15 Reasons That Prove We're Bigger Hypocrites Than Men
Even in an advanced society such us ours, it can be difficult to deny that there is still some inequality between different genders and races. It's quite a controversial topic that a lot of people are either uncomfortable or unwilling to discuss. Of course, this doesn't mean that there aren't many people out there who are actively trying to bring about change and build a better future, particularly when it comes to women and trying to bring everyone together to empower them. However, no one is perfect, and although people are trying to make things better, some might argue that we're not quite there yet.
Perhaps it's a result of all of the oppression women have experienced as a whole, that makes it difficult for some women to truly be supportive of one another, or perhaps they're so used to being in competition with each other that it's hard to then try and work as a team. Whatever the reason is, taking a look at a few examples of where women could have been kinder, or more supportive towards one another might just be helpful in the future, especially if you ever find yourself exhibiting this kind of behaviour towards another woman.
15 Ganging Up On Each Other Starts At A Young Age
The phrase “start 'em young,” is all too familiar when it comes to women. From a young age, we're taught that we're the most beautiful girls in the world, and that no one is quite as special as we are. While this may serve to help us become confident individuals, this constant praise about our looks also sets us up to be in competition with other little girls, and later, other women. Instead of being taught to appreciate each other, telling us that we alone are the best, however well-intended that is, can sometimes have a less than desirable effect on the way that we treat other women in the future. Once we get into school, we either find like-minded girls to be our friends, or cast out those who we don't approve of.
14 Starting Drama Is Considered Part Of The Fun
While most people try to actively avoid running into problems, some people thrive on being in the middle of them. Sometimes, there aren't even conflicts or drama to speak of, and people just decided that they want to stir the pot. Unfortunately, more often than not, women are the ones who are known for this type of behaviour.
Take for example singer Demi Lovato's response to the meme featuring fellow singers Mariah Carey and Ariana Grande-she didn't have to comment on it at all. However, doing so caused some people to speculate that she had an issue with Carey, which started some unnecessary drama that could have been avoided if she'd just ignored an internet meme that was meant to be more of a joke than an insult to anyone.
13 Criticism Is Not Uncommon Between Women
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. The internet makes that abundantly clear to us every day. However, there are certain opinions that women have about other women that are sometimes eyebrow-raising. In a society that boasts the unity of women, why is it that we still feel as though we can police each other's bodies, and how we choose to present ourselves?
Unsolicited advice is usually not welcome, and a great example of this is celebrity Kim Kardashian West. She posted a controversial nude selfie online, in the name of body confidence, and a number of other female celebrities were quick to judge her about her choice. Not approving of her actions is one thing, but publicly shaming her for sharing her own body in a way that she felt was appropriate doesn't seem that united, does it?
12 Women Are Quick To Throw Around Mean Names And Labels
Rumours are started so easily these days, what with social media spreading news like wildfire. However, the validity of rumours should always be taken with a grain of salt, especially because anyone can publish anything they want on the internet, regardless of whether or not it's based on facts or fiction.
In a case like the recent breakup of celebrity couple Anna Faris and Chris Pratt, people first began to express how upset they were that such a seemingly perfect couple could split up. However, as if needing someone to blame for what happened, unsubstantiated rumours about an affair between Pratt and actress Jennifer Lawrence began to surface. Before anyone could even deny the rumours, people all over the internet, especially women, were casting the first stone and already calling Lawrence a “home-wrecker,” along with other insulting names.
11 Parenting Methods Are Highly Scrutinized Amongst Each Other
Parenting and motherhood is a tough job. Raising children isn't exactly a walk in the park, and there also isn't one exact method that works for all parents and all children, which only makes being a parent all the more difficult. However, this doesn't stop people from believing that they know it all, and criticizing other people in the process.
At the end of the day, most mothers are trying their absolute best to provide their children with proper care and attention. Even if you think that you wouldn't do some of the things that you see other mothers putting into practise, this doesn't mean that what they're doing is incorrect. Unless you're witnessing a clear sign of neglect or abuse, it probably isn't your place to try to correct a person's parenting methods, especially if they haven't asked for your advice.
10 Passive Aggressive Fights Are Normal
Celebrity drama is always good for publicity and the public's interest. However, it isn't really a productive way for women with incredible platforms to use their fame and clout, especially when they promote feminism and supporting other women. Two famous pop stars, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift both sing about positivity among people and women in particular, but somehow have found themselves writing “subtle” diss songs about each other, with Swift's Bad Blood, and Perry's Swish Swish.
If you can get that much interest about who you're feuding with because of how famous you are, wouldn't you want to use all of that fame and influence to send out a more positive message? If you have disagreements and have fallen-out with someone, that's fine, but some women want to make a spectacle of something that doesn't have to be a big deal at all.
9 Women Throw Shade At Each Other On The Regular
For those who are unfamiliar with the term, “throwing shade” is defined by Urban Dictionary as “to talk trash about a friend or acquaintance, to publicly denounce or disrespect.” It should also be noted that women are expert shade-throwers, especially at each other. To assert our superiority or dominance, throwing shade becomes a part of our daily interactions with other women, and it's just not okay. Some of the most well-known female celebrity feuds began because of major shade. Being supportive to other women shouldn't be conditional, and whatever your personal feels about someone are, it's still important to encourage them to do well and be the best version of themselves that they can be. It's tough enough out there without us at each other's throats, making back-handed comments at each other all the time.
