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    Love Spells 15 Insane Ways Women Have Tried To Attract Men

    Have you ever considered the magical properties of sweet potato? As it turns out, a couple of kilos of smashed sweet potato can do wonders for your love life. Love spells from around the world are not your average, run of the mill spells; they are really god damn weird. If you have roommates, they are going to hate you after performing some of these. Featuring spells ranked from beginner to the most powerful of all time, these spells have reportedly been proven to bring back past lovers and change the course of unrequited love. They have been used around the world by different cultures, using different vegetables and requiring you to steal underwear from the person you want to love you. If you've had enough of this already and you're thinking, "hurry up and tell me how sweet potatoes can make someone fall in love with me", skip ahead to spell number five, and get ready to start mashing. Here are 15 love spells women around the world use to attract men.

    15 The Aphrodite Spell Requires A Red Candle

    This is an amulet spell, meaning that it is charged with specific intention or purpose. Many amulets warn off bad spirits, but you can charge them to increase love. That is exactly what the Aphrodite spell will do for you; it might not attract new love, but it will increase love between you and a partner you currently have. How? You have to ask the Goddess Aphrodite for assistance. This is a beginner level spell that is very commonly used in North America. A few of the ingredients include a red candle, paper, chili powder, water, and a red pencil. The color is very important - any deviation from the red hue will ruin the spell. You have to light the red candle, ask Aphrodite for help, and then write your name and your lovers name on a piece of paper. Dip your finger in water, then the chili powder, then draw a heart using the chili powder on the names. Drip some of the red wax from the candle on the paper, but careful not to burn yourself; it could have a negative impact. If you screw up, skip to spell number five and enjoy eating a life's supply of sweet potatoes.

    14 A Complicated Voodoo Love Spell To Bring Back A Lover

    It is important that beginners do not try this spell. It could have extremely negative consequences for a wuss. Once you've experimented with love spells and feel confident in your ability to perform them correctly, you can try a complicated Voodoo spell that will make someone that once had feelings for you love you again. You need a Voodoo doll for yourself and the lover. You need to offer a strawberry or a fine chocolate to the spirit you summon to perform this semi dark magic. Trust me, if you think that's weird, wait until the avocados get involved in spell number three. Say "make (the person's name) love me again, every day their love will grow stronger", and repeat it, slowly making the faces of the voodoo doll grow closer together. Then bury the dolls, and never think of the spell again. The results will change your life. It's recommended to light a white and red candle during the spell to increase its power, but if you use the candles ever again, the affects could be ruined. Once again, beginners shouldn't do this spell.

    13 The Wiccan Love Ritual Could Create Harmony

    Are you and your boyfriend fighting non-stop? Are you feel like you're running out of options, and that your relationship is doomed? If you're willing to do anything to mend what's broken, this could be what you need. This Wiccan spell can restore harmony in a relationship. It's time to take a trip to the grocery store - you're going to need bay leaves. Might as well grab a couple pounds of sweet potato while you're there. Grab your leaves, a green pen and paper, salt and water, and a picture of you and your partner. If you have some incense handy, it would be wise to use that as well. Draw a shape of your choice on the paper, and place the photo in the center of the shape. The shape you draw will see a lot about what's wrong with the relationship. Chant "make us pure and let us heal", and then sprinkle the water on the photo. Leave it by a tree, and visit it every day for seven days. This is a common spell for beginners used in Mexico.

    12 A Full Moon Magic Spell Is What Your Heart Desires

    Moon spells are very powerful because of the energy and magic you draw from the universe. You can only do them on a full moon, so your window of opportunity is short. This spell is done all over the world, as most moon spells are, and it's easy for beginners. All you need is a piece of paper, a red pencil, and a moonstone. What will this spell do? It will attract new love to your life shockingly fast - you won't have to wait long to see the effects of this spell. Write what you want to happen on the paper, for example, "I want a new love to enter my life," and then fold the paper as many times as you like. When the moon is full and cresting, hold the paper in your right hand and the moonstone in your left. Say, "beauty of the moon, shine down on me, and make my love find me soon enough." Repeat this seven times, and bury the paper in the soil, and hide the moonstone under your bed. Unfortunately, this spell is sans sweet potato.

