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    15 Weirdest Things That Keep Us Single, Based On Astrology

    There are a lot of logical reasons that you're single. You're busy with school. You're busy with work. You're not ready for a relationship. Or the most common and obvious: you just haven't met the right person.

    Of course, it's kind of boring to tell people that you're on your own because you haven't met Mr. Right. You need a better explanation, don't you? At the very least, you need to entertain yourself and you need a distraction from all of the bad dates that you've been on lately. Look no further than your zodiac sign. You knew that your sign wouldn't let you down. It tells you everything else, after all, so it might as well tell you about why you're rolling solo. Wondering why you're single? There's probably a weird AF reason and it's all about your sign. Read on to find out the weirdest reason that you don't have a boyfriend, all based on your zodiac sign.

    15 Aquarius: Most People Bore You

    Everyone has great qualities and not so great qualities (and that's a really nice way of putting it). One of the worst things about you is that you get bored quickly and that goes for people, places, and situations.

    If you're an Aquarius, then you're not really a people person. You tend to get bored by most people that you meet, which keeps you single since even if you meet new guys on a regular basis or try to go on dates, you're not always thrilled with your romantic prospects. Since you definitely have to find someone interesting enough to want a second date and beyond, this is something that keeps your single status going strong. It does sound strange that you're not a fan of most people, though, so you might want to keep this personality trait to yourself.

    14 Pisces: You Can't Handle Any Critiques

    On the subject of being a people person -- well, that's totally you. If you're a Pisces sign, then you're very friendly and really enjoy being around others. You have a big friend group and stay in constant touch with your family. You're a kind soul as well, so logically speaking, you really shouldn't be single because you shouldn't have a problem attracting guys.

    The problem? You're not big on being criticized. Like at all. If someone says anything even remotely negative about you, you're just not having it. Of course a guy should never insult you on a date or anything like that, but you're not going to always do the right thing despite your best intentions. So eventually, someone that you're dating is going to have a problem with you or want to talk about something that is bugging and upsetting them. It's hard for you to hear that and that makes you a very difficult person to be in a relationship with.

    13 Aries: You Only Like The Beginning Of Relationships

    You're a very productive, smart person if you're an Aries sign. You really love the beginning of things because you're passionate and you get excited about starting something. That makes you a star at work since you would never dream of complaining about having to work hard. In fact, that's what you love doing the most.

    But since you're so big on beginnings, that means that you're cool with the start of a new relationship, but you're not so interested in continuing. You're the kind of person who meets someone new, gets a crush on them, starts dating them, and then once things get real and serious, freaks out and leaves. That means that you have a lot of brief, short-term, casual relationships and they never go anywhere. Of course, that keeps you pretty single.

    12 Taurus: You Fixate On Weird Flaws

    Taurus (aka the bull) is known for being stubborn. That's the weird thing that keeps you single, and it's probably something that your friends tease you about all the time.

    If you're on a date and the person does something quirky or unique -- eats their food in a certain order, or drinks five glasses of water, or laughs in a funny way -- then you're out. You won't be able to stop thinking about that and it's going to drive you crazy. That's kind of strange since you have to be open to people's flaws and quirks. It's not going to be possible to meet someone who is 100 percent perfect and does nothing weird. People are weird. That's the honest truth. But until you can stop fixating on someone's flaws, you're going to stay single.

    11 Gemini: You Don't Want To Get Into A Routine With Anyone

    Oh, Geminis. You're a bit complex, but that's what makes you so great. You're represented by the twins so you definitely are said to have two sides to you or two personalities, however, you want to say it.

    Like any other sign, you have things that you love and things that you hate. What's something that you really hate? Routines. They're just not your jam. Since being in a relationship means spending time with the other person and getting into a routine -- pizza and Netflix on Fridays, brunch on Sunday mornings, yoga on Wednesday evenings, etc. -- you're pretty likely to stay single. People would definitely be confused if they knew that this was the reason behind your singleness, and hopefully you can go against your nature and get over this if you want to find love.

    10 Cancer: You're Too Much Of A Homebody

    It's become more acceptable and normal and cool to be a homebody these days. You really have Netflix and binge-watching to thank for that. Most people would rather hang out with a good TV show rather than go to a sweaty, gross, overcrowded club on a Friday or Saturday night.

    For you, though, as a Cancer sign, you're a massive homebody and that can keep you single. Even if you want to find love and be in a relationship, if you don't actually leave your house and go on dates, well, you can see how that wouldn't work out too well. It's probably a good idea to leave your house (and, therefore, your comfort zone) and make sure that you're doing what you can to meet new people. That's the only way to get over your homebody nature and save your love life.

    9 Leo: You Have To Be Treated Like A Princess

    It's pretty weird to want a guy to treat you like a princess, especially in 2017. Come on. It's not the old days. You should be strong and you should have your own life and having a boyfriend should add something to your life. It shouldn't be your entire reason for being and if it is, well, that's a problem.

