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    15 Ways To Tell If He Has A Side Chick

    It's so easy to get involved on all the dating sites and be interested in other people. It's actually a huge fear many individuals have because it is becoming the new norm. But there are some signs you can pay attention to when trying to figure out whether or not your man has a side chick and is cheating on you. Whether you've been dating him for years, married, or even just dating him for the first time, these signs will help you really figure out whether or not he can be trusted. While we're not trying to encourage anyone to shut down someone because you suspect they're lying, but we do hope that this article will help encourage individuals to bring up the topic to the people they care about so hopefully there can be some sort of transparency. You shouldn't have to wait around and just be left assuming the worse, you should be able to really pinpoint whether or not the person you're in love with is the one for you.

    We've also included some much needed quotes about love and relationships, because honestly after this article we will need it.

    15 Doesn't Pay Attention

    When your man doesn't pay attention to you, it can cause some serious issues. Not only does it seem like he might be interested in someone else, but it also feels like maybe he just really wants to be with someone else because he doesn't want to give that love and compassion towards you. When you're trying to figure out whether or not your partner is cheating on you with some side chick, you need to pay attention to whether or not he's giving you the same amount of attention as he used to.  Is he on his phone more than usual? Does he seem distracted when you are together? Does he not even hear you when you are trying to tell him something? If he's not, then something, no matter what it is, is wrong.

    14 His Smell

    Does he weirdly smell like perfume or other things that are out of the norm? Does he smell like somewhere that he shouldn't have been? Like a club or even a woman's apartment. If he starts to smell different paired with the other things on this list, there is a major problem that seriously needs to be looked at. You need to sit down with your man and really lay out your recent thoughts, ask him if he feels different about the relationship and if it will work for him. From there, hopefully, you'll get some needed answers and you can move on together or on your own depending on how that conversation goes. It's important that you pay attention to the little details like this, especially smell because you can't get smell off entirely without being very obvious about it, like wearing a whole bottle of cologne. Keep this in mind!

    13 Work Days Are Longer

    If your man starts to work longer and longer seemingly out of nowhere and he doesn't keep you updated or even talk to you about it. Something is seriously wrong with this picture. Does your man work somewhere far away or does he work the same schedule up until recently? Of course we know that things can change, but does that really happen THAT often? Especially when he doesn't talk to you about these changes so you can go over it together, there is a serious problem. It's important that that transparent communication is there moving forward because if it's not, all that looks like is cheating and trying to hide it. Hopefully moving forward after you bring this issue to his attention he will tell you what has been really going on and what isn't. It's important you encourage him to b truthful and honest about work and if he is and it turns out he's cheating, BYE!

    12 He Accuses You

    Whenever you call him out on something that might seem sneaky or suspicious, does he, in turn, lash out at you and accuse you in return? This is classic behavior when it comes to cheating and people who are hooking up on the side of their relationship, even those who feel guilty for just looking or flirting at work. If he feels guilty when you call him out on something that is actually probably accurate, it's normal that it will make a negative reaction occur. Any person who is doing something they shouldn't will react this way, they are trying to deflect, so pay attention. Just be careful and try to calmly talk to him, if he won't have it, then he needs to go, that's it!

    11 Your Gut Feelings

    Seriously, you have to listen to your gut if it's telling you something. If you feel like your partner is cheating and you've been picking up on things that are different, there is probably something up. Of course it might not be cheating but it could be something that is wrong with your partner or something else that's wrong that he is doing. Whatever the case may be, your gut will usually flash warning signs when you pick up on little details, without you even realizing it. Just try to bring up the issue with your partner and see if there is something you can do. See if he is okay and then move on to the hard questions. Don't be afraid to really grill him when it comes to figuring out whether or not he's faithful. There should be communication and honesty and if he won't give that you have every right to bring up this awkward conversation.

    10 Another Phone

    This is one of the biggest red flags. If this is something you find your partner with, then no matter his excuse, it is an automatic let go because whatever it is it isn't good unless you are aware of it. Honestly, there isn't even that much to say because if you happen to find out that your partner or husband actually has a second phone, a burner phone, then no matter what he's doing, you need to just leave him. Of course, if the phone is for work and he doesn't hide it, fine, but if it is a phone he's been hiding from you and you've never seen him use it around you. Literally just make him pack his bags and leave because that is one of the biggest red flags ever.

    9 Travel A Lot

    Does your man seriously travel a lot, does he always make an excuse to take overnight trips. If he always plans to take business trips and he never lets you tag along, then there is something wrong. Whether or not that's going to a men's clubs with the guys at his job or he's not actually working and planning to cheat with someone, you need to find out. If your man does travel a lot you need to talk to him about exactly where he is going and why. Whether or not you need to call his job or even the hotel he says he's going to be staying at, you need to find out when he goes. Because this lack of communication between you two, there needs to be some action taken to really find out the truth. If it gets to this point, it's pretty safe to say that you won't have a very honest relationship if you move forward with him, so take some time to figure out what you plan to do if it doesn't work out.

