Why You Drive Each Other Nuts Based On Your Zodiac Signs

We all know that we can learn a lot from our zodiac signs. It's crazy how often I read my horoscope and think, "Yes, that's totally me!" And when I read what my zodiac thinks I should do with my career or my love life, I always wonder why I didn't follow that advice. I could have saved how much time that I wasted working in that dead end job or hanging out with that loser? Why didn't I just read my horoscope sooner? Well, don't worry. We're here to step in now with the zodiac advice you need before it's too late. If you're in a relationship, looking for one or about to get into one, you need this list. Because chances are, you and your boo are not going to be all lovey dovey all of the time. You're going to start to get on each other's nerves. Even the best couples aren't perfect and pleasant all the time. Want to know what your partner is going to do to bug you? Or worse, what you're going to do that annoys your partner? Great, read on! And then you'll know how to prepare for the big fights or which signs you just avoid - some people are just not worth the hassle if you're that incompatible.

24 If He's An Aries…

An Aries man is impulsive and adventurous! He probably rolled into your life like a giant ball of fire. It was exciting! Your first dates were probably super memorable as you took on activities you've never done before. You love that your Aries guy is always full of surprises. There's never a dull moment with him. But at the same time, his impulsive and adventurous nature drives you crazy. You are so frustrated by the fact that you can't get any stability in your life. It's not that you want him to follow a strict routine; an Aries guy will never be able to do that. But you need a little bit of structure in your life. Is it so much to ask that the two of you watch Netflix on the couch on Thursday like you planned instead of going on a pub crawl with a bunch of Australian exchange students your guy met that afternoon? You just want to have something you can count on instead of always being thrown for a loop.
23 If He's A Taurus…

Taurus is represented by the bull, and for good reason. That's because Taurus men are stubborn as bulls. But if you've got a Taurus guy in your life, you already knew that. In the beginning, you probably loved that your man was so decisive. He knew exactly what he wanted and how he was going to get it. Taurus men are strong and they take charge. They are often very charming so it's no wonder that you fell for him. But now? Well, you're getting a little sick and tired of his stubborn, closed minded ways. You need your guy to not put his foot down about every single issue. He needs to let you have your say from time to time. A Taurus man needs to be reminded to keep an open mind. But he struggles in conversations where he is challenged to see other people's points of view. If it's becoming a big issue between you two, let him know how you feel in a calm moment when there isn't a big issue on the table. He'll be more receptive to listening to you if he isn't already arguing his own point.
22 If He's A Gemini…

A Gemini guy is all about a good time. He's social and fun loving. He is always up for an adventure. And he loves to be around people. You two probably met when you were out with a big group of friends. You probably have an awesome gang that you hang with all the time to play board games, hit the bar and then hit up brunch on the weekend. But sometimes, you just want something a little bit deeper, right? The thing that drives you crazy about your Gemini partner is that he isn't always able to get to that deeper level with you. It's not that he's a dumb guy; Geminis are quite smart. It's just that he's so surface level sometimes. He comes across a bit shallow when all he wants to talk about is hosting a pizza party at your place or going to the bowling alley with the gang. Sometimes you just want him to be able to get serious for a second and have a real conversation about your relationship, your future and what he wants.
21 If He's A Cancer…

We know that Cancers are emotional people. Both female and male Cancerians wear their hearts on their sleeves and thrive off of having a loving place to call home. But sadly, that kind of turns your Cancer man into a big baby. In the beginning, you loved how open and emotional this guy could be. He was all about romantic talks on the couch and didn't care for wild nights out. He wasn't about playing games, which you needed in a serious guy. But now you're starting to get a little irked by his toddler behavior. The man is a bit spoiled and is totally reliant on your love and care. He depends on you for so much in his life. You are his emotional crutch in all things and you almost feel like you've become his mother. It drives you crazy but you know your guy probably wouldn't make it without you in his life. If it starts to get too much for you, let your guy know! You signed up to be a girlfriend, not a mom.
20 If He's A Leo…

Leos are the lions of the zodiac. And you know what a lion is all about? He's all about his pride! At first, you thought it was just a lot of confidence. You were so attracted to this confident man who knew how to carry himself. It's rare to find a confident guy these days so it's no wonder that you fell for him. But by now, you may have realized that his confidence is a bit more like overconfidence. Pride is a hard character trait to contend with. It's difficult if your guy can't be humble every now and then and admit when he is wrong. So if it's driving you that crazy, you have to let him know. Just make sure you talk to him in private. If you attack his pride while you're out in public, he's going to feel super defensive and likely lash out. Talk to him in a safe space when you're both calm. Show him the fine line between confident and boastful.
19 If He's A Virgo…

