15 Reasons Why He Rejected You
It's a tragic part of life that we all must go through at least once - both men and women alike: rejection. If you have feelings for someone and you suddenly find yourself sanctioned in the dreaded “friend zone”, you start to evaluate every tiny little aspect of yourself and your personality to answer the question of “why”. While men whine about being cast to the zone and blame the person doing the casting, women just blame themselves. No one likes rejection, but it's a part of the dating process - if you've never been rejected… oh, who are we kidding - you could be the most perfect person on the face of the planet and you will still eventually face rejection. The reasons for men and women vary and are different, so here we'll primarily focus on 15 reasons why men reject women in the dating world.
15 You Suffer From Low Self-Esteem
Self-esteem is a massive thing in a relationship and if you have none, it shows everywhere, from your face to your personality to your treatment of others. You can be stunningly beautiful, but if you suffer from dangerously low self-esteem, a man will take notice immediately. Men can even see through those types of women who JOKE negatively about themselves thanks to the joke being a very obvious bandaid used to loosely cover up a low self-esteem. When a woman can't be positive about themselves, it's a huge turn-off for men. A woman should be comfortable and be accepting about herself before she can let someone else into their lives. It's a must. This is a primary reason why a man rejects a woman - they can sniff that stuff out.
14 Resting B Face
When I was in high school, there was this one insanely beautiful, popular girl in my home economics class who I figured didn't like me because of the way she would look at me sometimes. But after a while, I realized that it was just an expression she would sometimes wear where she appeared unapproachable - turns out it was just what's now known as “Resting B Face”. The girl in question turned into a life-long friend who I still go out and have drinks with to this day. Many beautiful women have this, where they look annoyed with you when in fact, that's just the way their face is. Men wrongly assume that a woman doesn't like them or is annoyed with them when it's just a face they unintentionally make. This could result in a dude rejecting a woman, sadly enough.
13 Desperation
Ah yes, the undeniable reek of desperation and sometimes oozes off of a person when they've gone too long without the touch of another person. These people tend to go after anything and everything that has a pulse, particularly jerks and dummies. Or it could be that the woman has never really been in a relationship and that she believes in order to feel good about herself, she needs to be in one so she'll say yes to anything that comes along. And when a woman is desperate, it shows, especially in her social media presence. Desperate women are always talking about/whining about how they can't get a man or asking why more men don't go for them since they have “everything to offer”. This is a major turn-off to men so if he senses it, you're gonna be given a one-way ticket to Rejectionville.
12 You Seem To Be Still Caught Up With Someone Else
When a guy goes after a woman, he wants her full attention, especially in the beginning of a relationship. More often than not, if a woman is still caught up on someone else, and ex especially, the man will do an about-face. Despite what romantic comedies tell us in the movie theater, men don't really like a competition that early on. Sure, Hollywood likes to make us think they do, but in all honesty, it's too much work for them. And if they sense you're still caught up on someone else, chances are you will still be caught up on the other person if they enter a relationship with you. No one likes to come in second to the apparition of a failed relationship. So watch how you talk about ex-boyfriends.
11 Too Many Male Friends
As far as stupid items on this list go, this particular one may take the cake. Unfortunately, I've seen it happen one too many times in my own relationships. While I had my close circle of girlfriends growing up, I was more often than not more drawn to male friends due to my undying love of sports. Sure, there are some of my friends who are more attractive than others, but I never saw that as a problem. However, some of my boyfriends would. Even though I never once did anything or strayed with one of these male friends, a boyfriend or two would actually get it into their heads that I had and accuse me of cheating. Nowadays, some men just want to avoid girls who have too many close (straight) male friends altogether, which is a huge shame - but that's on him.
10 You're A Debbie Downer
We all know that one Debbie Downer - she's the girl who has to ruin all the fun by bringing up some pretty dark things and/or unfortunate things that happened in the past. They are constantly looking at the negative side of life and seem to dampen the mood where ever they go. Some guys don't want to be around that - EVER - so if you are one of those negative Nellies, men will tend to keep their distance. A FAR distance. If you have a constant grey cloud following you around like you're Eeyore the pathetic donkey from Winnie the Pooh, you may want to find someone who actually doesn't mind that. Heck, they might even bring a little sunshine into your life. People deal with a lot of negativity in their everyday lives - they don't want to come home to it as well.
9 Too Needy
Neediness in a relationship or when you're single is another sign of desperation. When you have a crush on someone and you happen to be a needy lady, you want to be around them all the time and don't really give them any breathing room - which is essential in the beginning of a relationship (unless both of you are needy - then it's a match made in heaven). If you're suffocating them before there is even a relationship, he's going to run straight for the hills and won't look back. I believe neediness shouldn't be seen as a fault because sometimes a woman just needs a shoulder to lean on during difficult times. So if he rejects you for this, you didn't need him in the first place.
