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    15 Ways To Get Him To Ask You Out

    In a society where you can find anyone you can possibly imagine online, there are a lot of people we may come across that we think we've fallen in love with. When you do find the one, it can sometimes be difficult to figure out whether they feel that same attraction towards you or if they have even noticed you at all! Which is exactly why we've curated a guide that will help you open up an opportunity for your bae to ask you out! We'll be walking you through all the do's and don'ts on this list one by one so you have a good idea of what you should and shouldn't do when trying to catch the attention of your bae crush. We'll even help you figure out how to spice up your relationship with your bae even if you're already dating, most of these tips are very universal and you'll be able to put them to good use right away. We've also included some inspiring quotes about dating, maybe they will inspire you and your potential bae!

    Before you know it, you'll be getting the attention of the guy you have a super crush on and you'll be able to figure out from there if it was worth it and if he shares the same feelings as you. Just remember to not be pushy or to invade anyone's personal space. That's just not cool! We hope you enjoy this list and that it gets put to good use, because honestly who wouldn't want their bae to ask them out?!

    Be yourself and follow these tips to get your bae to ask you out!

    15 Don't Obsess

    Don't obsess over someone just because you think they're cute. You might even find out later after dating him for a bit that he really isn't your type. Don't obsess over one person, it's not healthy and it can actually disrupt a lot of things you have going on in your life. Instead just try to go with the flow and learn what works and what doesn't. Whether or not your bae actually asks you out, keep in mind that you should be aware of everything that is happening, not only for your safety but also to pick up the signs when you might not be meshing in the best way with your potential bae.

    “The prospect of dating someone in her twenties becomes less appealing as you get older. At some point in your life, your tolerance level goes down and you realize that, with someone much younger, there's nothing really to talk about.” - Clint Eastwood

    14 Let Him Know You're Single

    Be very open about your relationship status, whether you choose to do this online or in person. Just casually bring it up and start a conversation about how they feel about relationships. Tell them your thoughts as well so they can form their own opinion about you and your views on companionship. Keep in mind that you shouldn't dig up dirt on his past relationships, let him explain when the time is right. Don't push, because you'll most likely get shut down pretty quick. Just by letting him know that you're single will help you form a connection right away in most cases! Then you'll be able to keep growing from there.

    “An important part of dating is communicating. We communicate by sharing our thoughts, ideas, and feelings. We enjoy being with someone when we have an easy time communicating or when we have a lot to talk about.” - John Bytheway

    13 Keep Your Friends Away

    This goes for family as well. When you want your bae to ask you out, it's best if you keep friends and family out of the situation. If you continue pushing them to hang out with your friends and family you'll most likely be ignored or be put into the friend-zone. So keep it safe and simple and keep your relationship with your crush on the down low until things actually become serious later on. Before then, keep things to yourself and between you and your bae, that way you won't have to worry about anything negative happening!

    “You can draw inspiration from anything. If you're a good storyteller, you can take a dirty look somebody gives you, or if a guy you used to have flirtations with starts dating a new girl, or somebody you're casually talking to says something that makes you so mad - you can create an entire scenario around that.” - Taylor Swift

    12 Eye Contact

    Eye contact is one of the most important things you can do to entice someone to be more interested in you and what you're all about. If you constantly look away it can really send mixed signals to your crush, it can make them feel like you aren't listening, like you aren't confident, or even like you're upset and don't want to be bothered. While it might make you seem like you're being cute, it really just makes them feel like they are bothering you and they most likely won't be as interested to talk to you since you're uncomfortable, whether or not you really are or not. If you continue to make eye contact it will seem like you're engaged in the conversation and want to pursue that connection between two individuals. Keep this in mind, even if you start to feel nervous around your crush and potential bae. Just be yourself and be a bit more confident.

    11 Be Upfront

    Like we always say, communication is key. Sometimes shying away from the person you're interested in can come off the wrong way, sometimes you just need to be upfront and honest about what you're looking for. If you want them to ask you out, be the aggressor and ask them out first or be the one that starts talking with them first. There is nothing wrong with you putting yourself out there, it should honestly be done more often. If you're upfront with your potential bae, you'll stand out from everyone else, because it takes a lot of guts to just come out and say what you feel. So many individuals just hide their true feelings and never let it have any spotlight, especially around other people. Fight the norm and try something new. You never know what might come of something like this just because you took a chance.

    10 Be Spontaneous

    Automatically choosing to be spontaneous might be hard if you're normally quiet and keep to yourself, but just try it for once. Try to put yourself out there and have some fun. Remember not to care what people think, not even the guy you're trying to impress. Just focus on having fun and making a real connection with someone you have a crush on, that is what is most important. Be wild and free, never letting anyone get you down for getting out of your comfort zone.

    “I love a man with a great sense of humor and who is intelligent - a man who has a great smile. He has to make me laugh. I like a man who is very ambitious and driven and who has a good heart and makes me feel safe. I like a man who is very strong and independent and confident - that is very sexy - but at the same time, he's very kind to people.” - Nicole Scherzinger

    9 Your Best Smile

    Flashing a beautiful and real smile is a great way to show how kind and beautiful you really are. While we probably all know what RBF is (resting b**** face), and you should never smile when someone commands you to or bosses you around. If you're trying to impress your date, just remember how important it is to embrace what makes you feel beautiful so you can show that to your bae and they can fall in love with your confidence. Don't try to be fake or anything, just embrace who you are and your natural happiness that shines no matter what.

