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    15 Ways A Sugar Daddy Can Fix Your Life (Whisper Confessions)

    Hey you remember when Beyoncé said, "Partner, let me upgrade you… Upgrade you, I can (up), can I (up) grade you; Partner, let me upgrade you, flip a new page, let me upgrade you; Introduce you to some new things, and upgrade you… " Yes, sounds a lot like Queen Bey is a sugar momma, right!? Haha, not quite. However, likewise-there are some gentlemen out there with plenty of cash that are willing and able to drastically upgrade your lifestyle-these men, we tend to call "sugar daddies".

    Technically, a sugar daddy is a rich older man who lavishes gifts on a young woman in return for sensual favors. We know, sounds a little like harlotry! Although, not every woman performs intimate acts in exchange for funds; some, simply provide the sugar daddy with their time/conversation and get paid solely for their company. Wow, must be nice!

    Nonetheless, the following 15 ladies express to us how a sugar daddy has fixed their life. One woman in particular is 19-years-old, has her own house, a nice vehicle [that's paid off] AND over $150,000 in the bank!! 'Nuff said. View below how a sugar daddy can potentially fix your life and upgrade you Beyoncé style.

    15 He'll Support You AND Your Fam!

    She's not ashamed of it huh… Well, she shouldn't be! If an individual is fortunate enough to have someone furnish them with enough money to cover their school tuition, themselves, their sister AND their mother, well, then we can't hate the player nor the game!

    This sugar baby indeed has a munificent sugar daddy. He's got her covered every which way to Sunday; which is not a bad thing at all. We wonder… what do you think it is the sugar daddy gets in return from the young lady? ✋ Stop, we know your mind went straight to the gutter on that one-you know ours did! Haha. Hey maybe she's just a wonderful conversationalist alright…

    14 He'll Let You Express Yourself

    Let you express yourself? That's a good one! We guess if you allow a loony girl to continuously wreck your relationships with your girlfriends, than plainly you are letting her express herself. The sugar baby in this confession, is having the time of her life. She's receiving benefits from her sugar daddy, while simultaneously ruining any and all of his serious relationships because she's jealous. Sounds like a day in Disney World to us!

    Of course, not all sugar daddies would allow such preposterous behavior. Perhaps these two have a bond that we just can't understand. Nonetheless, this goes to show that if you're going to find a sugar daddy, try to find one that will allow you to be your true kooky self!

    13 He'll Provide A Comfort Zone

    Okay, we've sat down and bantered for awhile, and have come up with the following conclusion. The grandmother [in this confession] is clearly a former sugar baby, a lifelong sugar baby or just nutso in the cabeza (perhaps all three)… because what kind of advice is that! Haha.

    One of the benefits of having a magnanimous sugar daddy, is that he'll provide you with a comfort zone; a.k.a a safety net. This sugar daddy cast a safety net so wide, that it has the grandmother [of all people] even calling up her granddaughter, encouraging her to dump her boo and come back to being a sugar baby! We've never heard anything like it before… wait, we just have.

    12 He'll Stroke Your Ego

    In a weird way, we kind of agree with this statement. If you're fortunate enough to be born pretty, why not take what you can while you can? You know, put those freckin looks to use! Hey, if you believed for one second that we would co-sign such a vacuous remark… than clearly you haven't learned us yet, lol! This woman is as barmy as they get.

    Evidently, this sugar daddy has this young lady feeling like she's the Queen of Sheba or somebody. In our best Kanye West voice, "You can't tell her nothing!" This particular sugar daddy indeed likes his sugar babies confident and a bit pretentious. Hey well it's his money so, he's entitled to give it to whomever he so chooses-braggarts included.

    11 He'll Provide Supplement Income

    We're curious, how exactly do you get a second job as a sugar baby… like, do you find that gig on Craigslist under the Jobs section? If so, what subcategory would it be underneath-Skilled trade/craft? General labor? Haha, who knows!

    One way a sugar daddy can fix your life is by supplying you with supplement income. Forget getting a part-time job at Rite Aid… Toss out that idea of working at Merrill Lynch… No, just pretend to be an old, rich guy's girlfriend and you'll be swimming in the moolah! Isn't that sort of what Hugh Hefner's three main girlfriends do anyway? Pretty much! We're not mad at this girl though for being a sugar baby; if anything, we'd like to know where she got the application, so we could apply as well!

    10 He'll Make You More Attractive

    Another way a sugar daddy can fix your life, is by sprucing up your appearance some. For instance, money can/will better your wardrobe. You'll go from wearing TJ Maxx's finest to draping designer names such as Gucci, Dior and Prada; we're talking shoes, bags, accessories, name it!  The inside of your closet will go from 0 to 100, real quick.

    That's not the half though. Aside from dress items, money will too upgrade your physical features; such as plastic surgeries (e.g. chest, fanny or/and lip enlargement), teeth repairing, hair/nail/eyebrow alterations, etc. On top of that, some extra money can take care of things for you like spa treatments (i.e. massages, facials, mud baths, waxing), salon tanning, gym membership and whatever else. Like we said, the works baby!

    9 He'll Fill Your Life With Abundance

    Wow, must be nice. This lady, earns the equivalence of 2 full-time jobs… but only works one gig! We commend her somewhat though, since most folks would of been quit their FT job if they had it like this. Perhaps she just likes her job a lot and enjoys working there; or, she could have kids and can't quite walk out of her day job just yet. Whatever the case may be, all we know is that this sugar baby is bringing home a good amount of coins for her piggy bank.

