15 Real Pics Of Couples That Are Messed Up
Couples and their ooey-gooey heart eyes and gushy text messages to one another are never enjoyable to anyone other than the infatuated twosome. Every time one of these couples who are way into PDA and selfies are around others (singles or couples), the people who are close in proximity to these lovey-dovey duos suffer in silence and wish to immediately leave the awkward situation.
Even if we're not physically around these couples, we have to see them on our Instagram and Facebook feeds, celebrating their apple picking adventures or cuddle sesh during GoT. It's enough to make us all want to puke! While the amorous images of their special love connection is bad enough, we sometimes witness images of couples that we can't help but scream and turn away from.
We've found some pretty disturbing images of couples that, when you see them, are like witnessing a train wreck. It's a nasty sight to behold, and yet you can't help but fixate on the horrible image before you. We're not sure how or why these couples got themselves into such hideous photoshoots, but we're wishing they never did. Although, if they didn't, we wouldn't have such lovely examples of what everyone wished you wouldn't do with your better half (or at least have it kept a secret forever).
We guarantee you'll have the same facial expression looking at these couples' pics as Scott Disick did looking at Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphries⬇️?
15 Taking Hairspo From Their Pet
Taking inspiration from their pet sloth (which btw, is a freakin awesome pet), this couple has gone a little too far with their hairstyles. Their mops are larger than life and look like they're harbouring snacks for their slow friend in between those teased layers. We're not sure who told these two that they could pull off the afro-diva look, but they were wrong. This woman was also wrong in her choice of hair colour that is making us look away as if it were a solar eclipse. This fire-red hair is really throwing off this family pic, as if their fluffed-up manes weren't already enough. That poor lazy pet of theirs doesn't even know what kind of family he's gotten himself into. We bet he'll be sharpening up those claws of his pretty soon to make his tree-assisted escape.
14 An Open Door Policy Is One Thing, But An Open MOUTH Policy Is TOO FAR
There's nothing more adorable than the playfulness of brushing the teeth of your partner, but when you choose to do so using your own GD mouth - and have a willing recipient of this act - you've both got some nasty issues. Aside from being highly unsanitary and ineffective, it's freakin' gross to look at (and we imagine your tongues don't do much to remove those coffee stains and plaque buildup). We're not sure if this couple are just having a laugh or are using it as a form of foreplay (from the look on this guy's face, we suspect the latter), but either way, we're completely disturbed and wish we never discovered this minty-fresh makeout sesh. We don't even want to know how they help each other floss.
13 The Double Banana-Loving Twosome
This is next-level gross and makes us want to gag (something that these two should be doing with that banana lodged in their pie holes, but are shockingly not). We don't how this potassium-loving twosome managed to get someone to capture this intimate moment between each other and a fruit, but we're sure the camera wrangler was suppressing some full body shivers and expressions of disgust. The moustache-wearer looks like a complete natural at downing the D-shaped banana, but his Hawaiian-shirt-wearing partner is looking like she hasn't had the D in years, and this moment is taking her back to some pretty promiscuous haydays. The expression on her face alone is making us cringe, but when you add that bowl-cut hairstyle and patterned blouse, we're trying hard to keep down the vomit.
12 Those Who Cosplay Together, Stay Together
These are some wildly imaginative and adventurous soulmates right here! While medieval cosplay is not for everybody, these two seemed to find each other amongst nerds to pair up for this romantic - albeit, uber disturbing - photo. What is making our eyes bleed is not only attributed to the bulky and reflective robes of the princess, or the ridiculously distracting castle in the background, but the fact that these two seem to be wearing the exact same expression, and it also looks like the exact same face. This comparison is tripping us out and we're not quite sure what gender they each are. We're assuming by their choice in costume that we're dealing with one female and one male, but with identical faces like theirs, we can't help but second guess ourselves.
11 Couples Who Are Matchy-Matchy Make Me Itchy-Itchy
Apart, these two appear to be completely normal and fashionable for summer. But together, we're screaming on the inside, “Whyyyyyyy? Why, oh why would you two do this?” It's cute for a couple to be coordinated, but it's troubling when they go all out in consciously #twinning with each other. Even if they were twin sibs (which they're not, since they look nothing alike), it doesn't excuse these outfit choices, since they are full grown adults with different personalities (we can only hope). This level of closeness takes a special kind of couple, one who love each other so much that they want to be each other. They probably even drink each others blood before bed, just to ensure that their lives are as intertwined as possible.
10 This Is Hella Awkward For Everyone
Those expressions. Those outfits. That pose! This is one couple that we're tempted to call a private investigator in to examine, because you just know that they're into some freaky stuff that is borderline illegal. We wouldn't even be surprised if they were keeping fourteen dogs in their basement and feeding them roadkill and old hot dogs. All jokes aside, we're actually pretty concerned for the woman in this photo, as she's giving us all a cry for help with her eyes, suggesting, “I hate the way my husband makes love to me” and “Why couldn't I have married someone who's not so into moustaches?” Between his greased-back hair and dominating stance, we'd be afraid of sleeping next to this man, too.
9 Love Has Left Some Nasty Scars On These Two
What a beautiful, unique testament of love (said no person ever). This couples tattoo is pretty brutal, even for two people who are into declaring their love for each other with permanent ink. He's wearing the face of, “She made me do it.” while she's looking like she just won the darn lottery because their bods are so Instagrammable right now. We hope for their sake that they withstand each other for life, or they'd be keen on adding some broken lines through that Cupid's heart of theirs. Aside from the awful tat these two share, we can't seem to shake the image of their contrasting bodies. Between her bad fake tan and his pasty-white skin, it looks like we're looking at yin and yang, tattooed with a badly stenciled heart and arrow.
