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    15 Signs He Wants You And You're Too Blind To See

    There's nothing more horrible than having a crush on someone and feeling like they don't even know that you exist. We probably tend to think that us women experience that more often than guys do, but of course they fall in unrequited love as well. We're all only human.

    The truth is that you might know a guy who has a massive thing for you… and you have no idea. Absolutely no idea. He could be a coworker, he could be your oldest friend in the world, he could be a friend of a friend. No matter who he is and what role he plays in your life, he's got it bad for you, and if you would just pay attention to the signs, you might just realize that he's the person that you've been waiting for. Read on to find out 15 signs that he wants you and you just can't even tell.

    15 He Texts You The Most Random Stuff Ever

    It's the biggest lie ever that guys hate texting. If a guy likes you, he won't have any problem texting you all day long. The way to tell that he likes you is by looking at the content of his text messages.

    Does he text you super random things, like what he's eating for lunch or a funny billboard that he just drove by? If the answer is yes, then he's got a thing for you and he totally wants you. He's thinking about you all the time and is proving it by texting you. It's really sweet when you think about it. If this is a guy that you feel the same way about, then this is the best news ever, isn't it? Just imagine what it would be like if you never even figured it out…

    14 He Gets Emotional With You

    Yeah, guys have feelings, too. What an idea. Despite what Hollywood and society want you to believe, males do have emotions and they do want to talk about them sometimes. You can be sure that when a guy in your life is sharing his feelings with you, he likes you.

    He trusts you enough to get emotional with you and that's a really big thing. You might think that he's just open and honest with everyone and that he's sensitive so he can't help but talk about this stuff. But that's not the case at all. He's into you and wants to share this part of himself with you. He's definitely not talking about this stuff with everyone that he knows. It's flattering AF, don't you think?

    13 He Asks You A Million Questions

    If someone likes you, they want to know literally everything about you and they're going to ask you questions. Constantly. Sure, they're not going to make it super awkward and like you're both on a job interview, but they will ask you more questions than someone else would.

    You can also be sure that he wants you if he asks questions about your life, likes, dislikes, and then asks more follow-up questions. It's not like he's going to ask one thing and then shrug at the answer and move on or walk away. Nope. He's going to keep talking to you because he wants to get to know you better. It's really sweet, actually. This is the kind of person that you definitely want to date, so if you feel the same way, what are you waiting for?!

    12 He Gets Weird When You Ask Why He's Single

    If you ask one of your guy friends or even a brother or male cousin why they're single, they'll definitely tell you the truth. They'll say they're not meeting any cool girls although they would love to, or they're been online dating and it's been really crappy, or whatever else the reason is. They won't have a problem being honest with you and discussing this subject.

    When a guy wants you, he's not going to be super comfortable talking to you about his love life (or, well, lack of it, since he's single). He's going to be thinking the whole time, "Well, I'm single because I want to date YOU… but I can't exactly say that… " It's going to be pretty awkward and that just proves how he feels about you.

    11 He Has A Good Memory… But Only About You And Your Life

    You definitely remember everything that someone says to you if you have a crush on them, so… it's time to think that he probably likes you if he's doing this too, right?

    You might not notice that this is happening, but if you think hard enough, you'll probably realize that this guy definitely seems to have a great memory when it comes to you and your life. And that's pretty amazing. It's not like you want to think about dating someone who forgets everything that there is to know about you. That sounds like the most horrible idea ever. Actually, you've probably dated that guy before, and it wasn't a fun time. Be glad that this guy likes you so much (if you feel the same way, that is -- if you don't, it's kind of awkward… ).

    10 He Really Hates Every Guy That You Date

    When a guy hates the people that you go out with, it's like he might as well hold up a neon sign that screams "I LIKE YOU AND I'M JEALOUS, OKAY?!" Remember that when you're questioning how this guy feels about you (because you totally know that you're doing that).

    It's not like you think that you're the greatest person ever. You don't walk around thinking that every male that you walk by has a crush on you. It would be weird if you did. But you probably get nervous about whether someone has feelings for you, just like anyone else does, and that's why even if you like this guy, you might not be 100 percent convinced that he's' interested in you. Well, if he's not pleased with the person that you're dating, then you have your answer.

    9 He Mentions The Future

    Guys bring up the future in different ways. He could mention that he's going on vacation next month. You might think that's super innocent and it's not like he's proposing marriage or anything (which would be weird since you're not even dating yet… ). It proves that he's thinking about you and he wants you to know things about his life.

    Honestly, he probably hopes that you're still going to be in his life when he gets back from his trip, and that's pretty cool. Think of it this way: if he didn't think about you in a romantic way at all, he probably wouldn't tell you anything. You wouldn't even be wondering if he wants you. You wouldn't be in this situation at all. Nope.

