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    15 Reasons Why Being The Rebound Is Better Than His Girlfriend

    Everyone has gone through a bad break-up at least once and surely it was devastatingly heartbreaking. Unfortunately, these hostile break-ups take a huge toll on us. They don't just break us, but they also change us. The break-up drains the energy out of you. You would rather stay home and bawl your eyes out while reminiscing about all the good times in your relationship than go out with your friends for a few drinks to help you get over it. The break-up makes you go crazy. You think about all the possible things you could have done to save this relationship and maybe even figure out a way to get back together. Okay. Relationships can be very complicated; it has its ups and downs and sometimes more downs than ups.

    It's hard to accept the fact that you are no longer in a committed relationship with someone who you thought might possibly be the one. You guys shared everything together; the laughs, the love, and the trust, but now it's time to move on. It's over. The best and the quickest way to move on from your ex is to be with another person, even if you're the rebound. Don't jump into another serious relationship! Being a rebound can actually be rewarding for you. People say rebounds are rarely a good thing, but they can actually be awesome! It could help you get back on your feet. Don't you want to get out of your misery?

    Here's the list of reasons why being the rebound is better than his girlfriend.

    15 There Is No Break-Up Because This Is Not A Relationship

    It's great to be the rebound and not his girlfriend, because there is no such thing as a break-up, especially a messy break-up. You guys never had a committed relationship in the first place to even have a break-up. Yeah, this temporary rebound relationship may come to an end after a while, but that is it. Whether it ends mutually or not, there are no hard feelings. You already know what you got yourself into and you probably benefited more from this relationship than you imagined. You won't be crying so hard that your mascara is rolling down your cheeks, you won't be binge eating to fill up your empty heart, and you're much happier than you were after the break-up. You might actually be ready to commit to an actual relationship. All is good and well!

    14 You Do Not Worry When He Doesn't Text You Or Call You

    In a relationship, it worries you when he doesn't text you or call you. It makes you wonder if he's somewhere he shouldn't be, like with his ex or a close girl friend; if he's just blatantly ignoring you; or anything else that will make you upset and angry. This is what relationships do to you. In a rebound relationship, it doesn't bother you at all, because there are no feelings involved. That's the difference between a rebound and an official relationship. You probably don't have to worry, because he's likely to contact you. He's trying to do everything he did with his ex with you instead, so he wants to keep in touch with you and meet up with you. Every time he thinks of his ex, he will come running to you for distraction even if he's busy. And if he fails to, it doesn't actually matter.

    13 You Do Not Feel Alone Because It Keeps You Busy (A Support From A Man Is More Comforting Than From Your Friends After A Break-Up, Sometimes)

    Companionship is the best way to keep you from feeling alone. Sometimes a support from a man is more comforting than from your friends. Friends are great; they will try to make you feel better with comforting words like “You can do better” or “He's not worth your tears.” Friends will even call him up and curse him out. It's sweet and all, but it doesn't make you feel that much better. It's not the same as replacing your ex with another guy. That will definitely do the trick. When you watch Netflix with him on the bed like you did with your ex, it makes you forget all about him as opposed to doing it with your beloved friends. There will be no Netflix cheating since you guys are not in a relationship.

    12 You Love The Attention And The Small Affectionate Things Like Cuddling And Kissing

    He quickly wants to replace the feelings he misses with his ex so he would want to show you that he's forgotten all about her and you're the only one on his mind. Whether his intentions are real or not, it doesn't matter. You get to enjoy all of these small gestures, like cuddling, holding hands, kisses on your cheeks and a lot of hugs. It's nice to feel appreciated. Small gestures are better than one big grand romantic gesture, like a candle-lit dinner. They have a way of telling you that he can't keep his hands off you and he can't stop adoring you. Why not take advantage of all of this sweetness?! It distracts you from whatever's on your mind. You might also feel that you can be happy again without your ex.

    11 Getting Naughty In Bed Is So Much Better And More Exciting

    It's definitely more exciting to get in bed with someone who's not your boyfriend. You don't have to worry if he's going to like what you do and if what you do is going to please him. You can if you want, but that doesn't have to be your number one priority. This should be about you and what you want and you take it! Maybe there are things you wanted to try, like a cartwheel position or public places, but your ex wasn't down for it. This is an opportunity to experience and learn a few things. You're not likely to see him on an everyday basis, which should make this more intense. Sure, getting freaky between the sheets with your boyfriend can be fun, but it can turn into a routine after a while. Let your inner demon loose and get your freak on!

    10 It Distracts You From Thinking About Your Ex

    After a horrible break-up, you're bound to constantly think about your ex. You wonder if he's thinking about you or if he's found a new girlfriend. Maybe you think of places he'd be so that you can “accidentally” bump into him and hope that maybe you guys can get back together. It's a good thing that this new guy distracts you from thinking about your ex. He's your “boyfriend” without being your boyfriend. He's like your knight in shining armor, figuratively. Every time you fall back on your break-up, you can look up to him, because he's the the person who will fill your void. You're not even emotionally ready to be in a relationship so as long as you're in the presence of another guy, who you're attractive to, you're likely to think less about your ex.

    9 You Are Not Ready To Make A Long Committed Relationship For A While

    Going through one long committed relationship after another could be exhausting. Just being in a relationship is a lot of work. Being the rebound is so much better than being his girlfriend. You don't have to think about another possible break-up like the one you just had, at least for a while. You don't want a repeat of the same mistakes from your past relationship. There's a lot to explore and learn. Starting a relationship is exciting in the beginning as always, but that honeymoon phase is temporary and then it's the same cycle over and over again - the petty fights, the lack of emotions, and so forth. You want a break from it, and being his rebound is your break. You get to have fun with no commitments, and it helps you let out all this bitterness from your past relationship. Enjoy the moment.

