15 Reasons He'll Break Up With You (Even If You're Perfect)
So you finally found the man you want to spend the rest of your life with and everything seems to be picture perfect like a fairy tale? But then, out of the blue, he says he needs space and takes off running for the hills. You don't understand where you went wrong or WHAT exactly went wrong. Sure, you might be the perfect specimen of a human being to ever walk this earth, but that doesn't make you immune from ever being dumped and left heartbroken. And yes, there are plenty of reasons why this would actually happen (not including the narcissism that goes into actually believing you're perfect - that's an entirely different story), but we actually only have time to list the top 15 reasons why he'll end up dumping you even if you're his perfect match.
15 Timing Is A Pain
Everything can be clicking on every single level possible in your relationship with your fella in regards to chemistry, so you're left spinning when he up and decides to end it all with you. A huge possible reason of why it failed is timing in general. Some couples seem to be perfect together and can everything going for them, but if the timing is off, everything pretty much falls apart. It could be he just isn't where he feels he needs to be at this point in his life (maybe he's too young, career is off, things like that) and he doesn't want to take it out on you. I went through this a couple of years ago with a boyfriend of mine - we were perfect for each other, but the timing was horribly wrong since it was like stepping into a minefield in terms of both of our careers at the time. It's always best to just take a few steps back when it comes to this and maybe later down the line you two can work something out.
14 He Believes You Don't Listen
Us ladies are constantly whining about how we think our guys don't listen enough or unknowingly tune us out from time to time. But what if we do the exact same thing and don't realize it? Guys shouldn't take the brunt of the blame in the listening department because we girls are guilty too. And if your man is sensitive, he'll notice. Men like to be heard too because it brings along validation. He wants someone who will listen so if you're too busy pestering him about his listening skills, perhaps you should quiet down and listen up for a minute. You could have everything going for you in life, but if you fail in the listening department, it's gonna come back to nip you in the bud in your love life. Listening is a two-way street - always remember that.
13 You Start To Sound Like Your Friends
Okay, so it's one thing if you were once friends with, say, Buddha or Maya Angelou, but it's another thing if you start to parrot those tacky friends around you. It happens in life - sometimes the man you're dating isn't too thrilled with your circle of friends. Perhaps they're bad influences? Perhaps THEY don't like him? Either or, if he believes you're starting to mimic them in your relationship, it may send him running. Know that he didn't start dating you for your friends, he's dating you FOR YOU, and if you seem to be easily influenced by your friends, that can be a massive turn-off for him. It's one thing to listen to your friends about your own relationship, but it's an entirely different thing altogether if you start to repeat what's said - especially if they're giving horrible advice.
12 You're TOO Independent
In my eyes, being too independent could never be a bad thing AT ALL, but not all men feel this way. Sure, the strong ones will relish in your independence and not attempt to change you in the least, however, if you're TOO independent, the man you're dating might see this as a fault. This could be just because you don't want to really spend that much time with him, which can make him feel undesirable too. Again, it's not just women who go through “undesirable” phases where we believe our partner isn't attracted to us any longer so he starts to back away - men go through it too. He could start thinking the same thing if you're exercising your independent woman feature hardcore. He could be thinking that you don't desire him anymore and he'll go to seek out someone who does. It's perfectly fine to be independent, but you should also respect his feelings too.
11 You Bring Up The Past Too Much
Yes, it's true - we women remember everything from the past whether we've said we have let it go or not. But, what some women don't get is that the past is just that - the past. Sure, if he messed up in the past and you forgave him for it, it should end there and we understand that, but sometimes we don't play by those exact rules. This is mainly for the women who are CONSTANTLY bringing up past occurrences on a normal basis: “You didn't take out the trash this morning, babe” “Well, you once looked at my friend Carol's butt so we're even.” This cannot keep happening. Why would anyone want to hear about something wrong they did five years ago in an argument taking place today? It's a moot point and it's also annoying.
10 His Dog Hates You
If you don't think this is a big one, then you have a serious problem. In my own life, I have never dated a man that my dogs didn't like. Sure, I once had a Chihuahua who was the end all of pups and she literally didn't like anyone other than me, but if my golden retriever (who is an amazing judge of character) didn't like a person, I knew that person had to be off or have some nefarious issues. So, you could be the most amazing person on the face of the planet, but if his dog thinks differently, you can be presented with a problem, especially if his dog likes EVERYONE. You could be thinking that “oh, but I'm a cat person, that's why” - nope, it doesn't work that way. Dogs sense things that humans can't and can often be a good judge of character, so if he doesn't like you and your boyfriend takes notice, you may be getting the boot.
9 You Don't Give His Friends The Time Of Day
Everyone gets on women if they don't like their boyfriends' friends, but there might be something to it as well. Now, if their friends are a bunch of idiots, that's one thing, but if they're sound individuals with good heads on their shoulders and you still don't care for them, that might be a different thing altogether. He might begin to see you in a different light if you're constantly putting down his friends or bad mouthing them to their faces. He has both his friends and his girlfriend in his life for a reason and it's always harmonious if both manage to get along. Again, this is a two-way street and fellas should also give HER friends respect too. If he is noticing that you're being unusually cruel to the boys, he might just turn right around and walk out the door.