    “For me, I've learned if I want a very stable, normal relationship, where I'll be like, 'Okay, this is nice, I know what's going to happen in a month,' it's probably better to date outside the industry. But you can't help who you fall for. It's our dating pool.” - Camila Cabello

    8 Be Yourself

    Remember to be yourself. Just like we mentioned above, it's never okay to be fake and it honestly just will most likely turn off your bae if you come off as someone different than who you really are. Because believe it or not, people can really see through that kind of facade. When trying to be your real self, just remember to be open and honest, don't pretend and don't settle for someone if you find out later that you both don't really have a ton in common. Do what's best for you and your future.

    “Coming through the fire and through the storm of life with a strong man, my fiance Ashanti, whom I've been dating for eight months and two wonderful children beside me, I'm just so happy that I have been able to maintain my integrity and get to where I am today with the right energy around me.” - Angie Stone

    7 Don't Be Fake

    Don't be fake with your potential bae, you'll regret it in the end. All fake will do for you is basically making someone like you based off of a lie. You aren't your true self when you're being fake, you're just catering to what you think the individual will like when in reality they could have just liked you for who you really are. This might just be one of the most important reminders because of how often individuals do this sort of thing with individuals they have crushes on. Be yourself!

    “I enjoy dating. I love first dates. I think they're incredibly fascinating studies in human psychology. When you sit down across from someone on a first date and things are going alright, you talk objectives. We want to win each other over, so how do you win someone over? You have to put the best foot forward.” - Chris Pine

    6 Have Common Ground

    Find out what your crush likes and if there is some common interests, explore those with your bae. Don't just make up hobbies to make your bae like you more and ask you out. Really explore the hobbies you both enjoy. Let him know if you want to explore more of his interests, but don't act like you know everything about it, especially around an individual who most likely does. Ask yourself if you would want someone to pretend to like something just to make you like them, would you appreciate that? Probably not.

    “If I'm with a man, is that going to prevent me from achieving my goal? What sacrifices will I have to make in terms of being myself, if I'm with a man? Something that young women find out really quickly is that when you start dating, all of a sudden you're supposed to have a role. You're not allowed to just be yourself.” - Candace Bushnell

    5 Don't Be All About You

    It's a huge turn off when you go out on a date with bae and all you do is talk about yourself. We doubt that you'd want to sit through a date like that either. It's just boring and really can reflect negatively on you. Try to keep talking about yourself to a minimum unless asked. Keep the conversation going by asking about the other individual and they will most likely ask your opinion on the question as well so you will have your chance to express your feelings. Just give it time and don't be pushy! If you start doing this and then catch yourself, it's okay, just continue asking questions and listening to what the other individual has to say as well.

    “I don't have a type. But one thing I can say from my dating experience is that a physical attraction will only take you so far. So you definitely have to have a strong intellectual connection as well.” - Jesse Metcalfe

    4 Be Approachable

    You don't have to be fake, but making it seem like you want to talk will allow your bae to have the courage to go over and talk to you. Whether that means you both are at a party. If you see each other across the room, flash a smile or a nod his way to catch his attention. From there you could both have drinks together and have a conversation that you'll always remember. If you do this there will be more of a chance that you'll actually make a connection with the individual that you're interested in.

    “I didn't want to be short. I've tried to pretend that being a short guy didn't matter. I tried to make up for being short by affecting a strut, by adopting the voice of a much bigger man, by spending more money than I made, by tipping double or triple at bars and restaurants, by dating tall, beautiful women.” - Mickey Rooney

    3 Highlight Your Best Features

    We're not telling you to wear a ton of makeup when you don't normally, but dressing up and putting a little bit of extra effort into your routine before you go see your crush is something that could really make you stand out. It will give your bae something to catch and notice right away. It also shows that you care enough to get all dolled up for them and shows that you care to make a great first impression. Keep it classy and try some cute new makeup tips for a fresh look that will make you feel confident and beautiful.

    “For a lot of the time I was in Berkeley, I was single. I was living in a kind of collegiate apartment by myself - it was like a protracted summer vacation. So at least in hindsight, I have gloomy emotions attached to Berkeley, whereas I started coming to New York because I was dating someone, and it was very exciting and romantic.” - Adrian Tomine

    2 Be Witty

    For those who are not naturally funny, this one might be a bit hard. But it doesn't mean that you have to constantly crack jokes. It could mean that you just want to be able to go with the flow and brush up on your humor skills. This is great for if you're clumsy or nervous, being able to laugh at yourself whether you trip or say something wrong is key and will help a first impression float instead of sink because you fold at the slightest mistake. Relish in how nervous you feel and use that to your advantage, use it as a way to make a joke about how you like them etc.

    “My views are very fluctuating. I have very contradictory takes on the subject. Dating is easier, while marriage is hard work. You see your friends having early divorces, and on the other hand, you see your parents having a successful marriage.” - Kangana Ranaut

    1 Dress In What Makes You Comfortable

    Don't try to wear a revealing dress when that's not something you would never feel comfortable in. Learn to differentiate what you want to do for yourself to feel good and what you might be doing just to impress your crush. You shouldn't have to sacrifice your own style and comfort just because you want to make an impression. Learn how to make a special impression when it comes to your bae by just being yourself and having fun. This way you'll be starting the connection in a more honest and “you” way! Because that is the best way without a doubt!

    “The term 'alpha female' originated in my field of animal behavior, but has acquired new meaning. It refers to women who are in charge, for example, by flirting and dating on their own terms. It is also used maliciously for a loud-mouthed, controlling woman who has no patience with deviating opinions.” - Frans de Waal