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    20 Things All Men Do When They Want To Make You Their Girlfriend

    How do you feel about having The Talk? You totally hate it, right? It doesn't seem possible to love having a conversation with the guy that you've been seeing about where things are going. That's even truer if you're really hoping that you'll be his girlfriend and he'll be your boyfriend. You're full of nerves and butterflies, wondering if he's going to laugh and say that the idea is crazy, and you don't always know how that chat is going to go. You can hope and cross your fingers, but sometimes you get thrown for a loop.

    The truth is that when a guy is really into you and he wants to commit to you, he'll be easier to read than you might think. There will be tons of things that he says and does that, if you look carefully and really pay attention, will show you how he feels. And it'll be the best thing ever because once you figure these things out, you two will be on the road to happily ever after, and you'll say goodbye to being single. What a relief, right?!

    Read on to find out 20 things all men do when they want you to be their girlfriend. Is your crush doing any of these?!

    20 He Will Text You Every Single Day, No Matter What

    It's just not true that guys hate texting. Okay, some guys might not absolutely adore it, but the thing is that if a guy is into you, he's going to pick up his phone and contact you. And he's going to do that a lot.

    He won't be able to stop himself because if he's interested in being your boyfriend, he's going to be thinking about you all the time. Actually, he won't be able to stop thinking about you. He won't think twice about texting you a lot. If you like him as much as he likes you, then you'll get excited every single time that he texts you, and you'll definitely text him just as much. It's a great way to bond and get to know each other even more since as much as you want to, you can't hang out all day, every day. You know, there's this thing called work…

    19 He Makes Your Date Nights A Staple In His Schedule

    The guy who wants you to be his girlfriend is going to want to hang out with you. Like a lot.

    Forget the idea that guys need tons and tons and tons of space. It's simply not true… not if they really like you. He'll make sure that you two are going on a lot of date nights. And he'll make sure that he never cancels on you or comes up with a lame and silly reason that he needs to reschedule. He'll literally stop at nothing to see you. You're that important to him. Even if he's tired or stressed from work or getting over a cold or flu, he'll still want to keep the plan, and that's a pretty big deal since that's exactly what you want.

    18 He Will Create Inside Jokes, And Says Them When You're Around Everyone

    This one's especially true if you guys have a bunch of mutual friends and go to the same parties and events. If a guy wants you to be his girlfriend, then he's definitely going to create some inside jokes for the two of you, and he'll also say them when you're around everyone.

    The first time that he brings up one of your inside jokes, you're going to be pretty excited and it's going to feel pretty thrilling and magical. You'll feel like he's trying to tell you something (like how much he likes you, for example) and that he doesn't care who knows it. Yup, it's definitely pretty cute when this happens, and it makes you even more sure that you want him to be your boyfriend.

    17 He Will Compliment You A Lot, Especially When You Don't Feel Like Yourself

    Guys who are worth being your boyfriend will always compliment you a lot. It's a sign that they want you to be their girlfriend. The best part is they're going to compliment you at the times when you need to hear something positive about yourself the most, like when you just don't feel like yourself.

    Maybe you're feeling pretty crappy because you just came down with the worst cold ever and missed your regular workouts for two weeks. Or maybe you've been so stressed at work that you haven't had a moment to relax or take care of yourself. Whatever's going on, this guy knows how to make you feel better, and he wants you to remember how amazing and special you are. And he knows how lucky he is that you're almost his girlfriend (and now he just needs to call you his… ).

    16 He Will Tell You How Much He Really Likes You

    A guy who wants you to be his GF is absolutely going to tell you that he likes you. He wants you to know and that's really all there is to it. He won't be embarrassed about telling you that he has feelings for you, so that's not something that you should worry about.

    You might think that the stereotype is true -- that guys don't get sensitive or emotional and they definitely don't talk about how they feel about a girl -- but that's just not the case. He'll have no problem speaking about his feelings for you and he'll be thrilled if you say that you feel the exact same way. Hopefully you do since he wants you to be his girlfriend and all. Otherwise, that would just be awkward…

    15 He Will Mention The Future, And You're In It

    He could be talking about the near future (like a Netflix show that he wants to see or a friend's party) or the far future (like Christmas next year) but either way, he has no issues with talking about the future. And when he talks about the future, you're always in it. That's a huge sign that a guy wants you to be his girlfriend… and he simply can't wait a single second longer to let you know.