8 Some Women Are Cruel For No Reason
When you think of bullies, the image of children in the school yard, teasing each other often comes to mind. However, it would be naive to think that just because you enter adulthood, that the bullying immediately stops. All people get older, but some people just never grow up, and unfortunately, it leads them to do needlessly cruel and immature things.
Take for example, the controversy that surrounded Playboy model Dani Mathers, when she decided to post a photo as a joke. Many of us take to social media to post about our lives, but not many people take photos of nude strangers without their consent, with the intention of mocking their appearance. Fortunately, Mathers was charged for her actions, and hopefully, she and other people like her learned a lesson about respecting other people.
7 Women Constantly Compare Themselves To Each Other
In today's society, we like to say that equality reigns, and that everyone is special in their own way. This is a wonderful sentiment, but it isn't necessarily an accurate representation of what we actually think, or how we behave towards other people. As women, we tell each other to celebrate what makes us unique. However, it seems like for some, any chance they get, they pit other women against each other in a perpetual battle of who's more beautiful/smarter/more successful?
It might not seem like a big deal to see magazine sections about “Who wore it best?” but it does represent the idea that even women who most people in our society deem to be some of the most beautiful, talented, and successful, still need to compete against each other, instead of celebrating them and their individual achievements.
6 Some Women Compete For The Affection Of The Same Man
It's totally natural for people to have things in common, but this does have a tendency to pose some potential problems. As if it's not complicated enough for women to happily coexist - things get even more precarious when women are attracted to the same person. A lot of men have a general understanding of how women behave in these situations, and they're not afraid to use that knowledge to their advantage.
Just think of how many women you've heard of or known about who have fought over a man who was two-timing them. They focus on hurting each other, rather than to recognize that someone has done both of them wrong, and that perhaps they should be pointing their anger towards that person, instead. It just goes to show that some woman have been conditioned to go against each other, no matter what.
5 Judging Someone On Something You Wouldn't Want To Be Judged For Isn't Cool
The photo of actresses Sophia Loren and Jane Mansfield has become iconic, because of the look on Loren's face as she watches Mansfield's very revealing ensemble. Part of the reason that this photo has become so famous is because it's an all-too familiar scene: a woman judging another for how she has decided to publicly present herself.
Accepting each other and not passing judgement is one of the ways that women can support each other, and yet it's all too easy to just point out that someone is behaving like less of a lady, or that they're not as classy as the rest of us. On the other hand, women also want the right to wear whatever they want without being judged and ogled at by men. If this is truly what we want, we need to stand up for each other, and not pass judgement.
4 We Place A Lot Of Misplaced Blame On Each Other
When we encounter conflict, it can be difficult to acknowledge when we're wrong, whether it be because we aren't ready to face the truth, or we're in denial. However, what is easy, is to place the blame on someone else to deflect from what's really happening. Women's ability to place blame on each other and deflect from their own shortcomings is a result of being conditioned from a young age to e in competition with other women, rather than be supportive of them.
This is why in situations of infidelity, women often blame the other woman for the breakup of the relationship, rather than the man who cheated. It seems illogical to focus anger on the woman, more so than the man, but this happens more often than we'd like to admit.
3 Some Women Are Taught Not To Help Each Other
When women talk about solidarity and standing together, they make it seem like being a woman is like being a part of a sisterhood where everyone is there for each other at all times. However, some women are taught that because it's tough to be a woman, we need to be competitive and make sure that we're always looking out for ourselves. These mixed messages can lead to some counter-productive behaviour.
Instead of lifting each other up and helping each other, women sometimes end up just letting each other down and leaving each other behind - especially if it means that it will be to their advantage. While this is strength in numbers, women sometimes choose to go at it alone because they think it's easier than trying to get help an support from other women.
2 Body-Shaming Each Other Isn't Okay
Even some of the most confident women can look in the mirror and find flaws within themselves that they would like to improve upon or change completely. Having insecurities about our bodies isn't something that's exclusive to women - however, it seems to be egged-on and perpetuated for women only.
When men put on a bit of weight, we talk about the “trend” of the “dad bod,” and even celebrate it. However, when women try to advocate for more inclusive clothing sizes, some women criticize by saying that plus-sizing encourages obesity. On the other hand, if women are deemed too thin, they're also criticized as being anorexic, or for presenting an unattainable beauty standard for other women. It seems impossible to win, no matter what size you are, so perhaps it's we should just stop making size an issue, so people don't feel bad for their physical appearance.
1 Women Talk Behind Each Other's Backs
Conflict isn't exclusive to women - neither is gossip or talking behind each other's backs. However, it does seem like women do it a lot to each other. When women get into conflict with each other, they sometimes like to preach that the best way to solve things is to talk to each other directly to work things out. Unfortunately, that's not always how things turn out.
More often that not, women would rather talk behind each other's backs than have discussions amongst each other. Gossip does more harm than good, and that's how false rumours are spread. We know this, and yet we still perpetuate the cycle and continue to whisper around each other. Perhaps if women were more direct with each other, we'd get a lot more done and avoid a lot more conflict in the future.