    In essence, a sugar daddy's role is to fill your life with abundance; by plugging-in any and all holes you may have in your life's boat. He's suppose to make sure your "boat" stays afloat by enhancing your boat and the boat's features. With a sugar daddy, you're suppose to pull up in a canoe and leave in [at least] a mini-yacht! Anything less than that is uncivilized.

    8 He'll Provide You With An Escape

    Again, where do they find these 'sugar daddy' jobs-Backpage? Perhaps. Nevertheless, this sugar baby has the ideal employment. Basically, she gets paid to do jack! Okay, we agree that time is your most precious commodity (hence the phrase "time is money"); therefore, some would say this young lady should get compensated for spending her time with the gentleman. Than again, someone else might say, "Man please! You know she doing something strange for a little piece of change!"

    We don't know and don't want to know; however in this case, this sugar daddy has provided his sugar baby with an escape. An escape from working out in the real world (which sucks, btw). Providing you stumble upon the right sugar daddy, maybe he'll give you an escape route too.

    7 He'll Turn You Into A Cold-Hearted Business Partner

    Remember in Dead Presidents, when Cutty (Clifton Powell) knocked Anthony Curtis (Larenz Tate) down the stairs and then walked up to him [Anthony] and shoved a firearm in his mouth? What he say to Anthony then… "You lucky this is personal. I ain't gonna kill you over no woman… " Mm, Cutty is OG-triple OG status w/o a dzoubt.

    The reason we bought up that scene is because Cutty demonstrates the perfect example of separating business from personal (pleasure). As the young lady in this confession is the same way-about her business, about her loochie; she separates her personal from her business, period. Hey, well, if you're going to be a sugar baby, guess that's the best way to be.

    6 He'll Relieve Your Stress

    Shoooot, makes me wanna become a sugar baby my damn self! Haha, well not really but still. This sugar baby hit it right on the nose: "I always thought a lot of money could reduce a lot of stress in my life… " Now, tell me THAT ain't the gosh honest truth! We all think that, c'mon. That's why most people play the lottery ain't some point or another in their life; that $1 and a dream can literally set you free.

    In this case, the sugar baby had her presumptions confirmed by procuring substantial amounts of case from her so-called sugar daddy. Indisputably, the main benefit of taking on a sugar daddy is to alleviate [financial] stress in your life. Frankly, if not, what's the real point?

    5 He'll Give You Independence

    Don't let that last sentence fool you for a minute. You're 19 years young, with your OWN house… come on, you don't feel that freakin' horrible! Seriously, thoroughly imagine the get together's; parties a 19-year-old has at their own home. R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S! To add onto the plate, throw in a nice vehicle and $150,000+ in cash - hey, maybe this girl's onto something!

    What she's onto is-a road to independence. This young lady fixed her life up dramatically with the services of a sugar daddy (or sugar daddies). We're not saying that if you have dreams of financial autonomy, that you should [or shouldn't] reserve yourself a sugar daddy. All we're saying is, it's a slight chance that you could end up like the girl in this confession! Ya dig? ?

    4 He'll Make Your Life Easier

    We love this confession. You know why? Because you only live once. That's right… once. Some may say, "Well, actually Willie, you only die once". For those that say that, eat a manure and Swiss sandwich. Yes we know you only die once, but what we're saying is that you have only one life to live; therefore, live it to the fullest. And being rich for "no reason" sounds like some true living to us!

    This sugar daddy has made his sugar baby's life easier; as a good sugar daddy should, could and would. This lady even thought about leaving the sugar baby game for a sec then was like, "Hold up, hey! For my n****s who be thinkin' we soft, we don't play! We gonna rock it 'til the wheels fall off; Hold up, hey!" She couldn't let them bookoo bucks go, and we can't blame her.

    3 He'll Make You Realize Money Can't Buy Love

    Ralph Tresvant said it best we think, in his song "Money Can't Buy You Love" off of the Mo' Money (1992) soundtrack. "(Money can't buy you love), Money, can't buy you love, can't buy you happiness, true love can bring; Oh, no, money, can't buy you love, Can buy you diamond rings, but money can't… buy you love," were the o' so wise words sung by the New Edition lead singer.

    As proven in this confession, all the money in the world still can't prevent this sugar baby from wanting to be with her broke boyfriend (we understand he's probably not broke, per say; just has a lot less money than her 'daddy'). Though she says she doesn't know what to do, in reality [and, in her heart], she unquestionably knows exactly what to do…

    2 He'll Give You Options

    Wait, now is she afraid that if she tells the one sugar daddy that's she's in love with another sugar daddy, that the sugar daddy she tells will get upset and cut her off? Or, is she scared that if she tells the sugar daddy she's in love with that she loves him, she will never see him again after telling him so? Hard to tell from the confession, however, any way you put it - this girl's got options!

    A sugar daddy can provide you with more options in life; especially if you have more than one of them. As far as her being in love with one of her money machines, well, we have a feeling that she's going to keep her little secret to herself and continue milking both of these cash cows for what their worth! She'll just let the bags of money console her in the meantime.

    1 He Can Get You A Sugar Momma Too!

    This right here, is history. This is the first time ever that we've ever heard of; a sugar FAMILY! Sugar babies, yes. Sugar daddies, yes. Sugar mommas, indeed. But a sugar baby, a sugar daddy and a sugar momma all underneath the same roof… now, that changes the game!!

    If it is your thing, apparently there are some sugar daddies that can provide you with your very own sugar momma too; making all three of you guys one big happy family. Yes, you'd be FAR from the Huxtable's, but you'd still be a lil' twisted family of sorts. Just don't start adding sugar dogs (where they financially drape the animal) and sugar gerbils and stuff like that… then we're all the way through with it!