    He's always mentioning what he wants to do with you and you get the feeling that things between the two of you are getting pretty serious. Well, you're definitely on the right track because that's definitely what he's thinking. He wants you to be his girlfriend and he wants you to be in his life forever.

    14 He Likes To Spend A Lot Of Time With You

    When you like a guy, you want to see him all the time, right? You don't care if you miss your regular Monday night yoga class or if you don't watch as much girly television as you used to. That was the stuff that you did when you were single and now that you're almost someone's girlfriend, you just don't care about that anymore. You're in a new phase of your life.

    When a guy likes you and wants to commit to you, he's going to want to spend a lot of time with you as well. Spending time apart will sound like the worst, most miserable idea ever to him. And that's awesome since that's exactly how you feel. People will joke that you two are attached at the hip… and they'll be totally right.

    13 He'll Introduce You To His Friends And Family

    A guy that wants you to be his girlfriend is going to definitely want you to get to know his friends and family. These are the most special and important people in his life. And if you're going to be his girlfriend, you'll be special and important to him as well.

    Meeting the parents and even the friend group often seems like a really big deal. People get really stressed out about it and wonder if everyone's going to like everyone and if things will go well. The truth is that you really don't need to worry so much about this. If you're good for him, his people will like you, and things will most likely go smoothly. Once this happens, you can be sure that he'll be asking you to be his girlfriend soon enough.

    12 He'll Ask You To Sleepover

    Sure, sometimes guys have no problem with you staying over, especially if it's late and you've been drinking and you live pretty far away. It doesn't always mean that they're into you. Sometimes it's just circumstances.

    But if a guy asks you to sleepover ahead of time -- aka, it's not a spontaneous and random decision -- then that's a totally different scenario. He definitely thinks of you as girlfriend material. He wants to spend the night with you and he wants to fall asleep next to you and wake up next to you. That's honestly one of the most romantic things ever. Once you've stayed over even just once, you two will feel even closer to each other, and you'll be approaching official relationship status for sure.

    11 And When You Sleepover He'll Go Above And Beyond To Make You Feel At Home

    You'll know that things are getting serious when he not only invites you to stay over, but he does something super cute and sweet that proves his intentions. Maybe he'll buy you a pillow (especially if he knows that you sleep with two pillows or even three -- hey, you never know) or an extra toothbrush that he'll keep at his place.

    This proves that he's thinking about you and taking things seriously. Even if he hasn't worked up the courage to have The Talk with you yet, you'll know that things are definitely moving in that direction if this happens. Just ask your best friends -- chances are, they've had guys do this before, and they'll agree that he's got eyes for only you.

    10 He'll Talk About His Childhood And Hard Times

    Everyone has gone through something tough, and it's not really first date conversation material. Yeah, sometimes people overshare, but those are usually the first dates from hell that you never want to think about ever again (after you tell your best friends and laugh about it, of course).

    The guy who wants to be your boyfriend will for sure tell you about his childhood. He'll share his happy and unhappy memories and anything that he and his family have gone through. He'll also talk about the biggest crisis that he's faced in his life and the worst time that he's gone through. Of course, this only works if you share that stuff, too -- otherwise it's not really a bonding experience and it's way too one-sided.

    9 He'll Go Above And Beyond To Make You Dinner

    It's really sweet when you've just started seeing a guy and he offers to make you dinner. What's even better is when he honestly puts a ton of effort into it and totally sweeps you off your feet.

    This doesn't mean that he serves you dinner by candlelight or buys you red roses or anything cheesy like that, though. Maybe he makes you his favorite thing to cook, whether that's chili or pasta sauce or pan-fried salmon, and you can tell that he really, really wants to impress you. He'll ask you what you like and don't like and if you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions ahead of time, and you'll get the feeling that he's putting a lot of thought and time and care into it. It'll be the best night ever.

    8 He'll Hold Your Hand When You Watch A Movie

    Sometimes when you really like someone and they reach over and hold your hand the first time that you watch a movie, it's more romantic than the first kiss. It's more romantic than anything else, really, and it's always a moment that you'll remember. And it's definitely a moment that you'll text your friends about after, squealing about how much you like this guy.

    The guy who wants you to be his girlfriend will always hold your hand when you watch a movie. This will be true of the first time that you hang out at one of your apartments and all of the other times after that. It'll always be special and amazing and will make you realize how lucky you are to have this great guy in your life… and he'll feel the same way about you.

