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    20 Most Compatible Zodiac Combos For Dating (And What It Takes To Keep You Together)

    Anybody who's taken a dip in the dating pool will tell you how scary it can be. A lot of factors come into making a relationship a success, and there can be so much to take into consideration before you commit to someone.

    In addition to wants and goals, morals and beliefs, line of work, lifestyle and a bunch of other things, a person's zodiac sign can also affect how compatible they are with you. Though it's not really fair, some signs are just far more well-matched than others ever will be. Of course, you don't have to limit yourself to only dating within the confines of those signs that are well-suited to your sign, but knowing a bit about which signs are compatible can save you some grief down the track.

    After doing a little research, we've created a list of the 20 most compatible signs of the zodiac when it comes to dating. Remember that just because two people are like-minded, doesn't mean they won't encounter problems. So, we've also included a strategy that the couples who face particular challenges should follow to make sure they stay together!

    Check out these zodiac combos who were born to live happily ever after.

    20 Cancer And Scorpio Make The Perfect Couple In The Zodiac

    If you know anything about the personality traits of each zodiac sign, you might think that Cancer and Scorpio are a very unlikely couple. While Cancer is a natural nurturer and carer, Scorpio can get aggressive, moody and jealous. But these two actually have a lot in common, and it all stems from their emotions. Both signs are emotional and sensitive, meaning that they'll understand where the other is coming from.

    To maintain a happy relationship, Cancer and Scorpio just have to make sure that all those emotions don't get the better of them, and they work together to think logically every once in a while. That might sound like the blind leading the blind, but if they're both aware that they're exceptionally emotional, they should be able to step away from those feelings and think with their heads from time to time.

    19 Taurus And Cancer Complement Each Other All Day Long

    Taurus and Cancer have a lot in common, which usually leads to a lot of harmony within a relationship. Safety and stability is a big deal for both of them, and they crave a strong family life. Cancer is the more caring of the two, but they are both extremely loyal and look out for each other's needs while they work towards their united goals.

    These two signs aren't likely to run into any major conflicts, but each has flaws that they can work on. Taurus can be a tad stubborn and extremely resistant to change, so it wouldn't hurt to open up their minds. And since Taurus doesn't like drama, Cancer should work on controlling their mood swings and try to maintain that consistency that Taurus loves.

    18 Aries And Gemini Are #couplegoals

    The excitement never ends when Aries and Gemini get together. These two hugely social signs know a lot of people and one of them always has an event to attend. Their weekends revolve around getting out there, having fun and catching up with friends, and they support each other's need to have new experiences and challenges. With less like-minded partners, both of these signs risk becoming bored and under-stimulated.

    To guarantee that they stay together for as long as possible, both signs should take care not to say things they regret when they do argue. Both Aries and Gemini have a tendency to get super angry and lose their cool, and saying awful things in those circumstances might seem like the right thing to do at the time, but will definitely come back to bite both signs hard.

    17 Leo And Capricorn Are A Power Couple

    Leo and Capricorn face their share of problems, but this combo is still considered to be compatible because once they do work things out and put in a little effort to their relationship, they make a phenomenal couple. These two have a number of traits in common, including the need to be respected and admired, and help each other build the reputations that they desire.

    Problems can arise when Leo's loud personality faces up against Capricorn's reserved one, but as long as both signs accept the other, they should be able to work through it. Leo has to accept that Capricorn might not want to come bar-hopping every night and Capricorn has to be cool with Leo's desire to kick back and have fun on the regular.

    16 Stubbornness Aside, Virgo And Taurus Make A Wonderful Couple

    Virgo and Taurus can both be stubborn when they don't get their way; Taurus is the most notoriously stubborn sign of the zodiac, and Virgo is resistant to any change to their routine and plan. But if they can both loosen up a little and open up their minds, they can end up being very happy together.

    These two signs tend to feel the same about a number of issues, and usually, have similar goals in life. They both like plans, consistency and routines, and normally agree on the big issues that come up in relationships, like finances, living arrangements, marriage, and children. Taurus and Virgo support each other in tough times and act as each other's rock, which leads to them having a very stable relationship.

    15 It's A World Of Fun Between Gemini And Leo

    It's all play and no work when Gemini and Leo get together. These two work so well together because they both appreciate the other's need to enjoy life and live in the moment, rather than worry endlessly about the future and work hard with little reward. This is the kind of couple who is always up to something new, friends with everybody and always posting something exciting on social media.

