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    15 Messed Up Confessions That Daddy Wouldn't Approve Of

    Teens and young adults today know no boundaries. They're constantly getting what they want and airing out their confused, entitled dirty laundry out on social media and every digital platform, waiting for the likes, comments, and follows to roll in from their over-the-top dramatic lives. Of course we're stereotyping a generation that we don't quite understand, but we do have a basic understanding of the relationships that go on between teens and their parents. Hey, we've all been in their shoes at some point, so it's not unusual to read about some of the pent-up aggression they have towards their folks.

    One thing that is different about teens today and teens of the nineties is that smartphones and apps like Whisper exist so that everyone in the world can know about what everyone else in the world is doing. It's just like the NSA, only we call it being "social". And on these smartphones, teens are just confessing to all kinds of shenanigans that would flat-out shock any parent, which is why these youths keep it hidden from them.

    Unfortunately for them, we're spreading the news for daddy's everywhere to gasp in unison when they read these deets. Not only are these admissions not kosher, they're rebellious and defiant - two traits that daddies can't stand for.

    15 She's Not Daddy's Little Girl Anymore

    Ahhh, college. The time in a young woman's life where she is finally independent of her family, her small town, and the girl she used to be. With so many options ahead of her, all that freedom can lead a girl to do some pretty irresponsible things. But hey, that's just part of life. Everybody has a rebellious phase, and most tend to sneak out when they're far from home, has a pocket full of student loans, and a desire to find themselves. It doesn't matter how many A's she gets in her philosophy or women's studies classes, when a frat boy asks her out to a party, that chick is gonna be down to frat. Whether that means downing a few tequila shots, going braless, or stealing a boat a la Rory Gilmore, some girls just gotta go wild, much to the disappointment of their daddies back home.

    14 Her Daddy Wouldn't Be Pleased To Learn Of This Relationship

    When a daddy tells his daughter 'no' it just makes her want to do it even more, especially if that thing is not dating. Telling your high school-aged daughter not to date until she's seventeen can be tricky business because it'll just cause her to sneak around and defy her father's wishes, or it will keep her closeted and acting like Bambi when she goes to college - inexperienced and naive. Those two qualities do not mix well together with beer, which you can be sure she'll be tasting within hours of touching down on that out-of-state campus. Hiding details like who you're seeing from your parents is not a new secret. People have been doing it for years, even as adults. But if daddy finds out about his teen daughter dating before she's ready, well that's a foundation for a good grounding, missy.

    13 Daddy's Rules Turned His Daughter Into A Nympho

    If distance makes the heart grow fonder, than deprivation will certainly make the heart grow absolutely boy crazy. With obviously religious parents, her daddy would have more than a few words to say to his promiscuous daughter after discovering the truth of this free-for-all when it came to her holy flower… or perhaps he'd just disown her. We don't know. All we know for sure is that Catholic-raised girls are often way more immoral than young ladies who were taught under the public school system. Perhaps it's the thrill of sinning, or the pent-up aggression felt from suppressing their desires for years, but they be hella sl*tty when they leave daddy's nest.

    12 We Bet She Never Learned Those Words From Her Daddy

    It's not everyday that you rise a daughter with a knack for penmanship and storytelling, but the odds are even slimmer that you'll get a daughter with all those skills, a dirty mind, and the creative fortitude to imagine her many teachers in compromising positions and document those thoughts. While this is definitely shocking for any parent, daddy would hate to discover that such filthy thoughts are being tossed around his daughter's brain on the regular and involve authority figures whom interact with her on the daily. It's enough to put a daddy on edge and pull that child right out of the school and into one with nuns as teachers. But we all know what happens when a girl ends up in Catholic school, so what can you do? Girls be confusing AF.

    11 Scandals Like That Can Permanently Damage A Daddy

    This is so not cool. That daughter has got some serious balls to be pulling off moves like that within feet of her sleeping father. Shudder. What if he was only faking his unconsciousness and secretly knew - rather heard or witnessed - everything that went down? That's a scenario no daddy should be put in, no matter what kind of relationship he has with his daughter. Even had he been completely oblivious to the scandal taking place next to him, had he later learned of this information, he'd be ruined. RUINED. That is the definition of TMI and he surely wouldn't be able to recover from news like that. Those frisky co-eds have zero respect. ZERO.

    10 Isn't It That He Can Disown You And Not The Other Way Around?

    Oh, the problems youths face nowadays. Being so dramatic by disowning their fathers. We're not exactly sure if this is the overreaction of some teen whose tablet or car was just taken from them, or the statement of a daughter who just caught her father cheating. Whatever the situation, we think that going as far as disowning her daddy while living under the same roof is a little… temporary, to say the least. This girl just may as well go right on calling him by his paternal title instead of questioning strangers on the subject. We all know this will blow over within a matter of weeks, so it's always best to just stay out of family drama. Overdramatic girls like this just need to chill TF out before taking to social media to vent about daddy.

    9 Words That Will Seriously Hurt A Daddy

    Dang, a girl really knows how to hurt a daddy! No father would want to know that their child was plotting a big celebration for his death. No matter how terrible he might be as a person or a father, knowing anyone is going to be celebrating your death, especially your child, is a hard pill to swallow. While we're unaware of the context behind this admission - maybe it was by his request, maybe it's because she's coming into some money worthy of a big bash, or maybe she simply wanted to give her father a big send off - we can't help but think that this confession was written under negative circumstances. All of that teenage angst really makes the darkest, most shocking thoughts come out, making the fact that people can't read minds pretty great for dear 'ole daddy.

