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    If He Expects You To Put Up With These 16 Things, Let Him Go

    We all want our relationships to work out and last for the long haul. When we are madly in love, we are willing to put up with a lot of BS in order to keep the peace and make things remain as smooth as possible and continue to be super-special. Nobody is perfect, so when our fella is out of line, immature, or makes mistakes, we often let it slide for the sake of the greater good of the relationship. Second, even third (or fourth) chances are part of the program, and over time, many of us no longer sweat the small stuff since there are bigger fish to fry.

    But sometimes things are just too much to take. Not everything can be swept under the rug or ignored. There will come a time when you will be better off ditching your dude rather than trying to fight for the relationship. If your man expects you to put up with utter nonsense, bad behavior, or does not treat you like the fabulous queen you are, then like Elsa sings, “Let it (or him) go!”

    If your guy does any of these 16 unsavory things on the regular and there does not seem to be any hope that he will ever change his woeful ways, then say goodbye forever to the garbage and find a new and improved man who will be a better fit for you. There are plenty of fish in the sea, so catch yourself one who will have you hooked too!

    16 He's Still In Touch With “The One Who Got Away”

    There's nothing worse than having a boyfriend who is constantly pining over his ex. If she was so amazing, then why isn't he still with her, you may wonder? You catch your man checking out her Facebook page and “googling” her when you're not in the room. He drops hints that he knows what she has been doing since they've split and that she was such a special person in his life, making him the man he is today. Fine, if they remained friends, you may be able to deal with this, but it only seems like he's obsessed with her. You wonder if you will ever live up to her level of “perfection” in the eyes of your man. You need a man who knows you're “the one.” Ditch this doofus and move on. Maybe he can win back Miss Marvelous.

    15 He Has Horrible Table Manners

    Slurping soup, chewing with his mouth open, picking food off your plate, and burping out loud. Does this sound like your boyfriend during every meal? If so, it is definitely time for a class in dining etiquette or you may want to ask for the check and call it quits. Bad table manners are nasty enough while in the privacy of your own home, but going out to eat in public with your man must be an utter embarrassment. Surely, he sees others around him who do not pick up their spaghetti and meatballs with their bare hands (unless they are toddlers). Give your man a firm lesson in good table manners and see if he can change his unbearable ways. Otherwise, you may have to tell him to fork off.

    14 He Refuses To Put The Toilet Seat Down Or Anything Courteous Towards You At Home

    How many times do you have to fall into the toilet bowl before you ditch the man who cannot seem to be able to complete the very simple task of putting the toilet seat down after “going #1?” The act is so easy and takes mere seconds, yet your fella cannot find the motivation to move the seat back to its original position. Maybe he never did this while he lived alone as a bachelor, but now that he's with you, he should be more respectful. It isn't like you are asking him to do much, just this simple gesture to show he is not only listening, but he cares. If you've requested for him to put the seat down on many occasions yet he won't do you the favor, consider this relationship one that's gone down the drain.

    13 He Always “Forgets His Wallet” When You're Out On A Date

    How ridiculous is it when your man asks to take you out and when the bill comes to the table, he has conveniently realized he “left his wallet” at home? If this happens one time and it was an honest accident, then there is nothing to worry about. Treat him to the meal and go about the rest of the night with nothing but having a good time on your mind. But if he seems to “forget his wallet” time and time again, this dude is a bum and is mooching off of you big time. Of course, women should pay as much as men do, but when he says he wants to treat you and you wind up being tricked instead, realize this guy is a slimy scammer who's only looking for a free ride.

    12 He Puts His Mom Before You… No Matter The Situation

    It is lovely to be with a guy who is very fond of his mother and loves and respects her like none other. Even if he is a “mama's boy” it is OK as long as he isn't immature or needy. But when a guy's mom gets in the way of your relationship, he may be too close to his maternal figure. Hopefully, you get along with your man's mom, but there may come a time, or more than one occasion, when you don't see eye to eye. Who will your man side with? You expect your dude to have your back, but if he never defends you or sees your point of view and always sticks with mommy, it may be time to give him back to the woman he came from. You need an independent man, not an infant.

    11 He Never Wants To Get Married

    If you are marriage-minded and one day hope to find “the one” and settle down, you deserve to have a partner who is on the same page when it comes to saying “I do” one day. If this is the case, yet your guy keeps stringing you along with no signs he is planning to pop the question any time soon, you ought to cut your losses and let him go. Don't think that you will be able to convince him that he wants to get married when he is making it clear that he doesn't… at least not to you. There are many guys out there who are seeking their “Mrs.,” so get back in the dating scene and find the guy who wants to “put a ring on it.”

    10 He Openly Flirts With His Female Co-Workers

    When your man is off at work, you would like to assume he is all-business and no funny business. But what if you heard through the grapevine that your man is less-than-appropriate while at the office, especially when it comes to his bad boy behavior around his hot female co-workers. He thinks it is just innocent fun, but you have absolutely zero tolerance for being with a man who thinks it is A-OK to flirt openly with his female co-workers. It is totally unprofessional and completely disrespectful to you. Drop this dude like a hot potato and find a man who only wants to flirt with you. And when his boss finds out about his inappropriate behavior towards the female employees? He could be swiftly canned by the company too.