    11 The German Witch's Powerful Magic Uses Dolls

    Many people are fascinated by the danger of Voodoo spells. Who doesn't want to control the futures of the people they hate or love? This is a spell that originates in Germany, but very few people use it outside of Europe. This spell simply attracts the person you love to you, but only if the love is unrequited. It's powerful, but simple enough for beginners. You need a picture of yourself, your lover, two rag dolls, and some red string. Don't forget your sewing needles. Stitch the photo of yourself on to one doll, and then the photo of the person you love on the other doll. Then, sew them together tightly with the red string. After this, you will have to bury the dolls in a place where people won't walk by; human presence can often have a negative effect on a spell. If you want this to work, take it seriously. After that, never think of the spell again, unless you want to ruin it. If you can't find rag dolls, perhaps sweet potatoes could work?

    10 Plead To The Moon With This Love Spell

    This moon spell requires some peculiar ingredients. You'll require a flower pot, garden soil, almond oil, and an apple sliced into four wedges. It's a moon spell, so the same rules apply; it's only viable on a night where the moon is completely full. Half fill the pot with some soil, and then write the person you want to be attracted to you on a piece of paper seven times. Place it in the pot, throw the apple wedges in there, and drizzle the almond oil all over the strange concoction. Then, completely fill the flower pot. An apple tree should begin to grow, and you have to name it after the person you want. Worship this apple tree in the flower pot, and show it to moon occasionally in order to seek its approval. If the moon likes what you've done and believes you've cast the spell correctly, it will reward you. This spell can be tricky to get perfectly correct, but it's well worth it if you do. Can you guess where this spell is popular? New Zealand!

    9 A Scandalous Ancient Egyptian Spell

    Have some clay laying around? If you know how to make clay or wax figures, and you're eager to make a boyfriend or lover care for you more, this could be worth it. Create the clay or wax figurine with their arms back, on their knees, and their name carved into their chest. You need a red towel, red ribbon, and three candles that are the color of the Egyptian flag; red, white, and black. You can only do this spell if it lands on a Tuesday with a Waxing Crescent Moon. Arrange the lit candles into a triangle, and hold the figurine above the smoke. Familiarize yourself with some Egyptian Gods and Goddesses, because you will have to say "(Boyfriend's name) will submit to my every will and wish, by the power of (an Egyptian god of your choosing)." Do some reading and decide who you wish to call upon, because it could change the fate of your relationship and your lover's future. When you're done, burn the ribbon.

    8 The Arduous St. Cyprian's Magic Uses A Doll

    You'll need to find some rag dolls made from vegetable fibers, preferably the all powerful sweet potato, and nothing else. Perhaps you should consult your local witch; if anyone will have some, it'll be her. This spell takes forever, but only the most powerful people in the world use it, purely because of how effective it is. It's said Jennifer Aniston used this spell to break up Brad and Angelina. Do you want to break a couple up so you can steal the one you love? Paint one doll so it resembles you, and the other so it resembles the one you want all for yourself. They need to look very much like who they're suppose to represent. Then, beginning on a Waxing Crescent Moon, douse the dolls in holy water (good luck finding that), and add red thread to them, slowly tying them together once a day until it hits the full moon. By then, the couple you want to break up should be near the end. Who would be crazy enough to do this?! It's unknown where this spell was created.

    7 A Nifty Love Charm To Get What You Want

    A diamond is the sacred rock of the goddess, and it also represents the unmatched beauty of Venus. If you find yourself alone at home on a Friday night, make an offering of wine to the Goddess Venus at midnight. Light some incense to entice her. At this shrine of incense and wine, set the diamond you've chosen to use as a talisman, and leave it there for the rest of your night. In the morning, take the diamond and keep it in your purse throughout the week, until you repeat the ritual on Friday night again. This turns the diamond into a powerful talisman that will protect you and the ones you love. A Talisman spell is a specific kind of spell that is very popular around the world, especially in Africa and South America. It becomes even more powerful if you can keep the stone on your body, so you might want to spell those diamond earrings of yours - stylish and magical.

    6 Bind Someone You Love Forever With Salt

    If successful, this person will stay with you forever, enslaved to you. On a Friday, grab your coarse salt and draw it into a small circle on the floor; any time of day works. While pouring, say "in this circle that I am drawing, in this ring I lock you up, in the salt I use to chain you, with your love just for me!" Then, write their name on a piece of paper, and put it in the circle. Say, "I tie your name, I tie your mouth, I tie your gaze, I tie your soul, I tie your heart, I tie your desire," and you should probably make sure no one is home for this, because you will sound creepy AF. Then, put the salt in a plastic bag and hide it in a place where no one will discover it, not because it has anything to do with the spell, but because you don't want anyone to know that you're a serious weirdo. Seriously, what the hell are you doing. If this actually works. imagine telling your lover you spelled them to loving you by saying "I tie your mouth". Weird, not kinky, weird.

