15 Real Ways He's Telling You What He's Thinking With His Body Language
Figuring out what your man - or a man - is thinking can be a difficult task, especially when few are willing to discuss their actual thoughts and feelings. Fortunately, though, we have body language experts who can give us the inside scoop on what's running through our guy's head, based on his movements and posture. It'd be nice to know if we're good to make a move or if we're wasting our time without having to come right out and ask it, which is where knowing his non-verbal cues and signals comes in handy!
Even when we think we have guys all figured out, it pays off to know when a date is going well or not so well, beyond the general vibe of the evening. Looking at these 15 real ways he's telling you what he's thinking with his body language can help you steer clear from potentially embarrassing scenarios, and give you the green light to go ahead when he's for sure feeling it. When it comes to dating, there's a lot more to be said with his body than just the words coming out of his mouth!
15 Licks his lips: He's anxious to impress
Yes, the obvious reason a guy would lick his lips is because he's got some X-rated thoughts running through his head and, like the cat who preys on the mouse, he's anxious to pounce. Another big reason for this bit of body language is actually a little sweeter and less safari-animal: he's nervous about impressing you!
When we get nervous, our salivary glands stop secreting, and so our mouth gets dry. Licking our lips helps moisten things back up, and acts as proof of his anticipation. It's not always that he wants to sink his teeth into you - although that might be the case - but more likely, he's anxious to prove to you that he's worth your time and effort, because he already knows that you're definitely worth his!
14 Talks with his hands: He's a good communicator
You know when you get so excited about whatever it is you're talking about that you start to gesticulate to better illustrate your point? Same goes with guys! Men who talk with their hands aren't just more animated about what they're saying, they're also extremely good communicators in general - ideal for a smooth relationship.
Using your body to help express yourself makes you more interesting to the listener (to both their eyes and ears), and if he's trying to get you to pay more attention to him and the words coming out of his mouth, it's probably because he's feeling it! A guy who keeps his arms rigid and tight to the body, though, could signify the exact opposite: you've left him cold and he doesn't know how to tell you.
13 Faces you: He's respectful
Let's be honest here: when we go out on a date, we might be inclined to put the girls on display. It makes us feel sexier, more feminine, and might even bring out some good-natured jealousy in our date. Since guys also know their biology and natural instincts all too well, they'll be fighting themselves to keep their gaze upward and resting on our face. It's not that he's not interested - he definitely is - but keeping his eyes trained on yours and the rest of your face is his way of showing that he's respectful of you as a person and not just a s*x object. It's his way of trying desperately to prove to you that he likes you, your personality, and everything else you have to offer - not just those two luscious fun bags on your chest.
12 Fidgets in his seat: He wants outta there!
Occasionally, a guy fidgeting in his seat might mean that he's anxious to make a good impression, but more often than not, it's because he's desperate to get out of there!
There's an easy way to determine if he's simply got a bad case of nerves or if he's looking to bolt: check out his eyes. Body language experts say that if your dude keeps his gaze trained on you, but is a little squirmy in his seat, it could be because he's trying to keep his hands to himself because he's feeling you already and he knows it's way too soon. If, however, his gaze is darting all over the place and looking for emergency exits, it's because he's not into it or you and is trying to figure out how to politely excuse himself - and fast.
11 Turns his legs towards you: He wants to get it on
Most body language experts agree that you can tell a lot about a person's perception of someone else - and how in sync they are - by their legs and hips. For men, it's obviously no different. If you're in a conversation with a dude and you're both seated, pay attention to his knees. Are they facing towards you, or at least tilted in your direction? If he's standing, is his body facing yours, particularly his hips? He's subconsciously trying to communicate with you via his lower body - and other sexy parts. If, however, his knees while seated (or hips while standing) are rotated away from you, it could be because his eye has wandered elsewhere. He doesn't want to be rude and will finish the conversation, but the rest of him is already on the prowl.
10 Touches his face: He's really listening
When a guy is deeply invested in the conversation - and the woman he's talking to - you might notice that he touches his face. He might stroke his chin or his cheek, which is called a “self-stroke”, something we do when we want to touch the person in front of us but don't feel like we can yet. Instead of speaking to impress you, a guy who does this wants you to know that he cares about what you're saying and is really taking it all in, via active listening.
Touching his own face is a sign of affection for you, he just doesn't think the two of you are there quite yet. He's trying to be respectful, pay attention, and do to himself what he wishes he could do to you.
9 Scratches his face: He might be lying
Unlike simply touching his face, which is a good sign, scratching his face means something entirely different. According to science, when people lie, blood can rush to their extremities, causing you to feel itchy or tingly. While he could obviously just be giving his nose or ears a good scratch, you should still have your feelers up and pay attention to what he's saying - or not saying.
Another quick trick to tell if a guy might be lying is whether or not he touches his mouth. Unlike the touching mentioned in the last entry, covering his mouth is a subconscious way of his body trying to repress his lies. If you're noticing him do it a lot when he talks to you, it might be a red flag.
