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    15 Signs Your BFF Is Gay And Coming For You

    It is always a great thing to have friends from all walks of life. Some may be a different race or religion from yours. You may be a gal with lots of guy friends or a fella who gets along best with females. Perhaps you connect more with an older crowd or love chillin' with the cool kids who make you feel youthful at heart.

    Are you straight and have a best friend you who think may be gay? That is cool, and you would love her all the same no matter her sensual orientation. But one thing you may not be into is if she starts hitting on you. For one thing, you are into guys, so she will have no such luck. And she is your bestie… you just could not possibly imagine being romantic with her. She's like a sister… yuck!

    If you have an inkling that your BFF may be gay, first, support her in every way. But if you need some telltale clues that she “swims in the lady pond” and is headed in your direction, these 15 signs will give you a hint if your bestie has always had feelings for you and she has finally worked up the courage to lay it all out there. Simply consider it flattery if you are not interested back. But let her know if you are not into chicks ASAP so she doesn't waste her time showering you with attention. Set her free and she will find her soul mate. You can be her maid of honor when she finally finds the lady who loves her right back.

    15 She's Always Dissing Your Boyfriend

    What is it about your boyfriend that your BFF cannot seem to stand? Everyone else (including you) think he is the best. He is smart, articulate, polite, funny, and motivated. He treats you like gold and you have never been happier. But for some reason, your bestie can't be around him without muttering under her breath and giving him the evil eye along with the cold shoulder. He has always been super-nice to her and has never had a bad word to say about her. He is always cool when you want to have a girls' night and he even includes her when the two of you have plans. The thing is, your BFF is likely jealous of him. She wants him out of the picture so she can have you all to herself.

    14 She Makes You A Throwback '90s “Mix Tape”

    Remember those cheesy cassette tapes people used to make for the people they liked by recording songs off the radio? Your bestie thinks it is totally romantic and a cool gesture to show she has taken the time to put just the right mix songs together to reflect how she feels about you. You think it is so sweet of her until you realize that all of the tunes on the mix tape are romantic love songs. Is she trying to tell you something in a not-so-subtle way? Seems so… just open your ears and listen to the sappy ballads and duets. While you may enjoy the songs, the message behind them is what may throw you for a loop. Tune into something else and tell your BFF that she's off tune when it comes to your feelings for her.

    13 She Tells People She Thinks You Could Be Bi… Or Gay

    Rumors are swirling that you are bisexual or gay. You aren't, so these rumors don't bother you - not that they should - but you can't understand where they are coming from or who started them. You've had a boyfriend for years and have only been interested in and dated men. Could it be a pissed off ex who wants to cause a stir? Maybe it is that old college roommate you never got along with. Then you learn it is your best friend! Why is she starting such rumors when she knows you are not into women? Makes little sense, but it could be a roundabout way for her to open up to you so she can share her feelings. Figure it out and see what her story is. But if she keeps spreading rumors about you, of any kind, is that the type of BFF you really want?

    12 She Tries To Be A “Third Wheel” On Your Dates

    Why is it that your bestie can't take the hint that you want some alone time with your main man? Date night is meant for two - this is not an episode of Three's Company. She will find any excuse in the book to tag along on your dates and turn your romantic evening into something far less sensual. She yaps the whole time and tries to sit between you and your man. She constantly interrupts him and only listens intently when you are talking. And if she can't get an invite from you, she will show up unexpectedly wherever you are and act as though it is a coincidence that she's at the same spot. She is not trying to ruin your date, she is trying to be your date!

    11 She Starts Dressing Like You

    Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, no? That is what they say, but when your bestie starts dressing exactly like you all the time, it is more creepy than cool. Sure, some best friends have the same, or a similar style, but none want to walk around “twinning” like 4-year-old identical twin sisters. If your BFF starts trying to be just like you, she may be doing it to get you to see her in a new light. If she is just like you, you may start to think she's great. That is if you have positive self-esteem, of course. If you are finding this new behavior awkward, let your bestie know that what you love about her most is her individuality. There is already one of you, and one is plenty. Maybe you can buy her a new blouse for her birthday as a hint.

    10 She Pays For Coffee And Dinner Every Time

    Every time you go out to eat with your BFF, she foots the bill. Yes, this is a generous gesture, but friends should split the bill or at least swap turns. She isn't any richer than you are and you always insist on paying, yet she turns down your offer time and time again. She may be trying to impress you by showing you her chivalrous nature. She cannot buy your affections, but she will give it the old college try anyhow. Whether it is a $2 cup of coffee or an expensive sushi dinner, your BFF will whip out her wallet and grab the bill before you swallow your last bite. She always leaves a generous tip too. You may save money this way, but she isn't getting any closer to you falling in love with her.

    9 She Sends You Cute GIFs, Emojis, And Memes Non-Stop

    All friends text one another a lot, but suddenly your BFF is going hog wild with the non-stop texting. She doesn't even send messages for a specific purpose anymore. All she sends is emojis, memes, and GIFs to show that she is thinking about you 24/7. Some are funny and cute - you'll give her that - but the sheer volume of the texting is outrageous. How can she have time to do anything else when she is always texting you? She wants to get the same attention back, but who has that kinda time? Tell her (via text, of course) you are getting in trouble at work for constantly checking your phone. You think she's the best, but this is going overboard. Send your message with an emoji to lighten the sentiment.

