What Will Be The Cause Of Your Divorce, Based On Your Sign (Him & Her)

When we get married, we don't do it because we're expecting to get divorced in a few years (or a few decades) - we do it for love. We expect to spend the rest of our lives with this person, maybe have babies and live happily ever after, which is why we throw thousands of dollars for a party that celebrates out love in front of all our family and friends. No one goes into marriage expecting to divvy up all your assets a little ways down the line, but things happen, and you can suddenly (or not so suddenly) find yourself in Splitsville.
So, what's to blame?
Well, there are always extenuating circumstances that differ depending on the individuals and how they function as a couple. With that being said, though, the zodiac can play just as important a role in why your marriage ended in divorce as to why you both got together in the first place, because love and relationships is one of the focal points of the zodiac. While we don't expect this to apply to everyone, there might be a few red flags you're better off knowing before deciding to tie the knot.

24 Aries Man: Endless Fights

Impulsive and aggressive, an Aries man isn't good at holding his tongue, which can lead to some pretty explosive arguments in a relationship. He hates to admit when he's wrong and will either be the worst sore winner or a pouty, angry sore loser - there's no in-between when you're in conflict with an Aries guy! Compromise just isn't something this sign can abide by, which will lead to endless fights in your marriage. Their temper is just too hot to handle! Unfortunately, this can create a toxic environment for both parties, and will likely explode if left untended for too long.
This sign is known for having a higher divorce rate than most, owing to their stubbornness and inability to admit their faults. All take and no give do not make for a successful relationship, and if the Aries man is willing to be right more than he's willing to take care of his marriage, than divorce is in his future.
23 Aquarius Man: Over-the-Top Responsibility

If you want a fun dad, then an Aquarius man is your guy! If, however, you're looking for someone to share responsibilities and sometimes be the bad cop in any given scenario then sorry, please play again.
Guys born under this sign of the zodiac find it difficult to squeeze into the narrow framework of “husband” or “father”, because it means - for them - compromising who they are as an individual to become part of a unit. They don't understand the level of work involved in making a marriage successful, and so when things get tough or they're forced to take on responsibility, they balk at the challenge. Plus, since they consider themselves to be pretty progressive, they secretly hate that they decided to get married, which many of them consider to be an antiquated idea with no real merit. Divorce doesn't carry a stigma for this sign, because it's the one conforming factor they're totally okay with.
22 Taurus Man: Lack of Communication

As stubborn as they come, a Taurus guy can't deal with negotiation and compromise, leading most arguments as a stalemate. He'll never give and his partner knows that she can't keep letting him get away with whatever he's been doing, and so they're stuck at a crossroads, both seething and unable to communicate.
Being a true homebody who isn't necessarily skilled at expressing how they feel, the Taurus man will wait out communication before making the first move - especially if that move is admitting he's at fault. Taurus guys can be big sweethearts, but they're about as delicate as a bull in a china shop where emotions are concerned. A lack of communication is likely to be the downfall of this stoic sign, and no amount of dialogue after the fact will be able to save their broken marriage.
21 Gemini Man: Emotional Cheating

Sorry, Gemini guys, but your sign actually leads in divorce rates! This might be because your social nature has you meeting, greeting, and getting along with just about everyone you come across, which can increase the likelihood of your having an emotional affair behind your partner's back.
Gemini men are naturally curious and fun-loving, which makes them attractive to a great portion of society, but that flirtiness gets them into trouble - and they don't always mind. Being the sign of the twins, they're of two minds about marriage: one twin wants monogamy and stability while the other prefers to play around and have a good time! Since communication is such a big turn-on for men born under this sign, emotional cheating satisfies the mental needs that aren't being met by their SO. Too bad for them, Gemini is never good at hiding things and sneaking around, so they're almost always found out.
20 Cancer Man: Different Expectations

For a Cancer guy to get married, he has to really feel something deeply for his SO, because this sign, while hopelessly romantic and emotionally sensitive, are notoriously moody and suspicious. They will often have a set idea of how things are supposed to play out, and so when their marriage doesn't go by the book of what they believe marriage should be, a Cancer guy will be looking for the exit door.
Divorce isn't something he takes lightly, which is why this is such a deep reason for signing the papers. More likely than not, the Cancer guy has given his wife multiple opportunities to change, only to have it blow up in his face. (However, not once will it occur to him that perhaps he should edit his expectations a little bit.) Maybe he wanted a perfect housewife and mother and got a businesswoman instead, and since that doesn't fit his views, he'll end things sooner than you'd think.
19 Leo Man: Opposing Childcare Views

