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    15 Heartbreaking Whisper Confessions From Women Who Don't Believe In Love

    Do you believe in love? That question is the subject of countless songs and movies and TV shows, and chances are, you've gone back and forth on the issue. If you've ever been in love, then you know that one day you're nuts about someone and the next, they have totally betrayed you and you can't even believe what's happening. Sure, that doesn't happen every time that you give your heart away to someone, but for the cynical among us, there is really no other way that it goes down.

    There are some women out there that don't believe in love at all. Whether they once did and changed their mind after a bad break-up or they never have, they each have their own reason. Check out these 15 Whisper confessions from women who don't believe in love. Hopefully your feelings about the subject are a lot less depressing because, let's face it, love is a pretty amazing thing!

    15 It's hard to believe those three damnable words

    When people talk about not being able to express their emotions or get vulnerable in relationships, you tend to think those people are guys. Girls don't have the same reputation for not being able to talk about feelings. Sure, it may be a stereotype and not every guy is like that, but this is still a very prevalent idea about relationships.

    This girl confessed on Whisper that even though her boyfriend tells her that he loves her, she can't trust him, and she can't believe him. She calls the whole thing "awkward" and calls herself "someone who doesn't trust words at all." This is a pretty heartbreaking Whisper post. You really wish that she would believe him and not find it awkward. You can just tell that this guy really does care about her.

    14 Some women don't believe they even deserve love

    People always say that in order for someone to love you, you have to love yourself first. Yeah. It's kind of lame and annoying to hear this all the time. But sometimes the lamest and most annoying things are totally true.

    If you don't think that you deserve to be loved, then it makes sense that you wouldn't experience it, and you wouldn't believe in love. This Whisper confession is from a woman who wanted to be loved but doesn't think that she is deserving of it. That just hurts your own heart, doesn't it? Don't you just wish that you could reach across the Internet and give this girl a big hug? She brings up an interesting point: that there are so many people in the world, how can you possibly find one person who will love you? It's probably a thought that has crossed your mind before.

    13 Some are more determined than others

    This is a common theme here: girls who don't believe in love and yet seem to be saying that it would be great to experience it and feel that way about someone.

    This just proves that even if people say that they don't think that love exists, deep down inside, they totally think that the opposite is true. It can seem kind of lame and embarrassing to admit that you want to fall in love, especially if you've been single for a while or have been hurt in the past. You think that people are going to laugh at you or ask why you're being such a ridiculous hopeless romantic. But it's okay to admit that you want to love someone and be loved. It really is. A lot of people want this for themselves.

    12 That's definitely an optimistic approach

    You can totally tell that this girl kind of believes in love… at least subconsciously. She may say that she doesn't think that love is a thing, but if she wants a magical kind of love, then she might just be waiting for a very special person to come around and change her mind.

    Love is such a weird thing since it's not usually like the way that it's shown in the movies. You're not really going to bump into the hottest guy ever and have him fall at your feet and beg you to go out with him… and even if that did happen, you would find it pretty creepy. First kisses are much more awkward in real life than they are in films and happen on their own timeline, not the first time that you meet someone or on the first date. You definitely hope that this girl meets her own Prince Charming.

    11 Burned Badly By Love

    For some people, falling in love is a gateway toward a lot of other big steps: committing to each other, moving in together, getting engaged, getting married, and starting a family. It's definitely the way that couples have been doing things for decades now.

    This Whisper confession is from a woman who doesn't believe in love… or marriage or kids, either. It seems like she feels that it's going to be tough to find someone since she has stopped wanting the things that society says that women are supposed to want. She says, "Being burned by love means I don't believe in it anymore" and that's a pretty common thing. After all, if you've been hurt badly, it's hard to think that someone else wouldn't turn around and do the same thing to you. But falling in love again is a risk worth taking, don't you think?

    10 Holding on to the pass can be the downfall

    This girl says that she misses love and yet doesn't believe in it. Hmmm. You have to admit that sounds like she does actually believe in love but doesn't want to admit it. That must be a common thought.

    The saying goes that it's "better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all" and that totally comes to mind with this particular Whisper post. This girl has clearly loved someone before since she's saying that she misses that feeling and that experience. When you've been in love, it's easy to think that it could happen for you again… and it's just as easy to think that it could never happen again if it ended really badly. All anyone can do is try again and hope that it works out better this time. Not believing in love is really a shame.

    9 No Boyfriend, No Love Story

    If you don't have a boyfriend right now, you probably have all kinds of reasons: you've been focusing on your career or on school, you haven't met a nice guy, you've had a casual thing going with a guy for a while but it's not working out. This girl doesn't have a boyfriend, either, but she believes that the reason is that she doesn't deserve to be loved.