8 Slouches in his seat: He's trying to look relaxed
Normally, we might think that a guy who doesn't sit up straight and proud couldn't care less about impressing us, but that's not true! A guy who slouches in his seat after talking to you for a bit (if he's slouched the whole time and never straightens up, he either has back issues or is kind of a jerk) is trying to show that he's relaxed. This dude is as cool as a cucumber - or so he'd have you think.
Relaxing his posture from being puffed-out is a way for him to appear non-threatening. He knows that he's into you and he doesn't want to scare you off, so he tries to relax and look chill in the hopes of making you feel the same way. If he stayed straight-backed and stiff throughout the whole date, you'd have more to worry about than if he slouched, trust us.
7 Raises his eyebrows: He's into you
So much of an eyebrow raise depends on the context. Did you do something impressive, like get his obscure TV reference, or something embarrassing, like spill an entire drink on yourself the minute you sat down? Does he recognize you from your Bumble picture or did you surprise him by looking nothing like your profile? An eyebrow raise can mean a lot of things, but the best thing to look out for is the “eyebrow flash”.
A super quick raise of the eyebrows combined with a smile is one of the best indicators of a man's interest. Used by both men and women, the eyebrow flash connotes a curiosity about the other person and a willingness to get to know more. You've already intrigued him if this happens, so keep going!
6 Mirrors your movements: He wants you bad
This is such a classic “I'm into you” move that it's been mentioned in multiple movies and TV episodes when a guy is trying to learn how to pick up a girl. Copying the movements of a woman is a guy's way of showing that he's into you on more than a physical level. He wants to show you that you're both so in sync, you've already begun to mimic one another within moments of meeting. Leaning in towards one another, a hand on the glass, crossing a leg in your direction - if he's following your lead, it's because he wants to get to know you better, and he's already felt a connection that he can't quite explain. Good thing for you that we're here to do it, then!
5 Reaches his hand across the table: He's asking permission
Remember that scene in Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, when the chimp asks James Franco's permission for something by holding out his hand, palm up? Yeah, well, turns out guys aren't as evolved as they'd like to think, because they actually do the same thing!
When a man stretches his hand out to you - say, across a table, or over the armrest of a chair - he's saying he wants to get closer to you, but wants to be sure that you're okay with having him do so. His palm being up means he's happy for you to take control and call the shots from there, while a palm down means he feels confident about what's going to happen next, and he's comfortable taking the lead. Either way, it's a sweet gesture that shows he wants to get closer, but only if you say it's okay.
4 Touches his hair: He wants to look good for you
In the wild, a bird that smoothes their feathers is trying to preen for a potential mate, and dudes are no different. If a guy touches or ruffles his hair, brushes it back, or flicks it off of his face, he's trying to look good for you. It's both a comforting gesture and a nervous one, because he thinks he's made a difference in his appearance (however minor) and it also soothes him to know that what may have been out of place before is now set right.
A good way to respond to this hair gesture, especially if you catch him doing it while you approach (and if you like him, obviously), is to compliment him. This lets him know that you acknowledged this tiny bit of effort, but also comforts him that he has nothing to worry about - you already think he's hot!
3 Touches your hair: He wants to get closer
Like pretending to stretch to reach his arm around your shoulders, a man who gently brushes the hair from your face, tucks it behind your ear, or sweeps it from your eyes is just looking for an excuse to get close to you. Maybe he thinks that you guys aren't yet at the stage where he can get physical around you for no reason, and so this offers the perfect excuse.
However, there is a caveat to this move. If he does it while smiling or looking deeply into your eyes, you're golden, but if he grimaces or otherwise pulls a face, it could signify a need for everything to be perfect. A guy who's romantic and tender? Yes, please. A guy who wants to keep you in line and according to his standards? Hard pass.
2 Manspreading: He thinks he's in charge
This may be irritating on the bus or the subway, especially when there's barely any room and he's taking it all up with his stupid legs, but hear us out on why this annoyance isn't necessarily a bad thing.
When a guy chooses to spread his legs wide rather than cross them, he's trying to show what he's packing, both literally and figuratively. Nicknaming this move “manspreading” is apt because it's all about machismo and showing who's the alpha male here. Putting his crotch on display is his supposedly sly way of giving you a peek at what he thinks is his biggest and best asset. If he's doing it on public transportation and getting in everyone's way, though, feel free not to take it as a good thing and nudge his legs closed!
1 Kisses your forehead: He cares deeply for you
Okay, there are a few things about this move that confuses a lot of women. First, a kiss on the forehead feels like a very parental gesture. It's what your mom and dad would do when they tucked you in at night, and therefore doesn't feel very romantic. It may have also been the move a guy pulled when he didn't think of you ~that way~ but didn't want to hurt your feeling, which is another strike against it, but hear us out: A man who kisses a girl on the forehead cares deeply for her, even if it's not necessarily a case of being smitten. That being said, it could also be a way for him to get close to you, even though he doesn't feel ready - or have the guts - to plant one on the lips. All is not lost with the forehead kiss, which can be especially tender under the right circumstances!