    As a Leo sign, you really want to be treated like a princess by the guy that you're dating, and that's because your zodiac sign is said to be King Of The Jungle. You won't stand for anything less. You probably get mad at guys all the time even when they are perfectly sweet and good and decent. Just think about all of the missed opportunities for finding real love.

    8 Virgo: You Don't Like Any Attention On You

    As a Virgo sign, you're not into having all eyes on you. You don't even get how some people can be so confident about being in the spotlight. It's just not your thing.

    While that's totally fine because everyone is different and unique and that's awesome, this isn't great news for your dating life. Since you're not big on having people pay attention to you, that means that it's really hard for people to get to know you. You don't love talking to new people about your personal life and background. That's not going to allow you to open up to someone and start a relationship with them. If being in a relationship is really important to you, well, now you know the weird reason that you're still single, and it's something that you can work on.

    7 Libra: You Can Never Decide If You Like Someone

    Do your BFFs shake their heads every time you tell them about a first date that went nowhere? Do they always hear you talk about a new guy who is pursuing you that you're not sure about?

    You can never decide if you like someone and it's all thanks to your zodiac sign. Now you know what you can blame for the fact that you're single, right?! You definitely need to know if you like someone before you can start seriously dating them and commit to them. Until you can do that, then you really are going to stay on your own. You're going to push a lot of guys away if you can never admit that you've got a thing for them, and they're going to get pretty fed up with you.

    6 Scorpio: You Keep Secrets Close To Your Chest

    It's not always the best idea to open up to new people that you don't know that you can trust. People are super big into TMI these days, but if that's not you, that's something to be proud of.

    Unfortunately, if you can't really open up to people, that's going to make dating hard. Being a Scorpio means that you keep secrets close to your chest and it takes you forever to tell people what you're thinking and feeling. Sure, you don't want to talk about something super personal on the first date, but eventually, after a few dates, you have to get a bit deep about your life and who you are. If you can't do that, well, then it's the single life for you.

    5 Sagittarius: You Overpromise And That Causes Problems

    Promises can be the best thing ever or kind of lame. It's great when a guy that you're crazy about promises to love you forever… and it's horrible when someone promises something and then lets you down. Every girl has experienced that at least once.

    Your zodiac sign makes you the kind of person who loves to promise. You can't help it. You just love it. You're going to promise the person that you're dating the moon, the suns, and the stars, no matter how realistic or logical that is. You're just going to upset and disappoint them and it's going to be a whole big thing. You're not going to do this on purpose and you're not going to want to hurt their feelings. But it's just going to happen and it's going to make your relationships hard.

    4 Capricorn: You Can Get Super Negative

    Negativity really has no place in your love life. Being negative means that you're never going to think that things are going to work out. Even if you've met a great new guy, you're going to tell yourself that he's never going to like you and that you'll never be in a relationship with him. That's exactly as sad and awful and unfortunate as it sounds, and it probably drives your friends nuts, whether or not they actually tell you.

    That kind of self-defeating attitude is going to keep you super single. If you can't get over it and become more positive, then welcome to your single life. It's going to be tough to change since becoming a more positive person is never a simple task, but it's seriously going to be worth it.

    3 Virgo: People Assume That You're Too Shy

    Ugh. If you're a Virgo sign, then you always hear that you're shy and quiet, and it's probably super annoying.

    Of course, you do tend to veer on the shy and quiet side, but you don't want to hear about it all the time. You're sometimes single for a while because people assume that you're too shy to be in a relationship with them or even to go out with them. Just think about how many guys have their eye on you and would love to take you out, but they assume that you're not interested since you never talk to them or are that friendly. Ugh again. It's probably a good idea to be super friendly to someone that you have a crush on. You can totally beat your zodiac sign.

    2 Libra: You Can't Handle Even A Friendly Debate

    Being a Libra means that you absolutely can't take it if something is unfair. It basically ruins you. It sounds like you would make a really good pro bono lawyer (or maybe not, since you would get way too upset if things didn't go the way that you wanted… ).

    You're not someone who loves a debate, and that is true even if it's friendly. If someone disagrees with you or starts a bit of a friendly competition, you're out. You can't handle it. This is definitely a strange thing that keeps you single because the guy that you end up with it is never going to agree with absolutely everything that you say or believe. Or if he does, then he's totally lying just to please you and that's pretty lame.

    1 Cancer: You Hate If Someone Talks About Your Mom

    Everyone loves their mom and asks her a million questions all the time, even if they're old enough to know the answers. You just want to know everything that she does because she's the best.

    The Cancer sign is said to be very protective of their mom. If someone says something negative (or even not super negative but that's how you take it) about your mom, you will flip out. You just won't stand for it. So you can see how that might keep you single. It sounds weird, but it does make sense if you think about it. If your boyfriend has some conflict with your mom (like he wants you to spend Christmas with his family instead this year or something, for example), you would pretty much break up with him on the spot. That might be something to work on if you want to stop being single…