    8 Being Too Nice

    If your man all of a sudden is getting you flowers for no reason, jewelry, or even taking you on little trips. Well while this might seem like a dream come true, if your guy has started to do this out of nowhere, then it's a bit fishy. Really pay attention to whether or not your partner is fully focused on you or if he's just buying you gifts to keep you interested and to help you ignore the fact he's going to his third business trip this month. If he's doing these gifts just to hide the fact he's gone a lot of the time or “working” too much, then you either need to refuse the gifts and demand the truth or just walk away from the situation. When it gets to this point, it's pretty hard to find a middle ground that you both want, it will be tough to figure out that balance, but either way you need to make a choice.

    7 Talking About Specific People More

    Have you noticed that your man has started to talk more about specific people or even just one person in general? If your guy starts talking about the new girl at the office more and more, over and over, it might be time to snap him out of it honestly. It's not really cool to constantly talk to someone you love about someone like that for an abundance of time. It literally just screams that they are cheating or even just interested in that other person. He has someone amazing to talk TO, if he spends all that time with you thinking or talking to somebody else than I am sorry to say but your man is not committed completely to this relationship. He's got love on the brain, but not with you.

    6 No Communication

    Have you noticed how your man doesn't really talk to you about much anymore. Maybe he will still ask how you're doing or even how your day went, but he doesn't really try to put any effort into any kind of mutual conversation anymore. This is a bad sign. This is a classic red flag that you need to seriously pay attention to. When there is no communication, no matter what the reason is, there is a serious problem. If your partner refuses to meet on middle ground and acknowledge that there is a problem between you two, whether or not he is cheating or not, you need to be able to really face the facts in this situation and not step down. Don't allow this guy to manipulate you.

    5 He's Always Gone

    Does your man always try to get away from having conversations? We're not talking about when he goes on work trips, we're talking about literally when he is just around the house. Does he always keep himself occupied so you don't really have time to bring up something serious? This kind of behavior is a mega red flag and you need to be able to confront him and he needs to make time for a serious talk. Don't let him just brush it off.

    “I love a man with a great sense of humor and who is intelligent - a man who has a great smile. He has to make me laugh. I like a man who is very ambitious and driven and who has a good heart and makes me feel safe. I like a man who is very strong and independent and confident - that is very sexy - but at the same time, he's very kind to people.” - Nicole Scherzinger

    4 He's Always Moody

    Is your man is always in a bad mood? If he is and shows signs of all these other elements, then we hate to say it, but he's probably doing something wrong. While we don't want to assume that he was cheating, we are going to go ahead and assume that he's doing something wrong. If he's always moody for no reason and won't even talk to you about it, there needs to be some serious talking between you and your man. Whether he needs some alone time to figure out what he wants in a relationship or if you seriously don't want to even deal with it, the choice is up to you and what you want to deal with. You shouldn't have to settle for this something that isn't even what you signed up for. Of course things change, but honestly, he needs to change some things if he's going to act like a child.

    3 Buying You Tons Of Gifts

    Like we mentioned to you before, if your partner is constantly buying you things or trying to sweet talk you on a date, by buying you flowers and this is something he never really has done before. There needs to be some red flags popping up. If you feel like the gift giving is too much you need to tell him that and you also need to let him know that he's feeling guilty about something, then you also need to make him feel like he can just tell you so you both don't waste your time together. Tell him that if he is messing around you just want to know so you both can move on. If there is honesty and he tells you everything, move on with your life and seriously just leave him behind. Don't give him a second chance just because he was honest with you this time.

    2 He Lacks Self-Esteem

    While it's completely fine if your partner lacks confidence, it's normal and shouldn't just mean that someone is cheating, but the reason why this is on our list is because you need to really pay attention to whether or not he is lacking self-confidence while also playing into all of the other points on this list. If he happens to be, it's a red flag! Watch carefully to figure out whether or not he really is cheating or thinking of doing so, you won't miss it.

    “Love myself I do. Not everything, but I love the good as well as the bad. I love my crazy lifestyle, and I love my hard discipline. I love my freedom of speech and the way my eyes get dark when I'm tired. I love that I have learned to trust people with my heart, even if it will get broken. I am proud of everything that I am and will become.” - Johnny Weir

    1 Fighting All The Time

    If your partner is constantly fighting with you, shifting the blame, and making it seem like you're the crazy one, you need to stand your ground and open up the communication so you both can be honest with each other. Don't just allow yourself to be convinced that it's all just in your head, that is some serious emotional abuse he's trying to pull on you. If he constantly fights with you to get you to stay quiet, even if he's not cheating you need to leave him because that is plain stupid!

    “Infuse your life with action. Don't wait for it to happen. Make it happen. Make your own future. Make your own hope. Make your own love. And whatever your beliefs, honor your creator, not by passively waiting for grace to come down from upon high, but by doing what you can to make grace happen… yourself, right now, right down here on Earth.” - Bradley Whitford