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    How You Should Spend Your Autumn Together, Based On Astrology

    It's finally fall, y'all! Fall is arguably the most romantic season of the year. The chilly air practically begs for us to find someone cute, cuddle up with them underneath some cozy plaid blankets, sip apple cider, and hibernate until the New Year. The air smells of spices and feels crisp, the leaves have changed to gorgeous colours, and fashion is both flirty and functional. (Hello, knee-high boots!)

    There's a ton of stuff to do in fall with your bae, too. You can embrace the cold snap in the air and head outdoors to take in the season in all its glory with a scenic hike or an afternoon spent apple-picking, or hunker down with some scary movies or seasonal treats that don't require you to step outside your door. With so many different options for what to do to have your best fall date, perhaps you should refer to your zodiac sign to determine which is the best one to choose! Instead of being rendered immobile by indecision, just scroll on through to see what you should be checking off your list - and impressing your date with!

    15 Taurus: Sip at a Cider Tasting

    You're pretty down to earth when it comes to relationships, and you don't love spending time with huge crowds, so the best bet for your romantic fall activity is cider tasting! Your interest in the finer things in life means you relish the opportunity to embrace your snobby side, and cider tasting is the way to do it. Whether you head to a brewery to get your apple on or if you buy a whole bunch of different varieties to taste in the comfort of your own home, this date gives you a chance to show your SO everything you know - and maybe get a bit of a buzz on in the process!

    Going low-key with your fall activity is ideal for a Taurus like you since you're not one for hoopla, but you do appreciate beauty. A cider tasting where you actually get out of your house to take in the autumn ambiance somewhere else is fun, relaxing, and damn tasty!

    14 Gemini: Bond Over Beers at Oktoberfest

    Gemini is known for being the most social sign of the zodiac and always itching for a good time. When it comes to fall date activities, you get bored at the idea of picking pumpkins or baking pies and would instead rather an outing that gets you out of the house and in the company of others!

    Oktoberfest is your chance to embrace whatever German heritage you have - or at least fake it. Filled with beer, crowds, music, games, and good food, there's always something going on so your fickle mind won't be bored. Choose an Oktoberfest event in your own city, or make a weekend of it and travel further away from home to take in the culture of somewhere else while getting to know the locals. The opportunity to meet new people and get a little sloshed in the name of autumnal celebration is definitely something you can get behind!

    13 Aquarius: Suit Up for a Costume Party

    Aquarius is an eccentric sign of the zodiac, prone to flights of fancy and general silliness, which is why a costume party is the best way to embrace the fall season! Setting up your home for you and your SO to play hosts to all your friends lets you show off your quirky side, and you know you'll opt for some strange couples costume with an obscure pop culture reference you might have to explain.

    You can be a child at heart, especially when it comes to the holidays, and even if it's not quite Halloween, you still want to show your flair for the dramatic and ridiculous. Eyeballs in the drinks, a blood-red punch bowl, and a surprise guest hiding behind the shower curtain are just little touches you like to incorporate into your Halloween party. In fact, if we're being honest, you'll probably try to hit up a few parties before the month is over, just because you can't settle on one costume to stick with!

    12 Pisces: Double-Team Fall Decorating

    Fall is the season to hunker down and stay cozy, which is why Pisces wants to make sure the home they're staying in looks perfect for the season. With your artistic flair, decorating the home is one of the best - and most enjoyable - uses of your time. Since you're not as finicky and particular as some of the other signs, you can make this a dual activity that'll have you picking fake cobwebs out of each other's hair and having a great time!

    If we know you, Pisces (and we think we do), you've probably pinned a whole bunch of fall- and Halloween-themed décor to spruce up your home, and you're just itching to get your talented DIY hands all over it! Make a day of it with your SO and then celebrate all your elaborate efforts by settling in and staying cozy with your Pinterest-inspired area ready to be Instagrammed all around you!

    11 Cancer: Snuggle Up For a Cozy Night In

    Romance is one of your favourite things, and since fall is arguably the most romantic of the seasons, you like nothing more than to snuggle up with bae and enjoy a cozy night in. Your insecure nature usually has you tying yourself up in knots over what to do and if you're boring the people you're with, so something relaxing and laid back with your SO is the easiest way for you to chill out and enjoy the season. Whip up some hot chocolate, pumpkin muffins, or other delicious fall treat, grab a big blanket, put on your comfy clothes, and cuddle up on the couch (or in bed) with a good movie.

