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    16 Men Confess Meeting The Love Of Their Life At The Wrong Time

    Everyone has had their heart broken at one time or another for a variety of reasons, but the stories that really send those sympathy love pains straight through our hearts are those of true love paired with bad timing. Consider one of the most classic relationships we all root for: Forest Gump and the beautiful but flighty Jenny; it was the typical story of boy meets girl. Forest and Jenny grow up together, he falls for her and confesses his love, but she isn't ready to settle down. Instead of the smooth transition from childhood friends to college sweethearts, Jenny flees from the only man who will ever treat her right and offer the purest of love.

    *Cue the collective heartbreak.*

    As endearing as it is to follow fictional relationships on the big screen or in the world of books, experiencing poorly timed love in real life isn't guaranteed to end with a happily ever after. More often than not, poor timing destroys relationships and can sometimes lead to years of missed opportunities. As bitter as the situation is, there are a surprising number of people who experience true love at the wrong time every single day. Here are sixteen Whisper examples of men confessing to meeting the love of their lives at the wrong time:

    16 Never give up

    If the timing always seems wrong, there are three options: Choose to love them from afar, fight to find a way to make things work, or do whatever it takes to move on.

    Loving someone without ever trying to work things out never ends well and you don't want to regret what could have been. Giving up is just as difficult and leaves a bitter taste in your mouth, so choose the best option and find a way to get things started!

    Sometimes it's as simple as having a real conversation, where you sit the other person down and discuss how you feel, how long you've felt that way and what you're willing to do to make things work.This will often lead the other person to consider how they feel and, at the very least, is a step in the right direction.

    15 Star-crossed lovers

    Not all relationships are meant to be and some people turn to the stars to guide them. This doesn't mean you absolutely must live your life according to your horoscope, it just means that some people do and some people don't - and that's fine. What isn't fine is rejecting a potentially great relationship before it has a chance to even begin.

    If she was truly that reliant on the stars to guide her to potential lovers, then she should have asked him his sign when things started to get flirty. It would have saved him the heartache and it would have saved her three days. As with everything else in life, remember to consider the other person's feelings and at least pretend to be a decent person by being honest when breaking up with them.

    14 So heartbreakingly close

    This person is on the other side of the missed opportunity. He loves this woman but she doesn't love him enough to leave whoever got her pregnant. Unless it was a tasteless brush-off, the apple of his eye is actually insincere about her feelings. If she loved him, why would she be with someone else? If she didn't love the other person, why did she stay?

    Either way, this is the perfect example of a man meeting the love of his life at the wrong time. She already made it clear she's pregnant and she is keeping the baby. Unless he's willing to stick around and hope her relationship tanks, which is a horrible thing to do, he will have to move on with the knowledge that he missed having her by only two months.

    13 Can true love make it work regardless?

    Six years of loving someone isn't something you can toss away easily, and a long distance relationship isn't ideal, regardless of how long you've loved each other. Obviously, this guy's timing couldn't be worse and it seems he'll have to allow time to heal this fresh wound.

    Does this mean love cannot conquer distance? Not at all, but that road won't be an easy one - especially if she is moving for the sake of school, a job or anything else that promises to consume the majority of her waking hours. Sometimes the only thing you can do for love is let go and hope one day it comes back to you. Let's hope that's exactly what he plans to do.

    12 Sometimes timing is off for a reason

    Remember what I said about raising your odds? In this case, the guy was ridiculed by an old friend. He was looking for romance and received one of the rudest forms of rejection instead. What does her laughter tell him? That he just dodged a bullet, because relationships don't work if one person is unnecessarily cruel. She could have easily let him down gently but she didn't even say anything - HUGE red flag for him. Hopefully he realized her character wasn't one worth further pursuits.

    What makes this confession even more sad is his admission that they were friends when they were younger. Is it possible she was so flustered she could only laugh and walk away? Sure. Does it sound like he's going to keep pursuing her? Nope. Either way, his confession came at the wrong time.

    11 But would you be happy now?

    So much is said in so few words. She loved him once but perhaps he was unavailable and now that he is available, she isn't. While we don't know the details of their love lost, it is clear she doesn't want to be with him anymore. Her response implies she perhaps told him about her feelings before and he took it for granted and did as he pleased until he was ready to settle down and be with her, but by then she had already moved on (good for her!).

    Had he actually asked to marry her when she loved him, would she have fallen out of love by now? There's no telling how they could have been, only that they will never be.

    10 One day she'll see you

    Sometimes women refuse to be with their male friends simply because there isn't a romantic attraction. Just because a man is "awesome" in some ways, doesn't mean he's everything she is looking for. While this hurts, it's important to remember that there is also a chance she is looking elsewhere in an effort to preserve the friendship. More often than not, people lose more than just lovers when a relationship ends, they lose the friendships they had before things got romantic as well.

    Regardless of her reasons, the best thing to do when this happens is be honest. Ask why him/her why she/he doesn't want to be with you because you want to be with them. Most friendships can overcome one-sided loves and by confessing, you won't live with regret.

