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    16 People Reveal Their Most Low-Blow Breakups EVER

    Most people enter into relationships with the hopes that they'll be with their significant other for a long time, or forever, ideally. However, as we all know, not every relationship ends in “happily ever after.” In fact, sometimes, relationships just end, whether we want them to or not.

    Going through a breakup can be really difficult, whether you're the one doing the breaking up, or you're the person who is being broken up with. Most people hope that when they part ways with a romantic partner typically hope for an amicable split, because a lot of people don't really enjoy the drama that often comes along with heartbreak. It's bad enough that a breakup is already quite painful, so usually you might want to avoid making it more terrible than it needs to be. For the next 16 people, however, they've chosen to take the road less traveled and break up with their significant others in the most savage way possible. Whether or not their significant other deserved it is up for debate, but regardless of why they felt like they had to break things off, it's their methods that are quite questionable at best. It's safe to say that feelings weren't spared here at all.

    16 Simply Breaking Up With Someone Seems Easier Than Uprooting Your Life

    Some people consider having to be a part in a long distance capacity to be a make-or-break type of situation. However, the person seemed to take it upon themselves to ensure that it would become a “break” situation, as they purposely asked to be transferred to a different location for work so that they could get away from their significant other.

    While it might seem like you'd do anything to get away from someone that you want to break up with, a lot of people don't actually go to such great lengths to do so. Hopefully, transferring provided better career opportunities, because doing all of that, just to avoid have to break up with someone in a regular way seems like a lot more work than is necessary.

    15 Why Would You Wait Until The Last Minute To Break Up With Someone?

    Moving in with your significant other can signify a transition in your relationship. It shows a level of commitment that you might not feel when you aren't cohabitating. For some people, living together means that the natural progression of their relationship will lead to marriage.

    Unfortunately for this person, they were lead to believe that all of those things were possible in their relationship, and then suddenly broken up with by their significant other. If you're feeling like your relationship might not be working, perhaps asking your significant other to move in with you isn't a good idea. Another terrible idea is to wait until they've essentially become homeless before breaking up with them. It just shows a complete disregard for that person's well-being, because you've put them in a really difficult situation.

    14 Why Go Through All Of That Just To Ghost Someone?

    Most people will put forth effort in their relationships when they're really committed and in love with someone. Being with someone for a significant amount of time and proposing to them generally shows that you're willing to go the distance with your partner, because engagement usually means marriage, and marriage usually means being together for life.

    Unfortunately, this was just not the case for this person. It seemed that despite two years together as a couple, as well as an engagement, it was all an elaborate joke, because none of that actually mattered. Instead of properly breaking things off with them, their significant other simply ghosted them and were never heard from again. Can you imagine being ghosted after being with someone for years?! Talk about a waste of time!

    13 This Is Such A Terrible Thing To Do

    Having a partner who is motivated to work on themselves and make improvements, whether it be physically or otherwise, can be really inspiring and admirable. Knowing that someone wants to make positive changes within themselves means that they are willing to put in the work necessary to be the best version of themselves. It can also show that they have that same motivation to make the best of your relationship, which is a positive sign and something that people look for in a partner.

    For this person, however, their partner seemed to just take them for a ride, under the guise of being in a supportive relationship. Couples often do what they can to support each other, whether it is emotionally, financially, or otherwise. Here, financial support seemed to be all she was after, and once she got it, she up and left.

    12 Well That's One Way To Break Off A Relationship

    Your stance on conflict and war probably determines your views on people enlisting in the army. Whatever your views on the the army are, however, it's quite possible that you've never considered it as a means of breaking up a relationship. While most people think of a nice way to sit someone down and talk to them when ending their relationship, this person just decided to skip all of that and use a major life decision to end the relationship.

    While they did want to enlist in the army, regardless of whether or not they were in a relationship, it probably would have been a lot better to be truthful about why they wanted to break up, instead of making someone think that it was purely because the army was their calling, and being in a relationship wasn't an option.

    11 This Is Truly Heartbreaking

    Finding out that you're expecting should be a wonderful time in your life, because it is such a monumental, life-altering experience for both the father and the mother. However, not everyone is wholly prepared for parenthood when it happens to them, which means that they might not necessarily be jumping for joy when this does happen.

    While learning about your impending parenthood might not make you want to celebrate, it is important to be as supportive of your partner as you can be when it does happen, because it can be an extremely emotional time for them, and for you as well. Unfortunately for this person, getting pregnant was just the thing that showed her her partner's true colours, as it make him run for the hills instead of stepping up to be a father.

    10 Shouldn't You Talk To The Person You're In A Relationship With?

    People break up all the time. It's a natural occurrence, and it doesn't necessarily reflect poorly on you if your relationship doesn't last - some people just aren't compatible and shouldn't be in a relationship with each other. However, when this does happen, it's usually something that is very personal to the people involved in the relationship. What is definitely not okay, is discussing your break up with your significant other's parent, before discussing it with the person you actually want to break up with. Not only is it incredibly impersonal and awkward, but it also demonstrates a lack of respect for your partner. It's as if you don't even care to break up with them directly, so you do it through someone in their family, which makes very little sense and makes you look like a coward.

