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    15 Signs He's The Perfect Guy To Lockdown

    The finest example of the perfect guy to trap - is Rob Kardashian. Rob K (no offense) is precarious, coddled, needy and he feels and thinks he is unappealing. With that said, in walks Angela Renée "Blac Chyna" White-the sixth Kardashian girl (now). Blac Chyna is pretty much the opposite of Rob: self-sufficient, tough-minded, an enterpriser and a serious go-getter. A former dancer, expedient women such as Blac Chyna are forever on the lookout for a million dollar come-up. From clubs to music videos, Chyna jolted her hindquarters to get by and to get ahead… that's until she ran into Piggy Bank on Wheels, aka Rob Kardashian.

    Being the wily lady she naturally is, Blac Chyna knew (from day 1) when she met Rob that she could hook him, reel him in, unhook him, let him flap on the ground 'til his breath expires, chop his head off, gut him, clean him, season him, pan-fry him to perfection and then serve him on a platter to herself! NOW look-by bearing Rob's child, Blac Chyna is financially set for life. As we mentioned, Blac Chyna was able to read the signs of a namby-pamby dude very early off in the relationship, and after this article, you'll too be able to do the exact same thing. Here are 15 signs he's the perfect guy to trap and lockdown.

    15 He Wants Whatever You Want, Always

    Wanting whatever the female wants all of the time, utterly displays characteristics such as pusillanimity and indecisiveness. Giving a gentleman can't make up his own mind, than best believe some witty female will make up his mind for him (essentially trapping him)! Likewise, if he continuously emulates the woman it too shows that she is his whole world… his first, his last, his everything.

    Okay yes, that's a Barry White song but still it's true! So frankly if he wants what you always want… tell him that you want, for him to want to give you a brand new car (or a condo, or money, or jewelry, or a pony or whatever!). Since he wants whatever you want always, than badda-bing badda-boom there you go!

    14 He's Independently Successful

    One thing we know, is that individuals that are independently successful are far from dummies; most of them are smart and tactical. Therefore, (if you are planning on trapping a independently successful male) we wouldn't bank on this. What we're getting at, is prosperous men are in a great position to be trapped simply because they have plenty of money and that's what trapping is all about… the green moolah baby!

    Now, providing a woman is very talented (e.g. astute, skilled in physical activity, etc) than she puts herself in the best financial situation by bewitching a thriving gentleman. All she has to do, is work whatever magic she has (on him) and then PRESTO-open sesame wallet. "Plan your work, then work your plan", in a nutshell…

    13 Would Never Let Anyone Disrespect You

    Yes, this dude (above) is obviously trapped! This guy, is willing to lay his life on the line for her… now that's super deep. 'Trapped' is sometimes used in reference to a man in a relationship with a smarter female. The man has been tricked into undesired marriage via a "surprise" pregnancy or by other underhanded means (the trapper often executes a well-formulated plan which the trappee is delightfully unaware of). Hence, a female has the power to use whatever underhanded means of hers to coerce a gentleman into (literally) dying for her… wild right!?!

    Don't get us wrong, it's commendable for a guy to protect a woman with his life (especially if it's his mother or wife); it displays unselfishness and bravery. However, (males) don't go out and die for a woman just because she done trapped your feeble beehind! Please, just don't do that.

    12 You Win Every Argument Because He's Easily Defeated

    OK so, he got the confidence to try something new. It was going dandy for a stretch, but then there were a few bumps in the road, and he (does what he always does, and) nervously backed down. While this obviously isn't ideal, it is the MO of a perfectly trappable guy. If the man is easily defeated, than it's a super strong chance that a rapacious woman could defeat him as well-verbally, physically, even financially.

    When you boil it all down, being a conquerable guy means that he's easily bested or taken advantage of. To turn the tables around, all the man has to do is change his ways (cliche, we know!), prove people wrong, and get back up in the ol' saddle whenever knocked off.