Virgo guys are perfectionists. You probably figured that one out if you're dating a Virgo or thinking about it. Everything he does is to the best of his ability. It can be refreshing to be with a guy who cares so much about doing his best. Most guys prefer to slack off so spending time with a perfectionist can be quite a treat. But it starts to drive you crazy when his perfectionism turns into controlling. Because he has to do it all himself and do it all perfectly, he has a really hard time relinquishing control. He is not one to take other people's suggestions or keep an open mind. And he doesn't handle it well when his plans don't go the way he thought they would. You'll never be able to turn off his perfectionism completely - that's just who he is. But you should be able to curb his habits enough so you don't feel like you're being suffocated under him.
18 If He's A Libra…

Libra men are known to be very nice and well-liked. He gets along with everyone, has a smile on his face and an air of confidence about him. It's no wonder you were attracted to him! Libras have no problem attracting people in all parts of their life - from girlfriends to coworkers. He is totally used to being the most popular and friendly guy, showing off for the group. But what you might not know is that this Libra dude is actually a big hypocrite. If you're not that close, he may be able to hide this from you but as you get to know him, you'll start to notice his fake ways. Sure, he may talk a big game but he certainly doesn't have the actions to back that up. It's going to drive you crazy that your guy can talk the talk but never walks the walk. His contradictory hypocritical side will come out more when the two of you are in public as he thinks he has to save face.
17 If He's A Scorpio…

A Scorpio man is strong and powerful. He's got a sensual side and is determined to accomplish all of his goals. If you're used to dating losers who barely have enough drive to put on pants and get off the couch, a Scorpio man is going to really blow you away. This guy is successful and knows what he wants. It's hard to not be attracted to someone as powerful and goal-oriented as a Scorpio. But after a while, his power tripping can start to irritate you. This guy is ruthless in going after what he wants. When it's a deal at work, his bosses and co-workers love that ruthless approach. But when it's deciding where you're going for dinner, he can sometimes be a bit much. You just wish he'd give up his strong attitude and try being sensitive for a minute. You get that he is driven but sometimes, you need his drive to take a backseat to your needs and concerns.
16 If He's A Sagittarius…

You probably fell for your Sag man while he was telling stories of his latest adventure. He captivated you with tales of hitch-hiking through South Africa, camping in Norway or sneaking onto the ski hill after hours. Who wouldn't want to be with a guy who is worldly and ready for adventure at a moment's notice? This guy is living life to the fullest and it's natural to want to be a part of that. But be careful, a Sag man needs to have his spotlight. Notice how he couldn't stop telling stories from his latest travels? That's because he loves being the center of attention. And after a while, that's going to get on your nerves - especially if you want the spotlight too. Plus, if he's all about the big stories and retelling them for his eager audience, what's left for you? You'll realize that he got all talked out at the bar and doesn't have anything left for you. A Sag man isn't known for deep conservations.
15 If He's A Capricorn…

Capricorn guys are amazing, on the surface. He's likely really popular in his social circles and well-liked at work. He dresses well, works hard, and does his best to make sure everyone approves of him. Nothing wrong with that, right? Well, actually, his constant need for outside approval will begin to drive you nuts after a while. This guy is always thinking about what others think of him. He needs their approval and he always wants to keep climbing the social ladder. Appearances mean a lot to this guy. If you also care about appearances and having a rich social life, you two could definitely make this work. But be careful. A Capricorn guy will definitely put his relationship on the back burner if it means he can advance socially. He would much rather the world think you two are the perfect couple than actually work on your relationship to make you a good couple. If you get in a big fight before dinner, he'll still insist you both go and act happy to keep up appearances.
14 If He's An Aquarius…

Aquarius guys are the very definition of cool. Or at least, they really want to be. You probably fell for this guy because of all the cool things he claimed to be and do. Maybe he was bragging about his awesome record collection, love for spicy Mexican food or this beer he brewed himself. He probably mentioned all of these things really nonchalantly, like he didn't even care how cool he sounded. But the truth is, he cares a lot. And it will start to drive you crazy. An Aquarius guy has no problem inflating the truth if it is going to make him sound cooler, more special and unique. He wants to be that guy that everyone admires. So maybe his "awesome record collection" is really just five records he inherited from his dad. When he says he loves spicy Mexican food, maybe he means he went to Chipotle for lunch last week and added a bit of hot sauce. And that beer he brewed himself? Yeah, he couldn't even get close to that stuff without gagging.
13 If He's A Pisces…