    Unlike other signs of the zodiac, a Cancer like you doesn't need constant stimulation, and actually feels more content doing as little as possible. This easy fall activity has you embracing the season without shelling out cash or actually engaging with anyone besides the guy you love.

    10 Aries: Get Cozy at a Football Game

    Doing something that's normally considered “romantic” can be a little too slow for the adrenaline-addicted Aries. Candlelight and quiet nights spent in front of a roaring fire are B-O-R-I-N-G. Instead, the fall activity best suited to this sign of the zodiac is taking in a game of football! Football season starts right when fall does, and watching dudes crash into each other from your safe spot on the bleachers is sure to get your heart pumping. You thrive in a competitive atmosphere and even though you're not the one playing, you still dig watching a traditional display of athleticism.

    Not that into football? Don't even worry about it! If you're a girl who can't stand sports, football in the fall is still an opportunity to hunker down with a cup of something refreshing, some greasy stadium food, and the arm of your SO. Tailgating makes this fall outing just as enjoyable as the game itself!

    9  Virgo: Go Outside for Apple Picking

    Virgo tends to be health-conscious, but that doesn't mean they can't enjoy some hibernation-friendly fall foods! Going apple-picking lets you know where your food is coming from, which satisfies your eco-friendly flair, but also lets you get closer to nature and get those notoriously clean hands dirty!

    It can be hard for a Virgo to relax, since they're so type-A all the time, which is why this fall date idea is perfect: it still qualifies as productive work but is laid-back enough to be a de-stressor. Taking in the crisp fall air and choosing the best apples from the bunch appeals to your analytical and - let's face it, picky - personality, and afterwards, you can settle in and start putting that fruit to good use! Pies, crisps, ciders, and more give you a two-fold activity to do with bae. This traditional autumn activity is a crowd-pleaser for almost everyone, regardless of their sign, but it's a go-to date for any Virgo girl.

    8 Libra: Gettin' Corny

    You enjoy being outdoors and appreciate the importance of partnership, which is why getting lost in a corn maze is the ideal fall activity for a Libra. A corn maze will require you and your date to work together to find a way out, and a great deal of compromise is needed to make it happen - something you excel in. This activity isn't one that involves competition or anything that might upset your harmonious nature, and instead can result in a lot of goofy fun, which you're totally into. (An added benefit is how hidden you two can be in that maze - perfect when you want to sneak in a little action on the DL!)

    Exciting and social, a corn maze usually comes before or after having a fun fall day at a farm, where there are plenty of added activities to do right in the immediate area, so you can make a whole day of it

    7 Scorpio: Strap In For a Scary Movie Marathon

    Scorpio ladies love embracing their dark side, and fall is definitely the season to do it! Theatres and Netflix offerings are filled with scary movies, and even though you've probably already seen them all, there's no harm in enjoying a little horror repeat. Cuddling up on the couch with your SO while you shield your eyes from the screen gets your heart racing, and as you nuzzle ever closer, things might get R-rated in more ways than one.

    Binge-watching some horror flicks is a fun and laid-back way of getting into the feeling of the season, and since watching something scary can make you feel freaked out AND frisky, it's really only a matter of time before you two jump each other's bones. Halloween just might be your all-time favourite holiday, and introducing your date to all your go-to scary movies is helps you bond and is seasonally appropriate, so press play and get it going!

    6 Sagittarius: Play in the Leaves with a Scenic Hike

    The adventurer and wanderer of the zodiac, Sagittarius women can't be pinned down, and picking apples or watching movies don't really get their motor running. Instead, you should opt to take in the beauty of the season by getting a little lost on a scenic hike with your love.

    You thrive outdoors and feel most like yourself when you're doing something adventurous, so a scenic hike is the way to your heart. However, rather than just enjoying the changing colours of the leaves, you want to sweat a little and try your ability to reach a mountain peak. Discovering secret waterfalls, feeling that crisp fall air in your lungs, getting your blood pumping, and maybe taking part in a little naughtiness between the trees is a huge turn-on for you that allows you to enjoy autumn to the fullest without feeling like you have to stay home cozy and alone.