    11 He Is Codependent

    Being codependent, is when you have allowed your actions, thoughts and feelings to get tied up in someone else to the point that your very existence seems to hang on their actions. For instance, say one night his beau doesn't call when she says she will. Instead of thinking “message received” and going about his night, he is out there hatching a diabolical plot to get her to call. His emotions seem to boil, and he can't get it off of his mind (can we say, "Woo-sah" fella!).

    Codependency, basically is an indicator that he's given his power away (to a canny female) in a big manner; thereby, getting his behind trapped! The best way to untangle himself, is to bring the attention back to his center. Rather than letting his emotions run wild, he should practice bringing (his) focus back upon himself. He needs to work on his frontiers and get rid of unrealistic expectations for his partner(s).

    10 He Is A People Pleaser

    A passable guy, feels like people are going to hate him if he doesn't do what they want. He too, bends over backwards to take care of people even when they haven't even asked (for his help specifically). If he's capable of being excelled, he will go out of his way to try to meet expectations that someone hasn't even expressed yet. Since he's subject to being overcome, than he's also open to being trapped by an opportunistic woman.

    A male like this needs to remember: pitch and catch. If he's constantly giving and giving and not getting anything in return, he needs to pull back some. The right person will want to reciprocate him for his good deeds. Only suggestion, is for the gentleman not to angrily wait until he feels taken advantage of before he pulls back on giving too much.

    9 He Is On The Quiet Side (Too Shy To Cheat)

    While there's nothing wrong with being quiet, it can become a big issue if the only reason a male stays silent is to pass through the day unnoticed. Giving this is his go-to creampuff symptom, he needs to get himself fired up by remembering timidness won't get you anywhere. Well in reality, timidness will get (someone like) him one place at least, inside the trap of a shrewd woman-because she knows, he's too shy to cheat and he's too gutless to spurn her slippery ways.

    A subjugable fella, must find the confidence to pursue his happiness. Because that's what fixing his stormable ways is all about - standing up for himself, earning some respect, and (finally) getting what he wants. Now, if want he wants is to be snared by a calculative, grabby lady… then lawd help him, 'cause ain't nothing nobody can do!

    8 He Constantly Asks For Permission

    Of course we all have instances where it's necessary to ask permission for things. But, subduable men take it to the next level. Guys that are potential victims of "the trap" have a habit of asking permission in situations where needing permission is not required. It's all in an effort to be overly-polite, which is not as necessary as he may thinks.

    Example: Continually asking (the woman for permission) to kiss her, after she's already given you the green light. Just an illustration, but we think now you catch our drift. That's kind of creepy, right-a guy like: Guy: "Are you sure, I can kiss you?", Girl: "I said yes, lol", Guy: "Lol I know but, just want to be sure", Girl: "Uh, I wouldn't of said it if I wasn't sure", Guy: "Okay! Well, do you mind if I grab your face while doing so?", Girl: "?" Exactly…

    7 He Hates To Argue, With You

    While most people do not care to argue, they still understand that it's a normal part of relationships, friendships, and even family dynamics. But, a surmountable guy? Well, he avoids it at all costs (especially with the opposite sex). It would mean saying what you feel, or disconcerting someone - and that's too much to deal with or handle. Being this way, it can actually help to view arguing as a good thing. Indeed, arguing is healthy (to a degree) because it allows the individual to say whatever's on their chest and not bottle it up then explode later. The key is, to attempt to argue as minimally as possible; however when an issue needs to be addressed [sometimes heatedly), it's best to do so and then mend.

    When you argue with someone, you're arguing about something you both have a passion for. Your views, your lifestyle and everything else that makes you who you are is certainly worth arguing for. In essence, a closed mouth doesn't get fed.