8 Too Independent
Jeez, it's all or nothing when it comes to the pickiness of some men. Either you're too needy or you're too independent. Some men need their egos tended to on a daily basis, so if you happen to be crushing on a man like that and you're an independent woman, chances are the dude will end up rejecting you. I know this seems like something your girlfriends tell you after you get dumped or rejected: “maybe you were too independent for him?” but yes, it is an actual thing. For some reason, needy men need your attention on them constantly (eww, no - just stop that) so they'll push you away if they feel they're not getting it. Or they'll reject you full on before you even have a chance to open your mouth if you have a reputation as being one of these women. And you know what? That's his loss.
7 Different Politics
Oh wow, this happens to be a biggie in this day and age. In November of 2016, the country seemed to split down the middle you either fell on one of two sides: the side that supports the 45th president of the United States, or the one that downright despises him. There was often no middle ground for these people, and if you happen to be crushing on a guy who falls on the opposite end of the spectrum as you, he'll end up using that as an excuse to shove you into the rejection pile. Politics has us at each other's throats right now and with good reason. Women tend to be drawn more toward men who share the same politics as we do because if we don't, the fighting would be constant. Men can be the same way and if they're an intellectual, chances are he'll end up turning you down based on your politics.
6 Different Tastes
Politics aside, we women tend to be drawn toward a man with similar interests as us: same taste in movies, binge-watching TV shows, books, activities, stuff like that. Men can be the same way (if they're not staring at your chest the whole time instead of up at your eyes - creeps) and are constantly on the look out for women who share all those traits that they themselves have. A biggie here happens to be a similar sense of humor. A man can reject a woman who has an entirely different sense of humor than him - maybe she doesn't get his jokes right away? Or maybe just doesn't appreciate jokes (or, heaven forbid, hates Master of None)? Either way, this might be a cause for a rejection and a sad one since opposites attract and often make the best partners.
5 Lacking In Intellect
Years ago, men really didn't give two hoots if a woman was intelligent or not - as long as she looked good and could cook. Yep, gender bias at its height. While some men still have that narrow way of thinking cornered, more men have progressed and actually consider intellect in a woman to be a huge turn on. There are still some women who just don't get that and while they believe themselves to be smart, they may be lacking in the common sense department. These women tend to be the ones who are all look but no substance. A lot of good men are not attracted to women like that and will tend to reject them up front if they feel she's a tad slow when it comes to common sense, human decency, or moral intelligence.
4 HE Suffers From Low Self-Esteem
This is a biggie in the dating world. You'll find that more and more men these days suffer from low self-esteem, and usually, the ones who do are able to hide it extremely well - until you fall for them. When you have a crush on a man with low self-esteem, he suddenly feels like he's under a microscope because you're paying close attention to him and people who suffer from that problem hate that. They think you're just magnifying the faults THEY see within themselves instead of just admiring them in general. They're totally thrown for a loop and don't seem to understand why you like them in the first place and begin to overanalyze to the point of madness. If he happens to suffer from low self-esteem, he will most definitely push you away.
3 You're Too Judgmental
If you have a reputation as being a judgy individual, chances are your crush has heard it or even experience your judgmental attitude at one point in his life. If you happen to be the type of girl who judges everyone and everything around you, he's taken notice, believe me, and he'll use it as an excuse to reject you. No one likes to feel that they're in some sort of competition on a daily basis and constantly judged on every tiny move they make, so sure, he's going to end up pushing you away as a result. If you find yourself doing this to plenty of people in your life, you're the common denominator in this equation and perhaps it's time to start working on fixing that.
2 He's Threatened By Your Career
When I started working in the sports world, I was seeing someone who thought he was fine with it at the time. But then came the real test - I started covering the locker room and the guy started to get, well, jealous and uneasy even though there was absolutely nothing going on. A LOT of women face this when they're dating a man who thinks he's competing with your career if you're a powerhouse yourself. If you're interested in a guy and he rejects you because he's threatened by your career, YOU need to walk away from him as fast as you can. You don't need that sort of negativity in your life and if you sense that right off, don't even attempt to go after him. He'll only bring you down.
1 He's Just a Jerk
You know what, sure, women can be judgy, too needy, too independent, too whatever, but sometimes, the guy she's after can just be a big furry jerk-hat. No matter what, some men can't see beyond their own face and take out their own insecurities on you. They can be jerks who base everything on a hotness scale instead of personality, or just (for some reason) assume that they're god's gift to women. These men are easy to spot since they believe the entire universe revolves around their very own presence. Their heads are often too big to fit through a doorway and their egos too heavy to lift. There are men like this everywhere and they tend to get kicked to the curb by smart, clever, and independent women who don't want to put up with their lowly little baggage.