For all their pomp and circumstance, Leo guys are just as generous with others as they are with themselves. This sign is associated with children, and definitely wants to go forth and multiply. When it comes to children, they want to provide them with everything they didn't have growing up and then some. Stinginess just isn't their MO and they would rather their child be reared comfortably than want for anything.
Unfortunately for the Leo guy, his wife is unlikely to feel the same way, and as any married couple could tell you, differing views on childcare at every turn can really erode a relationship. These are people you brought into this life together, but if they become the source of all your arguments - perhaps uncovering some other underlying issues - then even the strongest love isn't likely to keep you two together. On the opposite side, differing opinions on whether or not to have children at all can also cause cracks in the foundation of a Leo man's relationship.
18 Virgo Man: They Leave Feeling Unappreciated

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, and any Virgo guy will tell you that that is too true. They will bust their butts to ensure that their family has a good life and that everyone is healthy and happy, but since their hardworking nature is so expected, they'll gradually feel more and more unappreciated for all that they do, which can eat away at a relationship.
Even though this zodiac sign enjoys work and takes a great deal of satisfaction from doing a good job, he still chafes at the idea that it's the way it should be. For this orderly sign, manner and a thank you go a long way. He doesn't feel like he's asking a lot of his SO, but he routinely thinks that he's getting nothing in return for everything he does. Feeling unappreciated could lead to him blindsiding his wife with papers - which he's looked over for accuracy, naturally - and living his own (probably solitary) life quite contentedly!
17 Libra Man: Superficiality Prevails

This might make the Libra guy sound terrible, but if his woman lets herself go, you can bet that he'll be drawing up the papers for an escape route. This sign is ruled by Venus and is a lover of beauty and all things aesthetically pleasing. While he's not exactly shallow per se, he does place more importance on physical attractiveness than other signs of the zodiac. He'll take care of himself physically and expect his SO to do the same.
This doesn't mean that every woman who's with a Libra needs to keep herself in tip-top shape, but he does believe that his wife will need to put in some effort in order to keep his attention. The Libra dude thinks that this signifies her appreciation of him, which he enjoys. A lady who walks around in only sweatpants and can't be bothered to brush her hair - even for a special event - has his eye wandering and his pen ready to sign on the dotted line.
16 Scorpio Man: Cheating

One of the most sexual signs of the zodiac (if not THE MOST), the Scorpio man is ripe for cheating. Ironically, this is the one thing that this sign can't abide by in a relationship and would be their number one deal-breaker, but it seems that when it comes to themselves, they simply can't help their animal urges! The Scorpio man is incredibly passionate in everything he does, and he has a raw magnetism that attracts people to him in droves. Because of this, he can find himself turning to the comfort of another woman.
Unfortunately for those involved with Scorpio guys, this sign is also very good at covering up their misdeeds. They are master manipulators and it can be months or even years before their indiscretions are ever uncovered. By that point, however, the formerly loyal Scorpio has emotionally checked out if they've allowed things to progress that far, and he won't be opposed to ending things in a legal sense.
15 Sagittarius Man: Feeling Tied Down

It's a shocker when any Sagittarius guy finally ties the knot, because no one ever thought he'd be willing to settle down! Sag men are the type to flit from one relationship to the next, ghost on Tinder dates, and suddenly hook up with someone they met while backpacking through Thailand. They're impossible to pin down, which makes them an unlikely candidate for a long-term marriage. Because of that, they'll start to chafe at the restrictions that come with being married.
This guy needs his freedom, and once he feels that that is threatened, his heart simply won't be in the marriage anymore. He's the type who will blindside his partner with divorce papers, because he makes decisions on impulse, but they're probably based on feelings that have been sitting stagnant for a while. It's not the fault of anyone but him when he decides to call it quits, because he's never quite mature enough to make the sacrifices required to make a marriage work.
14 Capricorn Man: No Partner In Crime

Hardworking and practical, Capricorn dudes tend to attract dependent partners, which is great if they wanted someone in the passenger's seat, but sometimes this sign prefers a person who can take the wheel when they have to step out of the car.
For a Capricorn guy, they need someone who is their equal in order for them to respect the relationship. Otherwise, with their smug attitude, they will steamroll over anyone who they feel is inferior to them - which is almost everyone. Capricorn men need a partner in crime who is their intellectual and professional equal. They don't need an SO who is lovey-dovey and piling on the affection, they don't have time for that! Instead, they need someone who can understand and appreciate their rigorous schedule without making them feel bad for it. If they're always the bread-winner, they might feel satisfied personally, but not in the relationship, which will lead to its dissolution.
13 Pisces Man: Alcoholism