    5 A Simple Spell With Candles And Hearts

    Finally, the sweet potatoes. You might be thinking, alright, this spell can't possibly be any weirder than the last one, right? Some white candles and wax hearts sounds innocent enough. You'll need a full bowl of these wax hearts, seven candles, a bottle of olive oil, a bottle of almond oil… and half a kilo of mashed sweet potatoes? What the hell? This spell is suppose to fix unrequited love. If it requires you to eat the half kilo of mashed sweet potatoes, no one would ever go unloved again and we would all be fat. Unfortunately that's not how this spell works. You're suppose to stick the wax hearts together with the sweet potato, drizzle them with the almond oil and olive oil, and then leave it in a corner of your house with a candle lit next to it for seven days. Um, what if you live with roommates? What if you live at home? "Hey mom, just ignore that pile of sweet potatoes and almond oil in the corner of your bedroom, I'll clear it out next week." This spell was created in North America - are we really that surprised?

    4 What Can You Gain From Opening Seven Portals?

    This spell does not require a massive amount of sweet potato, so we're off to a better start. This is the most powerful spell on the entire list. You can only do this spell in October and November, so do it quickly, before time runs out. You must light seven red candles, and while you do it, say the name of the person you love. After, sit in the center of the candle circle. Clap your hands at each candle, staring intently at it and thinking of the person you love, and doing this will open the portal. Each portal leads down a different fate for you and your lover, but you can only choose one, and you will only find out which one you've chosen after you've blown out all the candles and the portals are closed. Two portals lead to nothing, and one leads to an entirely new person you've never met coming into your life. One leads to eternal love, for the rest of eternity. Another leads to love in this life time only, and the next leads to love that will last 21 years. The final portal creates love that will last for seven years. You can only do this spell once.

    3 An Inca Spell Meant For Only Women

    This spell is ancient and has crossed many generations, so it is fairly reliable. A man will fall hopelessly in love with you if you do it properly. You need an avocado, 14 grains of corn, and a tomato. What, no sweet potato?! This spell requires you to take a bath, relax, and put on clean clothes. After this, head over to the kitchen, and finally chop that tomato into little pieces, placing it into a bowl. You need to be thinking of your man the entire process, and keep your thoughts positive, otherwise you'll fail. Once that lovely tomato is in there, you need to SMASH the avocado. Lovingly mix the avocado mush in with your minced tomato, binding them together with care (apparently this spell is comparing you and your lover to vegetables). When it's all swell and mixed, throw your corn kernels in there with the avocado pit. Let it sit on your counter for a day, then throw this mixture in a bush. Dammit, this is becoming weird again.

    2 You Must Steal Underwear For This Spell

    We're moving on from slaughtering vegetables to stealing underwear, so already this is a vast improvement. You will need the underwear of whomever you're targeting to fall in love with you, two magnets, a cup of brown sugar, a cup of soil, and… two candles shaped like legs? Has anyone ever seen that in their life? Leg candles? After that, find a flower pot, cut the underwear in half, and just throw it all in there and plant a flower. Literally, throw the leg candles, the cut underwear, and the brown sugar in there with the soil, top it off with magnets, and then any old flower will do. It's unclear what will happen if you ever decide to throw this weird flower pot concoction out. Will the person you've spelled into loving you snap out of it and realize you're a weird underwear robbing witch? Maybe it's time to look in the mirror and accept you have a problem if you're doing these weird spells from around the word to attract a man.

    1 A Deadly Red Magic Spell To Revive Your Lost Loved Ones

    Has your husband recently left you? Well this is exactly what you need, so don't waste any time, and grab the ingredients. You need five black candles, a clay bowl, a photo of your husband, a gold cross, a glass crystal, and some sugar. Oh, you also need their underwear. More weird underwear spells. You have to do this on a Friday during the waxing crescent moon. Fill your clay bowl with water, and then place each item in the bowl. After you put an item in there, light a candle. When all the candles are lit, say "please make him come back to me, make his indifference turn into passion, may the coldness he feels for me turn to lust, may the lack of interest turn into obsession, by the fire of these candles please grant my request, love spirits." That's a mouthful, but if it works, you're welcome. This spell is specifically for husbands. In order to complete it, you need to repeat the ritual one more time exactly one month later. If it fails, at least you have your sweet potatoes.