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    15 Ways To Make It Work With Your Friend With Benefits

    Have you ever wanted to know how to have a FWB? A friend with benefits?

    We've created a list so not only can you learn about how to develop a relationship like this, you'll also learn key steps that you need to take if you want to stay a simple FWB instead of a full blown relationship. If you're ready to take these steps to explore yourself, you'll be in for one unique ride! Just remember that it's important to follow all of these steps to have a successful friend with benefits relationship that stays simple and basic. If you're hoping that this will turn into a relationship later down the line then you seriously just need to stick with dating and leave the FWB thing to us. You can't start having feelings for someone when you have a dynamic like this. It's complicated but very necessary to make sure that you don't get attached. Not only will that protect you but it will also protect the individual you're having booty calls with! These 15 tips will help guide you along the path of having an enjoyable FWB experience that might just go on for some time, who knows! Just be sure that you know what you want. No list can tell you what you want out of life, so it's up to you to discover that before following these tips, so you can figure out how you want to go about this aspect of your life! Just remember to stay safe!

    15 Choose The Right Person

    Because they shouldn't actually be your friend. When you're trying to figure out who should be the right person, it can be hard and it might even take a while. Our best bet would be to check out some dating apps that are actually specific to this kind of dynamic. Just remember that it's important to be honest and truthful with your potential friend with benefits, you want to be as upfront as possible for this kind of relationship to work. If you are meeting someone online, we would suggest that you go have coffee with him just once in public so you can gauge how the relationship will work out. This will give you both an idea of the other person and you can see if there is any physical spark there, which is very necessary for this kind of dynamic to workout. They aren't supposed to be your friend, while that might seem like an added bonus, it will make it very hard to move on when the time comes and you don't want to do this anymore. So keep that in mind moving forward!

    14 Be Honest & Clear

    By making sure you're on the same page, you're less likely to be hurt in the process and you'll avoid hurting other's feelings as well. By making sure that you both understand each other you can make sure that you're in a safe environment with your fwb. It's so important to be honest with anyone that you're trusting, they deserve to be able to trust you too. Start by telling them what you want and allow them to go into what they want out of the relationship. Talk about if you will be seeing other people and that you want to know if he is safe with them, because you have to be able to trust that your partner is being safe. It shouldn't be something to be embarrassed about, it should be brought up and discussed if there has been any experience them that kind of problem. Honesty is key!

    13 Try To Keep It Casual

    If you allow the relationship to flourish in other ways, you'll start to develop feelings and that almost always ends badly for you or the other individual. So suck it up and accept that this is booty call only territory. If you want something more in your life, break it off and start dating again. One of the hardest things to having a friend with benefits is the fact that it's so easy to turn it into something else, something more, if you aren't careful But you need to remember exactly what the benefits are to having a fwb before you make the wrong move and invite your buddy out to lunch with the family. A fwb offers you the ability to have no strings attached, you have more time to yourself, you don't have to worry about missing out on your career, it all comes into play when you give up having a friend with benefits and turn it into a relationship. Be careful and try to keep it in the bedroom only.

    12 Communicate

    Just because this isn't an actual serious relationship, doesn't mean you shouldn't be vocal about the kind of intimacy you want to have. Even though this isn't a real relationship, you still need to be able to communicate with your buddy. Whether you're discussing the future of the dynamic, just regular conversation, pillow talk, or even just being physically safe. It all comes into play when you're that close with someone you're hooking up with. Communication is what will make it much more easier to have a successful and respectful dynamic with your buddy. If you don't take the steps needed to form that kind of respect and understanding, not only will you most likely get upset at each other, the physical won't be good either because of this stress and overthinking. Like we've said before, keep it as simple as possible, communicate when needed or when something comes up, but don't go out of your way to talk all day like a real couple. It's not worth it.

    11 Don't Care What People Think

    If you want to keep this part of your life that's recommended, but don't worry if people find out, who cares! If someone spills the beans, yeah that's wrong and gross, but don't let it get you down. If you go around telling people and bragging then feel weird when you feel judged, just remember that you're happiness is what matters the most. People will always judge everything if they are uncomfortable, jealous, or just have nothing better to do. Remember that no matter what, you have the choice to not let it get to you. You have the ability to just let those judgments roll off your back like water. Don't care about what people think, it doesn't matter and it should even come into your relationship dynamic with your friend with benefits. When it comes down to it, just keep it simple, don't overextend your welcome, have mutual agreements, and leave it at that. Don't share your personal life with people you don't trust.

    10 Don't Keep Looking For More

    If you have a “relationship” with your fwb buddy, don't keep dating unless the dating world is fully aware of the arrangement before hand. Don't expect a potential serious partner to be okay with sharing you, because that usually isn't the case. While it's normal to have multiple fwbs just remember to keep communication open with your bedroom partners so you all stay safe and healthy. When you're just starting off in this lifestyle, we would suggest that you stick to having only one buddy to start with. See how you feel, be open with them from the start, tell them that you're new to this kind of thing and they might even offer some advice of their own when it comes to their experience. Just remember that if you constantly keep experimenting with people, you need to be careful and make sure that your continued partners after know about your experiences for safety and security. Just be transparent when it comes to this kind of thing!

    9 Don't Have A Serious Relationship & FWB

    Unless everyone knows about the situation, there shouldn't be any cheating or hiding the fact you have a fwb, that's just not cool. If you're currently dating someone and you're in a very serious relationship and they are unaware of your want for a fwb, then you either need to step up and discuss it with them first, bringing up the idea of an open relationship, or you need to close off the relationship and pursue your wants with a fwb. Cheating is never cool and it's never okay. If you've cheated on your serious partner with a friend with benefits because you were simply curious, you need to end your relationship, regather yourself, and start fresh with a new perspective, because this kind of behavior is never okay. Just imagine being in their shoes, your long term partner's shoes. How would you feel if your partner cheated on you, would it feel good, would it make you happy. We sure don't think so.

