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    Things You NEED To Know About Your Zodiac Sign To Find And Keep Love

    We look to astrology to let us know more about the people around us, and especially about ourselves. Using the Zodiac to find realize traits about yourself that you may not even be aware can go very long way for self awareness. And self aware people are usually emotionally mature and well rounded. They know what their blind spots are and they can work on them. For this list we looked at the negative traits that each sign has, and narrowed it down to the one that would have the most negative effect on their romantic relationship. No one is perfect, but reading this can go a long way to mitigate the negative impact our more, ornery traits have on people. Maybe you have had hard time making every relationship you have been in last, well reading this list can help.

    No one actually wants to end up alone, even though sometimes it seems people do everything they can to ruin their relationship. So if you don't want to push your partner away and end up alone forever;

    Then read up ahead. Because just like our positive traits make up our personalities, so do our negative ones. But we do have control over our personalities! It is not something we are stuck with for our whole lives, especially when it comes to bad behaviours. It is important to realize what parts of ourselves we need to work on in order to have successful relationships, and work on emphasizing our positive sides. Once you realize the specific things you need to focus on and be careful about it, getting a long with people and especially you significant other will become a lot easier. Bonus qualities at the bottom!

    16 Capricorn: Workaholic That Needs To Loosen Up

    Capricorn you need to learn to let yourself chill out and relax! One of your most positive traits is actually a double edged sword. While your discipline and hard working personality will serve you well when it comes to work, it can be detrimental to the people closest to you. If you are allowing yourself to be a workaholic, you are most definitely neglecting your partner. And if you are working all the time you are always stressing about work as well. Focus on being present, and finding a balance between work and life. It is important to spend quality time with your significant other, so dear Capricorn make sure you are remembering to do that! And remind them that you can have fun and chill out!

    15 Aquarius: Needs To Learn To Open Up And Let Their Partner In

    Aquarius, the fastest way to push someone way is to be emotionally unavailable. You have to be able to ope up to your significant other. Do you know what people who are pushed away constantly do? They leave. It can be hard to be vulnerable and emotional to other people, especially if you have been hurt in the past. Work on self love first and not beating yourself up for having feelings, because we all do! Once you accept your own feelings it will be easier to talk about them to other people. And make sure you are there to listen when your partner needs to open and talk about their own emotions. Just let yourself be loved Aquarius, it feels really good!

    14 Pisces: Co-Dependancy Issues Will Drive Partners Away

    Dear Pisces, you have probably hear versions of this not only from romantic partners but from friends as well. The constant need for affirmation and attention becomes exhausting and annoying no matter how much the other person loves you. Just because you don't need any alone time and could spend every waking second with the people you love does not mean that other people can. On that note, when someone needs their space from you it does not mean they do not care / love you. In fact 9/10 it has nothing to do with you they just need their own space. So quit the over attached significant other thing because the fastest way to push someone away is to be too needy. Work on some self confidence and enjoying your time on you're own and this will become easier for you.

    13 Aries: Needs To Learn To Cool Down Their Fiery Temper

    Aries we are not going to call you emotionally abusive, but we are going to call you out for your temper. Fighting and arguing is not the solution! People do not like to be around or associated with someone that fly's off the handle over every little thing. While your strong and fiery personality also comes out in very fun and positive ways, you have to look out for this part of character. A relationship will deteriorate very quickly if your partner walks on egg shells around you and worst case scenario, actually begins to fear you and your outbursts. Don't feel like you are a slave to your temper and that it is something you can't control. Work on healthy outlets for your stress. Exercise, meditation. These are tools that can really help you becoming calmer Aries.

    12 Taurus: Has An Issue With Admitting Their Wrong

    Taurus, look in the mirror and repeat about Oprah. With enough practise, maybe you will be able to start saying it in real life. You're headstrong ways and stubbornness to admit when you are wrong is very off-putting. It doesn't mean you are stupid if you admit that someone else is right and you have made a mistake! Don't fight against the current constantly, because you may come to find that no one wants to be around someone that will never listen to anyone else. Try and figure out why you have such hard time admitting you're wrong, or why things always have to be your way. If you relax a bit and become a bit more flexible things will become better for you!

    11 Gemini: Has A Listenting Problem

    Gemini's can sometimes seem like real life Disney characters. They live in their own fairy tale world. And while of course sometimes this is wonderful. Gemini's are imaginative, gentle, kind. You can be absolutely charming. And while that is all good and fine, Gemini sometimes it is really hard to be around you. You tend to zone out pretty quickly when another person is talking because there is always some kind of day dream playing out in your head. Communication in a relationship is very important, and obviously a big part of communicating is being able to listen. No one is going to stick around in a relationship where they are not heard. Work on your focus Gemini! And spending more time grounded in reality.

    10 Cancer: Moody & Sensitive

    Draaaama! Oh Cancer. You will find something to fight and get upset about like its your job. And while you do not feel like it is you being dramatic, because after all you are just expressing how you feel you're significant other will begin to think of only on thing when it comes to you. If you trust your partner, which you hopefully do if you are with them in a committed relationship there is just no need for all the fights. Stop feeling like everything is some kind of slight against you. No one likes to be told what they are doing wrong all the time or to do with someone they know is going to get upset over the smallest thing. It will tire out the most patient person!