    8 She Always Wants To Come Over To Netflix With The Hope Of The “Chill”

    Lots of best friends go to one another's houses to watch movies together when they do not feel like going out to a bar, club, restaurant, or some other typical weekend activity. But your BFF suddenly wants to stop over every night of the week to catch up on Netflix programs and movies with you after work. She loves coming by and getting into soft cozy sweats, popping some popcorn, grabbing a bottle of merlot and a couple of wine glasses, and snuggling with you on the couch as you both watch. You always thought this activity was platonic, but suddenly things are changing and she is giving off a different, romantic vibe. Let her know it's time to chill with the Netflix, as there will be no “Netflix and Chill.”

    7 She Tries To Get You Drunk

    Lots of besties go out drinking together, which is fun and fine, but these days your friend is declaring herself the designated driver and focuses on liquoring you up every weekend night. She buys all the drinks and serves you shot after shot followed by mixed drinks, beer, and more. You are having a blast and know you have a safe ride home, so you are cool with this arrangement… until it hits you. Your bestie is trying to get you drunk so she can see if the truth comes out when you are wasted. She wants to learn if you have feelings for her too, and with the right amount of alcohol in your system, she may just drag it out of you. Say “cheers” to your bestie, but do it with a soda instead before you do something you might regret.

    6 She Sends Flowers To Your Office On Your Birthday

    It is so romantic when your loving boyfriend sends beautiful colorful flowers to your office for your anniversary or birthday. Seeing them sitting on your desk makes the day so much brighter and the office a heck of a lot prettier. But this year, you get to the office and two vases are waiting for you on your desk. Did your man do double duty and go the extra mile for the big 3-0? Or maybe the second bouquet is from your mom and dad… how sweet of them! Nope, the fresh flowers are from your best gal pal, with a surprising note attached that is more romantic than the one your boyfriend wrote. This is quite a bold gesture, but she knows you have a boyfriend. This will surely be a birthday to remember… every rose has its thorn!

    5 She Starts Baking Cookies Just For You

    Your bestie decided to take up baking. Sounds like a great hobby that she is sure to be good at and enjoy. She loves watching The Food Network and is a great cook, so you are certain she'll be just as skilled in baking. She brings her recipes to your house for you to sample, and everything is always sweet and delicious. You ask her if she brings her baked goods to work for her co-workers to enjoy as well. Nope. Does she bake pies for her parents for the holidays? Not a one. She doesn't even eat her sinful treats because she is training for the marathon. It is then you discover that she is only baking for you. All those chocolate chip cookies are for your belly only. She is sweet on you, that's for sure.

    4 She Breaks Up With Her Special Someone The Minute You Become Single

    You have been with your boyfriend for 3 years when he suddenly and painfully dumps you for another girl. You are crushed. You thought you were going to marry this guy and it turns out he was a total jerk. After crying night after night, your BFF decides it is time for you to finally cheer up and get back on the dating scene. She is so devoted to this notion that she instantly breaks up with her special someone so she can be single right along with you. This is nuts! She has been in a happy relationship for a while… or so you thought. Could she be thinking this is her opportunity to get with you? She knows you are vulnerable and just may give it a shot.

    3 She Starts Getting Tight With Your Parents

    Your bestie seems to think your parents are her “adoptive” parents too. She is always calling and texting your mom and they've even gone shopping and out for coffee together! She watches the big game with your dad every Sunday and your parents sometimes invite her over for dinner when you can't make it. No more leftovers for you! Your parents adore her and always encourage you to invite her to holiday dinners, birthday celebrations, and family functions. They think she is the perfect “daughter” who treats them well and doesn't give them a hard time as you often do. What gives? She is obviously trying to get on your parents' good side in the rare chance you decide to give a relationship with her a shot. Heck, your smitten parents may even encourage you to explore!

    2 She Gets You A Puppy

    You have been talking about getting a pet for a while, but you haven't made the move to go and adopt a “fur baby.” You have loved dogs forever and ever since your dog passed away, you've been thinking about starting over with a new little ball of fur to take care of. As a birthday surprise, your bestie comes to your house with a big grin on her face. Next thing you know, she picks up a pet carrier and a tiny Yorkie is waiting inside. She says he's yours and you'll be the best doggie mommy ever. You instantly fall in love with the pooch, but she is hoping you will feel the same way about her too. Puppies can make people act in mysterious ways, but she is barking up the wrong tree!

    1 She Wants To Be Roommates

    You finally got your own place and cannot wait to live on your own and do what you want. You plan to decorate to your taste, get a cat, and play your favorite music as loudly as you want to. You can walk around buck naked, eat dinner at any hour you choose, and flick through the channels on the TV with wild abandon. Your bestie's apartment lease is up and she comes up with the “fabulous” idea to be your new roommate. Oh, hell no! You've been dying to live alone for years; no roommate, no trouble. But she does all she can to convince you how much fun it will be to live together. She promises she will make you breakfast every morning and do all the cleaning. Hmmm, but it's a one-bedroom. She may want to be more than just roommates.