    7 Of Course, He'll Watch Whatever You Want

    Okay, so it's not like you should force this guy to watch something super girly or something that you know he would absolutely hate. That's just not fair. You don't want him to do the same thing to you.

    But the right guy and the guy who wants you to be his girlfriend will honestly be cool with whatever your movie and TV choices are. He won't be picky and he won't complain. Really. This might be hard to believe, but it's the honest truth. He'll just be so happy to be spending time with you and he won't care what you do or what you watch. Of course, once you're officially in a relationship and things have progressed, he might admit that he wasn't that into that TV show that you two binged together early on. But he would still watch it all over again, just to be with you. Awwww.

    6 He'll Make The First Kiss Super Special

    First kisses might not always be the perfect stuff of movies (okay, they never are) but they're still a pretty big deal. This guy won't take the first kiss lightly. He might even wait longer than other guys to kiss you, and while you might worry at first about it, you'll realize once it happens that it was totally worth the wait.

    He'll be so nervous about kissing you that he might get cold feet and talk himself out of it several times, but eventually, it'll happen and it'll be the best kiss ever. He'll make sure that you're comfortable and that it feels like the right time for both of you. You'll actually be glad that he waited to kiss you, even if it feels like total torture right up until the moment that it happens.

    5 He Also Won't Pressure You To Get Intimate

    This should go without saying but sometimes it unfortunately doesn't: the right guy and the guy who would make an awesome boyfriend would never, ever pressure you about anything, but especially about getting intimate.

    He'll be cool with taking things slow if that's what you want to do, and he won't believe that some guys just aren't cool with that. It'll honestly be totally mind-boggling to him that not everyone is as kind and considerate as him. He'll basically always be a total gentleman, which will make you like him even more, which is a nice bonus of the whole thing. When you do decide that it's the right time, it'll be even better because you know that he respects you so much and cares about how comfortable you are.

    4 He'll Take An Interest In What You're Interested In

    Is there an album that you absolutely love? An article that you just read that you can't stop talking about? An author that you can't stop reading? If this guy thinks that you're the right girl for him, then he's going to automatically be interested in what you're interested in.

    He'll tell you that he just listened to that album today at work or that he's reading a book that you mentioned the other day. At first, you might be super shocked that he's being so sweet and you might not even think that he's for real… especially if you've been burned by bad relationships and dates in the past. But he's for real and he really likes you, and it's only a matter of time before things are official.

    3 He'll Act Romantic Even If He Doesn't Seem Like That Kind Of Guy

    Not every guy is as romantic as a lead in a romantic comedy. That sucks since that would be pretty cool, wouldn't it? You're not thinking about anything too crazy. You just want some romance and charm in your life. In fact, it's safe to say that most guys just don't make an effort to be romantic. The guy that you're dating is thinking of you as girlfriend material, and he's dreaming about calling you that title someday soon, so he's definitely going to be super romantic.

    He might even surprise you because when you first met him, you might not have thought that he would ever act romantic. Hey, he might even totally surprise himself. He just can't help how he feels about you and you'll make him want to do the sweetest things ever, like buying you a cute gift just because.

    2 He'll Like All Of Your Social Media Posts

    You definitely spend a lot of time on someone's social media accounts when you like them. Don't even try to pretend that you don't. It's totally cool. Everyone does this… even guys. And even this guy that you like. It's just part of the whole deal when you've got a crush on someone and when you first start dating them.

    Yup, he's definitely checking out your Instagram selfies and food pictures, and he's reading everything that you post on Twitter and Facebook. He's also going to like all of your social media posts. After all, he wants you to know that he's thinking about you and that he likes you. Hopefully you're liking some of his posts too, if not all of them, or he might get a bit insecure about that. It can't be one-sided, right?!

    1 And Of Course, He'll Tell His Friends About You

    You can't help but tell at least one good friend when you've finally met a guy that you really like. It wouldn't even make sense to keep that a secret. After a while, once things seem to be approaching a serious relationship, you start telling a few more people. It's a process.

    The guy that you like and who likes you so much that he wants you to be his girlfriend is going to do the same thing. He'll absolutely tell his friends about you. He won't be able to hold back. You'll make him so happy and you'll be so important to him that he'll just have to tell his buddies when they ask what's new with him. And eventually, you really will be his girlfriend, and then he can tell them that, too.