    9 That's A Sure-Fire Way To Ruin An Evening

    When people think of a night out, going to the club, they usually associate it with some drinks, perhaps getting dressed up, and more likely than not, a lot of dancing throughout the evening. What a lot of people don't expect is that they'll be broken up with, on their way to what they thought was going to be a really fun night out. Unfortunately for this person, that's exactly what happened on a night out with the person who it now an ex. Of course, sometimes there is just no right way to break up with someone, but in the case, perhaps they could have chosen a better time than a night out that was supposed to be fun, and not filled with heart break and some seriously bad vibes.

    8 If You're Going To Break Up With Someone, You Should Be Direct

    When people are broken up with, they usually want to know the reason that their significant other is breaking up with them. Of course, there are times when the reason is very obvious to bother parties, but sometimes, out of respect for your significant other, it's nice to give them an explanation as to why you're ending your relationship. Now, this isn't a prerequisite to a breakup, and you don't have to do it, but most people would really appreciate it.

    What you absolutely shouldn't do is send a semi-cryptic text and then make sure that your significant other sees you canoodling with another person to really send a message that it's over. While you may not necessarily owe them an explanation as to why you want to break up, you should at least break up with someone properly.

    7 Even A Text Message Would Have Been Better Than This

    Depending on who you ask, appropriate ways of breaking up with someone can vary greatly. Shows like Sex and The City, for example, outline the fact that using a post-it to break up with someone you're in a relationship with is a no-no. If that episode of SATC aired today, it would probably use this Whisper confession as an example of how not to end things with your significant other.

    Yes, texts and post-its are informal ways to break up with someone, but doing over direct message on Instagram seems like a really callus way to do something that people usually take care to do in a kind and mature manner. Dumping someone through their DMs makes breaking up with someone using a post-it seem like a well-written letter.

    6 Returning A Gift Is The Least You Could Do

    When two people are in a relationship, it's quite likely that they'll give each other gifts on special occasions. While the size and kind of gift shouldn't matter, some couples do like to shower each other with elaborate and sometimes expensive gifts. What happens to those gifts when the couple breaks up is a topic that's usually up for debate, meaning that there are people out there who think that gifts should be returned after a relationship dissolves.

    If you don't believe this to be the case, that's completely fair. However, when you just received the gift two days before breaking up with your significant other, that may be a situation where returning the gift might be appropriate - especially if the gift was specifically given to celebrate your relationship with that person.

    5 Lying About Your Sexuality Seems Extreme

    If you decide to offer a reason for breaking up with someone, you might feel like it needs to be a really good reason, if your significant other is going to buy it, and make your breakup as drama-free as possible. It may be a good idea to offer your significant other an explanation for why you no longer want to be in a relationship with them, but you should probably be honest about it, too.

    This person decided that in this situation, honesty was not the best policy, and told his girlfriend that he wasn't attracted to women, in order to end their relationship. While this might have made things easier for him, it was probably really hurtful for her, thinking that she'd been deceived, being with someone who wasn't straight the whole time.

    4 Don't Ask Someone Else To Break Up With Your Significant Other For You

    Breaking up, like the relationships before the breakup, are deeply personal. What two people share really can't be fully understood by a third party. Because relationships are usually between two people, the conversation about ending a relationship should be between two people as well, and ideally the two people who were in a relationship together.

    It can be difficult to end things with someone, especially because it's a conversation that not many people want to have. However, just because you don't want to do it, it doesn't mean you should ask someone else to do it for you. Asking someone else to break up with your significant other seems like such a cowardly thing to do. At least it showed their ex that they're probably not someone they'd want to be dating anyway.

    3 This Is The Ultimate Way To Ghost Someone

    “Ghosting” someone is a means of ending a relationship by simply disappearing from their lives. Generally speaking, people reserve ghosting for people who they're causally seeing, in order to remove themselves from a situation. This means that people don't often do this to people they're in actual relationships with. The idea is that you owe someone you're in a relationship with more than ghosting them out of nowhere - that you should properly break up with them if that's what you want to do.

    Unfortunately for this person, their ex didn't think it was necessary to say anything at all, and instead, opted to make sure that they wouldn't have any way to contact them ever again. While this seems like a hurtful way to breakup with someone, at least it's a clear message that they no longer want to be with you, so that you can move on.

    2 I Guess He Wanted To Tell Her In Person

    It seems that the general opinion about breakups is that they should be done face-to-face, rather than over the phone, through text message, or an Instagram message. However, this person took this idea to a dramatic and expensive extreme with their break up.

    Long distance relationships can be difficult, and this is why a lot of them end. Being in a long distance relationship might also make it tricky to break up with someone in person, because you don't get to see each other often. This may be one case where breaking up over the phone is appropriate, especially if seeing each other means spending a lot of money on a plane ticket. Unfortunately, this person's ex didn't see it that way, and instead, waited until they'd spent the money on a ticket and made the trip before ending things.

    1 Ghosting Someone You're In A Relationship With Isn't Okay

    Choosing to ghost someone you're in a relationship with might seem like a convenient way for you to end things, but it really can be hurtful to the person you're ghosting. This person described being ghosted as “the realization that someone can simply throw you away without any explanation.” While that may not be your goal when you break up with someone by ghosting them, you never really know how you'll make them feel by doing it, so it's probably better for you to just gather the courage to tell them to their face that you don't think your relationship is working out. A clear, non confrontational break up will probably be much more appreciated in the long run, and if you're someone who doesn't like to burn bridges, not ghosting someone could be the first step to an amicable breakup and even a potential friendship.