If you're looking for a soulful and sensitive man, you've found that in a Pisces. This is a guy who has no problem telling you how he feels, crying during a sad movie, and writing romantic love notes just because. You're never going to wonder how your man feels about you if your man is a Pisces. And for most ladies, this is a welcomed change. However, your Pisces man does have a tendency to get a bit too sensitive and emotional. And that can start to really get on your nerves. It's not that you don't love his emotional side, it's that sometimes he is way too sensitive about things that don't matter that much. Let's say you're rushing off to work and forget to kiss him goodbye in your hurry. Most guys wouldn't even notice. But a Pisces guy is going to mull over that for hours. He'll probably text you a couple times to see if he did anything wrong and if you're mad at him. Sometimes, you just want your Pisces guy to chill and not take things so personally.
12 If You're An Aries…

Aries, we hate to break it to you but it's your greatest trait that is actually going to drive your man crazy. You are exhausting! You have non-stop energy and you love being a social butterfly. You're an extrovert and you totally thrive off of having a full schedule. Chances are, when you and your guy first met, he loved your crazy and fast moving lifestyle. He probably thought it was so awesome that you were always up for going out. He loved that you would invite him to a party on Friday night, be up for a day at the amusement park on Saturday, want to hit up a new club opening Saturday night, and still be down for a pick-up game of baseball on Sunday. You were so much fun! But after a few weeks (or maybe a few months if he's really high energy), he is going to get tired. He is going to find you and your non-stop life exhausting. So, give him a break! Let him have a couple weekends off. Maybe you can go out with your girlfriends one night. Or you can even try having a night in at home. Your man still loves having fun with you, he just can't do it 24/7.
11 If You're A Taurus…

Taurus, this isn't going to come as a surprise when we tell you, but you are someone with a lot of emotions! You're that girl from Mean Girls who just has a lot of feelings and wants to bake a cake out of rainbows. But seriously, you are all about those emotions. And that's awesome! It's great that you are super in tune with your inner feels. But you're not always the most stable. You can go from giddy with laughter, to full sobbing, to rage screaming all within the hour. You love to talk about feelings but you just bring so many different feelings to the table. So what drives your guy crazy? That he can't predict what emotions you're going to have. Of course, no man is a fortune teller. It's totally natural for people to have mood swings that can be unexpected. But you take that to a whole new extreme. So cut your guy some slack and try to do some inner processing before you unleash your emotions on him.
10 If You're A Gemini…

Gemini, you are the twin of the zodiac meaning you have two competing sides within you. You can always see both angles to a problem and it's anyone's guess which side you're going to choose. It's awesome that you're open minded. You're unpredictable and that makes you really fun, just like your outgoing Aries sisters. But that's also what drives your guy crazy. He hates that you are such a wild card! Sure, it can be fun when you decide you want to go dancing one weekend and then skiing the next, followed by Netflix on the couch. But sometimes, your unpredictability can really throw your partner off. They're never sure what they are going to get when they're out on a date with you. So while it's in your nature to mix things up, try not to get too wild without giving them some warning first.
9 If You're A Cancer…

Cancer, we all know you are the mom of the zodiac and one of the most emotional people. And just like a mom, your memory is like a vault. Seriously, you never forget anything! You were probably awesome at school with that memory writing tests. Sometimes, your memory is great. Your partner thinks it is so sweet that you remembered their favorite chocolate bar, even though they only mentioned it one time. And you're never going to forget a birthday or anniversary. So where's the bad? Well, it becomes a bit of a problem when you use your memory against your partner. Let's say the garbage didn't get taken out. You ask your partner why they didn't do it and they say they didn't realize they were supposed to. But then you remind them that they promised to do it last night when they were brushing their teeth. You never forget and sometimes, that drives your partner nuts.
8 If You're A Leo…

Leo ladies are complicated chicks! But you knew that, right Leo? You are totally the type to overanalyze and get into the details when you really don't need to. Sometimes, you just have to take things at face value, Leo. Not everything has a secret meaning. And it's this kind of overanalyzing and worry that drives your man nuts. Of course, not all guys are nice. But if you're with a guy you love and trust, then you should believe what he is telling you. If your man tells you that you look beautiful, you should thank him and maybe even return the favor. You shouldn't freak out and start worrying. "Why did he say I look beautiful today? Did I look ugly yesterday? Or is he trying to butter me up because he did something wrong? Oh my god, is he cheating?" Leo, get out of your head! Give your guy a break and give him the benefit of the doubt.
7 If You're A Virgo…

Like your Leo sisters, Virgo you can totally get stuck in your head. It's not so much that you question whether your guy is being sincere, it's just that you question everything. You're a worrier! It's not your fault - you're a smart cookie and your brain moves a million miles a minute. You're always thinking and preparing for the future. But sometimes that means you lose what's happening in the present. You are always concerned with what could happening or what's going to happen next. And that drives your guy crazy! When you two go out to dinner, you're worried that you might not like what you ordered, that the waiter might put something you're allergic to into the dish and you're thinking about what you have to do at work in the morning. But try and take a step back and enjoy the moment. You are on a date with your guy! Turn your brain off for two seconds and enjoy a nice date with your man.
6 If You're A Libra…

