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    15 Signs You're Desperate

    You'd be lying to yourself if you claim you have never felt at least a tad desperate at one point in your life. It's okay to admit since we all go through it - when we're so down in the dumps when it comes to our love life that we assume ANYTHING will do in the dating department. There are those of us who hate living the single life so much that we'd do almost anything to rectify that, and our emotions start to lose control as a reflection of that specific desperation. We start doing things we never thought we'd actually do (such as stalking the website dating scene or simply taking home random troll-looking strangers at last call) and our sanity begins to waver slightly. And we get it, but finding love shouldn't be an end all. Here are 15 signs that you're desperate and need to tone it down a notch or two.

    15 You Fall Too Fast

    Okay, so in a bizarre hour of desperation, you managed to snag a date with someone. But then, after probably about five minutes into getting drinks with them, you suddenly find yourself opening your mouth and having a balls load of word vomit projectile out: “So, what are we exactly?”. Um, yeah, things like that and “where is this going” should be reserved for MUCH LATER in the relationship. If you find yourself asking that on the first, second, or even third date, you're falling too fast and you reek of desperation. Hell, you reek of it even if you ask on the eighth date or heaven forbid you actually say “I love you” after a short period of time. You need to actually get to know the person better, those are what those first dates tend to be reserved for, not for letting the crazy show so very quickly.

    14 “But… Where Is This Going?"

    So you managed to both get someone and wait to ask the inevitable question of “where is this going?” good for you! But now that you've asked it, you feel the constant need to keep asking for relationship status updates every couple of seconds. Guess what - if you came asking the person to verify what you two actually are, you're more than likely to drive that person away. You don't need weekly verification in order to be happy - just be happy growing together and pretty soon you won't even have to ask - you'll just know. If you need constant verification, you're acting desperate and it's going to show, which is a massive turn off. What's even worse is if you jump to conclusions too fast about what you two are and start spreading it around to other people - unless you truly want to send them running.

    13 Stalk Much?

    Sometimes this isn't so much a part of desperation, especially if you're just starting to date someone new. Everybody Googles a potential first date because you want to know exactly what you're getting into. We do it mainly just to make sure the person isn't a serial killer or anything. But if you're dangerously fascinated with someone, you can go back four or five years in their Instagram timeline and suddenly you find yourself sweating bullets thinking you might hit that “like” button by accident. You studying every aspect of their presence on social media after you've been out on a few dates with them only means you're walking that desperation line. Is it really necessary to find out the blood type of their eighth cousin twice removed? Nope, I hate to break it to you, but it's sooooo not necessary.

    12 You're Suddenly Clingy As All Heck

    “Where are you going? Why are you going? Can I come with please and thank you?” Do you find yourself asking these questions to the person you want to be with as they're fast-walking out of your door? Trust us, if you take notice that you need to tone back all those text messages and phone calls to the person you're interested in, your own desperation is peaking through. You're being clingy, and it's annoying. People need room to grow. You've heard that “absence makes the heart grow fonder” right? Well, heed that advice or you'll end up scaring the person away (you'll see them literally tripping over themselves to get the utter heck away from you). You need to step off a second and realize that you don't need to spend every second of the day with them. It's just not healthy.

    11 You Hear Wedding Bells At First Sight

    Remember that scene in How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days when Kate Hudson's character goes all crazy and puts together an entire scrapbook dedicated to her and Matthew McConaughey's future after only dating him for less than a week? Yeah, when you start to picture (and plan) your wedding together after first sight, you're turning into one huge desperado. If you're more interested in settling down with someone more so than actually getting to know the person, you need to tone it waaayyy back. Most people like to actually date for a while before they start hearing the toll of wedding bells so if you even mention walking down the isle to the object of your desire, you might notice them starting to back up very slowly.

    10 Trying Too Hard To Please

    Desperation can peak whenever you either really like someone or are just starting a new relationship and you're trying too hard to please the person that you slowly begin to lose your own identity. If you're in a relationship, the person likes you for you - plain and simple. If you're trying to change into the person you'll think they'll like, you're turning dangerously desperate. How do you expect to win the other person's trust if you're changing who you are in order to please them? Stop being so agreeable, especially if it goes against who you are in the long run. It can easily make you look like a pushover as well, and if you're with the wrong sort of person, they'll easily take advantage of your agreeableness and use it against you.

    9 Posting ALL YOUR FEELINGS On Social Media

    I see this way too often - and it more-so happens with girls under the age of 20. For some bizarre reason, if a girl feels like she doesn't have a boyfriend by age 16 there must be something eternally wrong with her. So what does she do? SHE POSTS ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING ON SOCIAL MEDIA. From her Facebook (where she posts constant memes that reflect her desperation, hoping to get sympathy from other people) to her Twitter account (where she's constantly tweeting “I HATE BEING SINGLE OMG I'M SO UGLY”), signs of her desperation start to peak in the most annoying fashion. This drives other people batty because the posts seem never-ending. Perhaps if they logged off everyone once in awhile and took a walk in the real world, they'd eventually meet someone. Jeez.