8 Catz 4 Lyfe
If there's anything worse than a crazy cat lady, it's a crazy cat couple. Two cat lovers are always more sad and creepy than one lonely cat-loving lady. This couple from Creep Town (population: 2 + cat) is sending out a helluva lot of weird vibes, from the girl's wide, sunken, and dark AF eyes to the man whose piercing glare resembles the face of someone who has mommy issues. Their individual lives surrounded a deep affection for cats, and together they've collided into one big, cat-obsessed energy source, ready to adopt any fierce feline to add to their collection. Their house is surely infested with the smell of cat urine and empty tins of cat food with the finest ingredients. Between the cat food budget, they couldn't afford to buy regular clothes, so they had to fashion their own.
7 Now Why Would You Ever Do That?
Ohhhhh hellnah! In trying to jump on the popularity and uniqueness of Kesha, these two went ahead and got couple tats, in their mouths. This inner lip ink is only cool when the Praying singer rocks it and tells all her haters to “Suck it!”, but it is so not cool when couples display their love for one another by taking a needle to the face. The side-by-side tats aren't even clever. With the response “I know”, we're positioned to be hating on the affection of these two even more. He couldn't have gotten something witty or slightly adorable, like “ME TOO” or “I <3 U MORE”? Or they could have forgoed the ink altogether and spent their money on a nice picnic or trip to the amusement park. Anything would have been worth doing over getting those hideous black blobs scarred into their lips.
6 Can't Even Leave Each Other For A SECOND
We thought that the matchy-matchy couple was too close, but we've been corrected. When a couple is so infatuated with each other that they can't even leave each others' side to relieve themselves - with them going as far as to remain physically attached, and the woman attempting a pretty difficult stunt - we're completely boggled. It's unhygienic and emotionally unhealthy, but it's also turning us off more than a couple who overshares on social media. Whether the man dragged his mistress to the urinals and she played along, or she was obsessed with accompanying him everywhere, this couple's love for each other is definitely temporary, because no one can endure this much of anyone. Peeps need their alone time, naw what we mean?
5 When Prom No Longer Holds Any Meaning
Prom is a big deal for high school seniors. Between the freedom of being out with their friends and partying past the dance, it's also pretty exciting to get to wear something fancy and forgo the jeans and tees. Unfortunately, some proms are themed, and for this Hefty Bag couple, we're sure they went way too far in selecting their getups. We can only imagine that their prom was Royal or Fairytale themed, given their prince and princess-esque costumes, but they've both got some serious fashion deficiencies in their genes if they thought their wardrobe choices were lit. Aside from the balloon-like shape of their outfits and reflective patterns, they actually look pretty proud of their prom gear. They probably think they look pretty mint, but we just think they look like they're about to be brought out to the curb with the rest of the trash.
4 You Can Chop The Awkward With An Axe
Ew! This PDA is making us feel all awkward inside and ready to grab a match and set fire to our corneas. Nothing about this pair of images between this pair of 80's sweethearts says that they're comfortable with one another. In fact, it looks like they met for the first time that day and were made to impersonate a happy and in love married couple. Their chemistry is so off, we're ready to grab some goggles to protect the sure-to-be negative reaction from forever blinding us. While the lack of affection is painful enough to see, we're trying hard not to focus in on that man's gams, which are adorned with a pair of short-shorts that no man should ever wear.
3 Can You Slice My Eyes Out With That Sword?
This image has a whole lot of weird and uncomfortable stuff going on, and we don't even know where to begin criticizing it. Alright, here goes. Why on Earth are they naked? Or at least, why is the woman naked and the man just wearing some light-wash jeans? And why must they highlight their nudity with an all black background, leaving nothing to the imagination and a whole lot of hope someone's gonna cover them up with a sheet. If it wasn't clear enough already, this photo is not flattering for either person. Between the “Imma kill you slowly” dual death stares, the woman is rocking and accentuating a wicked double chin, while the man ain't doing nothing to tame those B cup bosoms of his. Also, the sword really isn't helping the fact that we're fearing for our lives right now.
2 There's Nothing Like Skin-On-Skin Contact With A Kitty Cat
Gross, gross, gross. We can't even. We'd tap out from this article right now if we weren't so darned intrigued by the remaining photos. Gah! Why are couples so bizarre? We blame the fact that they've found someone to team up with to explore and embrace their weirdness together, therefore lessening any embarrassment they may have in executing something this messed up on their own. These two scantily clad and curvy soulmates have found two hefty kitties to torture in rubbing their soft fur all over their nude bodies. *Shudder*. These two both look way too happy with this creepy photoshoot, and we sincerely hope that it's not because the tails of those furry felines are feeling them up on the sly.
1 Kimye Is A Walking Fashion Disaster
If the Kanye/Kim relationship wasn't enough of a spectacle by regularly airing their personal lives across the web and reality TV shows, they go ahead and (poorly) rock the same hideous outfits, on multiple occasions! In this first photo, we're literally blinded by their mirrored frocks (mirrored both literally and in comparison to each other). We're shielding our eyes not only from the sun that will surely scald our retinas if we look directly at them, but also by Kim's greasy AF hair and Kanye's disturbing set of contact lenses, making him look like a demon or vampire. And while Kim has the bod to pull off a bosom-boosting and baring blazer like in the photo below, Kanye is going way too far in trying to replicate his wife's wardrobe choices. Kanye better tuck those tatas away!