15 Psychological Tricks That Will Make Him Want To Be With You Forever
Psychology is one of the most popular majors among college students. According to USAToday.com, psychology is the second most popular major for students in America. And in a world where analysis has become second nature if not nature itself, psychology services literally thousands of purposes. But if for some odd reason you can't seem to find one, its menial use is one none of us are opposed to. The old adage of using the study on the human mind to study the human mind, specifically ones partner. What possible way is there than to use god's gift to education for your own individual self-serving benefit? Honestly after hearing that I don't know why you would study anything else. I mean we don't want to trick him all together; we just want to use enough tricks that will ensure that he will want to be with us forever as magical subdivisions of psychoanalysis he will never have to know. It's a win-win for everybody.
15 Give Him Less Enticing Options
Any given relationship is going to have its fair share of choices to be made. It can be as trivial as dinner which depending on who you are talking to could make or break a relationship. Or something way more significant like buying or renting a house. We all want what we want and though bargaining is such an easy option sometimes it's the hardest to resort to. Which is why you want the selection you are leaning towards to sound more appealing so that you have a better choice of winning. That's where good old psychology comes in. Introduce a third choice that will only serve to make your option look more enticing. So it's less of a bargain and it's more of a choice between something that sucks and what it is that you want. This way you have a better chance of getting the option you selected but you will come off as the most zen and experiential of negotiators. Leave bae impressed every time at how cool and unbothered you are.
14 Win Him Over When He's Mad
Zaddy is mad at you; it's bound to happen. Which is why we use "priming" techniques to ensure that the events about to occur are slighted in our favor. This sounds interesting, What is priming? I'm happy you asked, "priming is a theory where an implicit memory effect that is exposed to one-stimulus influences the response to another stimulus." So in other words, put your partner in a place that is conducive to non-aggression. Butter him up like a butterfly, so that you're less likely to induce anger. This tactic used over time will only call for a more peaceful cohabitation. One that can only be associated with a light and healthy union, and he'll only love you for that, you're welcome.
13 Mimic His Moves
We are all concerned with ourselves. We try not to reveal it or admit it to the outside world, but society has groomed us to be self-centered; Its okay, it's human. We like to hear ourselves talk and to see in others those exact similarities via our gestures, motions, etc., Unfortunately, we can't date ourselves, according to some people. However, luckily we can find the next best thing. It's called the chameleon effect. We tend to gravitate towards partners that mimic our postures, mannerisms, and facial expressions. I know what you are thinking? I don't do that. Its like every time you pass a mirror and check yourself out. You know that you know, how you look, you just left the house. Stroke the better half of his ego by reminding him of all the parts of him that he likes most.
12 Do You Want A Treat?
Everyone loves a cheerleader. They don't only cheer during the game but after you've made a basket air-go your newfound confidence. I'm not saying go around with a bullhorn and pom-poms yelling at him; I am almost certain that that will not end well. Though your words may be encouraging it might be a bit too aggressive. The idea is to boost his self-assurance while reinforcing that he did a great job. Not only will your communication run smoother, but this will also give him a sense of contentment knowing that he is not only doing something right but being acknowledged for it. And to piggy back off of that, he will be more likely to do the things in which he will receive recognition for, meaning he will be more supportive and positive because he feels sustained by you, and you might just get exactly what you want for Christmas. You can thank me later.
11 Make Him Feel Needed
You know that whole playing dumb, so that he can assume a role of strength and machismo abilities? Well its 2017 now and though its common knowledge that no one is dumber than the dude who actually thinks that the saving he can provide is one us women can't do for ourselves, there is some sense to be taken out of this bowl of nonsense. Women know they are useful, so we don't struggle with this one, but men have trouble; like send all of your 4 players home, trouble. People are driven by the need to belong; Humans in general need to know they are useful so that they have a basis for providing. Of course this is all the ego's doing, because we are important in it of ourselves but no matter the reason we all just want to feel valuable. Sometimes the best psychology is knowing how the mind works, which leads me to my next point.
10 Let Him Know
Reassure him that you are here to stay and that you are loyal to him. Reward him by staying and reinforce that you are will always be there. It's definitely a close psych call between your ego and id but regardless of its source, it's a basic need. Its also a way to teach your partner. The idea of reinforcement learning is that you emphasize an idea in order to maximize the desired response or the likelihood that you would attain a cumulative reward. Reinforcement increases the probability of a specific response, which can be either positive or negative. Now, yes negative reinforcement is a thing, but trust me, you don't want to do that, I tried that one right after the pom-poms and it doesn't work. So get that out of your head you sour patch kid.
9 Let Him Know What He's Gaining
Lets say you are selling your partner a lifetime supply of spam, but it will only cost him his entire pay check. You would say I want to sell you all the spam you can eat for the small price of one pay check instead of saying for the small price of your pay check you can get this entire spam. This way you emphasize the gains rather than highlight the losses. Of course this is a psych technique usually applied in matters dealing with merchandising and sales, however the ideology serves several functions. In your relationship you are the spam, more or less of course. You want to accentuate the profit (in having you) as opposed to what they are losing. A lot of people think "well if I remind him of what he is leaving behind he'll stay," however research suggests that you should think just the opposite. It comes as no surprise that the gains are more attractive and you can faster process the gains than to have to rationalize what would be the gains if I were only hearing what I would be missing.
