awkward enough without you letting someone know that you're really not into them, before they have even gotten a chance to introduce themselves to you and make a first impression.

    12 Blind Dates Breed Some Awkward Situations

    Not knowing who you're about to go on a date with doesn't necessarily mean that you've never met the person you're about to go on a date with. This person had the unfortunate experience of being set up on a blind date with someone that they knew from the past, which could be kind of awkward. To make matters worse, this person was also someone that they had rejected in the past as well.

    The upside could be that this person is different now, and that being on a date might prove that the two of them have some chemistry. However, if this person was turned down in a harsh way, there may some hard feelings there, which could make this not-so-blind date very uncomfortable. Just a reminder to be kind when rejecting people, because you never know.

    11 Blind Dates Are A Good Place For An Emotional Breakdown

    Moving on after a relationship ends isn't usually easy, and there is no solid timeline for people to move on from someone who they've broken up with. As friends, people usually just want to be supportive and helpful, but it's best to listen to people if they say that they aren't ready to move on or start dating again.

    In this case, the pleas of a friend convinced someone that they could go on a date with someone else, but it just lead to them just feeling so upset about the situation that they ended up having a terrible time and crying. Hopefully, if you feel like you're not emotionally ready to start dating again, the people around you will understand and give you space and the time that you need to move on.

    10 This Is Just Cruel

    There are certain things that cross the line from your average mean behaviour, to cruel and uncaring. This person decided to casually leave the person that they were on a date with, because she was blind and the date wasn't going well. However, the kind thing to do would have been to kindly excuse himself and end the date properly, rather than just leaving, knowing that she wouldn't be able to see him go.

    It could have been very embarrassing for his date to have to try and figure out what happened, and even a bad date doesn't warrant putting someone through that kind of an experience. Fortunately for the woman who was left behind, she was spared from dating someone who is clearly immature and not ready to be an adult in a relationship.

    9 You Probably Shouldn't Use A Blind Date To Cheat

    Being unhappy in a relationship isn't new. There are many people out there right now who are likely discovering that they are in a relationship that needs to end. If you feel like your relationship is on the rocks, or that perhaps it's just not working out, the best course of action would probably be to discuss it with your significant other, rather that going out to see what else is out there while you're still with that person.

    Being faithful is usually part of a committed relationship, and if you're hoping for that from a partner, you should probably put that to practise yourself. Going out on dates with different people while you're in a relationship, wether you're happy or not, isn't fair to your significant other, or the person you're on a date with.

    8 This Is Bad, Indeed

    Most people worry about looking good, or saying the wrong thing when they're on a date. It's not likely that many people worry about clogging their date's toilet, however. Unfortunately for this person, that's exactly what happened, and in a panic, a Whisper confession was the only thing they could think of to get advice on what to do next. Clogging a toilet at someone else's home is already awkward enough, but doing it at a date's house has got to be mortifying on a few levels.

    Hopefully this person was able to sort out their predicament while avoiding any embarrassment. In a worst-case scenario situation, hopefully they were able to tell their date about what happened without their date being too freaked out or grossed out about the situation.

    7 Looking For A New Date While You're On A Date Is Probably A Bad Sign

    There are usually some tell-tale signs that a date isn't going well. However, people usually don't take it upon themselves to find a new date as they're on a bad one. This person began perusing their Tinder account while their date went to the bathroom, because of how badly the date was going. At that point, it might have just been better to cut the date short, sine they weren't even paying attention to the date in the first place.

    Letting bad dates go on when you're clearly not interested is not only a waste of time for you, but it's also a waste of your date's time as well. What if they're interested in you, and letting the date go on gives them hope that you feel the same way?

    6 Sometimes, Extreme Measures Need To Be Taken

    If you're trying to get out of a bad date, you might be tempted to take extreme measures to do so, and you might also get creative in order to get away. However, pretending that you're a) already seeing someone, and b) that they're having your baby, is totally uncool. Not only that, but making yourself seem like a complete jerk isn't going to do you any favours.

    Being mature and ending things with someone is more likely to be appreciated, because honesty is a much better alternative than making up lies that don't make anyone feel good in the end. The person you're on a date with now thinks that they went out with a liar who cheats on their pregnant partner, and while you might have been able to leave early, you've done so by creating a really awkward situation.

    5 Racism Can Put A Damper On A Date

    Being attracted to people's specific physical attributes is completely normal. Not being attracted to someone's physical attributes is also normal. While we shouldn't be ashamed of our preference or “type,” when it comes to the people we date, it might be a good idea to maintain a level of tact and politeness when we're set up with someone who we're not into-especially if their race is part of the reason that you're not attracted to them.

    While for the most part, honesty is the best policy, this is one situation where a lie might have been better than the truth. If your racial bias is what is keeping you from wanting to get to know a person, it might be best to just excuse yourself from the situation and leave, rather than explain to them that their race is the reason you're not interested.

    4 Well, That's One Way To Get Out Of A Date

    No one hopes that a blind date will go badly, but the fact is, sometimes they just do. If you want to end a date asap, but don't have the heart to tell them up front that you're not interested, this might be one of those few opportunities where faking an illness to get out of a situation could be a good idea.

    Of course, if you're going to do this, you might want to scale back on the drama and avoid pretending like you've fallen ill with a terrible virus or disease. Perhaps a better strategy would be to simply thank them for their time, but say you aren't feeling well. Do, however, make sure that at some point you do break things off nicely, so that they're not left hanging, thinking things were going well.

    3 Honesty Is The Best Policy

    However shallow it might make you feel, if you're not interested in someone because of. Their physical appearance, it might be good to end the date promptly, as not to waste each other's time. If you need a moment to collect your thoughts, that's fine. However, you might want to avoid hiding in a bathroom for an extended period of time while your date waits around for you to return.

    The reason this person felt like they couldn't date the person that they were out with is because of bad teeth. However, instead of giving them that reason, maybe just telling them that they aren't interested is better than making them feel about about the shape of their teeth. You never know what people are insecure about, and it is kinder to try and make sure you don't leave someone with more insecurities than they had before they met you.

    2 Blind Dates Probably Shouldn't Happen Between Relatives

    Compatibility sometimes has a lot to do with the things that two people have in common. However, having things in common in order to be compatible with someone usually doesn't mean having the same family members. Here is a situation where the date going badly was a blessing, because being in a relationship with someone you're related to is probably a lot worse than a simple, bad blind date.

    Fortunately for these two people - who just happen to be cousins - they found out that they were related before they had an opportunity to give the date a second chance and perhaps try to see where things could go. This is a situation where a date gone bad is probably a huge relief. Hopefully their families didn't tease them too hard about their awkward encounter.

    1 Poor Dental Hygiene Could Put A Damper On A Blind Date

    No matter how many redeeming qualities a person has, there are still those few things that are a complete turn off to some people. For this person, a date's bad breath was a total deal-breaker. While they didn't seem like they'd tried to run off and end the date early, they did seem to express genuine disappointment that this was the reason that the date was going badly.

    Fortunately, if this person was really attracted to the person that they were on a date with, bad breath is something that can be fixed. As well, considering all of the other terrible things that could happen on a blind date, bad breath doesn't seem to be the worst thing in the world. Hopefully they were able to avoid a post-date smooch, especially if their date's breath wasn't minty fresh.