Oh, Pisces guys, how is it that you almost always manage to ruin a good thing? This sign can be exceptionally needy in relationships, and if they're not feeling like they're being understood or appreciated, they can turn to something else to alleviate their inner turmoil. Adding to this lethal concoction is the Pisces guy's likelihood of being interested in the arts, and everyone knows that a great artist is a tortured artist.
Pisces men are prone to vices, which is why alcoholism is likely to be the reason behind this marriage's end. According to statistics, this sign is the most likely to lead a double life, which includes indulging in substances they should probably avoid. The dissolution of their marriage is likely to come from their partner, because they won't be able to pull themselves together long enough to actually make the move themselves, but make no mistake that it was his fault all along.
12 Pisces Woman: Keeping Way Too Many Secrets

Like their male counterpart, the female Pisces can live a double life, full of cheating, drug abuse, and more that make up the seedy underbelly of their other identity. Women born under the sign of Pisces live their life with their heart on their sleeve, and can be overly trusting - even when they shouldn't be trusted themselves. Secrets are the greatest vice of the Pisces woman, and they can't help but keep heaps of them from their partner. Secret credit cards, affairs, debt, drug addiction, other families - you name it, a Pisces woman has at least one under her belt.
Unlike other signs on this list, it's not just one thing that caused the marriage of the Pisces woman to collapse, it's many. However, since she spends so much of her life living as if in a daydream, she never realizes the havoc she's wreaked until it's far too late.
11 Aries Woman: Selfishness

Selfishness is one of the worst traits of the Aries woman, and she never knows when to rein it in. She truly believes that she needs to look out for herself and it's difficult for her to acknowledge the other person who's entered her orbit - even if she married them! Her passion means that she's likely to act impulsively, without giving much thought to her SO. This could translate into racking up credit card debt for purchases that make her happy but are ultimately frivolous, or taking from a relationship without willing to give anything back, or never compromising her schedule but expecting her partner to drop everything whenever she needs it.
It can be a long time coming, but the selfishness of an Aries woman can wear down a marriage to the point where her SO won't be able to deal with her chaotic nature anymore. If she loves herself so much, she might just end up all alone.
10 Taurus Woman: Boredom

Sticking close to home and enjoying the simpler pleasures of life (provided that they're of good quality, of course) is one of the most comforting things about the Taurus woman, but if she's not careful, she can find herself in a rut that she's unable to get out of.
No one wants to be bored in their relationship, and while Taurus is by no means fickle like some of the other signs of the zodiac, she is likely to think she wants one thing only to realize she might have settled. What was comforting and familiar before now becomes dull and routine and she starts itching to break free and re-experience all the sensual pleasures that define her sign. Boredom can be a silent killer in marriages, and since Taurus doesn't like change, they might stick it out until death does them part - if their SO doesn't step up and pull the plug for them.
9 Gemini Woman: Loss of Spark

To keep the fickle nature of the Gemini girl interested, you have to always keep her guessing. She's so changeable and runs hot and cold all the time, which can be a trial to deal with, but well worth it in the end. Beyond physical attraction, the Gemini woman is most interested in a killer sense of humour and a keen mind. She always wants to learn, which is why she's fascinated by meeting new people - and why she can feel stagnated by sticking with one person for an extended period of time.
This sign is often tempted to go astray, owing to their social personality and curious mind, and they will often rationalize their decision by explaining that they no longer feel the spark with their former partner. That spells the end for a Gemini woman's marriage, because she firmly believes it's something that can never be retrieved, but she'll probably never try, since someone else has already captured her interest to get her to walk.
8 Cancer Woman: She's Found Someone Else

While other signs of the zodiac might be attracted to someone else, the Cancer woman is likely to find another out of a misplaced sense of jealousy. Moody and insecure, this sign requires constant validation to feel good about themselves, and if the Cancer woman doesn't feel like she's receiving that from her SO, she'll start looking elsewhere.
Women born under this sign would rather do the hurting than risk being hurt, because they have such thin skin. So, instead of waiting for their hubby to get intimate with someone else, they decide to get a little adulterous first. Does it make sense? Nope, not at all, especially because it's often a phantom fear that has zero basis in reality or the relationship. Romance is one of the most intoxicating feelings for Cancer ladies, and once they've been swept off their feet by another, it's sayonara to the last guy!
7 Leo Woman: Physical Cheating

The need to feel adored and beloved is one of the driving forces behind the Leo woman's personality, which requires her to be in the spotlight at every possible opportunity. Because of this weakness, she can easily fall prey to the gaze of someone else, which she will gladly welcome.
This sign is known for its propensity for physical cheating, especially because they are such a seductive and physical sign. They love to be loved and they love getting it on, because they enjoy having all eyes and attention on them. The Leo lady will take a great deal of pleasure being admired by another, even if it means she's going against her wedding vows. While this sign is loyal, they are too often tempted by cheating physically, even if their heart and mind still belong with their married partner. It doesn't matter in the end, though, because the hot-headed Leo woman is likely to out herself and end it all.
6 Virgo Woman: Unrealistic Expectations