    9 Ouch!

    This guy obviously held his feelings in way too long. Maybe he never had a chance to tell her how he feels or he is one of those guys who chooses the most painful option - to love from afar. Either way, by marrying his best friend, she is guaranteed to be a part of this heartbroken guy's life for the duration of the friendship.

    Talk about bad timing.

    How must it feel to love someone while they love one of the closest people to you? Not good, I imagine. Hopefully, he picks himself up and learns to move on. His best friend is marrying the girl of their dreams, so maybe it's time for him to find a new dream.

    8 One of the few times it really is hopeless

    Again, a man meets the love of his life only to discover she is destined to be with someone else - and that someone so close to him that she will forever remain in his life. What choice does he have? None, he has to move on and discover a new love or he will fester in his desires to be with an untouchable woman.

    Sometimes life plays cruel jokes on us. When we want to be with someone, we wind up being with them in a companionable or family setting, rather than romantic. In times like these, we can only do our best to move on and find a different source of romantic bliss. It's definitely out there, we just have to keep searching.

    7 When things get too real too fast

    We've all heard of love at first sight, but this poor guy was rejected at first sight. She didn't even have to speak to turn him down! This is definitely a story we wish we could hear, but since we can't, all we know is he fell for her, she rejected her, and he learned love at first sight isn't for him.

    It's a tough lesson but that's how it is for most of us, pal.

    Maybe next time he'll fall for someone who has the same romantic feelings he does and she'll fall for him at the same time. Until then, it seems he's better off going about romance the old fashioned way - by getting to know her first.

    6 Lust and not love

    Perhaps this is a lesson to us all to stay away from the infamous one night stand. While entertaining others for a night does sound exciting, it doesn't always end well. This guy was obviously willing to take things further, but she was forced to deny him. He had no way of knowing whether her heart was in it when things started to heat up so was it really that shocking to hear she wasn't interested afterward? Did she think he was silly for assuming something could ever come from it?

    It really is a sad story, but from his pain comes an important lesson: Get to know who the other person is before you invite them to spend the night.

    5 Talk about a lose/lose situation

    Staying with someone you don't love isn't right, but helping someone you care about through a difficult time is - so what should he have done?

    Some may argue he did the right thing by supporting his girlfriend, while others might say he should have been honest with her. No matter what decision he made, someone was going to hurt. His girlfriend would have to mourn both her father and her failed relationship, or he would have to live with the pain and suffering he caused at the worst possible time.

    This Whisper is the embodiment of bad timing - there was nothing he could have done to make anything better, so he chose what he felt was the lesser of two evils. Was it the right thing to do? Maybe, maybe not. You be the judge.

    4 Hindsight is 20/20

    At least he can admit it! When you love someone enough to marry them, also known as pledging your life to them, you don't usually fall for someone else within an hour of saying, "I do."

    How horrible for his bride and how horrible for him. The romantic perspective plays out like a movie - guy marries girl, guy meets someone else, girl gives him legitimate reason to end their relationship and BOOM! Guy gets to be with his soulmate; however, the realist says that the guy needs to pay a little more attention to his wife and a lot less attention to literally every other woman present at his wedding. The fact that he acknowledges that he's a jerk says it all.

    3 Missed opportunity

    Sometimes working on a failed relationship is better than attempting a new one. This person claims they met the love of their life after agreeing to work things out with an ex, but how committed is he really? Would he have even noticed the other person if he was giving his all in his current relationship?

    This may sound like a missed opportunity to be with the person of his dreams, but it seems more like he's missing the opportunity to make things work with someone he obviously still has feelings for - otherwise he wouldn't be with her, right?

    Remember, it's better to put your all into one relationship than to half-heart it and let your heart roam elsewhere.

    2 Dig deep and hang on

    So his timing is off, but unless she's got a ring on that finger, there's still hope! People fall in love every single day and, most of the time, the person of their affection is romantically unavailable. Does this mean you're not allowed to foster feelings for the person? Absolutely not! Does it mean you should do whatever it takes to ruin their relationship? Also no, but what it does mean is you have time to get to know the person as friends.

    German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche once said, "It is not a lack of love, but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages." Starting off as friends helps both people understand who the other truly is, and enables them to pursue a romantic relationship with a stronger initial foundation. Does this mean you'll always get the guy/girl? Sorry, not always, but it certainly raises your odds.

    1 Yes, yes and yes

    You're not alone! We've all been there! At one point or another, everyone has firmly believed the right person for them was right before their eyes, but for whatever reason the timing was all wrong. Sometimes it's because one or both parties are romantically involved with other people and sometimes it's something a lot more in-depth, like one person is going through a sloppy split or maybe they're planning to move away, rendering all hope for a relationship moot.

    Regardless of reason, yes, we are all familiar with that painful feeling of meeting who we believe is our soulmate, only to have our hopes dashed against the rocks. Does this mean we'll never find love again? Definitely not.