    8 Don't Normalize The FWB

    Don't bring them out to dates, breakfast, coffee, or even with friends and family. It's not okay and it will be easier for feelings to develop between you two. Don't take your buddy out to breakfast with your mom or on the family vacation. Keep the relationship simple by keeping it in the bedroom like we mentioned before. We can't bring this up enough because we've seen it too often, where one individual in a fwb relationship takes it a step too far and they either get hurt or they ruin the dynamic. It's so drastically important that you don't get so use to the buddy you're with that you start doing everything with them and texting them throughout the day. If you do do that, you either need to break it off or just go out with them and stop with the whole friends with benefits things! Don't normalize unless that's what you both want!

    7 No Jealousy

    Like we mentioned before, it's normal for fwbs to have more than one partner. Because of this, you have to remember that when you start to feel jealous when it comes to your friend with benefits, you can't let that get to you, you have to remember that this is not an actual relationship. If it makes you feel better moving forward, you could mention to your partner that you rather not hear about other people when meeting up. It's not fair to be jealous, a fwb relationship is supposed to be no strings attached, you're not supposed to be his girlfriend, you're supposed to just have fun together in bed. Don't start being toxic to the dynamic by constantly asking if your buddy likes you more or if he likes his other partners more, it's just not a fun situation to be in. if you do have such a problem with it, either bring it up or date someone else long term!

    6 Set Boundaries

    Boundaries are always important in any kind of relationship with someone, even friendship. Setting boundaries should be done early on in the relationship with your buddy. Whether that means no spending the night, no random calls, hookups once a week, they are important to have so you can have a successful dynamic. Boundaries can either be a list written down, or you can just talk it over with your buddy and keep it in mind moving forward. Either way, it's important to have an idea of what is okay and what's not okay, we're all different individuals and we all want something different, which is very valid and reasonable. If it's not reasonable to you, move on to the next buddy and see if that relationship works out better between you two. Boundaries are what will make this dynamic different from just another date, which is why it's key to the success of having a fwb!

    5 Break It Off If There Are “Feelings”

    If you feel like your buddy is developing feelings and they start inviting you to do things with friends and family, it might be time to break it off. When you start indulging in the person's personal life, it becomes very difficult to keep it bedroom only from then on. Feelings can creep into a relationship without you even noticing it in most cases, and sometimes it's not even clear if the other individual likes you in that way or not. Which is where communication comes into play and why you both need to be very clear on the guidelines that you lay out from now on. If it's too late and the relationship has already begun to start feeling like you're dating your buddy, then it is up to you to respectfully break things off and move on with your life. Don't start to feel bad for your buddy, don't settle, and don't pity date them either. How is that ever fair?

    4 Don't Hate Yourself If You Have Feelings

    If you're the one who catches the feelings first, don't worry. Just break off the relationship with your buddy and move forward. You can't let this come between you and your life. When things are set up in a friends with benefits relationship, you can't change the other's boundaries just because you have feelings. It's hard to deal with when it gets to this point, but it's one of the most important tips on this list. If you come to the point in the fwb relationship where you are the one that has feelings you need to come forward and be honest with your buddy how you feel. Maybe it will turn into something else, but it should be a conversation about breaking things off and going separate ways. If you just hold in this feeling, you will just constantly hurt over and over again. It's not worth it and there are so many other people out in the world you could have as your buddy!

    3 You Don't Have To Stay The Night

    And you won't have any awkward and awkward morning-afters! It seems that when you think of hooking up you always dread the morning after. It's awkward, you just want to go home and sleep, and you don't want to even deal with morning cuddles and breakfast. Well that's just a great perk about a friend with benefits, you don't have to spend the night. You don't have to have the awkward morning after, you can just hook up and leave. While it's no problem if you want to have a glass of wine before getting a cab home, but it doesn't have to be a whole event when you want to hook up with your friend with benefits. It's simple and easy, fun and allows you to not have to stress. You'll be able to go home to your own bed and get rested before heading to work in the morning! How beautiful is that!?

    2 Use Protection

    As a FWB, it's normal to have multiple booty calls, so be sure you communicate with your buddy and make sure he always uses protection. While this should be obvious, we have to mention it anyway because it's so important in any kind of physical relationship, relationship or fwb, you HAVE to use protection. Why risk your life when you can spare an extra few bucks and time of protection that will keep you and your partner safe. Make sure you have regular checkups and like we mentioned before, be sure you communicate with your partners so that you can all be on the same page when it comes to protection and check ups. Don't think twice about just not using any protection just once, because that's all it takes to make a mistake that you'll regret for the rest of your life. Just remember that everyone is allowed to protect their health, stay educated, and aware of what is happening. Use protection and always get consent.

    1 Have A Blast

    All in all, when it comes down to it, you should have a blast. Don't worry, you're not doing anything wrong, it's not bad to have a fwb and it's totally not wrong, it's normal and can be quite fun! Enjoy yourself and let this help you have a moment of peace in your week where you don't have to worry about all the crap that's constantly booked in your schedule. Enjoy this time so you can release all of that stress and have a burst of energy for the next week! Have fun, forget about your worries, don't worry about stress, just enjoy your life and be in the moment. This is a time where you're able to be yourself and be free, you're able to feel that connection, but it doesn't have to get in the way of your life. You can do everything you want without losing your productive progress. Embrace it and just learn to have fun for once without any strings or stress!