    8 It Helps You Understand What You Want In Your Future Relationship

    Being the rebound helps you understand what you want in a future relationship that is real and steady. You may want someone to notice the small things like when you get a haircut, how you eat your ice cream, and the way you smile that brightens his day, something that is touching and makes your heart flutter at all time. He would often compliment you, and when he criticizes you, it wouldn't be his intention to demean you but because he can be open with you. He would show that he appreciates you by making you feel like his lady. He wouldn't judge you for being you and instead he would accept you and your flaws. You could also learn a few things about yourself from this relationship, like things you do that bothers guys. Being a rebound is not bad. Use it for experience, and then put that experience to good use for the real thing.

    7 This Is Until You Mend Your Heart And Figure Out What It Is You Want To Do With Your Life

    It's not forever. Being a rebound is only temporary to help you recover from a nasty break-up. There's no easier way to do it than to do it with another guy. A guy who finds you attractive is the best when it comes to helping you overcome the sadness you had with your ex. Once you figure out what it is that you want to do with your life, whether it is to change your career or to travel the world, it will be over. He's using you and you're using him, so it's likely that this will end amicably. You guys might even become good friends. After all, you were there for each other to support and comfort one another until your hearts mend. It's like friends with benefits.

    6 Living The "Single" Life Is So Much Fun

    One of the greatest things about being a rebound is that you get to enjoy your “single” life. Because you are not committed to anyone like you would be in a relationship, you're allowed to go out with your girlfriends for drinks without letting him know. When you get hit on by other guys, it's okay for you to flirt back. You don't have to fret over being questioned about where you've been, what you've been doing, and who you've been with when you come home late. Even if nothing happened, you wouldn't have to defend yourself and try to make him believe you. You answer to no one. You're free! You don't have to tell your new guy anything, because his business is his and your business is yours. There's no line to cross. You can meet up with him after a girls' night out and get it on with him without feeling any trace of guilt. If you were his girlfriend, then that's a total different story, but that's not the case here.

    5 You Are Open To Meeting All Types Of Guys And Possibly Find Potential Love

    Keeping your options open is another plus for not being his girlfriend. If you were his girlfriend, then obviously you are not allowed to meet other guys and then you would miss out on the chance to meet some real potentials. When you're putting yourself out there, mingling and conversing, it's possible to find your future partner. Meeting all types of guys is an excellent way to figure out what type of guy complements you. It's helpful to compare him with the other guys you've met, too. Who knows? It may also help you realize that you made the right choice to not jump into a relationship with this one. Exploring your options would certainly help you know what kind of a guy you would want to be with when you're ready.

    4 It Boosts Your Self-Confidence And You're Happier

    A bad break-up damages your self-esteem. It questions your worth and if you're ever going to be loved again. You dwell on the little things like maybe you weren't pretty enough or you shouldn't have done this or that. In the end, you're left with your insecurities. What if you'll never meet someone like him? What if he's the best you'll ever have? All of these questions will only drive you crazy. The thing about being the rebound is that you get to gain that self-confidence back. You get to feel desired by another guy. Because he is also trying to get over his ex, he will be pouring you with affections. This certainly helps your ego. You are much happier and that's what matters. This is not likely to last if you were in a relationship with him, because once you're in that comfort zone, it won't be the same.

    3 You Just Go With The Flow (See Where This Takes You Instead of Trying Hard To Make This Work)

    There's just so much on your plate and you don't have to worry about this rebound relationship being a part of that. It's awesome that you don't have to try so hard to make this work between you and him. Making an actual relationship work is not only a lot of work but it also takes you away from other things that are important, like your career. When a relationship goes bad, it heavily affects your life. It shouldn't but it literally takes up more than half your full plate. It's a relief to just go with the flow as the rebound and see where it takes you. If it doesn't work out then it doesn't work out. It's good that you don't have much expectations for it like you would in a relationship.

    2 You Are Not Jealous When He's Talking Or Flirting With Another Girl

    Flirting or even just talking to another girl would get you jealous and maybe even furious if he were your boyfriend. This is unacceptable in a relationship. This is likely to turn into a fight between you and him, so it's a good thing that you're just each other's rebound. As much as he can flirt and talk with other girls, so can you with other guys. There's no stopping you from doing that; you guys are not labeled as a couple. You're free to do what you please and so is he. Also, even if you do get jealous a bit, there's no point in telling him that. It will only make you come off clingy. If you don't like it, you can just leave and easily move on to someone else just like you did with him. You're not his girlfriend so you don't have to owe him any explanation for leaving, either.

    1 There's No Strings Attached

    Let's be real. There are so many emotions in a real relationship that it can be pretty overwhelming. In a rebound relationship, there are absolutely no emotions involved. You're not obligated to know his birthday or his favorite color. You don't get upset when he doesn't send you a sweet text or give you a call, because you're in it for the fun and not in it to settle down. The best part about being a rebound is that you can still get your needs fulfilled in bed without being tied down… emotionally, anyway. You don't have to put up with his sh*t after you're done. It's bang bang and you're out. There's also no bitterness when this no-strings-attached relationship ends, like it does in a real break-up. It's a win-win!