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    15 Traits Of A Side Chick VS A Girlfriend

    Once you have a man in your life, you are definitely one of them; a side chick or the main chick (girlfriend). You are either aware of your position or status or you are kept in the dark. Of course, many ladies think they know their status (they think they are the girlfriend) but that is not always the case. There are interesting traits and differences between the two but you would never know unless you have been there before or the guy is "smart" enough to tell you your position especially if you are the side chick.

    Interestingly, the girlfriend is almost always never aware of a side chick but the side chick is almost always aware there is another. She knows she is playing the secondary role and she works to keep her position. Everyone wants to be the girlfriend but some end up being the side chick without even realizing it. Interestingly, there are ladies who are the side chicks and they love it that way. However, if you can avoid being a side chick, by all means, try. I promise you that it is totally worth it. You would have to know the traits of a side chick against the traits of being a girlfriend to know where you stand in your favorite man's life. Let us take a trip down the comparison lane.

    15 Sophistication Vs Simplicity

    Do side chicks go for some kind of training or boot camp? The side chicks are almost always the "hot" ones. They have the sophisticated hairstyle, "hot" clothing, full makeup, killer shoes, wild manicured nails, and "pocket ripping" designer bags. They always know how to get their appearance on point. They would beat you to it anytime, any day. Then you see the girlfriend looking all "normal" without the slightest hint of desperation to look super hot or pimped. The point is, the side chick knows she has to keep her position with her looks. The already confirmed side chicks (those who know they are one) know how to work up their appearance all the time. A little advice to ladies; do not get too comfortable with your man such that, you forget you are a woman. You still need to look good for your man. Some men think they need side chicks for some public appearances. Be the side chick when he needs that sophisticated lady.

    14 You can love but will not be loved

    The already confirmed side chick knows she is not supposed to catch feelings for her boyfriend. He would not burg in the slightest when she complains. Her feelings are her responsibility. He does not love her and he does not care if it is obvious. The girlfriend almost always gets her way with her boyfriend. He is afraid of losing her and would do anything to keep her happy. So my dear ladies here is the thing, if your man cannot tolerate it when you complain about legitimate issues, you might consider examining the entire relationship. He is supposed to listen to you if he cares and does not want to lose you. Unless of course you are a habitual complaint freak.

    13 Regular formal introductions or none at all

    The girlfriend and the side chick both get gifts, intimacy, like things defining a relationship. You know the difference, the side chick does not get formal introductions. Well, she gets introduced to some of his cliques. Those ones who know she is a side chick and would help him hide it. Those he lives the bad guy or unfaithful guy kind of lifestyle with. They might be necessarily his main clique but at least he makes the side chick feel important by introducing her to them. The girlfriend is introduced to the family, business partners, and friends, those who really matter to him. So ladies, watch the kind of people your boyfriend introduces you to. You might just be a side chick getting "made up" intros.

    12 Social media tells it all

    The girlfriend is like a trophy. She is the highlight of her man's life. He is proud of her and he makes it obvious. Her dope attributes are highlighted and placed where everyone can see it.  She gets introduced through social media like she is on his profile. Her photos are headlined with sweet captions that will make you want to fall in love if you are single. The side chick gets none at all. It is the other way round. She keeps liking his status to show she is around. She wants to at least feature on his profile even if he is not ready to give her space for that. The side chick might appear on his social media pages only when she is in a group picture with him and he decides to post that picture on his timeline.

    11 You might consider checking the kind of photos you take as a couple.

    Do your photos look like he is hiding his face or he is unhappy about being in the same picture with you? Okay, here is the thing, already confirmed side chicks know they have to beg their men to take a single picture. I mean, he does not want to leave any evidence. So when you do not know your position, you might consider checking these things. The girlfriend does not have to ask. His phone is filled with photos of her. He wants to capture a lot of memories. He even takes pictures of her when she is not watching. This is what I call the "relationship status photo check". If your man has not taken photos with you yet, try taking some with him and check his reaction. Of course, there are some men who do not like photos naturally but you would know your man better right?

    10 Has he gone public?

    Does he go like "meet my girlfriend" every time you meet an acquaintance? Or he ignores it and makes it look irrelevant? Is he always making it obvious that you are dating or otherwise? This is one basic clue to knowing if you are the main bae or the side chick. Everyone knows you as your man's girl if you are the girlfriend. Of course, the all-knowing side chicks know how to play the part when they meet an acquaintance (they act like, we are old friends, we just bumped into each other and decided to catch a cup of coffee). You might consider checking your status in your man's life if you have been dating for several months and people keep asking your man who you are anytime you go out together.