Libra, you are always second guessing yourself. You are indecisive to the extreme! You know that common complaint that girls never know what they want to eat and it frustrates their boyfriends to no end? Yeah, that was based on a Libra. We bet you had a hard time deciding on last night's dinner, right? Typical Libra! And while it might have been kind of endearing at the beginning, you can bet that your guy is starting to get sick and tired of your indecisiveness. He can't stand the fact that you can never make up your mind. You always have to go through all of the pros and cons. Often, you get so worked up in your own head that the process to make a decision just becomes exhausting. And if you try and invite your guy into the process, he's going to go crazy even faster. So cut him some slack and help him out. Yes, decisions are hard for you. But for easy ones, like whether you want Chinese or Italian for dinner, try your best to make your decision in under five minutes.
5 If You're A Scorpio…

Scorpio, you sure are one complicated woman! Don't worry, it means men are drawn to you. They love your open sensuality and wicked smart brain. And they also love your confidence. But by now, your guy knows that your confidence can run hot or cold depending on the situation. So what drives him crazy about you? It's your ego! Scorpio, face it, you have a big ego. But more than just having a big ego, you also have a super sensitive ego. It's a hard line for any guy to walk. He doesn't want you to get too full of yourself, but he also doesn't want your ego to be bruised. He feels like he spends half his time reigning you and your big ego in, and the other half pumping you up and helping you get your confidence back. Doesn't sound like much fun, right? So Scorpio, try to keep things a little more even with your ego. We know that's a hard ask for you. But do your guy a favor and don't depend on him to be your ego check and your ego boost all in the same night.
4 If You're A Sagittarius…

Sagittarius, you are the big adventurer of the zodiac! You have traveled far and wide and you're always ready to get on the next plane and go explore. You are super spontaneous and you have a zest for life. Your guy fell in love with you because of your infectious energy and say-yes approach to life. You are full of amazing ideas and so quick to try something new. But that's where the problem lies. Because all of those great ideas and that endless energy goes exactly no where. Sag, you are awful at the follow through! You never finish a project and your man is getting sick of it. If you look around your place, you can probably see a dozen half-completed projects. You probably thought you'd get to that scrapbook or pile of old clothes you planned to turn into a quilt, but it never happened. Do your man a favor and try to reign in the crazy projects and ideas. Before you start something new, try to finish one of the projects you've already started. Prove to him that you can follow through, even though it's not in your nature.
3 If You're A Capricorn…

Capricorn, you're all about the details. You are super well organized and nothing ever slips your mind. You like to look at a problem from every angle. Now usually, none of this is bad. You're a great person to have on a big project at work. You're able to look at all the different tasks and make sure no one has missed anything crucial. Planning your annual office Christmas party for the 21st? Nope, you'll remind the team that your big budget proposal is due on the 22nd so coming to work hungover after the Christmas party is going to be a bad idea. But when it comes to your relationship, this nit picking can drive your man bananas. Because while you may see it as pointing out helpful details, he sees it as constant criticism. If he suggests a fun weekend trip up to the cabin and you immediately remind him that it's supposed to rain, gas is expensive, and there are too many mosquitoes, he's not going to feel great. Be careful that your attention to detail doesn't turn you into a killjoy.
2 If You're An Aquarius…

Aquarius, your biggest claim to fame is that you are always super chill. Your life is balanced and nothing ever fazes you. You don't get upset but you also don't get super thrilled. You're just low key about everything. Basically, you're a super cool person. Or at least, you want everyone to see you that way. Putting out that chill persona is what you're all about. And when your guy first met you, he probably loved that you were so chill. There's absolutely no drama with you. But after a while, he might start to wonder why you won't have a normal reaction to anything. Aquarius, give yourself permission to show a bit of emotion. You're allowed to get mad if something bad happens. You can get super excited over something awesome. You don't always have to try so hard to act cool. We all know you're cool; you don't have to prove it anymore.
1 If You're A Pisces…

Pisces, you're an emotional creative soul. You probably drew your man in by showing him your heart and inviting him into the creative side of your life. But you're also one of the most immature signs of the zodiac. That's not to say you aren't smart; you're actually very wise. But you live life almost like a child. Like your Libra sisters, you have a very hard time making decisions. It's not so much that you get worried or try to argue both sides of a problem. Your big thing is that you can't decide unless you get someone else's opinion. You don't trust yourself and you want someone else to lead the way. At first, your guy probably enjoyed that you cared about his opinion and valued his input. But now, it's driving him crazy! He just needs you to be able to make up your own mind without crowdsourcing your opinion. If he hears you say, "Do you think I should… ?" one more time, he's going to lose it.