    8 You're Somehow ALWAYS Available

    Do you find yourself open like a 7/11 on a daily, weekly, monthly basis? When someone says “jump,” do you do so with vigor? Whenever someone asks you to do something within the next hour, do you agree even before they can finish their sentence? Yup, you're wading around in the desperate end of the pool - ESPECIALLY when it comes to having a new person in your life. You're constantly rearranging your schedule for this person even though it's throwing your entire life out of whack. Sure, it's always a good thing to make time for someone you're interested in, but accepting every single invitation they throw at you (especially those last minute ones) can make them question why you have so much dang time in your life. You have a life of your own, you don't need to revolve all your time around the person you're interested in.

    7 Your Horrible Ex Starts To Look Attractive Again

    “So what? The guy may have cheated on me five times with my sister but at least he was honest about it!” you say as you reach for your phone at 2 am after downing two bottles of wine and nearly drowning in your own mascara-lined tears. Suddenly coveting your rotten ex is a surefire sign that you're walking that desperation line. You start to miss all of his annoying (and emotionally destructive) traits and even come to find them adorable. BUT TRUST US - PUT THE PHONE DOWN. You don't need to send that “U up?” text or even the more deadly single line “I miss u” text. Nope, no, and nah. Instead, text your best friend who you know will be awake and ask them to come over and either slap the utter crap out of you, or throw your phone into the ocean.

    6 Boozing It Up A Little Too Much

    Hey, speaking of empty bottles of wine, you ever open up your recycling bin and see at least a half-dozen bottles clinking together in there more so than food containers and it's ONLY the beginning of the week? Yep, seems like you're trying to mask your desperation by replacing affection with booze. Not only is this a huge sign, but it also presents a health hazard. You seem to be taking out your frustration on your liver. The worst part is, you have absolutely no problem drinking alone at home while crying softly in the dark. Doing this every once in a while is perfectly normal (sometimes booze helps us get a good cry on), but when you start doing this every night and mooning over your desperation, you might be on the edge of a serious problem.

    5 Last Call Hunt

    It's five minutes until Last Call at your favorite local bar and you still haven't found someone to take home, so you start to creep on the faces of those around you, seemingly all the four or threes on the attractive scale. Yes, you find yourself actively hunting the trolls of the bunch even though you're far from a troll yourself. Your beer goggles are working overtime thanks to your desperation. And what happens if you actually end up going home with one of these fools? You end up either taking the walk of shame or pulling a coyote ugly a few hours later. This is absolutely no good and will tear even harder at your self-esteem the next day. And what's worse is you also run the risk of one of these trolls turning YOU down and if they do you'll end up simply collapsing in on yourself like a dying star.

    4 Lowering Standards

    Okay, it's one thing when you're wearing those rose-colored beer/vodka/rum goggles and take home a four, but it's an entirely different story if you're sober and start shrugging when a six asks you out and you come to find out they have the personality of a two and yet you keep seeing them. A person with an amazing personality can suddenly be the best-looking person in the room, but if they have a sincerely awful personality and you continue to date them, there's something wrong with you. It means that you'd rather be miserable than be alone. On a normal basis, you wouldn't give those people even a second glance, but if you're feeling desperate, you hop on them like a life preserver in the middle of the ocean. Even during dark times, you should never settle.

    3 You'd Rather Be In A Relationship Than Focus on Your Career

    For some of us living in the real world, our careers are our lives - especially if it's a career that we thoroughly enjoy and love. However, some people think that they'd rather have love over their career if they're getting up there in age and are STILL single. When you end up choosing a new person over a career you've worked your entire life for, you're purely desperate and in a compromising position. Who the heck knows if this new relationship is going to work out? You'd be throwing away everything to solely focus on them, and if they're NOT a crazy loon, they'll end up feeling the pressure and head off running for the hills. This is a big fat no-no. Sure, it can be different if you don't love what you do, but it's still dangerous.

    2 Willing To Let Your Family Set You Up

    So you've tried literally every other option under the sun when it comes to your dating life, and still you're coming up empty handed - so what's your next step? If you find yourself picking up the phone in order to call your mother to ask about that “cute deli guy” she's been dying to set you up with, you might be desperate. EVERYONE knows that you've reached the end of the line whenever you call up your mom, your dad, your sister, or your close cousin and ask them to set you up with someone they think would be “perfect” for you. NO ONE DOES THAT ANYMORE. You're going in blind, friends - BLIND. And it's even more embarrassing than going on an actual blind date because if it fails miserably, you end up cussing out your family. OR! If the person appears to be a dud, you'll suddenly wonder why the heck your family would even do this to you? Do they believe you're a dud too? Sigh.

    1 You're Literally On EVERY SINGLE DATING SITE

    Trust us, this isn't a good thing. Being on one dating site is fine - even being two is fine. But being on every single dating site that's offered is just desperate, people. Seriously? If you think being on www.OKCupid is bad, try being on www.OKIGiveUp, because that's pretty much the same as attempting to cover all ground by being on more than five dating sites at once. It's one thing if you're trying to score on a nightly basis (that's what Tinder is for, everyone knows that), but it's another thing entirely if you want to settle down. Especially if you actually manage to find someone and they discover that you're listed on every dating site known to man. Trust us, you won't have them for very much longer that way.