When you're as tightly wound as a Virgo woman, anyone who marries her is bound to fall short of her impossible expectations. She expects the best for herself and while she may be inclined to cut others a little slack, she won't be able to stop herself from nit-picking everything her married partner does wrong.
The divorce situation for a Virgo woman really will be a combination of all the little things adding up. Her hubby will keep forgetting to put away the dishes despite her constant reminders and she'll take it as a sign that he doesn't care about their home. He'll forget to pick up milk from the store one day and she'll think it means he'll be equally forgetful about picking up the kids form school. Every little thing will become a huge issue in her frantic brain, and eventually it'll be too much for her to handle. If her partner can't help her chill out, unrealistic expectations about marriage, the future, and her partner will spell the end for the Virgo woman.
5 Libra Woman: Constant Confrontation

Libra ladies are the peacemakers in every relationship, from friends to family to SOs. They are expert negotiators and the woman you want to settle everyone down when things get too heated. They're masters at diplomacy although they do tend to be a little bit of a flip-flopper if it makes others happy. With that being said, if a Libra woman finds herself in a marriage where she's dealing with constant confrontation, she won't be able to stick it out for very long.
This sign is naturally harmonious and strives for balance wherever possible. If they're hooked up with someone who is always searching for the worst in everything, the Libra woman will exhaust herself by trying to make things right, even when it seems impossible. Despite always wanting to be in a partnership with someone, her sense of self-preservation (and the goading of her inner circle) might be enough to convince her to call it quits.
4 Scorpio Woman: Cheating

The only sign whose reason for divorce is the same as her male counterpart, the Scorpio woman is just as likely to file owing to cheating. Unlike other signs, whose reason is specifically a physical or an emotional affair, the hot-blooded Scorpio girl goes all in when she's engaging in adultery. Like the Scorpio man, the Scorpio woman wouldn't be able to deal if their own partner cheated, but can excuse the behaviour in themselves as simply being part of their sexually voracious nature.
Since she's so good at being mysterious and can often be pretty moody, the partner of a Scorpio lady likely won't think that anything is amiss until it's too late. Rather than waiting for their partner to file for divorce, though, this sign will take charge and serve them the papers themselves, because if the hot and heavy nature of their marriage is gone, what reason do they have of sticking around?
3 Sagittarius Woman: Nothing In Common

Sag women are likely to marry all of a sudden and surprise even their closest friends by showing up all of a sudden with a ring on their finger. Since they jump from thing to thing, they don't usually take the time to get to know the person they're actually marrying, which is why a difference of opinions, interests, and values could spell the end for this sign and whoever she marries.
Sagittarius ladies place a great deal of importance on freedom of expression, and will often have to put their foot in their mouth whenever they say something they shouldn't (which is almost always). They won't be able to stop themselves from saying exactly what they think, even if it hurts their SO's feelings. Having nothing in common will just spur this sign on that much more to speak their mind and call time on a marriage that barely got off the ground.
2 Capricorn Woman: Opposite Goals

She wants to make it to the executive branch in under three years, he wishes she was home more for dinner with the family. She is so close to nailing that promotion and needs to spend a few extra late nights at work, he complains that he's not getting enough attention. Capricorn women are extremely goal-oriented, and nothing is more important to them than success, often at the expense of others. While a Capricorn lady isn't likely to get hitched to someone with vastly different goals than her, she can still be surprised after the wedding hoopla has died down and she's saddled with someone who wants her to change her very character.
The Capricorn lady is focused on herself first and foremost, and if she finds that the man she married has differing goals than what she envisioned, she's fine with dropping him and freeing up her schedule. Plus, with her undoubted legal knowledge, you know she'll be the one to draw up something fair!
1 Aquarius Woman: Resentment

Emotional expression is not a strength of this sign of the zodiac, which is why an Aquarius woman will have a long-standing resentment of her partner before finally deciding that enough is enough and pulling the plug on this whole marriage thing.
Like her male counterpart, the Aquarius lady is secretly a little disappointed in herself for agreeing to something as traditional as marriage, but she also finds it boring to be married at all. The limitations of marriage make the Aquarius girl itch sand yearn to break free, but her inability to confront her partner means she'll be stuck in an unhappy marriage for quite some time before getting the courage - or finally having had enough - to end things. It'll seem like it's come from out of the blue to her SO, but anyone who knows the true nature of the Aquarius girl will understand that her decision was a long time coming.