    8 Daddy Didn't Raise Her Right At All

    This is one senior prank that is not going without a punishment, and we're not just talking about being expelled from school. We're sure daddy's going to have quite a lot to say to his child about their drug and chocolate brownies. Whether it was a joke or an attempt to render their teacher unconscious, it's a helluva ballsy move that leaves us with more questions than answers. Why did they think this was a good idea? Was it to win points with their crush? How did the teacher discover the trick? After it was too late? Or did they detect a smell of pot before diving into the homemade batch of baked goods? We want to know! Did the teacher get high or didn't they? Either way, daddy was probably shaking his head wondering where he went wrong with his kid.

    7 A Secret Like Like Is Best Forever Hidden From Daddy

    Woah, now. This is all kinds of scandalous! If only this father knew of his friend's messed up activities, that now-former pal would be in for a serious a**-kicking. Not only did this creepy adult take advantage of a minor, but it was a minor who was drinking underage, the son of his friend, AND a virgin. Have you no morals, adult man?! To say that daddy wouldn't approve of his child's actions is a serious understatement. This is shocking, illegal on multiple counts, and would certainly make any parent on edge to the point of having a full blown heart attack upon learning of these indecencies! It's amazing how many weirdo adults are out there just casually sneaking by others and pulling acts like this every day. It makes you want your kids to walk around in a permanent bubble!

    6 Apparently Daddy's Driving Lessons Didn't Stick

    Having your car taken away is the least of your worries, kid. A suspended licence is way more damaging to your life than having to temporarily ride the bus or walk to your fast food job. It's amazing what teens worry about nowadays. Of course your daddy will take your car away after learning about whatever crime you just committed on the road. Just suck it up and face the consequences. Since when did teens stop worrying about disappointing their parents and start worrying about their possessions? Well, okay, maybe they've always worried about their things, but the sense of respecting anything - even traffic laws - is now gone, along with the concern over disappointing daddy.

    5 Daddy's Daughter Was A Natural-Born Rebel

    That's some excellent logic being voiced from this rebellious daughter! I mean of course she's gonna skip school if daddy lectures her about not doing her homework or stealing a twenty from his wallet. Is there any other way to handle a situation like that? This girl has got some serious issues with people of authority, even if that authoritative figure is her father. Basically, this daddy better watch out if he attempts to do any sort of parenting or he's gonna face the consequences of doing so. Boy, will he be sorry to learn how his careless actions resulted in the decreased intellect of his teenaged daughter. The shame! The guilt! If this father only knew what his harping could result in, we're sure he'd find a new tactic to teach his daughter about life, but alas, he never will and he'll forever wonder why his daughter continues to get C's.

    4 Daddy's Gonna Freak TF Out

    Aww, this one is gonna kill daddy. He's probably going to find out eventually, but he really doesn't want to know about this little secret, and he definitely isn't going to approve of it. This girl's mind must have wandered as her parents discussed with her the sinning effects of sleeping with a man before marriage, because she definitely wasn't listening. It turns out that she probably didn't even listen during her pastor's sermon in middle school or even her health teacher's lecture of how to safely protect yourself from an unwanted pregnancy if you chose to get it on in your teen years. Either way, she's gotten herself into a mess that will send her straight to the big man below, and her daddy won't be able to help her out of this one.

    3 We Don't Know How Daddy Will React To This Doozy

    This is downright shocking! If there were ever anything more controversial to religious parents it would be nookie before marriage and finding out your child is gay. This is certainly grounds for daddy to disown his daughter, but only if it were nineteen-fifty. Nowadays, religion, orientation, gender, and promiscuity levels are all fluid and anything goes, but it can still be hard to accept for the more conservative folk. Whether this daddy will write her off for life, we can't say, but we can all agree that his world will be shook by hearing this wild and immoral news. We just pray that his love for his daughter and their relationship means more to him than shunning her left wing lifestyle.

    2 Daddy Didn't Raise Her Right

    Oh boy. We're guessing that daddy never had "the talk" with his daughter. We don't even know where to begin with this one. People - or should we say teens - listen up: you should never, ever use a freakin' BALLOON as protection during intercourse. We mean, seriously. WTF kids? Daddy would be heartbroken to not only know that his daughter is no longer a virgin, but that she is also dumb, too. He may have hoped that he didn't raise no fool, but this proves that he, in fact, did raise one. Instead of practicing a little patience - a virtue that, let's face it, many kids born after 1999 lack -these two horndogs had to give in to their frisky needs before swiping a free condom from the health clinic. *Shakes head in disapproval*.

    1 Oh, Snap! Daddy Didn't See This One Coming

    This is all too much! This girl is about to drop two bombs on her father without him being wise to any of it. The poor, conservative daddy. He'll be packing up her stuff in that southern house of his and tossing it out to the curb like loose change. Of course, we may be jumping to conclusions, but given the dude's background story, it's safe to assume that daddy's gonna flip his lid. We just hope we're wrong, but then this article wouldn't be titled, "Confessions That Daddy Wouldn't Approve Of." Because otherwise, we'd be calling it "Confessions That Daddy Will Forgive" and that's just plain boring.
