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    15 Men Reveal The Little Things Women Do That Make Them Fall In Love (Reddit)

    Falling in love can be an incredibly euphoric, yet sometimes frightening, thing. Falling in love means you're opening yourself up and giving away your most vulnerable asset: your heart. Women know exactly what attracts us to another person and what makes us fall in love, but what's a mystery to us is what exactly can make a man fall in love with a woman. Sure, you have your big components such as personality, looks, charisma, kindness, but there are also tiny, little enduring things that can ultimately change a person's life completely on its side - but of course, for the better.

    Thing is, it's so incredibly hard to read men (and yet, they think it's the other way around - JUST ASK US AND WE'LL TELL YOU WHAT WE'RE THINKING!). Just when you think you have him figured out, he suddenly switches up the game a little bit. So, yes, if you do love these little things that we do, it's always best to point it out. We'll adore you for it.

    Here are 15 men who revealed the tiniest things that the women in their life did to make them fall head over heels in love with them (trust us, most will surprise you).

    15 "Watching Her Get Ready"

    Never in a million years would someone assume that watching a woman get ready for an event could be enduring (I sure as heck didn't, but that's mainly because I take forever to get ready - I'm pretty much a female cliché), so to hear this gentleman Brian, 26, reveal this is what sent his heart racing and confirmed his love, is truly enduring. “Watching her get ready for any event. She doesn't let it happen too often, but every once in a while, she'll accidentally leave the door open and I'll steal glances. She's just so methodical about it, it blows my mind. She's so beautiful done up or not, but to watch her put that effort in with every hope that I'll say “Wow, you look amazing” is the best.” Seriously, that's just plain beautiful.

    14 "Little Love Notes"

    Everyone likes receiving little reminders of affection in the most unlikely places. Hallmark created an entire empire off of them. “My ex and I lived an hour and a half apart the first year she was in grad school,” Brody, 33, explains. “She would drive to see me every weekend or I would go to her. Right before one of us hand to leave, she'd leave me a little note in my pocket to find later telling me she loved me or she would buy me a card for no reason with a little message and put it somewhere for me to find. It was really sweet.” Sometimes, cards or little notes say in print what we can never say out loud, so it makes it extra sweet when we find one in an unexpected place.

    13 "Taste In Music"

    Music can play a component when it comes to love, which is why we like people who share the same taste in music. Sometimes a special person can turn us on to something new. “We were living together. One day a week she would make me leave the apartment all day because she had to have “her cleaning day”” Kyle, 28, starts. “In the beginning, sometimes I couldn't leave the apartment because I had urgent work on my computer or whatever. So I shut the door and she started “her cleaning day” by turning up the stereo FULL BLAST on music I've NEVER heard her listen to, and begins stomping around. We listened to music a lot together, and the music was so unlike the stuff we listened to. In combination with the fact that she had it turned all the way up, I thought it was so cute.”

    12 "It's All In A Look"

    A simple glance can change your entire life, that's why they came up with the whole “falling in love at first sight”. The eyes are the windows to the soul, so this very subtle thing can be an invite into your heart. “When I see her glancing at me in the grocery store or over dinner or while doing the dishes, and she was giving me that 'I love you' look in the most objectively unromantic context,” Matt, 25 explains. “We're always supposed to be bending over backward to show that we love someone, but really all it takes is that look, you know the one.” Just in case you assume that men don't pay attention to that sort of thing, they remind you that they're capable of surprising you in the sweetest way possible.

    11 "Going Through A Tough Time And Having Her Support"

    When we're facing tragedy, we become vulnerable in a different sort of way. Even the strongest person can break emotionally and need someone to lean on. We all know that, psychologically, going through a tragedy can make us stronger even if it is heartbreaking - it makes us grow as human beings. That's the unfortunate catch-22 about going through something traumatic. Going through something earth-shattering when you're by yourself is an eye opener since it's always easier to lean on someone, as Holden, 23, says. “She let me cry on her shoulder in my car after I found out some particularly heartbreaking news about my family.” It's strange, the most stable of my relationships started in the wake of me dealing with tragedy, so I know how he feels.

    10 "Simply A Soft Kiss"

    Strong, passionate kisses are fun but highly overrated. You know what's not appreciated? Soft kisses that linger for days. “When she gives me a really sincere, soft, slow kiss, and pulls back and just looks at me kind of speechlessly, and I know that she really meant it,” Rob, 32, says. “Guys often gets caulked up as being sex-driven emotionless jerks, so people find it surprising when we get romantic in bed… but to be honest, it's just as surprising (and absolutely gut-melting) when a girl does too.” And also, women can be seen as emotionless too (case and point: me in my early 20s) so when the opposite happens and he's the one to give a soft, lingering kiss, it can be a real game changer and yes, absolutely gut-melting in the best way possible.

    9 "A Good Shave"

    This was slightly bizarre and cute, yet erotic in a way (yes, that's entirely possible). “One of my exes insisted that we take showers together most of the time, and she would shave me (my face),” Joe, 27 explains. “Whenever she needed me to move my face so that she could get a tough spot she would unintentionally make the face herself so I could mimic it.” First of all, that story had the cutest twist ending ever - not at all how I thought it would end. When couples fall into a usual routine and find new ways to fall in love with each other, you know they're going to last for a long time. And if they don't, they'll always have their shower/shaving time together (which, most likely, his bros make fun of him for).

