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    15 White Lies You're Bound To Fall For Every Time

    White lies are those little untruths we all tell to simply make it through the day. You know you're guilty-remember the time you told your best friend she looked great in that maxie dress? Men tell those lies to their significant other, often for the same reasons we do. Most of the time when he's a little less than truthful, it's to smooth over your ego, his ego, or to diffuse a tense situation.

    And sometimes he's telling you what he thinks you want to hear because he knows his behavior is less than stellar.

    We fall for them-hook, line, and sinker-because we want to believe our faith in him wasn't misplaced. Most white lies tend not to be deal, or relationship, breakers. You can give him a Mona Lisa smile and let it fly because you know he means well.

    Those other times may be a clue that all is not well in your relationship, and it's all too easy to swing between over-analyzing his every word and nuance, or render ourselves into blissful ignorance. The big question arises-if he's going to lie to me about the small stuff, what else is he comfortable whitewashing? It's tough out there, ladies, but we broke down fifteen of the most common white lies, what they mean coming from him, and how to navigate between good intentions and possible manipulation.

    15 "You're the most beautiful girl I've ever been with."

    Candles are lit, Prince is crooning in the background, and he says those magic words. Only, wait, you've seen pics of his ex (not because you stalked her on Instagram, duh), and you can't help but compare yourself. Does he say this to all the girls? Relax, babe, take a look at that soul-melting gaze. He just might mean it, especially if the two of you are headed for commitment. You made him feel special, and he wants to, clumsily, return the favor. He knows girls like words, especially well-placed compliments. So, he gave it a go, believing it because you're awesome. You go, girl. Tell him thank you and maybe return the compliment. And if he does say it to all the girls, that's on him. Because regardless of your relationship status, you're allowed to feel beautiful no matter what.

    14 "My phone was on silent."

    This one might be your cue that he is, in fact, screening your phone calls. Like anything he says or does that trigger less than secure feelings about your relationship status, the best course is to step back and evaluate the situation. You want to give him the benefit of the doubt. At first. Guys are people, and sometimes they need space and time to decompress. Even if that means ignoring calls from his best girl every now and then. This may be the time to pay attention to other clues. Does he call to check in with you every once in awhile? Does he pull this card after a fight, or as a way to avoid negotiating a sticky topic? If he feels claustrophobic, try giving him a little space. Let him call you.

    13 "She wasn't my type anyway."

    This is often an easy out for both of you. He doesn't have to explain what went wrong in a previous relationship. You don't have to ask questions you don't want the answers to. Plus, this makes you his type. It's a magical phrase at the beginning of the relationship, making it that much easier to fall for. Sure, your guy had good intentions when he first uttered it. It smoothes the way for the fun stuff like getting to know each other and admiring how in sync the two of you are. We've all been there. It gets murky in the middle because how he treated girls in past relationships often reflects on how he's going to treat you. Once the two of you are more established, dig a little deeper. Do so with empathy and a willingness to listen.

    12 "I love your family!"

    Well, as they say in the south, bless his heart. If he says he loves your family, but you have the feeling he would rather spend his Thanksgiving clipping his toenails, have heart. He may not love your family, but he does love you. Maybe he flinches when Aunt Sue flirts or Uncle Jo brings up politics. What this means for the two of you is he's willing to navigate a little-or a lot-of crazy because he wants to, since those people are important to you and you're important to him. Be sure to give the poor guy an out once in awhile. Maybe he doesn't have to attend the annual family reunion. If he does, share a knowing look with him and let your sense of humor shine.

    11 "Your laugh is the cutest thing."

    Our laughs are often as distinctive as our fingerprints. Some of us laugh loudly, big belly laughs that take up space and let everyone know we're present and having a great time. Some girls snort, or show all their teeth. Laughter is awesome, it releases tension and connects us to the ones we're sharing the joke with. Your laugh might not be cute to you. Odds are he does think it's cute, even if he meant to say, "Your laugh is the goofiest thing I've ever heard." The point is, you think he's funny. Guys love a great sense of humor in their counterpart. Also, if you don't hide that audacious laugh and snort, it shows him you're unafraid to be yourself around him. Now, that's attractive.

    10 "I was just with the guys… "

    We can all agree that this one is a possible grey area. Especially if your gut tells you something different. He came home withdrawn, or there's a whiff of eau de another girl on him. What matters is he felt the need to qualify his activities with you, regardless of his innocence. Guys need that time with their friends, just as you need time with yours. He needs to let off steam and bond with his male friends over beer while yelling at a football game. It's also possible that he may have female friends and he doesn't want to get into it with you right then. Whatever you do here, trust your instincts if they're telling you his story has gaps. Let him know you're cool with him having his own life, but you expect total honesty between the two of you.

    9 "She's just a childhood friend… "

    You updated your relationship status on social media and Instagrammed your three month anniversary date. Then a new girl enters the picture. "She's just an old friend," he tells you. But they're so close. They share inside jokes and he sends her funny texts on the regular. How do you know when it's time to go Nancy Drew on their history? Another scenario is that the two did cross the friendship line at some point, but brought things to a halt when they realized it might do long term damage. In this case, respect that. However, if he never introduces the two of you, or she rejects all efforts on her part to get to know her better, there's a dark current running under his white lie.