    This is really sad because you can just tell that she totally does. Everyone does. Well, mostly everyone, but you get the feeling that she's a good person since she's getting vulnerable enough to confess her deepest thoughts and feelings here. You hope that she feels better about herself soon and realizes how awesome she is so she can find love.

    8 We've allllll been there

    This Whisper confession definitely speaks to how hard the dating game can be. The fact that people even call it a "dating game" is totally the problem. It shouldn't be a game. You're talking about people here. And emotions.

    This girl says that she doesn't think that "love" cares about her which is an interesting way to put what a lot of the confessions on this list are talking about. It's easy to think that dating is so awful and that you have been on so many bad dates that you won't ever meet the right person. Everyone thinks that sometimes. Okay, everyone probably thinks that all the time. But even though the search is long and tough, there really are good people out there, and it's worth continuing the search.

    7 Young and naive sometimes is better than old and wise

    Ouch. This sounds like a really bad breakup. Is there really such a thing as a good or amicable breakup? People say that this can happen but you might not have ever experienced this for yourself. You've definitely seen your friends crying over failed relationships and it doesn't seem like it's possible to see your now ex in the same positive light that you did before.

    This girl talks about being "naive" in the past when she loved the guy that she has walked away from and said goodbye to. You can probably relate to this idea since you always wonder what you were thinking when you were so into someone. You were younger and more innocent back then for sure and you didn't know what you know now. Once you get older, you do get wiser, and you do realize your mistakes.

    6 To afraid to let love in

    This is a pretty fascinating idea: falling in love when you don't believe in love. Do you think that this is a thing?

    It makes sense. Love is not something that you can plan or mark down on your calendar. It's not like you're going to say, "Okay, next Friday, I'm totally going to fall in love. Cool. Done." When you meet someone and really get along with them, it's a pretty cool, magical feeling, and it's even more amazing because you never expected it to happen. It's a total and complete surprise. You really hope that this happens to the girl who posted this on Whisper because then maybe she wouldn't be so scared anymore. Because while it's scary to fall in love for sure, it's so great that you totally forget your fears soon enough.

    5 A Sad Story

    This is another heartbreaking Whisper confession… if not the most heartbreaking one on this list, and for a reason that is different than the others. This woman says that she hasn't been loved because she's obese. It's really horrible how society puts such extreme pressure on women and acts like women have to look perfect all the time and be a size zero and nothing else is acceptable. There are so many shapes and sizes and every woman is absolutely gorgeous. No one needs to fit that mold.

    You really hope that she finds love and that she doesn't feel this way forever. Sure, this may be an anonymous confession and she might have posted it online, but you can feel the emotions and the vulnerability from her words.

    4 Pain and misery is very common

    This Whisper confession is a bit darker than the others since this one is about being "cursed" when it comes to love. The whole confession reads, "I don't believe I deserve happiness or love. No matter how hard I try I only cause pain and misery to everyone I touch. Maybe I'm cursed."

    You're pretty sure that this person isn't cursed. You're also probably thinking that this person doesn't really cause that much "pain and misery" because, let's admit it, it takes two to love each other and it also takes two to make a relationship toxic and difficult. Both people are usually playing a part and have to take responsibility for what is going on. Hopefully this person will find love in the future and will stop thinking that there's some kind of curse on them. Fingers crossed.

    3 Older And Wiser

    This Whisper confession is from a woman who believed in love when she was younger but doesn't anymore. She talks about wanting to go back to that time in her life when things seemed more promising and when she thought about this subject in a more positive light. She even writes, "My world wasn't so dark."

    She probably has gone through some horrible heartbreak and that's why she feels this way now. That seems like par for the course. If one of your best friends told you that this was how she was feeling, you would totally take her out for some girly cocktails and tell her that she has to stay positive. It just sucks that so many amazing women don't think that love exists or that they deserve to find it.

    2 The ultimate pessimist

    Doesn't this make you so sad?! This girl not only doesn't believe in love but when people say those words to her, she doesn't believe them, either. That's definitely not the way that it should be.

    She definitely deserves to be loved, to love, and to believe people when they tell her that they love her. If you could tell her this in person, you totally would, right? This is probably the way that a lot of women feel because, let's face it, dating can be a pretty tough time. You can get treated really badly and it can feel impossible to try again and have faith. But, honestly, moving forward and feeling like the future is going to be better and more positive is the only way to go. So what do you think: do you believe in love?

    1 What's a girl to do?

    This is definitely a dilemma. This girl confessed on Whisper that she's not big into love and yet her boyfriend has said those three little words to her. It's interesting to think that two people could be together and yet only one person would believe that love exists. That's not something that you hear every day. But it definitely can happen.

    You have to wonder what her response was when he said that. Maybe he will change her mind about the whole love thing and she will decide that she really does believe in the idea. Or maybe not. Maybe they're going to break up because this is going to be a big issue in their relationship and they won't be able to move past it. Okay, now this is getting kind of sad and depressing…