    The only issue is there's nobody to act as the adult in the relationship because both are so fun-loving. Both signs should make an extra effort to take on the burden of responsibility every now and then, just so the couple doesn't lend itself to trouble.

    14 Aries And Aquarius Begin With Friendship

    They say that an underlying friendship is the key to a good relationship, and that's certainly what makes the union between Aries and Aquarius so strong. These two just understand each other on a basic level, and usually, begin as friends who have similar interests and similar ways of viewing the world.

    Although they are well-matched together, both signs have traits that could annoy the other. Aquarius tends to be distant and unemotional, which can upset the passionate Aries if they're not careful. While Aquarius should put in the effort to open up to Aries, Aries should keep a lid on their temper around Aquarius, who likes to stay cool as a cucumber. If they can do these things, they could be in for a long-lasting relationship.

    13 Cancer And Pisces Live Happily In A Creative World Together

    Creativity and emotion are big elements in the relationship between Cancer and Pisces. Though these two signs might face some trouble, they still experience magic if they can make it work because they understand the other's need to create and express.

    Both largely emotional and sensitive signs, Cancer and Pisces do face the obstacle of having a relationship that's bombarded with too much feeling. They should both recognize that they tend to get carried away by their passions and emotions and should learn to look at the world objectively every once in a while. If they don't, they could end up in a relationship that is completely ruled by impulse and is basically untouched by logic or practicality. While passion is always good, an imbalance like this can lead to problems.

    12 Aries And Virgo Fulfil Each Other's Needs

    At first glance, Aries and Virgo don't seem like a good match at all. Aries is an adventure-loving sign who lives to take risks, while Virgo needs consistency and safety. But their similarities override their differences. As it turns out, both Aries and Virgo are strong signs who are unstoppable when they put their minds to something and are both exceptionally hardworking.

    As long as they respect their differences and don't try to force their point of view on each other, there's no reason why these two couldn't be happy together. They're very complementary-Virgo does all the planning and problem-solving and Aries tackles the challenges. While Virgo helps Aries to stay grounded, Aries helps Virgo to loosen up and live a little.

    11 After They've Gained Each Other's Trust, It's Clear Sailing For Scorpio And Pisces

    Scorpio and Pisces is another combo that might not seem like a good idea. Though their personalities seem pretty different on the surface, they are both driven by emotion, the need to be loved and the need to get closer to their partner. Both signs love the feeling of being vulnerable with another person and are extremely affectionate when they trust someone.

    The obstacle will be gaining the trust in the beginning. While Pisces can be a little more trusting, Scorpio tends to remain guarded, suspicious and even a little paranoid until they have hard evidence that it's okay to open up. These two should spend a lot of time building the trust between them so they can have the blissful relationship they both crave.

    10 Cancer And Capricorn Have Some Obstacles To Overcome, But They Can Be Happy

    There are a few issues that Cancer and Capricorn need to overcome before they live happily ever after together. Capricorn is completely unemotional and reserved, whereas Cancer is full of feeling, so the first thing they have to do is accept their differences. They also have to become familiar with how the other thinks and keep that in mind when dealing with each other, so they don't have any misunderstandings.

    Cancer is one of the most loyal signs of the zodiac, which is a huge plus for Capricorn because, without that guarantee, it can take a while for this sign to open up. The feeling of stability and safety between them will lead these two to have a very fulfilling relationship once they overcome their initial differences.

    9 Leo And Virgo Can Be Happy If They Can Accept Each Other's Differences

    Some differences complement each other, and some just cause tension. If Leo and Virgo aren't careful, they could ruin the opportunity to form a strong bond and powerful partnership by not accepting their differences and working with them rather than against them.

    Leo needs to understand that Virgo likes to take things slow and is more introverted than not. Virgo has to be okay with Leo's outgoing personality and love of the spotlight. Once they've done this, they can use their differences to their advantage. Virgo can be the adult in the relationship and help Leo get organized, motivated and prepared to achieve their maximum potential. And Leo can show Virgo how to really have some fun, and stick up for them when others tear them down.

    8 Pisces And Pisces Make A Great Team When It Comes To Dating

    One of the combos with the most chemistry is Pisces and Pisces. This kind of relationship is like one straight out of a fairy tale, where each person fills what's missing in the other, and the word “soulmate” definitely gets thrown around. A Pisces is the only one who can understand another Pisces fully, and appreciate their need to dream and fantasize.

    The magic between these two is so strong that things could move exceptionally fast, and that could be what does the relationship in. To keep that from happening, this couple needs to make sure they're having lots of discussions about where they want to go and be honest about when they think they're moving too fast. More than likely, the other person is feeling exactly the same!