    5 Capricorn: Go Pumpkin Patch Picking

    Capricorn is a traditionalist in many ways, including what they like to do during the seasons. Christmas is meant for trees and stockings, Easter has egg hunts, and Halloween has pumpkin picking and carving, no question about it. They are unwavering in what they feel needs to happen for every holiday, which is why their go-to fall date activity isn't too out of the box.

    Going on a mini-trip to a nearby farm to pick out some pumpkins is a fun and frugal way for Capricorn to enjoy fall, but it's also practical enough that you can't consider it frivolous - in fact, you can check it off your fall to-do list! Capricorn has always been an adult, even when they were children, but picking a pumpkin with their SO lets them play like a kid again. Choosing the perfect gourd to carve up later is fun and pressure-free, while the rest of the activities happening around you serve as extras to the main event.

    4  Leo: Get an Adrenaline Rush at a Haunted House

    You love to be daring and earn the respect and admiration of your friends, so why not strap yourself in for a haunted house with your SO? (And, if you don't want to play the hero and would instead prefer the role of damsel in distress, then you get your SO's arms around you to protect you from all the ghouls and goblins.)

    Getting a thrill from some scary ghosts and blood-spattered walls sets your heart racing, and adrenaline is proven to be an aphrodisiac - perfect for the sensual and sexual Leo! Fear bonds you to your partner, so walking through a haunted house might be just the thing to have you embrace the Halloween spirit and do something traditionally autumnal. To fully enjoy this fall date activity, we recommend scoping out some haunted houses in your area, or taking it one step further and seeing which haunted houses are the top-rated in your country!

    3 BONUS Taurus: Bake Pies With the Apple of Your Eye

    A Taurus like you loves to eat good food, but you also really enjoy making it, too! For some reason, this sign of the zodiac seems to be blessed with an ability to craft some pretty amazing dishes, and desserts are no exception! Luckily for your partner, you're not too bossy when you get in the kitchen, and actually enjoy the chance to show them your stuff. Baking up some tasty pies in an assortment of fall flavours is a fun and delicious way for you and your SO to welcome the season, while also getting you both just a little bit messy.

    The homebody nature of Taurus means that this fall activity lets you enjoy autumn without straying too far outside of your comfort zone. Getting your hands dirty while having something solid to show for all your hard work is fun, flirty, and definitely romantic enough to make this an excellent seasonal date activity.

    2 BONUS Libra: Autumn Potluck is the New Summer Picnic

    Another sign that can appreciate a good meal, this go-to date activity for a Libra like yourself is actually heightened by the opportunity to get together with friends, family, and loved ones. Playing hostess is one of your greatest skills, especially since your need for balance and harmony ensures that everyone will have a good time.

    While other signs might prefer to hold an autumn potluck indoors, you want to take advantage of the mild early fall weather and get back to nature, which is where you feel the most at peace. Choosing a potluck over making everything yourself gives you enough wiggle room to de-stress, and ensures that everyone will like at least one thing that's been brought, since they're making stuff themselves! Get together with bae and make it a team effort to coordinate everything so that your evening or afternoon goes off without a hitch and gets the rep of being the best social event of the season!

    1 BONUS Scorpio: Test Your Know-How with an Escape Room

    Scorpio is known for their taste for mystery, as well as their ability to uncover secrets and lies, which is why an escape room is one of the best fall/Halloween activities you can do! You love showing off your smarts, and using logic and puzzle-solving is one of the best ways to do it. Since these escape rooms are usually pretty dark in terms of their theme (think: murder and apocalypses), they also appeal to your weirdly wonderful side that has you bingeing horror movies once October 1st finally rolls around.

    The excitement and thrill that comes with figuring out an escape room is a major turn-on for a Scorpio, and this date-night activity has become so popular over the past couple of years, there won't be any shortage of rooms for you to try! While these rooms operate all year-round, there's something spooky about testing out a few during the fall months and getting really into the Halloween spirit.