8 He Can't Really Get Over His Past
You might be the closest real-life vision to his ideal woman that he sees in his dreams, but if he was seriously hurt in his past, he will only see the negative aspects - even if they are there in his current relationship. Yes, some men can be so damaged that the negativity can spill over from one relationship to the other, especially if they were emotionally abused by their ex. It happens. Women can break down a man's self-esteem just as easily as a man can to a woman - it's not a myth. If this has happened to him in the past and he tends to back away from you even though you haven't done anything to him, he's just being frightened by the ghosts in his past and it's up to you to prove you're not that sort of person in order to win his trust.
7 He's Way Too Into You
I always thought this was just a simple line to ease the broken hearts of women. “Oh, maybe he just liked you too much,” your friend would say after you were dumped in high school. But is there actual truth behind the statement? Yes, yes there is. You could be the type of girl that men place on a pedestal and admire rather than humanize you in an actual relationship. Because it is true what they say: The higher up on a pedestal you are, the harder you hit the ground when you fall. This may be the first time that a man is actually truly in love with a person and it scares him. Some men don't know how to process the feeling of “being in love” really well so it startles them to the point of running away. They don't know how to act properly because they've never felt that way before.
6 You're Trying Too Hard To “Fix” Him
Okay, we all know that when you fall for someone, you're falling for everything about them - all their quirks and imperfections. So if you find a “fixer-upper” (as they sang about in Frozen), don't start dating them in hopes of “changing” them. This isn't a fairytale, so that isn't going to happen. What instead will happen is the man is going to start backing away from you as if you were a bomb that can detonate at any given second. Men want to be loved for their faults too, not just women, so if you have this other image in your mind of how perfect he COULD be, it's best if you walk away before he does. You may think you're perfect and want to mold him into a perfect male version of yourself, but that never, EVER works.
5 He's Just Not In Love
Everything could be going right in your mind and on the outside, it looks as everything in the relationship is perfect. Until, suddenly, he looks you in the eye and breaks it off with you. You're dumbfounded and demand the truth out of him, and seem to be blindsided when he says that he's “just not in love with you”. There's a difference between loving someone being in love with someone and while he may love you, he may not be IN love with you. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, things just don't click, and that's not anyone's fault. You shouldn't berate him if he breaks up with you because of this because it's not his fault he doesn't feel a certain way - it's not any one thing. It sometimes happens and while it's depressing, it's best to move on.
4 Your Family Is a Bunch Of Jerks
When two people date, usually it's not just two people in the relationship - it's everyone and their dog. There's an old saying that you're not just marrying one person, you're marrying their entire family for good or worse. But sometimes, a person's family can be the end all if they're a bunch of jerks. As a girl who is close to her family, I understand that this can be a big deal (and another two-way street). If a man comes into my life and my family enjoys tearing him down at every possible turn, it's going to take a toll on him, especially if I don't stand up for him (luckily, my family likes to roast me in front of boyfriends, so they're all good) and if I don't, it's guaranteed that he walks.
3 You're Too Good For Him
Yes, this is a thing too. But it's rare. And it happens when HE believes that you're too good for him. If he thinks this, he will constantly be too hard on himself and beat himself up in the process. It's that goddess image thing coming into play - he thinks so much of you that his own outlook of himself darkens the water and things can get out of control at a fast pace. He starts to wonder what it is you even see in him and puts himself down all the time. Eventually, he will just walk away from the relationship in fear that you will eventually see him for what he believes he really is. This can be rather jilting because you didn't think you did anything wrong. All he's doing is over thinking and dragging himself through the mud before you do. It's depressing, really.
2 Don't Have The Same Values In The Long Run
Perhaps you two got together because opposites attract? The attraction was new and exciting so you jumped head first into a relationship only to realize later that your values for various things in your life don't square up with each others. This could be as something as complex as religion or one of you not wanting to have a family while the other one does, or as simple as being obsessed with competing sports teams. If it's one of the complex issues, you have a problem. He may want children in the future and you may not and that can be a deal breaker for some people - maybe not today but later down the line in the relationship. He may value family, you may not, but sooner or later, you'll hit a wall. He may see this despite being in love with you and break it off before it blows up in his face.
1 He's Simply Not Done Sowing Wild Oats
You think that's it - you've found the perfect man and everything appears to be heaven in your eyes and in your relationship. You two are perfectly suited and matched together and you're done playing the field - but he isn't. If he suddenly breaks up with you and you don't know why it could be because he's not done playing the field yet. When a man is young, he figures he needs to sew a whole lot of wild oats before settling down with a family. He believes that he'll have regrets otherwise. For some reason, society has put the thought in men's heads that marriage and raising a family is akin to neutering a man, so he believes he has to get playing the field out of his system first. This is a bogus move, but it doesn't help telling him that, especially if his mind is made up.