    7 Virgo And Sagittarius Are The Answers To Each Other's Prayers

    When it comes to opposites attracting, nobody does it like Virgo and Sagittarius. These two signs are extremely different in the way they live their lives. Virgo is guarded and careful, planning each and every step and analyzing everything they see. Sagittarius, on the other hand, is more carefree and goes with the flow, releasing stress and worry and living in the moment rather than for the future. While some opposites clash, this is a case where being so different works in the couple's favor. They basically complete each other.

    As long as they find a happy medium between their personalities, and don't live according to the morals and desires of just one of the partners but of both, then they should find happiness together in the long run.

    6 As Long As They Can Keep It Light, Cancer And Cancer Will Find Happiness

    Not every sign is good at understanding Cancer. The Crab is incredibly emotional and sensitive, and absolutely needs someone who will be happy to listen to them vent and treat them gently. Though there are other signs out there who get them, Cancers usually find happiness when they date other Cancers.

    While these two get along and totally understand each other, they just have to remember to keep it light. By that, we mean they should remember not to take everything so seriously and not get in too deep with each other, or they can end up feeling like they need to come up for air. Keeping it light doesn't come naturally to Cancer, so they'll both have to put in some effort to make sure they don't drown in all those feelings.

    5 If Sagittarius Can Control Their Emotions, They'll Be Happy With Gemini

    Gemini and Sagittarius can end up having a lot of fun together. These two signs are similar in that they crave adventure and, especially in Sagittarius's case, travel. They love to see the world, get to know new cultures and have new experiences, and if they do get together, you can be sure that nearly all paychecks will go towards trips away. These two satisfy each other and never feel like they're in a rut together, which they can feel with other signs.

    The only issue is the difference in the way they handle emotions. Sagittarius can be much more emotional than the practical Gemini, though Gemini is bursting with passion. Sagittarius has to remember not to unload too much emotional baggage on Gemini, and then this combo will be good to go.

    4 Aquarius And Aquarius Is A Dream Combo

    Aquarius always works the best with Aquarius. This sign is unique in a number of things, including the need to remain distant from their partner and their creative, off-the-wall ideas. It can be difficult for other signs to understand and accept an Aquarius for this reason, as many signs find them too emotionally unavailable, which is why they tend to end up with other Aquarians.

    To make sure the relationship is as strong as it can be, two Aquarians just have to remember to praise each other and let go of their own egos every now and then. This sign responds well to compliments but doesn't like to give them, so to keep each other happy, they should look out for the other's needs.

    3 Libra And Scorpio Balance Each Other Out Perfectly

    Libra and Scorpio end up making such a fantastic couple because they balance each other out and complete each other. Scorpio is overly emotional, sensitive and intense, while Libra is carefree and likes to keep the relationship light-hearted. With a combination of these personalities, the couple can find a healthy balance.

    This couple shouldn't encounter too many problems since they agree on most things and enjoy fulfilling each other's needs. Libra should just remember that Scorpio can get jealous very easily, so they should resist the temptation to flirt. Scorpio should remember to always pay attention to Libra and keep the affection flowing, so they don't feel the temptation to flirt in the first place. With both of these issues handled, there should be nothing stopping these two from reaching relationship heaven.

    2 Capricorn Should Definitely Shack Up With Libra

    Libra's balanced mind and agreeable personality makes them a great candidate for a relationship and highly desirable throughout the zodiac. Another sign with whom they're compatible is Capricorn, who shares their love for a lavish lifestyle. Capricorn and Libra are the kind of couple who splash their cash and enjoy the finer things in life, often leading others to feel envious. Libra is also a great partner for Capricorn because their balanced perspective can help pull Capricorn out of the career obsessions that they tend to develop.

    Libra does require a lot of affection and attention, which Capricorn has to work on. If they understand each other's respective needs for space and affection and make sacrifices where appropriate, these two will be unstoppable together.

    1 Sagittarius And Pisces Are Great If They Can Work Out Their Emotions

    Too many emotions in the one relationship is never a good thing. Two of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac, Sagittarius and Pisces can actually be pretty compatible, so they should make sure they stay in control of their feelings.

    These two signs will be able to relate to each other in their strong sensitivity to the world around them, but they also desire the same kind of relationship. They want the storybook romance full of deep conversations, tokens of affection and lots of intimacy, which can overwhelm other signs. But since they're on the same page, they are usually an invincible couple who are incredibly happy and satisfied together, just as long as they remember not to act on every emotion and impulse that they get.