    9 Leo: Arrogant & Attention Seeking

    Leo's love themselves. If we could just bottle up some of their confidence and sell it to the rest of the signs, we'd be millionaires. This is one of the big draws about Leo's, their confidence and charisma makes them irresistible to almost everyone. But then people begin to realize that as a Leo, you need attention all the time. If you are not the one leading the conversation whats the point in it happening? You also tend to focus too much on yourself and how great you think you are. Work on reminding the person you love what you love about them, and try and making things about them more often. You can give someone else the spotlight Leo, it will naturally come back to you anyways!

    8 Virgo: Can Be To Critical & A Perfectionist

    This kind of behaviour has to stop! Virgo you probably feel like you are just helping when you correct people, and can't understand when people don't strive for the same standards as you do. Well let us tell you, that is really annoying. No one wants to be told a better way to do something all the time. It is also really important for you to remember that people have different standards of what is 'perfect' or 'good' for them. And just because their's is different than yours does not mean that it is not good enough! Try and focus on your patience, and maybe unless someone is going to make some horrible mistake stop correcting people all the time. It will be easier to be around you!

    7 Libra: Indecisiveness Will Drive Partners Insane

    From small decisions like where to go for dinner to big ones like should you get married or not, you struggle equally with both. The balanced approach you have to everything allows you to see all sides which is why you sometimes have a hard time choosing one. The reason this becomes a bigger issues especially when you are with someone, that as partners you are supposed to go through life making decisions and choices together. After all you are building a life together to make both of you happy. A healthy partner will not one to be the one always deciding for the both for you. Independence and being able to make strong decisions are very positive traits that will make you a much better partner.

    6 Scorpio: Jealous & Controlling

    Sometimes we have to fight against our most natural reactions. We know you want to call until they pick up Scorpio, and that you are debating whether you should show up where they said they would be when they do not answer. But no. Of course not all Scorpios are so obsessed but you all can be jealous and controlling. These traits are two of the most toxic ones that a relationship can have. Your romantic partner is not your property, and you are not their parent who they have to listen to always. Work on healthy boundaries and the reasons behind why you get so jealous and possessive. If you are with the right person and the relationship is healthy, there is no need for jealousy. You have to keep reminding yourself that!

    5 Sagittarius: Can Be Too Blunt & Insensitive

    Sag, you are loving, exciting, and full of beans. People are naturally drawn to you because of your joy for life and the way you love to love. This is why it is hard for you to sometimes realize how mean you can actually be, because you always feel like you are coming from a place of love. Well the people on your receiving end probably do not share the same feeling. You are too blunt sometimes and while you feel that because you are saying the truth this allows you to say it anyway you want, that is not the case. Not if you want your partner to stay with you. Realize that you can be mean sometimes, and don't get defensive when people try and tell you that something you said hurt them. You do not get to choose how you made someone feel.

    4 Water Signs: Way Too Sensitive

    The water signs are Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer. You may be surprised to see these signs grouped together, but there are some important traits they share that are just expressed in different ways. But all of you need to stop crying! One of the other

    biggest things for you guys those is learning to just;

    When you feel yourself getting worked up over something that is probably not a big deal, try and take a birds eye view towards it. It will help you get a sense of the bigger picture and see if maybe you are overreacting, but you guys probably are. Someone that is always overly emotional is going to drain the people the closest to them. Especially their partner with whom they have (well, should have) the most intimate and emotional connection with. Don't forget to breathe y'all!

    3 Fire Signs: Temperamental

    The fire signs are Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo. These bold signs need to learn how to take it down a notch! You're loud personalities are fun to be around but it can't be constant! It always seems like you guys are going at 100, and every reaction you have to things whether positive or negative is very big. Practise mentally throwing a bucket of water over the fire you guys have constantly burning inside of you. Your high energy is great at times and too much at most others. The best thing for you guys is to make sure you are physically active so you work out all the energy you have so that you are more calm in your regular life. Running and boxing would be a great outlet for fire signs!

    2 Earth Signs: Too Much Of A Workaholic

    The earth signs are Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo. These guys can be a bit too disciplined. You are a star in the workforce because you live to work. You live to follow rules and make sure that others follow them as well. Basically, you can be the worst sometimes. Rules are not always the end all be all, and working all the time does not a happy life make. Balance and just learning how to chill out would be very helpful for you earth signs! Don't worry about making everything perfect and you don't always have to be doing something productive. Take your partner out for a night and knock a couple drinks back, eat some good food. Enjoy life! And if you don't stop neglecting you're loved one for work you may find soon enough all you have in your life is work.

    1 Air Signs: Flighty & Unavailable

    Gemini, Aquarius, and Libra make up the air signs. These signs need to learn how to come back down to reality more often and be there for the people they love. And quite frankly, they live in their own world.  While they are always up for an abstract, philosophical discussion which makes them great conversationists, this gets old when its all the time.

    Sometimes your partner just wants to tell you about their day, and they want you to actually listen and take it in. Bring your head back down from the clouds and work hard on being present! It is not impossible for you to do, and the more you work on your listening skills the better they will become making you a better partner in the long run. You're welcome.