    6 He Treats You Like His Queen

    All ladies are looking for a (king type) male to treat them like a queen. Frankly, why wouldn't they want that? Every female deserves to be treated with the up most respect, to be treated as an equal, to be praised and marveled at, and to be pampered (maybe even spoiled a little bit). Of course, there's always a fine line though-some guys, think treating a woman "like a queen" entails honoring every single request the female brings to him.

    A male is not treating a woman like a queen by doing everything she says; in reality, that would make him her slave. Fellas (and ladies) as long as you understand that, than our work is pretty much done here.

    5 His Smile Can Melt A Room

    A warm smile (that can melt a room), is a potential indicator that the gentleman is overly inviting slash welcoming. Showing warmth and heartfelt friendliness is one of the easiest ways to get plotted on (by a sly woman). People, in general, take kindness for weakness. Naturally, if a fella is overly inviting/welcoming than it is the idyllic sign he's the exact guy to trap.

    We're pretty open-minded though, so we're not saying the scenario couldn't be the other way around as in the male trapping the female with his infectious smile-that is a definite possibility. Still, what we're saying is coming off too hospitable (in the beginning) can and will get a male cornered without a doubt.

    4 He Gives In To Everything You Want

    You know those mall kiosks that sell $400 hand creams and stuff? Well (if you don't know what we're referring to), next time you are at the mall stand by one. You'll watch in awe (trust us) as vincible customers get roped into buying the overpriced cream. They obviously regret it, and either kick themselves in the rear end the whole way home or chalk it up to a learning experience. Men you see that can not turn down "bargains", are typically the perfect candidates to trap.

    Getting ripped off (like the kiosks situation) on the regular is a norm for expugnable type guys. It's OK to say "no!", but for some reason (or multiple) they just can't withstand. We're sure some hand cream saleswomen (outside of work) trap unwary male clientele, lol.

    3 He Answers Every Text And Call, No Games

    With many girls, it's the opposite: they're constantly on the back of their (male) significant other's neck for not answering texts back or/and returning missed calls in a sufficient amount of time, or for not answering back at all. Though, when it comes to superable type males-he could be sitting in a board room meeting with the President of the United States and if she (you) called or texted, he'd say: "Excuse me Mr. President, I have to take this."

    Ha ha, you're laughing (okay we're laughing!) but it's true. A sign he's the ideal guy to trap, is if no matter what he always, ALWAYS answers your calls and/or texts you right back immediately. What that exhibits, is diffidence and insecurity. The fella in the above gif, actually did his buddy a favor by tossing his phone out the window!

    2 He's Kinda Dumb

    It's a harsh reality, but let's face it… some guys are so dumb that if you stand next to them, you can hear the ocean! We're talking some are so dumb, they'd buy a Ford from the dealership and sit in it for 2 days because it said Focus! Ha ha, eh we said the reality was harsh. Everyone is born with gifts, although, not everyone receives smarts as a filler inside of their stocking. Nooo, there are some fellas out there (unfortunately) that are so stupid, if a lady said to them "drinks are on the house"… they would go and get a ladder!

    Messed up we know, lol. However it's the dark truth. As a result of possessing little brains, some covert females can and will take advantage the brainless man's shortcoming. Fact is, it's mostly the inept, thoughtless mice that end up (victims) in the snap mouse traps anyway-right? Right. Elderly gentlemen (65+ years of age) too inhabit this category, simply because their senses and decision making abilities are much duller in their latter years.

    1 He'll Never Say "No" To You

    In the same vein as perimeters (or lack thereof), the walkover male constantly finds himself getting suckered into all sorts of things that he doesn't want to do. For example, buying (women's) clothes, paying phone bills and car insurance bills, paying rent, buying red-bottom heels, providing alimony and/or child support, whatever. And that's likely because "no" is not a part of his vocabulary.

    The word 'no' may seem scary, but, we can all only do so much and only have time for so much. It is important to say 'no' and explain why you said no. This helps set a precedent for some of your new borders, and gives people an idea of your limits and ceilings." In other words, it's OK - even useful - to say it.