    8 "I didn't party that hard last night."

    Okay, Ladies, we're guilty of telling this lie ourselves. Am I right? No one wants to present themselves to someone they care about as a hot mess. He's salvaging his ego, and most likely trying to prevent drama. No one wants drama with a ringing headache and a mouth that tastes like last year's sneakers. If a little voice is telling you there's more to the story than vodka shots at three am, let him rest and rehydrate before asking him a few carefully framed questions. Maybe even offer him an aspirin and the cool side of the pillow before grilling him. This will, at the very least, make him a little more willing to spill the details, even the more sundry ones.

    7 "I've never taken any girl here before."

    Be it a dive bar with the best onion rings in the state or the somewhat secret cafe with the back alley entrance, he's into you enough to take you somewhere special. Maybe it's a place he has taken other girls, but he's invested in you enough to share something he loves. Or he think you'll love. Either way, he's telling you this to make you feel special. Like the time you told him you never wore that dress for anyone else. This is one of those white lies couples can take with a grain of salt. He's giving you his time, in a public place. That means you're pretty cool in his book. Order dessert and flirt. That smile means he's up to the right kind of no good.

    6 "Your cat is the sweetest thing."

    Give him credit with this one, my friends. He's aiming to please, even while your beloved furball gives him the death stare. A lot of guys don't get why we love our pets like children. He wasn't there when you nursed Kitty through a cold. Or when Kitty nursed you through a bad breakup. If he has pet dander allergies on top of an aversion to all things cat and he's still trying to fake a little love, he's a keeper. The hardest part of this love triangle might well be convincing Kitty that you still love her, even when the left side of the bed is no longer reserved for her. Cats are more difficult than people, even men. Reserve some affection for her on the side and keep allergy meds in stock for your guy.

    5 "I'll text you as soon as I get home."

    He probably really, really means this when he says it. Most guys are negligible about this little courtesy text, even when it comes to their moms. Trust us on this one. It's not that he's doing anything wrong, he just got a little preoccupied with his favorite song, or the obnoxious way his car pulls to the left. Even if he didn't mean it, he said it to appease you. Probably in the same way he tried to appease his mom when he told her, countless times, he's wearing clean underwear. If you're truly worried about him because of a snow storm blowing in, give him time to get home and give him a courtesy text. The guy might roll his eyes, but it's nice to know someone cares, isn't it?

    4 "You don't look chubbier than before!"

    This line is classic, and with good reason. It's your ego he's concerned with this time. You know you ate that entire package of fun size candy bars in one sitting, but he's not concerned about the new muffin top you're sporting. We've been paying attention, and for the most part, guys don't mind a few extra curves in their women. Even if he's noticed your weight gain, if he's still reaching for you like a pint of vanilla bean ice cream at every turn, you're golden. Men want the women they care about to be healthy, and satisfied. If you feel the urge to put him on the spot about your weight gain, go for a walk or do something nice for yourself instead.

    3 "My friends really like you."

    He says this after you've walked into a room and all his buddies went silent. And looked at you like you're the Yono Oko to his John Lennon. You know he's lying through his teeth, but you let it slide. You believe you'll grow on them. Or draw up a four page diagram on how to win them over. Just stop. Your guy is still into you, even if his pack doesn't necessarily approve. A girl's best option in this scenario is to focus on him, how he feels about you, what makes him happy. Part of what makes him happy is to hang out with his friends. You don't have to tag along, and will most likely earn their grudging respect by showing you're the kind of girl who doesn't view friendship as competition.

    2 "My mom is happy that we moved in together."

    This one's a little trickier than guys and their buddies. Because this is a guy and his mom. Odds are, you don't have her full approval. Just yet. Better odds are he's been telling his mom just how much you adore her, even as you're congratulating yourself for not retaliating for her constructive criticism on the state of your apartment. He's over there trying to ease all of you into a new stage in his life. One where he loves another woman who may break his heart one day. In case you're wondering, that's what his mom is worried about. Although she may secretly wish you knew how to properly fold a fitted sheet. Keep loving your guy and give her a chance to come around. Or stock up on wine. Lots of wine. For all three of you.

    1 "I've just been super busy these days."

    Okay. Yes. Take a step back on this one. At the very least, he wants more space. At the worst, he's looking for an out. How to handle this white lie, one with teeth? In this situation, a little space can go a long way. Give him time to miss you without going incommunicado. By this we mean give yourself space and time to review your relationship. Evaluate any prior red flags- excuses for not meeting in person, cancelled dates, and screened phone calls. Let him know you're available, and let him know you're concerned. Offer a neutral time and place, one in which neither of you are distracted, to talk about any questions and worries. Tell him how you have no intentions of dating the invisible man. Ask for what you need from him. After all, being honest and open are always a good call in any relationship.