    9 He Never Tips Well

    It is always a treat when your fella takes you out for a nice dinner date at your favorite restaurant. The ambiance is lovely, the food is delicious, and the company can't be beat. But if every time you dine out and your man picks up the bill only to leave a meager tip, he is not being generous or even fair to the service people who took care of you all evening. If he has the money to take you out, he must have a few more bucks to leave a tip that isn't rude and embarrassing. If he cannot afford to leave a decent tip, then eat in. If you offer to help with the bill or tip and he declines your gesture, yet insists on still leaving a crappy tip, then he's just being a jerk. Here's a tip… don't go out to dinner with this dud any more.

    8 He Treats Your Best Friend Like She's Trash

    You love your best friend like a sister. She has always been really accepting of and kind to your boyfriend, but for some reason, he does not like her. She has done nothing wrong and always goes the extra mile to treat him respectfully. Why is he being such an a-hole to your bestie? This is a surefire sign that your man has got issues. Perhaps he is insecure about how close the two of you are to one another. Maybe he is jealous when the two of you do things together when he is not included. Or, he could simply be a mean-spirited scumbag who is showing his true colors. If your man is unkind to one of the most important people in your life, then he is unkind… period.

    7 He Farts In Bed

    Sometimes you just can't control it. You are in bed with your significant other and a poof of gas comes piping out of your rear end. While it is embarrassing (and likely quite stinky), accidents happen and we get a good laugh and move on. But if you are with one of those guys who thinks it is simply hilarious to fart in bed every night just to make you gag, it is time to take action. Unless you agree that the smell of farts under the covers is enjoyable, consider if you want to live the rest of your life with this gas-passing pinhead. Maybe his frat-boy mentality was acceptable at one point, but if he can't stop the gas, then step on the gas and go somewhere else.

    6 He Thinks Putting The Dishes In The Sink Is Cleaning Up

    Finally! Your man said you should relax and he will do the after-dinner dishes. Seems like it is too good to be true, because it is. Your man never does the dishes. All he does is move the mugs, plates, glasses, and silverware from the table to the sink. They don't get washed or put back into the cabinets. How does he think everything gets spic and span and placed in their proper spots? While putting the dishes into the sink is better than leaving them all over the house, he is still not helping clean up all that much. You are always doing the dirty work while he won't lift a finger. Unless you are OK with this arrangement, you may want to seek out a mate who is willing to pitch in around the house.

    5 He Wants You To Go Downtown But Won't Return The Favor

    Relationships are a two-way street and as much as you receive, you ought to give back to your partner equally. This goes for many areas of life and love, one of which is in the romance/sex department. If your man expects a certain sort of gratification “down there,” he had better be ready and willing to return the favor. Of course, not every bedroom encounter must go “tit for tat,” but overall, if you are doing all the giving and he is doing all the taking, it seems like a good enough reason to find a better man who wants to please you as much as you want to take care of him. You know your boyfriend would not put up with the sexual status quo if the roles were reversed.

    4 He Refuses To Stop Playing Video Games

    Video games can be appropriate for people of all ages, but when your guy plays his games 24/7, there is a problem. If the relationship has gone from date nights out to all-nighters on the couch as he plays game after game while you are bored out of your mind, it is time for a serious reevaluation of the way things are going between the two of you. Not every night has to be a major event, but when gaming has become the star of the show, you may need to look for a new co-star. Let him play if that is what he wants to do, but you don't have to sit by watching it happen. He may “score” in his game, but he won't be scoring with you anymore!

    3 He Ogles Other Women Right In Front Of You

    OK, guys are human, and if an attractive woman walks past, it can be a real test for him not to sneak a peek. A quick and natural look is perfectly understandable, and we can't fault our men from being curious. But when the innocent admiration turns to all-out ogling, it is time to give your man a piece of your mind. If he is not mature enough to have a hot woman walk past without acting like a total fool, then he is not the appropriate man for you. Not only is this behavior childish, but it is downright disrespectful. When a man already has a fine woman on his arm, he does not need to exhibit monkey business by wagging his tongue at everyone else he finds attractive.

    2 He Won't Help With Household Chores

    If you live with your significant other and it seems like you are the only one doing all the work around the home, something is definitely off. Why should he get to lounge around lazily while you are busy busting your butt vacuuming, sweeping, doing the dishes and the laundry, and cleaning up after the dog? If you both work and then you've got a second job keeping the apartment or house in order, the balance is certainly not in your favor. Does he want a girlfriend or a live-in housekeeper? Assign the bum some household chores immediately. If he won't help out, then leave his dirty underwear on the floor where he left them and let him know it's time to put an ad on Craigslist seeking a maid.

    1 He Belittles You In Front Of Others

    No decent man treats his woman like she is lesser-than in front of others, or while they are alone, for that matter. No matter the situation, your man should never belittle you. If you are arguing, going through a rough patch, or he's simply having a bad day, there is still no reason or justification for a guy to treat his girl like a piece of garbage. A mature man knows how to have an honest conversation that does not involve screaming or name-calling. Not only is such behavior completely unbecoming, but it shows what kind of man he really is - not much of a man at all. Do not ever let something like this snowball into something worse. Putting up with such nonsense is beneath you and you deserve far better.