    8 He Constantly Brings Up Inside Jokes

    Inside jokes are so much fun… and so annoying for everyone around you and the person that you share them with. Oops. It's not like you guys are trying to be the worst people ever. You're just having a good time, okay? Can people just chill out and let others laugh and have some inside jokes?

    It's one thing to have inside jokes and another if the guy that you share them with brings them all the time. It means that he thinks about you, he wants to keep talking to you, and he likes all the witty and fun banter. Maybe you're not sure that you like this guy, and maybe you've never even thought of him in that way, but you might have feelings for him if you share so many inside jokes.

    7 He Listens More Than He Talks

    The worst kind of person talks more than they listen. They think that they're the most important person in the world and that everyone around them wants (no, needs) to hear everything that they think all the time. Ugh. It's super exhausting just thinking about that person, right?

    It's amazing when someone listens to you and you can tell that they're for real. They're not pretending to listen and really just scrolling through social media. It's all genuine. You can be sure that this guy wants you when you realize that he really does listen to everything that you say and he's very present in the conversations that you two have. If he wasn't doing that, you could be sure that he's not interested, but this is honestly a great sign.

    6 He Likes Your Social Media Posts

    No, this doesn't ALWAYS mean that a guy has a major crush on you. It would be kind of crazy if you thought that every male who liked one of your Facebook status updates or Instagram posts had a thing for you. Kind of crazy and kind of conceited. Just saying…

    BUT if a guy is doing all of the things on this list AND he also likes your social media posts on a regular basis (or even just some of the time), it proves that he thinks about you. And when someone is thinking about you, they like you. Sounds pretty simple but everyone always makes it so much more difficult and confusing. Oh, dating… It's not always fun but it always keeps you on your toes, right?

    5 He's Nicer To You

    He's nicer to you than other people… and you have no clue that this means that he wants you. Why can't you tell? Because you just think that he's a nice guy. A good guy. A decent guy. And, yeah, he's definitely all those things. But he's also nicer to you than he is to anyone else in his life.

    Because he likes you. Of course. Duh. If you're not sure if he's just being nice to you or if he really likes you, just ask some mutual friends or other people that see you two together. They can let you know if you're just making stuff up or if you're on the right track. Chances are, you're right on the money and he's got a thing for you.

    4 He Doesn't Date

    A guy who is massively into you probably isn't going to want to date anyone else. Well, hopefully not. That might just mess with your head and make you feel really weird. Another sign that he wants you and you have no idea is if he isn't dating right now… and if you've not sure that you know about another girl that he's dated.

    Sure, maybe he's just not talking about his dating life and he's not even single right now, but that's probably not what's going on here. After all, if you think that he's exhibiting all of the signs here, then you can be sure that he likes you. And if he likes you, then he could be not dating because he wants to date you.

    3 He's Nervous When It's Just The Two Of You

    This guy seems nervous around you and it's even more noticeable when the two of you are away from work or away from your friend group and are hanging out just the two of you. You don't think that his nerves mean that he likes you. Nope. You figure that he's a quiet guy or that he's just thinking about work or is distracted or something.

    Start realizing that he wants you and his nerves totally give him away. Don't you get nervous around your crush? You feel like you don't have anything cool or interesting to say and more than that, you've probably never said anything cool or interesting before in your entire life? Yeah, you get it. He likes you. He really likes you. And you should do something about it.

    2 He Randomly Shows Up At Every Party You Go To

    You're in the same friend group/social circle and he makes it a point of going to every party to see if you're going to be there… but, of course, you don't even get that. You're not going to think that he likes you enough to show up at every party that you go to. You might start to wonder about this and you might even ask your friends if they think that he likes you, but then you'll turn back around and say you shouldn't be conceited.

    It sucks that you don't even realize what this guy is doing because he's honestly trying to prove that he's got a crush on you. He also figures that if he's around enough, you might start to think of him in a romantic way. You know, proximity and all that. Hey, it probably will work, especially if he's cute and charming (aka the best qualities).

    1 He Doesn't Ever Ask You Out

    If he likes you so much, why wouldn't he ask you out? Because he's nervous and he thinks that you might say no. Yup, fear of rejection stops a lot of people from asking the people out that they're into, and it's kind of a dating epidemic. It definitely happens to everyone.

    You might tell yourself that he doesn't like you because if he did, he would ask you for a drink. Maybe your best friends are saying the same thing. Yes, in some cases, a guy who really has no romantic feelings for you won't be looking to ask you for a drink. Makes sense. But if this guy checks all of the boxes and you can relate to all of the 15 signs on this list, then he definitely wants you. Why not ask him out and make the two of you super happy?!