    8 "The Power Of Sound"

    Okay, this is just the cutest thing ever to exist. Mark, 29, casually tells a story about one of his exes and the moment he knew he was in love with her in the most adorable ways ever. “One of my exes would make little sounds when she was happy, that I knew she wouldn't ever make in public because they were kind of funny. Or she would say things with a certain funny lilt that signaled that she was in her element in the relationship, that were sort of synced. I think she didn't notice it but I noticed it every time and sort of got trained to do stuff too elicit reactions like that because I liked it so much.” That story was so cute that it made me wish they were still together and she wasn't an ex. Sigh.

    7 "Our Feet Touching"

    Yep, another adorable quark that's not really considered a quark, just something seriously cute. Andrew, 22, recalls a little night ritual that a girl from his past used to do before bed. “A girl I was dating insisted on touching feet to say goodnight no matter what. No matter how tired we were or if we were at odds with each other. I remember one time, we had this really stupid argument and were laying in bed, backs facing each other. I really thought it was gonna be the first time ever we didn't touch feet, and right when I turned the light off, I felt her foot sneak over and graze mine.” I'm ignoring the fact that this sounds a little something that Kurt Vonnegut would write about, and I'm just focusing on the whole adorable factor.

    6 "… A Dish Towel?"

    Ah yes, there are some people who realize they're completely in love with someone with OCD (apparently), such as Michael, 27, here. “She had this system for dish towels that she was really concerned with keeping in order, that I could never understand. There was a dishtowel for drying your hands, one for wiping up spills, one for totally clean stuff like using to pick up a hot pan, or whatever. She had them in different places in the kitchen. Whenever I would accidentally use one of the towels for something other than its intended use, she'd get minorly upset. I always thought it was so funny.” While that's cute now, but you know it will end up getting on his (and her) nerves later down the line.

    5 "Remembering The Little Things"

    Women are always on men for forgetting some pretty big things (I had to remind a majority of my boyfriends when THEIR birthday was, let alone mine), even though we sometimes find ourselves doing the same thing. We don't think men take notice when we even remember even the tiniest details, but truth be told, the good ones will always notice. “When she brings up a very small detail that I once mentioned in passing very matter-of-factly, as though she takes everything I say genuinely and seriously,” Stephen, 28 remarked about what made him fall in love with his girlfriend. “And more important, that she listens, even to the small, stupid stuff.” Trust us, if we're in love, nothing a man says is ever small or stupid. Love manages to highlight even the tiniest of details.

    4 "The Power Of Laughter"

    Humor is perhaps the strongest attribute I look for in another human being. Not just in my friends, but in potential partners. If a guy can make me laugh so hard that I forget about the rest of the world, he immediately has my heart. Usually, for men, a sense of humor isn't too high on their list of desires in a woman, so when she turns out to be hilarious, it's like finding buried treasure to them (you'd think it would be higher up on the list for most men). And when OTHER people are able to share in her humor, it can bring a smile to his face, like Nial, 34 puts it. “When she makes my friends laugh.” Every time I ever fell in love before, it's really in the middle of me laughing, so it makes so much sense.

    3 "Special Text Messages"

    Everyone loves random text messages throughout the day. Women especially love those “good morning” or “good night” texts that show that he's thinking of us when he wakes up, and before he turns in for the night. What we didn't know was that men also enjoy those small, random text messages to show that we're thinking about him in the middle of the day. “Mid-day “thinking of you” texts. Especially if they're a little NSFW.” Well, who doesn't' love a little texting NSFW action mid-day? Though sending them while he's at work seems a little risky - but that's probably part of the appeal. We forget that the littlest thing actually go a long way when it comes to falling in love, and the power of the mid-day text is a part of that.

    2 "Any Kind Of Surprise!"

    When you're falling in love, surprises are the best thing ever (unless, of course, you happen to be a douche bucket and hate being surprised because you're cheating or whatnot). “Surprising me for no reason, especially at the office, and ESPECIALLY with cookies she brought to share with my coworkers.” Erik, 30, said about how he knew he was in love with his girlfriend. “It's not just that she's thinking of me, she's thinking of everyone in my life as well.” You always want to be with someone who is considerate and kind to not only you but to people who surround you as well. And yes, cookies are always the way to someone's heart. Especially when they're a surprise given to you while you're in the middle of a tough workday.

    1 "Reading Aloud"

    Reading things other than blogs, magazines, tweets, and looking at extra long captions on Kylie Jenner's Instagram feed seems to be a lost art form. It's rare, and delightful when we happen to find someone who reads for pleasure and can have intellectual conversations with you over the book (yeah, yeah, they have book clubs for that but still, it's awesome to be in a relationship with someone who feels the same way). Kory, 25, feels the same way. “She doesn't do it a lot, but when she insists on reading something out loud to me. It's cute.” See, now that actually sounds like a pretty comfy thing to do right before turning in for the night (and no, it's not something only 80-year old do with each other via The Notebook).