8 Fill Up That Empty Void
Everyone knows that the foundation of any great psychologist or theory of psychology is rooted in research. And in 2017, you can practically say the same about life itself. Especially with social media stalking having been so prevalent, we should at least have our research covered if you're not in the midst of doing so already. But even more thorough than just your basic research, you want to look for what may not be on the surface. You want to find out what's missing in his life and then fill it. People who are searching for partners generally look for similarities between them selves and others. But often times they may not realize that they also need someone with strengths that they don't possess. You want to be able to provide a balance. Set out to be the ying to his yang.
7 Cover Your Bases
You want to know what he finds important. I mean let's hope you do because if you don't I am going to need you to seriously rethink this entire relationship. Ideally you want to know what he believes in and what his morals are because those will hopefully one day become of importance to both of you. Because as a couple those are things you want to be able to share. So In addition to your thorough research, you want to guarantee that you are covering all of your bases. And of course you can't forget the most apparent way to retrieve information; just talk to him. I mean lets hope you can, but not up front and forward, Instead frame questions that would reveal his values. You want him to know that you are compatible on every level, especially the ones that matter most. So that when you do finally share your ideals he can rest assured that he is in hands that epitomize exactly what it is he wants.
6 Drop Reminders
You want to make positive associations between you and affirmative notions in hopes of the connotations triggering constructive thoughts. The more positive the association the more likely he will be to store those better parts of you in his subconscious. If you mention something or do something that captivates his interest, then associating yourself with that object or action will only ensure that he thinks the best thoughts of you. If he likes those chocolate chip cookies you bake, then continuing to bake them or mention them in conversation will only serve to remind him of just how sweet you are and ideally, your goal in the relationship to, at least if nothing at all, you want to remind him of something not awful. Making those positive associations consistently will give him not only a more frequent picture of you but an encouraging one of course considering that you make associations with something he fins comforting.
5 The Relationship He Has With His Parents
Every great psychologist knows that everything we are and everything we once were are direct results of our parental guides. We are products of our environment, however we owe a ton to, if not everything to our nurture. They don't call them daddy and mommy issues for nothing. So with that being said you want to do some investigative work in order to uncover what worked in his first ever relationship; the one he shared with his parents. You want to mirror the good things his parents done. Make sure that he sees you observing his parents and getting feedback from him on things that positively shaped him. However, the opposite is just as true. You want to avoid repeating the bad things in his childhood by having conversations about possible triggers and sensitive areas. You don't want to make the same mistakes he visualized and internalized growing up.
4 Not So Distant Relationship
We have all heard of the saying “absence makes the heart grow fonder” and yes there is definitely some truth to the saying, but its more than just partially true. It would seem as though the farther apart the relationship is the more estranged the two of you would be, but research has a very different theory. According to a study published by the Journal of Communication for USAToday.com, individuals in long distance relationships experience more intimacy with their significant others. And though intimacy doesn't govern a couples staying power, it does indeed determine the well-being and vigor of the relationship. Not only do the couples experience more closeness and affection but they also experience it at a more constant and consistent rate than that of couples who see one another on a daily basis. Now if you were to take this ideology and translate it to everyday, the underlying message would be not to make oneself too available. Give you're relationship a breather. Oddly the farther you two get the closer you'll get
3 Stay Sexy
We've all heard that your body sells, but do we know why? It actually has more to do with psychology than you think. When you are exposed to this type of stimuli a switch in your brain called the nucleus accumbent gets excited and in the same way so do you. However, that same region where the switch lives turns on for all positive emotions, suggesting that sensuality is a really good thing (don't tell your parents and or pastor that I am encouraging promiscuous behavior, that's not what I said.) You want to get in the habit of maintaining a healthy balance by remaining sexy. Showing sensuality, being passionate, and exuding this type of behavior can help to keep a relationship stimulated. Which as a result will improve the connections longevity and durability. It will also help to spice things up and keep them from getting mundane.
2 He's The Man
American society pressures boys and men to conform to a definition of masculinity that emphasizes toughness, stoicism, and self-reliance. Of course these classifications and groupings are derived from studies in psychology whose sole purpose is to label us. Though we would hope that we are moving towards a more gender-neutral society, gender norms have been known to transcend time. Gender norms aren't necessarily a bad thing, especially if they are already prevalent. All you can do which is the best thing you can do is to embrace it. Make your partner feel more masculine by allowing him to assert himself while you stroke his ego by showing your appreciation and gratitude. The male ego shapes his thoughts and behaviors and masculinity is all of the above being both revealed in his speech and actions. This in return will give him a newfound confidence and an added resolution.
1 Have Some Fun
You want to ensure that you are letting loose and that you are having fun with your partner. When you are having fun your neurons release a chemical called dopamine and though it may sound like a drug, dopamine only has the best and brightest intentions for you. After all the chemical is only released when you are feeling good and having fun, I think this definitely falls under the “pleasurable” category. Not only does science want you to have fun, but the human mind seems to want it even more. You want to build lifelong memories, ones that will be stored in your long-term memory and in order to do so, you have to make sure those memories are exciting and enjoyable. So much so that he wants to remember them for the rest of his life. That's where that dopamine comes in, let loose together and share quality time with one another. You want to make sure that you are having as much fun as possible. He will love you for it and he deserves it. But more importantly you deserve it.