    9 How about the emotional attachments?

    Side chicks cannot cry often or throw tantrums. It is also like a joke when you threaten him with a breakup. I mean, who cares, he is not emotionally attached to you. You are not the girlfriend whom he cannot live without. You are just the backup plan he felt he needed so that he can handle his girlfriend's angry fits and tantrums. He will come to you when his girlfriend is angry, he needs your comfort, and he needs you to play the role of the main lead but there are no emotional attachments. So when you tell your man "I am so done with you, I need a breakup" and he tells you, "okay" or "well me too", you might be the side chick. That is not always the case though. Girlfriends also get this a lot of times like when the emotional attachments are all gone.

    8 The meeting place makes a big difference.

    Your man calls you and tells you to meet at the same place all the time. The place is obviously away from his circle of friends. Or the places are different but still away from his circle, then you might be in for a surprise. If you do not know his house or he never allows you to stay over even when you come around. You would have to go home no matter how late it is. The girlfriend has the keys to the house if he lives alone. She can sleep in and she even has space in his wardrobe and she can leave her things around. Now that is a whole lot of difference and a big clue. You should be able to spot these signs.

    7 Phone calls can give a clue.

    He does not stay on the phone with you for long. He goes like, give me a minute. The girlfriend is around obviously. He acts like he does not know who he is speaking to when you call him sometimes. That means, you called at a bad time but he cannot ignore it since it may look suspicious to his girlfriend. If you are the girlfriend, he would make time to talk to you if he is not engaged in anything uninterruptible. Plus if he always excuses himself to pick up calls, you have a cause to investigate. He might be picking up calls from his girlfriend. I mean he cannot do that in front of you when you also think you are the girlfriend. I mean think about it.

    6 Side chicks know they are always second and they make it count.

    Side Chicks know how to manage the little time the man spends with them. They get everything they want within that time and they are "fulfilled". They do not have time for unnecessary tantrums. She plays her part and waits patiently for her turn. She knows her position and makes sure she does not go overboard. She is hoping she comes first eventually but it does not always happen. So if your man does not seem to understand or tolerate you acting "spoiled", then you are the side chick but you do not know it. The side chick has no business acting like the boss. She would lose her status. The girlfriend is pampered and she seems to be the boss.

    5 One of them has their calls go straight to voicemail.

    Ever wondered why your calls go straight to voicemail? Because you are the side chick and he is trying to hide you. He is trying to play smart and keep himself out of trouble. Unless he gives you tangible reasons for your calls going to the voice mail all the time (which I do not think an excuse like that exists), you should start preparing your heart. In the process, do not even attempt to check how your name is stored on his phone. You might be too hurt when you realize that your name has been stored as pizza hut or something unflattering. This is one of the most popular clues and it works almost everything with fail.

    4 You have to pretend even when you are jealous.

    The side chick must not catch feelings which also means, she cannot be jealous. If you are not emotionally attached, what are you jealous about? She plays the girl who understands everything and she would not act up even when she does not like what she is seeing. She cannot complain when she receives very little attention and she cannot compare herself to the girlfriend. It is like a basic side chick rule. Yeah, we know all ladies get jealous but the side chick conceals it very well. If you are in a relationship with all these limitations, you might be the side chick and he is so surprised you are acting up. It would be great if you work things out to know your status in the relationship.

    3 Does he make plans with you?

    You know you are heading for trouble when your man never seems to make any future plans with you. He is not even sure if he can meet you tomorrow. He is always undecided when you are talking about plans. His decisions seem to be dependent on something. He has also never mentioned anything about the future even though you have dated for close to a year. He is adamant when you ask and he makes it look like you are pressurizing him. That is a typical trait of an unknowing side chick. The girlfriend already knows what is up for the next week or even the next month. She knows the names of their first child since they are already planning marriage.

    2 I hope your name is not stored as some delivery service.

    Do not be that girl who would have to fake a Chinese accent just because her boyfriend saved her name as a Chinese restaurant. Yeah, some side chicks go as far as that to cover up. The girlfriend is always stored with obvious and sweet names. Sometimes, he just uses her real name since he has nothing to hide. He might also use the pet name. Simply put, he can easily identify that the number belongs to his girlfriend. The sweetness and love are even evident in the contact name. The side chick might even be stored with the male version of her name. Danielle becomes Daniel, Roberta is stored as Robert, and it is even much easier when the shortened version of both the male and female names are spelled the same way. Like Alex, who knows if she is a male or female?

    1 He goes MIA and there are no explanations.

    He goes missing in action (MIA) and comes back acting like everything is alright. Like it is normal to disappear without explanations. The best explanation he can give you is, "I had to, I was a bit down, did not want to bother you with it". He is blatantly saying, I had to because my girlfriend has been around so much I had no time to come to you. He makes it look like he just wanted some time to himself. The girlfriend almost always knows what her boyfriend is doing, and where he is. He updates her because he feels like she should know. So if he does not see the need to tell you, then the story is truly a side chick story.